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  1. i have a very nice passenger backrest and the passenger arm rests from my 87 venture ( the ones that mount in the trunk) . i believe the recling parts are all with it as well... i'd like to donate these to someone's cause. they are the brown vinyl ones. pm me if interested. i'd just want a few bucks to cover the shipping. i wanted black and got these and it wasn't worth returning them.
  2. here you go. https://vimeo.com/55972724
  3. OK I've never been bashfull about letting my 1st Gens see Redline. Question is I play with "Brown Sugar" now just sitting in the garage and if I bring her to redline I get gas smoke and smell. And my MPG has dropped a lot this year?? Everyone knows I'm a firm believer in the nectar of the Gods (Sea-Foam) Other than that and syncing them I don't mess with them if running good. Have never that I can remember (don't mean I haven't) messed with the air screws on her. Just this smoke and smell are unusual for her. She seems to run as strong as ever. Right Brown Angel??? Maybe off a tad. Should I be concerned?? I'm not sure if she is doing this under a load. Haven't noticed it. Its just I haven't recieved my 12 bucks worth yet this month or is that just once a year??:rotfl:
  4. The seat covering on my 1st gen MK-II (unlike myself) has succumb to old age and is falling apart. So if anyone has or knows of a good condition dark brown seat or seat cover sitting around looking for a good home please let me know.
  5. I dont usually get stumped on the 1st gen....but I am on this one. This plug was located behind the left side inner/upper faring. It has 2 wires one black and one brown with faint white dash marks....any ideas on what it is
  6. Guy put in a AGM battery and sold the VR to a guy and told him the battery light was on because the sensor wire didn't work with a AGM battery. (which we all know is correct) Seems after a couple months the new owner took the bike to a dealer and the dealer told him the light was on because the stator is bad and it would cost $1800.00 to fix.. The new owner even has the sensor in his hand in front of the Judge. Judge Joe Brown looked at the picture of the bike and knew where the stator is located and said it can't cost that much to change. Well the new owner was trying to get the $1800.00 from the old owner to repair the bike. It ended up the new owner really wanted the money to go by a Harley that his wife wanted.. The Judge denied the new owner any money and told him he had a nice cruiser and should ride it and if he didn't like it go by a Harley. Surprised me how much Judge Joe Brown knew about the Venture.
  7. A 22 short should do it . . . . . Think not? Read on . . . . . . . . . On Bud's Gun Shop Forums the question came up: What is the smallest caliber you trust to protect yourself? The best answer: My personal favorite defense gun has always been a Beretta Jetfire in 22 short . Over all the years I've been hiking I never leave without it in my pocket . Of course . we all know too the first rule when hiking in the wilderness is to use the "Buddy System . " For those of you who may be unfamiliar with this it means you NEVER hike alone . You bring a friend or companion, even an in-law . That way, if something happens, there is someone to go get help . I remember one time hiking with my brother-in-law in northern Alberta . Out of nowhere came this huge brown bear and man, was she mad . We must have been near one of her cubs . Anyway, if I had not had my little Jetfire I'd sure not be here today . Just one shot to my brother-in-law's knee cap and I was able to escape by just walking at a brisk pace .
  8. Just a reminder of how much these things like plenty of juice to run right. "Brown Sugar" was getting to not want to start as good as she used to and running crappy til she warmed up good. I saw that Advance Auto had a great deal on their AGM batteries and grabbed one for less than 60 bucks.(Thanks Dale) I went ahead and installed it in "Brown Sugar" Already got one in "Ugly" Long story short although the old battery was still working with the new one I can hardley get my finger off the button quick enough before she starts. And no more waiting for her to warm up. She is ready to go as soon as started. :think:Wonder if I could get one of these for the Warden???
  9. I recentlyh purchased the Led slimline light from Daimond R. I'm not very elecrically oriented and I can't tell how to wire it. they recommend under the seat but I can't tell what wires are what. it comes with a brown and green wire, do I connect it to the brown and green wire under the seat. I also just installed the 100 led light from custom dynamic. I'm assuming this isn't too much current for the bike. any help to my ignorance would be apprecaited. thanks David.
