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  1. So, I think I blew a fuse for the 12v cigarette plug in the left side of the fairing. No fuse in the "fuse" box. Where might I find this thing hiding so I can replace the dead fuze? Thanks
  2. On 1999 Venture Royal Star what is the plug in the trunk for? Is this for the intercom system? How does the intercom system work? I have never had one on my bike and am not familiar with it. Do you have to buy a intercom box to put in the back?
  3. I am the proud and humbled owner of a brand new F4Customs windshield. This is the largest shield available for the Venture that F4 makes at this time and it does have the integrated vent. Model # F4-YRSV-19_5-W-VENT-C 19.5" Clear Wide After talking with Don, he suggested that I start a thread here so I can add too it as I need to while giving a review of the shield. Once the review is done, we will make it a report and move it to the library. My intentions are to bring both the good and the bad. In doing this, I am basically going to review this in the form of a Diary listing just about every ride, the things noticed about the shield, cleaning, wear, gas mileage changes and any thing else that may pop up related to the windshield. Should you have any questions post them and I will answer to the best of my ability. So, to get started: I received the windshield nicely packed in a box and protected what I consider well enough to protect it under most shipping circumstances. Mine did come in with the box a little crushed. I was a little concerned until I was able to unpack it. [ATTACH]64430[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]64431[/ATTACH] As you can see the box was a little crushed [ATTACH]64432[/ATTACH] Shield out of box and out of packing material [ATTACH]64433[/ATTACH] Unwrapped face down - [ATTACH]64434[/ATTACH] unwrapped face up Notice that the shield also had a protective coating of plastic stuck to it. Below are a few measurements. [ATTACH]64435[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]64436[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]64437[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]64438[/ATTACH] Now for a few comparison pics. I have my OEM in front of the F4. The black is on my original OEM, NOT the F4 and the F4 still has the sticky protective plastic on it. [ATTACH]64440[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]64439[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]64441[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]64442[/ATTACH] This should be enough to hold you for a few moments at least... I did take my first ride with it this past Tuesday. I will post some more shortly.
  4. Just started yesterday? no recent activity in shout box.
  5. I saw this and will have to try it I know it will not deform the tire but whoever thought of this was thinking outside the box.
  6. Have seeb that in a fair amount of user pics, the TCI/CDI box is on top of the air box under the false tank. I'm guessing this is done to keep the unit cool, as it wouldn't be sitting directly over the engine. Is this a model year difference (I've got a Mk2 87) or is it a after-market user modification? In mine, it looks like its mounted to a frame rail. I noticed this as I've been looking at wiring and fuse block upgrade threads, and saw the box, and wasn't sure if it was an aftermarket or moving the original. Can't find a thread talking about it, so figured I would have to ask. Glenn in Tucson
  7. Good day. I've been getting more and more paranoid about my TCI lately. I didn't even know it could be a problem until I started reading threads about it. After studying these two threads; http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=40414 http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=43357 ...and getting some good advice, (Special thanks to Dingy and Timgray), I decided I should look inside the damned box to see what's what. Before getting into the job, I ran the bike and checked each exhaust pipe with a temperature probe to verify that all four cylinders were firing...and, good news, they were. To get the TCI apart, there are 4 phillips screws on the back cover, and 5 on the back of the board. Now here's the tricky part about getting the board out of the box; the proper way is to desolder the 14 wires from the board which lead to the connectors. I'm ok with a soldering iron but no wizard, and that board has been banged around for 25ish years and I don't know how much more abuse it could take. So I decided to try something different. I used a hacksaw and cut the box around the connectors. It was a pretty easy job and it was no problem cutting only the box and not damaging the board. That bit worked for me. If you choose to do any of this, by the way, you do so at your own risk. Anyway, the attached pics show what I found on the inside. At least 3 diodes, (the blue and tan bulbous units), were showing signs of serious disintegration. HOLY CRAPPOLA...! That sure gave me a bit of a fright. It made me thankful I tackled this bloody awful bit of mechanicking. I refused to pull the fairing off so I yanked the battery, battery box, air cleaner and air box. I also took off the lower right side fairing. This allowed me access to the TCI. I could reach the screws but they were bloody seized. Eventually, I got the left one out. The right one wouldn't budge so I just cut the tab off the box. I wasn't planning on putting the box back in its original spot so I didn't worry about it. Dingy suggested replacing the crap diodes with 1N4001 or higher diodes, so that was my quest for Sunday. The Source, by Circuit City, (formerly Radio Shack in Canada), had an assortment pack with about 20 diodes and as it turned out 10 of them happened to be of the 1N4001 variety. Less than 6 bucks later, I was off to tackle the bike. I won't go into what a frickin' pain it was to fart around inside that bike...I will just say that the cuss words are probably still echoing around that garage. Anyway, I took my time with the desoldering and soldering...(even though it may not look like it). After replacing all 8 diodes, I checked continuity with an ohm meter. One direction would show 600 ohms and the other would show nothing...perfect. I also checked continuity further down the board to make sure my soldering job actually fused to the traces. I had a couple of traces lift while soldering so that took some extra time to resolve. All of the testing seemed to indicate all was well so it was time to try it on the bike. After plugging the TCI and the rest of the bits back on the bike...SHOWTIME...! One stab of the starter and she lit right up. Fantastic. I let it run for a while and used a temp probe to verify that all cylinders were firing...which they were. I haven't taken it on the road yet...it's 4 am and I lost the will to reassemble the rest of the bike and tuck away the TCI. After much soul searching...the TCI will probably go back in its original spot...but held there with zip ties instead of those damed screws. I plan to silicone up the frankenstein-ish scar I hacked into the box, then, once I'm sure the thing is running right, seal the thing up in a bag with some desiccant. Anyway, so far, so good. I definitely feel relieved that I went through the effort. The paranoia was getting to me. Now, I feel confident that my potential TCI worries are probably in the past. One bit of extra advice; desoldering and soldering these bits can screw up your board. The diodes cost me less than 6 bucks. It would take a good electronics tech less than a half hour to do this job...an hour if he's drunk. If you aren't totally confident in your soldering abilities, take the job to a tech. It'll save you from screwing up an otherwise good TCI. Ok...it's 5am...I'll take the thing out on the road tomorrow, see how it runs and report back.
