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  1. I went to change the rear tire on the '83 for my brother, and when I finally got the tire off the rim, I saw that the Ride-On in the tire had dried up and turned into a big mess. First when I went to break the bead loose, it was much harder than normal to break, and when it finally gave in, a big cloud of dust came out of the tire. It seemed that the Ride-On had glued the tire to the rim. I worked on cleaning the rim with water and a wire brush, but the Ride-On didn't disolve comletely. Anybody have any ideas on what to use to help clean up the rim? On the Ride-On web site, they say that it wont dry up, but obviously they aren't telling the complete truth. In their defense, the Avon tire has been on the bike for 8 years and 22,000 miles, but......
  2. Bath Room Break [ame] [/ame]
  3. one of my pins came out of segement. i have removed the shifter lever and shaft but cant seem to break that countersunk star headed screw in the center any advice would help thanks.
  4. my 05 RMV NEEDS break pads on the front, my question is when I order do I have to order 2 sets or do u get the pads for both sides in a set when u order for the model? i know this may sound dumb but i really have no clue...
  5. Sorry I forgot to add on my last post about the gear boxes on the Ventures. Reading through the old threads, I can see some people report gear box whines. Do they have a fault with this, do the gear boxes or 4th gear break up? Also can you advise what gear box & engine oil is the best to use. Many, many thanks if you can help.
  6. Hey, need some help pretty quick. I've searched, but I can't find a thread that has instructions or pics on the install procedure for replacing the front fork springs with Progressives on a 2nd Gen. I need to know how far to break the bike down and pics of the process. Does anyone know of a link or tech article? Like I've said, I tried a few searches and got nada. I really appreciate the help.
  7. Hello Everyone. I just got a Venture 1983 with 30k, but there's a problem. The rear break paddle does not return to it's normal position, it will not reset after presing it down. I took the peddal assambly out and there's nothing wrong there. As you can see in the pic that piston like it's hard to move. Can someone point me in the right direction to solve this issue. THank you in advance.
  8. Okay guys, I come here during my coffee break and frustration break. I have the top bolt out, I have the bike on jack stands and all the weight off the rear shock. I cannot get the bottom bolt/pin to turn. I have liquid wrenched the entire area, short of getting the heat on it, does anyone have an idea before I get out the BFH and start swinging? Which isn't always a bad idea, but hopefully there is a better way.
  9. Hello Everyone: Swapped out my 404's for Elite 3's yesterday. Unusually nice weather for March in W. Nebraska. 75 degrees. Took a 30 mile ride during my lunch break. Felt good!!!!
  10. OK I haven't seen this covered so here is my question. I was pulling into a driveway today about 35 miles from hame and went to twist on the throttle and nothing, no warning, no issues before this. It still had the return pull pul but nothing for throttle. Now has anyone had this happen and if so did the cable break or just come loose. Makes it really hard to ride without the throttle. Any help would be appreciated before I start to tear it apart. Thanks
  11. Posting this simply as a problem solved. Others will have this issue and hopefully they will find this thread in a search, and it might help. 1st Gen VRs sometimes suffer from exhaust rattles. The noise is internal and frequently caused by a deteriorating baffle in the collector. Ever since I have had this bike it has suffered from a rattle which isn't evident in a cold engine, but soon makes its presence felt as the bike warms up. At best it is annoying, but now it is fixed. Sometime ago I had the exhaust off to have the collector repaired. It needed new stubs making and welding on and this was done. At the same time I cut open the collector to fix the baffle. To my surprise it was undamaged, so the hole was simply closed up again. More recently I have had an issue with cylinder #2 firing when it wanted to. This too is fixed. New Plugs, Wires and Caps took care of it. I still had the noise and something else unusual. The front downpipe on the right was heating up much faster than the one on the left (#2). That wasn't right. Cylinder #2 was firing correctly so it had to be another issue. Then I realised that those downpipes are "double-walled". What if there was a break internally. Here is what I found: http://i1092.photobucket.com/albums/i418/twigg2324/1986%20Yamaha%20Venture%20Royale/DSCN0277.jpg And another view of same: http://i1092.photobucket.com/albums/i418/twigg2324/1986%20Yamaha%20Venture%20Royale/DSCN0279.jpg Note the break that extends almost the whole way around the internal pipe. Newish downpipe from eBay demonstrated two differences .... Firstly, it had no break, so a good sign Also, the new pipe had a thin but unbroken layer of carbon completely coating the inside. This is normal. As you can see from the pictures the carbon layer is broken, and feathers towards the crack. There was some serious upset in the gas-flow in this pipe, and could be the equivalent of an exhaust hole causing lean condition and an idle that could be reluctant to fall to normal when the motor was very hot. So ... All bolted up, engine running quietly and smoothly, and no rattles. Hope this helps.
  12. **** WARNING **** The following MAY be hazardous in that you MIGHT find yourself doubled-over with severe stomach cramps ... ALSO, make sure you take a bathroom break BEFORE viewing!
  13. A game warden was driving down the road when he came upon a young boy carrying a wild turkey under his arm. He stopped and asked the boy, 'Where did you get that turkey?' The boy replied, 'What turkey?' The game warden said, 'That turkey you're carrying under your arm.' The boy looks down and said, 'Well, lookee here, a turkey done roosted under my arm!' The game warden said, 'Now look, you know turkey season is closed, so whatever you do to that turkey, I'm going to do to you. If you break his leg, I'm gonna break your leg If you break his wing, I'll break your arm. Whatever you do to him, I'll do to you. So, what are you gonna do with him?' The little boy said, 'I guess I'll just kiss his ass and let him go!' May your stuffing be tasty May your turkey plump, May your potatoes and gravy Have never a lump. May your yams be delicious And your pies take the prize, And may your Thanksgiving dinner Stay off your thighs! Happy Thanksgiving!
  14. So ...exactly one month ago I had a bit of a fall on my road bicycle. To make it short, I broke my left hip. Fortunately the break was far enough from the joint that no replacement was necessary. I did however, end up with a titanium shank and 2 bolts, one on the bottom stabilising to the femur and one at top into the joint stabilizing across the break. I was on my feet with a walker the next morning and have since graduated to two ski poles. I figure end of this week I'll be on the home bike-trainer and in another 3 weeks or so I ought to be able to ride. But an uncomfortable thought keeps creeping in; Will I be able to hold up the RSV with that left leg and how long that's likely to take. So on the chance that some of you may have had a similar experience , I thought I would ask - what should I expect?
  15. Guest