  10. Hi folks, I've been tracking a charging problem on my machine and using the electrosport troubleshooter I believe I have the problem identified. As I see it, the brown wire on the R/R is an input to the unit and should supply system voltage to the R/R. It reads low on mine at the connector nearest the R/R. In my belief, connectors, then switches are more likely than wire to create voltage drops. The connector nearest the R/R checks OK in that voltage is the same on both sides (LOW). Where else should I look / test? Other connectors in the signal circuit to the R/R? How do I test out the ign switch? The other fix could be a later R/R with an internal sensing that would not rely on the brown wire to monitor voltage. I believe the Shindengen unit is like this. What is the list wisdom on this. The Electrosport guide indicates this is the hardest fault to find and, honestly, I need a hand. Everything I wrote above could be wrong, I'm building my Venture charging knowledge up even as I post this. Thanks in advance!
  11. Brown Sugar is back at home again. She is so tickled that she got a roof over her head again she is grinning from mirror to mirror. I peaked in on her and even saw her turning cart-wheels, popping wheelies, spinning donuts and front wheel stands. I guess there is no place like home......
  12. If you have a black version of the 86, I have paint available in the classifieds.
  13. I took Brown Sugar out for a while today and as I was going down river road a Hardley came up behind me. I was just taking it easy and loafing along in 5th gear. I heard the Hardley drop it a few gears and really crack it. Thats a lot of noise!!! Didn't intend to do anything about just let him go. He got up beside me looked over and grinned!! I swear I don't remember doing anything. I was running on cruise set at 50 mph!! Brown Sugar dropped to 3rd and the throttle rolled all the way back!! :whistling:When I got her under control and slowed down I stopped at a little store a few miles down the rode and a little later he pulled in. Rolled past me took a good look and on out the other side of the lot without speaking?? I think that bike has a mind of its own sometimes??
  14. The brake and clutch fluid should be changed every two years. If you can detect ANY brown color at all in the sight glass on the master cylinders, then the fluid is very old and needs to be changed. Fresh fluid is virtually clear, and it turns brown as it absorbs water from the air. Changing it is easy. At Don's Maintenance day/Carnival, I will have my vacuum pump to make this job real easy. If you want to change your fluids, you will need at least TWO small bottles of DOT4 fluid (or one large 16 oz bottle). Goose
  15. I purchased 2 yamaha venture jackets. One fits fine the other is too small for my wife.It is an x-small jacket. Wife thinks it would be a size 8 for women.It is a dark brown with light brown strips on the sleeves. Its a wind breaker type jacket. It is a old jacket but in good shape. It has venture on the front of the jacket and a yamaha tag inside.If anyone is interested let me know. Pay the shipping and it is yours. I will try to send a pic if i SORRY ITS GONE ALREADY
  16. Most of us know what factory paint looks like and i think Yamaha has some good colors . Buuuuuuuuuuuuut you know their are a few of us that can,t leave well enough alone . so i would like to start a thread on pic's of our after market paint jobs and why we can't leave well enough alone , i'll start , sense i have painted mine 3 time in less than 3 years ! when i got mine it had a ruff life and looked pretty bad , my so called friends that i rode with where at the same feeling as me - don't care what you ride as long as you ride - until i showed up with my faded brown 1 gen , very faded brown , it was the same color of a well fed dog leaves behind . the day that i made up my mind to paint her is when i was following a friend and a another rider came up beside my friend and told him he need to change his diet because he is leaving ruff looking turds behind him , enough said , my bike got the 1st paint job ! this is the only pic's of it when it was brown . the pic and a lot of wax made it look a lot better than it was than the Met. silver with ice green next it blue and a few mods , that was after a nice lady backed over it , at present 3 stage Met white with Met. blue I showed y'all mine , now it's your turn !
  17. Thought I would post this in case anyone was interested. It's a black tank bra with pocket, concho and tassle. Pretty slick looking. If they had one in brown, I'd jump all over it. There's only one left I think. http://www.chilhowee.net/yamaha-tank-bra/090925019.html
  18. In Tae Kwon Do belts, my son Josh and I both tested for brown belt and we both passed.After 3 more degrees of brown the next step is black belt,I expected Josh to advance but I never thought I'd get this far at my age,miracles do happen!