  8. Seems like everytime I grab one of those tasty little morsels I always get the one with the nasty tasting stuff in the middle. Well this week I got one with the creamy caramel centers. After 5 months of unemployment, during which time I attended and passed a CDL course on Tuesday, not ten minutes before I was to jump into the truck to take my road test i recieved a phone call from another company( not trucking related) that I applied to to come in on thursday for my second interview. Had my first interview the week before,didn't think it went well. So I go back to the trucking company where the school is that I attended and am told to fill out a application with them. Next day I get a call back from them saying I can start as a trainee sometime in the next couple of weeks...What to do, what to do? Well, I went to the interview with the other company ( big box retail company) this morning. The HR manager hands me a slip of paper with a hourly pay rate and ask me if this amount is ok with me. After picking myself up off the floor and pushing my mouth shut , I said I guess it will do. It was way more then I ever expected to be offered. Again, what to do,what to do? So I told her that I just got my CDL And she says, that's great we can use you as a back up delivery driver and a dept. manager.... Now I ask you, what do you think I did?......I start next week with the big box company.
  9. Rode with #1 son to pick up new chair for #2 son from daughter-in-law for Christmas. The chair is nice. BUT THE BOX IT CAME IN IS HUGE. I can't wait for the grandkids to show up in a few days. The best toy is a big box to play in, they're going to have a blast playing with this thing.
  10. I know I'm like everybody else. Always looking for the right buy at the right price and then you have to consider the shipping costs. I've passed up some decent deals over time because the shipping was WAYYYY out of line. So when I find a part I've been wanting at a competitive price with FREE SHIPPING I'm all over it. A few days ago I ran across something I'd been looking at a good price and Free Shipping. Didn'd even have to mess with bidding as it was a good ol' eBay BIN. Yea! It was even a respected seller. Even better. So when I got home today I found a package, box, (one step short of a crate) on my front porch. What the heck? Didn't order a short block! Or a Microwave oven. So I drag it in and start to open it up and start pulling out packing paper. Ended up with 2 strips of heavy packing paper that were each 35 feet long and 2 foot wide. That my friends is a lot of packing paper. So looking into the box I got the chuckles. Had to take some pics. Overkill has a new definition. So I'm still giggling at what the heck that package would have cost to ship. The postage weight on the box was 7 pounds. The part in it...... less than 3 lbs and would have fit in my mail box. So the next time you go to order a part that would fit in a regular envelope and they want $20.00 to ship it...... it's my fault. They are trying to make up the loss. Mike
  11. Yep,, all ready to help those in need this winter,,,, I know it can really suck if the parking lot has snow on it and you have to walk across it in open toes and high heals,,, so we will do our level best. Attached are 3 of our 5 units,, all have box scrapers on the back. Come-on SNOW,, we is ready!!!:happy65: Oh YA,,,, did you hear me say I like SNOW!!!! No????????? Well I LIKE SNOW!!!
  12. RSV wiring diagrams show a throttle position sensor. Where is this sensor located. In the throttle hand grip, cable junction box or the carb rack seem like likely places. Gary
  13. Just got done wiring bike for trailer . Put converter and 6 panel fuse box with ground under diamond plate and made ridgid fix for plug.
  14. I have been trying to put in place the airbox assembly into an 83 venture. I cannot get those blasted hoses that goes from the box into their proper places . Anybody have any ideas to make the connections? I've worked on this and I have gotten nowhere! Help!
  15. I keep blowing the top fuse in the fuse Box. It's a 10amp fuse and leads to a white wire with a red stripe. What circuit does this power ? Any suggestions ? Jim O'D........
