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  1. I have either went off the deep end, jumped into midlife crisis. Or maybe just gone plain crazy, but at 53 I have decided that I want a boss hoss, not a 502 or anything like that just a plain 350 boss hoss. When you look at them from a sensible point of view they are completely unrealistic over kill, there is absolutely no need for a 350 hp motorcycle, much 700 hp one. But I sure do want one. and then there is the price, I will need to take up donations!!!!!!!!!! Oh well guess I will do with out. who else want one gregg
  2. The VMX rear gear unit is almost a direct swap on a 2nd gen. It only needs the blank boss milled out for the speedometer sensor. Here I am doing one for Condor. 1) Locate and bore out the main hole. 2) Machine the boss off flat. 3) Locate and drill the mounting bolt hole. 4) Tap in the threads. 5) Chamfer the holes, pull the shock bolt, take it apart and flush the shavings out real well, reassemble and it's ready to mount.
  3. So, I get to work today and the boss say's the assistant principal called and said we have a spider in the 200's hallway. Oh yeah, I work facilities maintenance at a girls Catholic High School. The boss and my co-worker Joe go to investigate, they round the corner and there's several girls screaming and pointing , as they get nearer the girls say it's next to the pew! Joe see's the TARANTULA ! screams like a girl and runs the other way so my boss gets a box and a broom and scoops it up. I get to work at 4pm and the boss pulls the box with the spider out expecting me to back off, but I got him, I opened the box picked up the death bug thrusting it towards him as he fell over his chair trying to get away :rotfl: is what I did I had several tarantula's as pet's years ago, they don't bother me So how was your day at work?
  4. For da Boss http://www.tomrush.com./video_remember.html
  5. Sick Leave I urgently needed a few days off work, but, I knew the Boss would not allow me to take a leave. I thought that maybe if I acted 'Crazy' then he would tell me to take a few days off. So I hung upside-down on the ceiling and made funny noises. My co-worker (who's blonde) asked me what I was doing. I told her that I was pretending to be a light bulb so that the Boss would think I was 'Crazy' and give me a few days off. A few minutes later the Boss came into the office and asked, 'What in the name of GOD are you doing?' I told him I was a light bulb. He said, 'You are clearly stressed out.' Go home and recuperate for a couple of days.' I jumped down and walked out of the office... When my co-worker (the blonde) followed me, the Boss asked her, '..And where do you think you're going?!' (You're gonna lovethis....) She said, 'I'm going home, too. I can't work in the dark.
  6. I have looked through the picture gallery and found no threads of pictures of our members. Well here is one and I will start it out. http://i654.photobucket.com/albums/uu264/reddog170/DSCF6089.jpg First the boss with the clock in hand http://i654.photobucket.com/albums/uu264/reddog170/DSCF6450.jpg
  7. I was hoping more members would have read this article if I posted it someplace else besides the watering hole, but out of all the members we have only 112 have done so,which I find disheartening. I may catch some flak from the moderators and the boss, but I feel very strongly about this as those who know me personally know. 12 year old girl looses battle to cancer...........
  8. The last in state football team to beat Ohio State was Oberlin. In 1921. Hey Boss what position did you play on that team???
  9. Can anyone confirm for me that if you're to install a Kuryaken Throttle Boss on your Kuryaken ISO grips that you need LONGER bolts as the stock end cap bolts aren't long enough? My throttle boss came without the bolts. The company I purchased them from sent me replacement bolts.. but guess what... TOO SHORT.. Basically same length bolts as what's on there now.. OK, so they sent another set, which they promised me would come out of an existing Throttle Boss package... and you guessed it... SAME short bolts.. Either someone is peeing on my leg and trying to tell me it's just the rain, or Kuryaken is shipping their throttle bosses with the wrong bolts.. Can anyone confirm for me before I start going ape shyte on someone? Nice that I have this chrome chunk of metal and no means of using it.. 4 months and waiting now.. Seems Quality Assurance and Customer Service is starting to take a nose dive with some big name companies out there... this ain't the way to cut corners to save money in a bad economy as annoyed customers simply won't be back.. Cheers
  10. On May the 2nd I woke up not feeling too well. My left hand was swollen and my arm was tingly numb from fingertips to shoulder. The area around my mouth was tingling. Checked my blood pressure several times and it was continually going up. So off to the Dr. Office I go. He loads me into a meat wagon and sends me to UT hospital where the tests begin. the result was that I had a TIA or mini- stroke. When I was able to go tell the Boss at work they told me I would have to be off until the Dr. Said it would be safe for me to go back to work. BUT, the Medical Dept. Of Norfolk Southern said that I would have to be off for a minimum of 6 months and not have any more TIA's to be able to go back to work. My question is....What do I do with all this time on my hands? Should I still try to make MD?
