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  1. Well the insurance just left and gave me a check for my totaled '07 RSTD Midnight...it covered about half what i had invested into the bike. considering my wife and i put on about 38K miles over the past 6.5 years, i consider the check fair and equitable. I will place parts in classified if there is any interest. I have complete windscreen assembly (chrome midnight version), complete pillion assembly- both these assembly look brand new, brand new (never installed) left cowling, new "SKYDOC" brake bias kit and EBC double sintered FA 123HH disc pad set. if interested you can PM me or answer this post. it sure is tough saying goodbye to my bike, she was a trusty and reliable friend, who never once left me stranded....farewell Black Beauty !
  2. Anybody have an aftermarket (Corbin, Diamond or other brand) seat for a MM Venture they might want to sell?
  3. Venture and Royal riders, brothers or sisters...I really need to borrow a tach. I have my mix all out of whack. I am a tinker, and started messin with that dang screw and now I cant get it right with this multimeter/tach deal I have. I have a brand new Carbtune Pro that you can use if you would like to. Heck, anyone on this site that lives around here can use it if needed. Thank you all, I am about to pull my hair out!
  4. I'm looking at buying a 10,000 pound 2 post automotive lift. Does anyone here have any advice for me? What brand do you owners have? and what would you suggest? Thanks Kent
  5. Does anybody know what the brand of brake caliper is used on the Hannigan Trike off hand? (for a couple speed bleeders) Thanks, Jeff
  6. As to replacement brake pads for a 2nd gen. ( 08 ) . I am looking for any comments as to aftermarket brake pads, which brand, is the best quality to buy, in terms of " stopping power " ie: What brand works the best !!! Irregardless of the cost, Is there an agreement here as to the highest quality brake pads ?? :detective:
  7. I saw this RSTD for sale on craigslist. Looks to be a fair price. What I'm curious about is if you click on the link to see all the pictures, does anyone recognize the brand of fairing he added? It's different than the usual ones I've seen. Haven't quite decided if I like it or not. Glenn http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/ank/mcy/3334460778.html
  8. So, I finally broke down and bought a fairing for my 2007RSTD Midnight. I got it off Ebay new for a good price. It's fiberglass and has spots for 4 speakers and a radio. I think it may be a Reckless or at least looks like one. My problem now is what brand radio and speakers should I add? What have you guys used? I know it should ne a marine one i guess. I would appreciate some help. Thanks
  9. So I have gone thru and cleaned out all the carbs on my 83. Disabled the YICS system. Still not running right. If i turn the choke on going down the road it runs okay, if i shut it off it runs like crap. two of the cylinders are getting hot the other two are not. if i spray water on the exhaust on the two it burns right off the other two thee water just sits there. the plug cap and wires are brand new as well as brand new ngk plugs. where is my problem. is it just a matter of tune and sync or what?
  10. What size P-clamps do we need for the rstd Kury brand? For the handle bar. Joe
  11. I'm thinking I'd like to paint the trailer to match the bike...but it's a polypro...whatever plastic. Not exactly the same as the picture...but you know the grey "Explorer" brand car topper box. I'm not sure if paint would stick to it. Any suggestions? Lousy picture...but you get the idea
  12. what brand bi xenon for 2nd gen rsv and price paid? also is it worth it? what about a projector? brand, price how does it install?
  13. On 91VR ?1) Whats the procedure in changing Anitfreeze. ?2) What brand is best suited and especially for the seals.
  14. Does anyone recognize what brand this hitch may be? Anyone know where I might find a replacement lens for the flap light and some install instructions? It came off a 88 VR and I am installing on my 90 VR. These pictures were taken by the previous owner.
  15. My '87 VR clutch is starting to slip when I apply too much throttle in top gear. I guess I'll have to replace the friction plates soon. What brand of plates do you recommend ? Jim O'D........ Australia:confused24:
  16. Question..........I put new Bridgestone bias tires on my bike. They don't grip as well as my former bike with radials. What is the harm of switching to radial tires for my 2001 Royal Star Venture? I generally haul a passenger, and I'm an overweight, tall guy. I'm not sold on any brand tire, just wanted a tire which is safe, grips well and doesn't follow all the grooves on the road. Suggestions? (on brand) - Comments on radials? Thanks. Dave
  17. A friend had a Hyosung gt650r donated to his non-profit organization and he was aking me about selling the bike. I had never heard of the Brand. I have been reading about them but wondering if anybody had any personal experience with this brand of bike including parts accessibility etc.
