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  1. Hi riders! My 03 2nd gen is giving me trouble. The front end is a mess. It feels sloppy and unsettling all the time. In a lean, the front end is wobbly. I put it on a lift, grabbed the front wheel, don't feel any head bearing clicking. I don't get any bounce back when I send the bars to one side or the other. The tire is perfect, no cupping, the wheel is rotating as it should be. Back on the ground, and facing down hill, I let it roll a bit, hit the front brake and I can feel a click. I don't feel the forks bounce unusually. I have a new Works rear shock which is fine. I've got 21k on it. Never did either the bearings of fork work. Anyone want to come to long island and help replace it all ? Any ideas.
  2. I am wanting to get a tach for all the times you need one to tune on your bike. I have one built into a multimeter that has RPM and a lead you clip on a plug wire. Problem is, the damn numbers are all over the place. It reads RPMs but one moment you think you are set at 1050 then you are at 850, 975,1300,1100, then it bounces to 800....I mean I am totally tuning and syncing by ear, cause who knows...drives me crazy! So I am in search of a tach like the one in my service manual...I have a 96 Royal Star XVZ13A. So please tell me...do all digital tachs bounce numbers around or is it just the format of the multimeter. I have read that people fuss about buying a digital and it cant notice when you adjust something or is to slow in putting a read out. All thoughts and info on a good one would be great! Thanks all!
  3. Can anyone tell me if and how much the cv slides should bounce while the engine is running? If I blip the throttle just a bit, they move quite a bit. Does this indicate a problem? Starting to take the carbs out and apart and man they are dirty!
  4. Ok, so my 88vr flunked the safety check....they said the steering bearing was toast. I felt some "clunking" when I rode it home from Chicago and it felt a bit snakey in the corners so I figured they were probably right. BUT...tonight I started tearing into it...put it up on the jack so the front end was free and clear. I tried the "bounce test" but the limits of travel are restricted by wires and hoses and so it won't bounce at all...it eases to the limit, along with some the creaking sound of rubber on rubber. I grabbed the front wheel , standing in front of the bike and tried to lift and pull forward at the same time...no movement, no "clunking". I'm thinking they flunked it because of rubber...not because of bearings! And of course the potential 4 hours labour plus parts to replace the steering bearings. ADDED: did more checking and I can feel a flat spot when steering is centered...could that be enough to fail a safety? Any thoughts?
  5. While prepping the bike for Cody I noticed that the steering was very loose. Push the bars from the center and they would bounce off the stop 2-3 inches. I didn't feel any play but the bounce concerns me. How much of a hassel and time does it take to adjust the steering head? If it's a bunch I'll wait until getting back from Cody.
  6. hey all!! i have 83 venture when going on brand new pavement getting a slight up/down bounce from front at 25 to 40 mph noticed it b4 and thought maybe just roads here in new england but found a stertch of one day old pavement and really noticed it. tires are micheln and couple years old still pleanty tread on them. could it be out of balance? dont see any wheights on front tire. oh and also anyone have a clue what this goes to or if it goes on bike at all found it in trunk when cleaning it was left there by p/o
  7. Hi folks.. I had picked up a new carb synch gauge, the four dials one.. And used it on the bike today.. I already have the carb tune with the rods that bounce up and down but the 4 dials gauge came at a super good price so why not. Wow, that was easy to set up and quicker to balance the carbs.. Maybe TOO easy? If I may pose a few questions to those who are experienced with this type of gauge. In regards to the little restrictors, how much do you close these off? They have to be open to a certain amount to let the vacuum do it's job, but too much and the needles bounce like crazy, too little and you wont get an accurate reading.. I did mine where the needles bounce between two indicator points.. to me this seemed like the best amount of bounce to go with? As you can see in the photo, the needles are bouncing pretty well spot on across the board.. When I started they were up and down a few notches but a few turns of the screw driver and everything balanced in nicely. I don't know why I feel this was much easier than the Carb Tune? Did I get this right for the amount of restriction to put on the valves? Cheers
  8. when my 04 rsv is setting in garage and i set on the seat,rear shock makes a moaning sound when i bounce up and down.is there something that needs to be greased ?
  9. Used my carbtune for the first time. 1 & 2 carbs were slightly off. 3 & 4 were even, but there was about 3 difference between the left and right side. Got them adjusted so there all within 1. I noticed there was a lot of bounce on the needles of 1 & 2. 3 & 4 were very steady. Is there something I can do reduce the bounce? Anyone else have this problem? I never thought of changing sides to see if it was the carbs or the guage, until just now. In the carbtune manual it said some adjust the carbs at a high idle. Wondering what most do when syncing?
  10. Seems there are several of us now with e3's. I got my rear yesterday. Coming from Commanders I was leary of trying something new but figured we can always wear it out and go back. This tire seems VERY Sticky. It was sprinkling off and on and about 45 degrees on the way home. I never felt a slip. Not having the scuff in done yet, I held back but had to goose it a few times. I believe this is going to be a very good tire - It rides great. I read conflicting posts elsewhere about noise and howling, low miles, high miles, bounce, no bounce was starting to scare me but, I never heard a peep out of it (the Bub's do cover up some noises) and was very smooth. about 35 miles on it and very happy so far. Will update as time goes on.
  11. Received this from a co-worker.....thought this was worth posting.........what do you think..........??? I got this email and it occurred to me that in our current economic situation, every little thing we buy or do affects someone else and perhaps their job... I don't know who this lady is that started this email but I think she has the right idea. Let's follow her lead!! This is what she says: This past weekend I was at Kroger. I needed 60 W light bulbs and Bounce dryer sheets. I was in the light bulb aisle and right next to the GE brand I normally buy was an off brand labeled "Everyday Value.." I picked up both types of bulbs and compared the stats - they were the same except for the price. The GE bulbs cost more money than the Everyday Value brand but the thing that surprised me the most was the fact that GE was made in MEXICO ! and the Everyday Value brand was made in - get ready for this -the USA . So throw out the myth that you cannot find products you use every day that are made right here - from a company in Cleveland OH! So on to another aisle - Bounce Dryer Sheets.... yep you guessed it Bounce cost more money and made in Canada, the Everyday Value brand was less money and MADE IN THE USA ! I did laundry yesterday and the dryer sheets performed just like the Bounce Free I have been using for years and at almost half the price! So my challenge to you is to start reading the labels when you shop for everyday things and see what you can find that is made in the USA - the job you save may be your own or your neighbors! If you accept the challenge, pass this on to others in your address book so we can all start buying American, one light bulb at a time! Besides, you might save a little green in the process. Stop buying from China .......... We should have awakened a decade ago...... lets get with the program.... help our fellow Americans keep their jobs ...and create more jobs here in the U.S.A.
  12. I was just wondering? Is it normal when putting the sidestand up for it to bounce a bit? Its kind of annoying. Is the a remady for this or do i need to live with it? Thanks in advance.
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