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  1. Man! Don't know if any of you watched the national championship game last night, but Alabama was like men among boys. I'm an Arkansas Razorback fan, so we who are supporters of teams in the SEC kinda knew before hand what ND had coming to them. We've had to deal with Alabama's dominance for several years now. They aren't gonna stop either until Nick Saban gets out of there. Wish Cleveland or Philly would do us all a favor and throw stupid money at him get him to leave Bama. LOL.
  2. KIC

    Funny video

    Thought I would pass this video along: OK.. I had to add this one too .. hot wheels for big boys: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06Q6berM0j0&feature=player_embedded]Chris Burden - YouTube[/ame]
  3. Folks, I received an email from a new member. Username roger podoll has not posted here yet. Here is the message that he sent to me. I hope you will all keep him and his boys in your prayers. haven't had much time to check your site.My wife of 36 years was killed on oct. 27. head on collision with camper.She was on her 250 helix an I was on 650KLR.Do need prayers at this time.Have a13 an 15 year old boys at home yet.very hard on them.
  4. tx2sturgis & saddlebum Are our birthday boys today. But one of them doesn't want us to know his age. Well enjoy your day boys! Margaret
  5. My boys (ages 20 and 17) just took the Motorcycle Safety Course this weekend. So now that they passed, it will be time to look for bikes. My oldest wants my RSTD thats been sitting in the garage. I think he would be able to handle it, hes a big kid (6' 3" and 190 pounds) and really level headed. But still it would make me nervous. My other son isnt as big, only about 5' 9" and 130 pounds. So I am going to have to find something to fit him. Maybe in the 500 to 650 range. Let the fun begin in the hunt for the right bike! I'm really looking forward to some rides with my boys!!!!
  6. These little Guys were The main Gift that Janet got for Mothers day, The 2 older boys are our Grandsons form FLA. the younger boy is our Grandson that lives here in Texas. We will have the 2 older Boys for 2 months...( Prayers Needed )...
  7. Monty