  19. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1ThSi1wbqU&feature=player_embedded]YouTube- Sweet Georgia Brown med traktorkomp[/ame]
  20. I finally got the oil plug out of the final drive. I dipped a doll rod down in it and came out with dark brown oil on the bottom and clear oil on top. Is the brown oil from water or just old?I have no clue when the rear end has been serviced. (just got the bike) Thanks Doug
  21. On 12/22/09 my friend Garry Brown died in a motorcycle accident. Somehow he went into the opposing lane on a curve and hit a cement truck head on. We don't know why, it was just a tragic accident. The bike and truck burst into flames. The truck driver is ok. Garry was 61 and a prospect member of the Alamo City Gypsy MC. Below is a picture of Garry as Santa just a few days before on the Elf Louise toy run. JB
  22. Anyone have a right side saddlebag lid for sale? I have a friend who has a 86 or 87 venture and he is missing the right side saddlebag lid. It is a very dark brown color. Let me know if you have one. Thanks, Eric
  23. This should be fun to watch.... See if the Bull organization will 'rescue' them.... http://www.westauction.com/auction/index/id/207 I found this in this mornings paper. Solves the mystery of why and who....... Business decisions haunt former Kings coach Brown Published: Tuesday, May. 5, 2009 - 12:00 am | Page 1C Randy Brown is well aware of the perception, even if it doesn't match reality. That, more than anything, is the most painful part of an already challenging time. "People figure that here's this guy … he's played in the NBA, he just got fired (as a coach), he's broke, and here he is giving up his championship rings," he said recently, frustration clear in his voice. "That hurt me because those (rings) mean a lot to me." Less than two weeks after he was one of four Kings assistant coaches fired with interim coach Kenny Natt, Brown – the former Kings player and role player on the Michael Jordan-led Chicago Bulls teams that won titles in 1996, '97 and '98 – finds himself as the latest poster boy for athletes who mismanage money. When news broke April 28 that West Auction had gained control of Brown's three championship rings as part of his bankruptcy filing, the timing of the story led to a tailor-made story line of the financially failing athlete. It served as a brass-knuckles blow to the man who was part of one of the NBA's most celebrated teams. There's a looming May 19 auction date, a starting price of $19,000 apiece and an uncertain fate for his most cherished hardware. But this situation, Brown wants to make clear, isn't what it seems. "I'm going to be working for another NBA team here in a couple months, and (the recent media coverage) portrayed that I'm broke already and here are my rings (being auctioned)," said Brown, who hopes to find his next NBA coaching job soon. "My family suffered a lot, my wife suffered a lot. It was old news to us and news to everyone else. … I (don't) want to be portrayed as a guy who didn't manage his money well and who is giving up his championship rings for a nice dinner out with his wife." Bankruptcy came even before the Kings hired Brown, a Chicago native who was based in the Windy City before returning to Sacramento. He said the process "started in August of 2007." After a series of failed real estate and restaurant dealings with "some bad people who I thought were my friends," he was in a financial hole too big to dig out of alone. "Some buddies who I'm not even going to call friends anymore, left me in a 20-year lease with 20 properties and just left me with all those deals, so I filed bankruptcy in 2007," Brown said. "I already told my attorney that I'm going to contact the NBA to see if I can talk to the young players in this league about signing their name to some business situations that turn out to be no good. At the end of the day, I had some business partners, but it was Randy Brown's name that was on everything." It was then that Brown changed careers, with former Kings coach and longtime friend Reggie Theus hiring him in July 2007. While bankruptcy would mean the debt wouldn't be fully repaid, creditors wanted Brown to pay one way or another. "When it came down to it, the judge said your name is on everything and you've got to come battle for this stuff," Brown said. "My business partners went and hid behind the rocks." While the rings aren't the only valuables Brown has been forced to give up, he said they are his most cherished possessions. "They went for my heart," Brown said. "They knew those rings were on my finger, my name was on those banners. They went for my heart, they went for my name, and for the most part they were successful. They don't care about what happens with those rings." Until last week, Brown had been told he could regain the rings by way of a third party through the auction. Now, however, he has been informed otherwise. If Brown can't reclaim the rings, he said the Bulls could replace them. "It pulled me apart," Brown said. "Legally, I understand these creditors wanted the rings, but they knew they were getting my heart."
  24. In Tae Kwon Do that is, My little guy and I tested and passed to the next belt level,I have a blue belt and Josh now has his red belt.Josh is really into this stuff and catches on fast he's been in it just over a year and his next test will be for brown belt.I'm doing fairly well for my age but I think I could have done a whole lot better if I started at 10 . For him it's all fun but for me it seems to be hard work.
  25. We decided to meet up with some great people and go on the brown county run today. I must say there are alot of nice people out there that I finally got to put a face with the name. Thanks everyone for a great day we both had a good time! Kevin:Venture:
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