  18. Has anyone tried the ROX brand adjustable risers I've seen listed on ebay?
  19. One of my winter projects is to put a hitch on my 2007 RSV. I am looking for suggestions on what brand you all use and what you recommend. Thanks
  20. Canadians & Americans Hey, we can make a difference if we try. How is it possible to ship food from China cheaper -- than having it produced in Canada or at least the U.S.? FOR EXAMPLE THE "OUR FAMILY" BRAND OF THE MANDARIN ORANGES SAYS RIGHT ON THE CAN FROM CHINA .. SO FOR A FEW MORE CENTS I BOUGHT THE LIBERTY GOLD BRAND OR THE DOLE IS FROM CAL .. ALL "HIGH LINER" AND MOST OTHER FROZEN FISH PRODUCTS COME FROM CHINA OR INDONESIA . THE PACKAGE MAY SAY "PACIFIC SALMON" ON THE FRONT, BUT LOOK FOR THE SMALL PRINT. MOST OF THESE PRODUCTS COME FROM FISH FARMS IN THE ORIENT AND THERE ARE NO REGULATIONS ON WHAT IS FED TO THESE FISH. ALSO WATCH FOR PICKLES. A LOT OF THE NO-NAME PICKLES COME FROM INDIA . BICK'S HAVE RECENTLY CEASED OPERATIONS IN CANADA -- DON'T BUY THEM . Another example was in canned mushrooms. No-Name brand came from Indonesia. Next to them were President Choice brand. Produce of Canada!! The P. C. went into my grocery bag. Also check those little fruit cups we give our children. They use to be made here in Canada in the Niagara region until about 2 years ago.....They are now packaged in China !!!! While the Chinese, export inferior and even toxic products and dangerous toys and goods to be sold in Canadian markets, the media wrings its hands and criticizes the Harper Government for perceived errors. Yet 70% of North Americans believe that the trading privileges afforded to the Chinese should be suspended!! Well, duh. Why do you need the government to suspend trading privileges? SIMPLY DO IT YOURSELF CANADA!! Simply look on the bottom of every product you buy, and if it says 'Made in China ' or 'PRC' (and that now includes Hong Kong), simply choose another product, or none at all. You will be amazed at how dependent you are on Chinese products, and you will be equally amazed at what you can do without. Who needs plastic eggs to celebrate Easter? If you must have eggs, use real ones and benefit some Canadian farmer. Easter is just an example; the point is not waiting for the government to act.. Just go ahead and assume control on your own. Canadian Thermos bottles were made here for many years.. Thermos sold out in the 1990's and now the bottles, those that keep our food warm or cold are now made in CHINA .. We lost---about 200 jobs! THINK ABOUT THIS, If 200 million North Americans refuse to buy just $20 each of Chinese goods, that's a billion dollar trade imbalance resolved in our favour...fast!! The downside? Some Canadian businesses will feel a temporary pinch from having foreign stockpiles of inventory. Just one month of trading losses, will hit the Chinese for 8%, of their North American exports. Then they will at least have to ask themselves if the benefits of their arrogance and lawlessness were worth it. START NOW and don’t stop. Send this to everybody you know. Let's show them that we are intelligent Canadians, and NOBODY can take us for granted. If we can't live without cheap Chinese goods for one month out of our lives, WE DESERVE WHAT WE GET! Pass it on, North America !! I DID!!
  21. I see there are several brands of Speed Bleeders out there. Is there one brand that is recommended over all the others or are they pretty much the same. Thanks
  22. I am in need of a speedo for my 83. I found all the posts about the howling speedos after my brand new cable broke. What other years will work? If any? Up to 85 or 86? Anybody got one? Thanks in advance for any info.
  23. To buying a new Venture today. I was in Union City, TN today picking up a new Goldwing for a friend of mine and they offered me a Brand New Venture for 16,900 out the door. Came really close but decided not to purchase. Really wanted to but..............
  24. Whistler


    It,s About time for new tires I got 14,000 on the set that came with the bike new .. Is there any good sugestion out there? Need a set that will go the distance. Any one out there willing to suggest a good brand Ron:cool10:
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