    Sturgis 2011

    So who's going to Sturgis this year? Myself and my group will be staying at Glencoe again this year in the Motorcycle-Only camping area, right next to where the sportbike rider got killed last year. Departing Amarillo area on or about the 3rd or 4th, arriving on or about the 4th or 5th of August, departing around the 13th. Sure would be fun to break in some newbies! ( I mean show you around...) Anyone interested in a meet-n-eat in the Beautiful Black Hills, post here!
  16. Just did a count of "who's coming to Cody" ... currently showing 81 +/- Wonder if we'll get enuf late-comers to break the 100 mark! :thumbsup2: It's going to be an awesome time! I've taken the list home to memorize in hopes of remembering who is who ... don't hold me to that ... I have C.R.S. yanno! Ya'll keep the rubber side down 'n have a safe, enjoyable ride both 2 Cody and return home!
  17. mraf


    We like to check out all kinds of Museums. Are there any around your area that are of interest? I've already searched the net but theres nothing better than hearing about them from someone else thats been there. Sometimes they are a good break for awhile plus it doesn't hurt to maybe learn something.
  18. again. just had the same last week. This one looks even uglier than last week. The big radar map shows it stretching from New Orleans to Pittsburg. I raced the front edge of it home an hour ago and got hit with a few drops of rain and some wind gusts. Looks like all H is going to break out from the weather map. probably thats whats happening from Huntsville to Nashville right now. Got the bikes under the carport and a blanket thrown over the car.
  19. Leaving for the beach on spring break in 6 days.MamaMo found out this week she is carrying a hot gallbladder. Were trying to get surgery scheduled as soon as we get back.Taking my fillet knife told her might catch something at the pier if she needs it out sooner.:stirthepot: Had mine done 25 years ago much easier today then it use to be.For now she is watching what she eats and I'm eating her share.
  20. I've had some emails about the big patches, I can get an order in with a 25 count. That's where the break is.
  21. Well after 2 years on the Venture I have decided to get a 2010 Nav. I go to Arkansas Friday the 4th. to pick it up. I bought it from Sunrise Honda in Searcy Ar. A 505 mile trip from here in the Houston area. We have been going to the hill country here in Texas each fall and I can hardly wait till this August. Anyway, my question is: what can I expect on the break in i.e. speed restriction. The one I test drove here really handled well. The only concern was the size of the shifter. But I guess I will get used to that.
  22. Anybody else planning a Spring Break? My wifes favorite place on Earth...is Hatteras Island and the little community of Rodanthe.Call it a Spring Celebration.We are celebrating 30 years of marriage later this fall,and last month we paid in full with Cash the remaining balance on our 4 acre Camp. I had originally planned a week off in April to cleanup around the Camp but the wife is between Jobs right now and needs a break so we negotiated a special rate deal yesterday on the same house I'm renting in June.Maybe I should just leave her down there for 2 months.Hey Mini could you put TROUBLE up for 2 months? H.I. April 9th for a week.
  23. I just want to take a HOG minute to cheer my Razorbacks on as they do the beatdown on the Buckeyes. Sorry Buckeyes, but this is still not your year to beat an SEC team. Go HOGS!!! (all in fun) hope this doesn't break the rules, as I heard there are some people from Ohio on here. :-) Hope it's a safe game!! http://www.arkansasbiker.net/hogs.jpg
  24. Sorry to break it to everyone, but Christmas is cancelled this year....Santa died laughing when I told him a few of you had been good!
  25. Does the plug that goes into the side of the CD player in the saddlebag just pull out? I want to unplug and remove the player. I've pulled on the plug and it's not coming out. I don't want to break anything by really yanking on it. TIA
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