  11. I need a dose of MD....looking forward to seeing all my "OLD FRIENDS" and making new ones.....Boomer, I will be returning the pygmies that you hid in my saddlebags last year.... I don't want to have any part of them nasty little cusses... I told them you missed them and that you would let them eat all the ice cream they want at MD if they will come along peaceably......looking forward to seeing everyone, even the butterfly loving boss man Freeburp !:rotf: Now all I have to do is decide which thong to wear..... Annie, I wont need a name tag, I be the guy waiting at the ice cream freezer on THURSDAY....... :fnd_(16): :fnd_(16): :fnd_(16): :fnd_(16): :fnd_(16): :fnd_(16): :fnd_(16): :fnd_(16): :fnd_(16): :fnd_(16):
  12. INDOT uses a private contractor to paint the stripes on the state highways. The contractor boss hired a guy to paint the center stripe on a little used stretch of road. On the first day the guy painted about a mile-and-a-half of road and the boss told him "Good job, see you in the morning". The next day the guy painted only about three quarters-of-a-mile and the boss told him "Hey, you didn't do so good today, let's hope tomorrow is better". On the third day he only paints about a quarter-of-a-mile. The boss says "Well you have really slacked off. This is unacceptable. I'm going to have to let you go". The guy responds,"That's not fair!!! The more I paint the farther I have to walk to get to the paint bucket!".
  13. Condor

    Boss Hoss

    I'm a real Barrett Jackson fan, and next week they're auctioning off a Boss Hoss bike #318.1 on Wednesday. Thought some of you might be interested as well....
  14. A retiring farmer in preparation for selling his land, needed to rid his farm of animals. So he went to every house in his town. To the houses where the man is the boss, he gave a horse. To the houses where the woman is the boss, a chicken was given. He got toward the end of the street and saw a couple outside gardening. "Who's the boss around here?" he asked. "I am." said the man. "I have a black horse and a brown horse," the farmer said, "which one would you like?" The man thought for a minute and said, "The black one." "No, no, no, get the brown one." the man's wife said. "Here's your chicken." said the farmer.
  15. Slow day today and was going through some of my older files and came across this. Thought you might enjoy. Last May, my wife and I took a trip to Florida. My boss wanted me to keep in touch, so this is the result. Enjoy, I hope this works.
  16. I've always said that I wouldn't want a Lambo or Ferrari, etc., but I would sure like to drive one once. Well, I've said the same about the Boss Hoss cycles and I may get the chance this weekend. My BIL and our wives are renting a cabin up near Paris Landing State Park, TN and going to the Boss Hoss national rally. They are having factory demo rides and I'm going to see if I can get a ride. Something to do for the weekend. If I do get a demo my last words may be... "Watch this!"