    Heading out in a few to see my 2 Sons ship out for their 14 month deployment, which will take them to Kuwait and Afghanistan. They will be together, and I told them they had BETTER look out for each other. They will be going to Ft. Bliss, Texas first, for some training, then go overseas. We are so proud of our boys, but also a little worried. I'm sure they will come home safe to us, but there's still that worry in the back of your head. I think it will do them some good, and make better men out of them.
  8. has anyone tried putting other tips on the nasty boys other than the barron brand? like to try to find some a little cheaper although they have marked them down a little.i believe the diameter is 2 1/4" outside and 2.06-2.16 inner and needs at least one inch to insert inside.
  10. Had a bike show for boy scouts with special needs. It sure was great!! the boys had a ball. We were introduced and we each told about our bikes and talked with the boys. One is a picture of a hand made Moto by Mike Porter. I'm the one with the Santa beard, yes its that time of the year again for Santa. http://s219.photobucket.com/albums/cc231/TEW47/ tew47:thumbsup2:
  11. He is the one with the helmet cam and the blue bike Him and his Brother were both good enough that last year they were invited to the Loretta Lynn Invitational the boys live with there grandparents and Gramps is the entire pit-crue he races again tomarrow:fingers-crossed-emo [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55pZZJ-B-HU]YouTube- Alpena 8-22-10[/ame]
  12. I modified my Baron's Nasty Boys today so they are not so nasty. They sound good on the jack but I haven't put the rear wheel on yet to try them on the road. I welded a heavy washer with a 5/8 hole to the inlet of the baffle to reduce the flow a little and cause a little more back pressure, seems to have worked but time will tell. I am attempting a video of them. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9ryuwQjI4I]YouTube- Picture or Video 013.avi[/ame]
  13. Do you think the boys in Japan look at the forums concerning their equipment? If so do you think they look at the problems with them? What do you think!!
  14. Thought i'd post a couple of my boys. 1 in Iraq the other in Afghanistan.
  15. Well I'd like to thank Tom and all the boys that signed my new Texas Passport ....it was a lot of trouble to go though but so very kind also ...Thanks so much ...oh and the summer's been busy and I haven't been on the site much ....actually haven't rode much at all this summer ...got a bum knee I don't trust right now .... Just wanted to thank everyone of the boys from Texas ...won't be making your get together this fall ...U'll take care and hope we see each others again in the future!
  16. great people........great maint info.......great ride....(maybe a little warmer...).....special thankyou jeff for the hosting......had to head out just when the unwind session was starting to beat the vension being out.........sure there will be pics posted when the boys work the fuzzys out this morning.lol.......thanks again.....anyone ever gets in my area on the site give a shout for some riding in S.W. WI.....later greg....
  17. Pep Boys in Georgia is having a sale on a MC Jack for $79.98 with a $20 mailin rebate. Maybe its on sale elsewhere as well? TORIN 1500 lb. Motorcycle/ATV Jack #T64017
  18. My dear MC family God has shown his face on me and brought the most wonderful man into my life (even if he does ride a Goldwing...it pained me to tell you that...). I met him last Nov. Bill Jarrett of Sebastopol, California. He is kind, gentle, funny, sweet and very strong. Very much, a manly man. We planning to sign the dotted line and whisper sweet " I Do's" on June 28th in our backyard here in Galt. The boys really like him, especially Randy, my youngest. He treats my kids with respect and is sentsitive to what the loss they have been through. Thanks for all your prayers, support and sweet words of kindness to me. What say you about a honeymoon? Estes Park, Colorado or Alaskan cruise?
  19. Changed the oil, sycned the carbs, cleaned the air filters, checked the pressure in the tires and all that kind of stuff. Monday morning a buddy and I leave on our annual "boys week out" road trip. Last year we rode to Mesa, Arizona. This year we are headed South to Rockport, Texas. Life is good!
  20. I did some checking on here and found a cross over to another oil filter that I picked up at pep boys, since its a car filter and not a bike so to speek does it matter? I seen on a web site they have a adapter to run the regular filters so they seal does anyone use these or does it matter? I am running what I bought at pep boys and so far its working but I dont want to have a issue and not know it til its to late. Thanks
  21. Well after a day with my brother GaryN and I dashed home....we kind of sort of ...we spend and couple hours on the side of the road fix'n my flat ...other then that we had good weather coming home ...I pulled in here about 7 pm tonite ...again thanks for the great time the Texas boys showed us ...and to the boys that escorted us to Dallas ....couldn't ask for better people .......yea even Tom ....isn't surprises fun Tom???:rasberry::rasberry::rasberry::rasberry:
  22. Since the wife wanted something DIFFERENT for our 25th I waited to the last minute(nothing new) and had her follow me to drop off truck at repair shop and took me to bike shop in town(called ahead to get them to go along) to pick-up a part.Before we left home she informed me that she will probably be laid-off in Dec. so DON'T spend any money??????????????OOPS!!! So my old helmet box was brought out for her and of course she thought it was a new helmet. Had to remind her after she thanked me (boys thought she would cry) that we had to take it BACK because she and I would be laid-off for a few months---bet you guessed what her answer was!!! Then she told me that she didn't buy me anything because we didn't have any extra money after redoing renovation on livingroom so I just figured OK maybe later. Nope !!! Waited untill Sat, and boys took us to Brantford for supper and after desert wife went to go to ladiesroom and got down on her knee and handed a box to me(rather fast so noone would see her) and asked me to remary her----I said no but reconsidered really fast before I got hit. Rest of the night went really well as there was asupprise party waiting. All in all it was great and ready for another 25.
  23. While posting motorcycle pics, wanted to post some pics of three of my boys. 2LT Joshua Fargason, SGT Benjamin Fargason, and SGT Daniel Fargason. Josh's pic is from his Officer Basic Course at Ft Knox, Ben from while he was waiting at the Atlanta airport to go back after R & R, and Daniel on an outside ride.
  24. Do batteries just quite. Today I came home from work, shut off the bike and went into the house to pick up something and when I returned the bike wouldn't even turn over. I put my trickle charger on it for few hours and it started right away. I phoned around for a new one and got a price of $150, but they were out of stock. The Harley boys bought them all. They are going to call me tomorrow with a price for a Odessy. I only have a short time left of the riding season, I was hoping to have the battery last.
  25. http://webmail.att.net/wmc/en-US/v/wm/488E441D000D45880000366A22230704929B0A02D2089B9A019C04040A0DBF09010B09070DCE0D0A040E05/Unknown%20Name?cmd=GetImg&no=24&uid=8388&sid=c0&name=X.MA1.1213983894@aol.com
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