  16. I just talked with the guy who bought my 84, seems like as long as the TCI (relocated on top of the air box) is cool, bike runs great. As soon as it warms up, bike runs like crap. I let him use one of my extra 1st gen TCI boxes and it acts the same but just takes longer to heat up and then start running like crap. Anybody have any experience with this? Anybody repair these PIA TCI's? Or is the new programmable box from Czechoslovakia the only real way to fix it?
  17. hey all I just got a set of walmart driving light (18 bucks ) going to put them on the 83 . there are no other accessaries at all strickly stock bike. im thinking of just hooking them up just wires and switch that they came with complety seperate from anything else and get power from acess. fuse top of fuse block. lighted switch going through panel next to left storage box , and just turn em on when i want. anyone see any problems with this? i am planing to add more lighting to side and rear later on but im sure those will be led,s ..
  18. at 5:00 Dogs were going wild...so I went to investigate. a bear came and tried to get into our garbage box. The first bear was standing on top of the garbage box right outside my window! I could have reached out and touched it! But he couldn't figure out how to get into the box. I tried to get some pictures thru the window but all I got was blurry screen. 6:00 another one came by...by now I was awake enough to figure out how to use the camera. This must just be a cub because .this one is MUCH smaller than the first. The big one just sort of looked at me and couldn't care less. The pics of the smaller one are just below the deck on the ground....no more than 10 feet away from where I was standing taking the pictures.
  19. This is the 2 1/2 inch reflector that runs from side to side across the back of the Trunk Box. I CAREFULLY tried to lift the reflector off of the black plastic molding that it fits into. BUT....I guess I wasn't careful enough. I cracked it in one spot and broke a corner off it as well. I glued it back together but it still looks like....well.....like it has been broken and glued back together!!!!!! Does anyone have the reflector that would fit an 88 trunk box...or even a later one that has the lights instead of just the reflector? PLEASE? I've invested over $100 in LED's for the trunk (and other spots)...and I don't want it to end up looking like crap.
  20. my throttle is very sticky for some reason and i get a clicky-crunchy noise from the cruise control box just before its returns to no throttle. Is there any way to get into the cruse control box to see it its working properly?
  21. I'm thinking I'd like to paint the trailer to match the bike...but it's a polypro...whatever plastic. Not exactly the same as the picture...but you know the grey "Explorer" brand car topper box. I'm not sure if paint would stick to it. Any suggestions? Lousy picture...but you get the idea
  22. My birthday was a couple weeks ago and I was off on a ride in Tn. When we got home my neighbor ladies, a few houses down came to my house with a gift box. Now, I thought this was somewhat strange in itself, me being new in the neighborhood(only been here about 3 months) and that the ladies who brought me the gift box are rumored to be lesbians, I didn't think they even liked men, much less well enough to give one they hardly knew a birthday gift! Well, I opened the box and it contained a shiney new survival type watch. I was flabbergasted and surprised beyond belief. It was fantastic timepiece. My wife poked me in the rib and said"Don't you think you should say something instead of standing there dazed and confused looking"? I sort of stammered,,,, I think there has been a mistake, I mean the watch is fantastic and the generosity of you two is unbelievable but I think there has been a misunderstanding on what I said,,, I said I "Wanted to watch, not that I Wanted A watch"
  23. Coleman stove "box" arrived in the mail this morning!! Got a house full of kids & grandkids since storm. They were all excited. LOOK!! Pop Paw got a new stove!! We can go camping!! I was a little excited too.... They are still looking for the stove. THANKS Jeff!! Warden was disapointed. Not even a note from you.:rotfl:
  24. The box midway between the carbs and the throttle, how do I put that together right?
  25. Planning on building a Harbor Freight, flat bed, trailer this weekend. Have to be at work Sunday go going to use the shop space and welder to put it together. For tongue length...1.5 time the axle length right? So if the width is 40 inches, tongue must be 60 inches. Now is that 60 inches out from the axle or 60 inches out from the front of the bed? Going to install the HF LED kit mentioned on here. Ordered a dog box from the diamond deluxe place. They had a special on a leftover trailer from previous order (damn near 50% off) but strange dimenstions, but I think I can make it work. The way I will mount it, it's 72" long, so will overhang the 48" trailer bed, will be to hang 8 inches off the back and weld angle iron to frame it in (extend the bed) and figure the 16" will be out front where the cooler should go (give a little more tongue weight). This sound about right? The width of the box is 24 inches, with the bed only 40"....so I would love to put the box over to 1 side and use the rest for storage...but I think I need to leave it centered so it pulls better, right? This only gives me 8" on each side for bed...not ideal but can make it work....Was just going to cover the open bed areas with the lightest gauge diamond aluminum I can find...to match the box. Initially the box was going to be temporary, only for the trips where I'd take the 2 dogs...but now thinking I'll leave it on and use for (mostly) waterproof storage on camping runs. Should be able to fit the tent, chairs, mattress etc on each side in the 8 inch areas. I've read numerous posts about how to adjust wheel bearings and trailer wiring...so hopefully good-to-go there.
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