  17. Monty

    Boss Hoss

    Well, the Boss Hoss National Rally is here again this coming weekend. There will be LOTS of bikes here, not just Boss Hoss. It is also the Mid-South Motorcycle Festival. http://www.bosshosscountry.com/ A few of us were discussing these the other day, and I found a few photos of the one I was talking about. This guy is from Vermont, and owns his own machine shop. He and his wife both ride Boss Hoss trikes, but he stretched his out, and it now has two, yes two 502 engines in it. He said it makes 1050 HP. The guy does very nice work! http://thumb9.webshots.net/t/72/72/9/76/81/2472976810035120669xZhGdv_th.jpg http://thumb9.webshots.net/t/55/755/1/34/65/2838134650035120669lnetac_th.jpg http://thumb9.webshots.net/t/71/71/8/35/7/2916835070035120669JIAAhR_th.jpg
  18. "Cupcake" and all the other former deck jockeys... Boomer, a new retiree greeter at Walmart, just couldn't seem to get to work on time. Every day he was 5, 10, sometimes 15 minutes late. But he was a good worker, really tidy, clean shaven, sharp minded and a real credit to the company and obviously demonstrating their "Older Person Friendly" policies. One day the boss was in a real quandary about how to deal with it. Finally, he called him into the office for a talk. "Boomer, I have to tell you, I like your work ethic, you do a bang on job, but your being late so often is quite bothersome." "Yes, I know boss, and I am working on it." "Well good, you are a team player. That's what I like to hear. It's odd though, your coming in late. I know you're retired from the Navy. What did they say if you came in late there?" "They said, 'Good morning, Chief. Tea or coffee this morning, sir?'"
  19. Freebird's latest effort to stem overuse of paper at MD. Attendees had to see Boss for each ration of paper. http://i1007.photobucket.com/albums/af193/gdingy101/PICT0383s.jpg Gary
  20. Some of these people are out of control...man, what did you do to them?...I'm afraid for you boss....MD is making me anxious....your gonna need some extra protection this year.....
  21. the boss and i got a flu shot 5 weeks ago and guess what ! we got the flu ! i came down with wed. missed work thrus. tried to work fri. than the Boss got it ! i thought the flu shots would work ! the Boss is in bed so she do'st have to here me whine . its it the 70's here and i was planning on riding today but o'well . so everybody post alot today because i'm sick and board . Thom , A whiny old fart
  22. There is a cast-in boss running across the top of the rear end drive, just aft of the joint between the torque tube and the drive. There is a rubber plug in the end of that boss. I need an attachment point and it looks like there might be a threaded hole behind the plug. The plug is very tight and I might destroy it while removing it. Does anybody know if there is a threaded hole behind it? Thanx, Woody
  23. I noticed on Flea Bay that "VentureriderXVZ" was selling a 2001 wing. From the description he must have gone to Ark for the Rally but I don't recognize the handle. I am looking for a wing to go with the first gen. I am still a little weak with the top heavy Venture with the boss on back and we rode a wing and felt a lot better. I will keep my blackcherry baby for one up riding though.
  24. 25. Don & Eileen Nelson...................Ohio The boss is coming, the boss is coming...........Don is coming too........:rotfl::rotfl:
  25. Well, if any of you has been paying attention to the news, internet, or other that gives bad news, you know approximately 1100 letters were sent out by GM Friday telling dealers bye bye. The dealership I work at, got one of those letters. Huffman Pontiac Buick GMC Inc. will no longer be, within a year. This place was built to GM's "specs" by my boss in 1998. Now GM can tell him they no longer need him. Welcome to the NEW WORLD. We are small dealership and there are several others in the area that got the letter also. It looks like they want the big dealerships left. Get rid of the little guy with hometown service and no pressure atmosphere. Well, I guess I'm thru venting now......for a minute or 2 anyway. It seems like the only good people left are the VentureRiders. Now for the "hopefully" good news is the boss is thinking about turning it into a used car lot, so that means I can keep my job, hopefully. If not, I think I'm going to fish for a living. I know I could lose some weight doing that, but my NEW wife is not so sure about that LOL!! I sold my house so that has taken a load off. Now we only have one house payment instead of 2. I am as happy as I have ever been with my life, so it would take quite a bit to get me down. I've always said if a man is looking for work, he can find a job. It might not be what he wants to do, but he can find a job. I've signed up for unemployment twice in my life and thank goodness I never had to draw the first check. If things go south with the car lot, I hope I can say that for the third time. Y'all have a great summer and ride safe. I'm gone fishing!! It's that time of year I sure miss my bike.
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