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  1. NO, it does NOT feel good to be riding down the road relaxing with my legs stretched out on the front foot pegs, and to have a wasp fly up my left pant leg and crawl down my boot, only to start stinging the sh*t out of the heel of my foot! Pulled over ASAP! Hopping around on one foot while trying to rip off my boot while the damn wasp keeps stinging away! NOT FUNNY! I could just imagine what passer-byes were thinking. Now my foot is red, swollen and throbbing. Some grilled brats helped, now for the ice cream! Ice cream helps just about everything.
  2. My daughters Gateway laptop I bought her for college graduation about 18 months ago has issues. It's running windows 7 64 bit with 4Meg of Ram. Recently everything runs extremely slow and sometime freezes up. Last weekend I managed to run a malware bytes scan no problems and a reg clean program. AVG antivirus still freezes before completing a scan. I did manage to check scandisk,defrag,cleanup junk files,etc. The computer takes about 10 minutes to boot up. I went in and done a clean boot. disabled all non essential statup up programs and disable services everything except windows essentials. this fixed the slow boot issue but still runs programs slow and internet. I'm thinking about doing a complete restoration but this would destroy all her files and pictures. Also trying to do a restore to an earlier point will usually do it but this computer says there are no earlier restore points. I have tryed to move her files to a usb jump drive but even that transfer rate is extremly slow. It says moving about 5 gig of data will take over 1 day to a usb jump drive Holy Cow.Anyway getting ready to make new pot of coffee and hit it again.Her system still shows 4 meg of ram what the H is going on?
  3. I just bought a spare rear shock cheap but there is a slash in the rubber boot. What im looking for is someone who may have a bad rear shock laying around who could cut off the rubber boot and send it to me so I can "bond" it to the shock I have now. Ill cover shipping of course. Thanks.....
  4. Was doing some PM on clutch lever and the pin that goes into the cyl to lever came out of the rubber boot. How in the heck do you get it on the rubber boot again and on to that groove in the middle?
  5. I am rebuilding a '92 Venture that needs a bit of work and one of the things I need is new set of dust seals (rubber boots) that sit on the top of the lower front fork tube. I went to the dealer and asked him to order me a set. I almost hit the floor when he told me the item was just over $100. The near heart attack came when he told me that was for just one. The part number is 3JJ-23191-00-00. The old ones on the bike are a small rubber boot that is about 2 inches tall with no clamps or fittings of any kind . However, the microfiche shows a large boot that resembles more the gaiters that were on the early British bikes. This didn't seem to make sense so I checked out the Yamaha web site and found that for 1986-89 there is a different picture and what appears to be the correct dust seal with part number 26H-23144-00-00 at $15.76 a piece. Now I am wondering if the information on the Yamaha site is correct. Did the 90-93 Ventures have a different boot? I do want to get the right part as the local dealer is unforgiving once the part is ordered. Thank you!
  6. I have a oil leak on the right rear cylinder head where the carb boot ataches to the head. Aperently the bolt hole for the boot goes through to a oil gallery and the oil is leaking around the threads and running down the side of my engine. I have tried thread sealer on the bolt and pipe sealer but it still leaks. Even tried gasket cement with no luck. My next thought is to epoxy a set screw in the bottom of the hole but I am a little concerned about blocking the oil gallery. Any other suggestions on what to do?
  7. Tonight I decided to pull off my clutch lever to clean out the junk in there.. I'd been having some odd noises from the lever and it felt kind of odd from time to time.. So apart it went tonight.. and wow, what a frikken mess in there! Take off the nut, turn out the pivot bolt, and pull the lever off making sure to catch the brass holder.. everything was dark gunk mess in there.. no wonder it was feeling weird. A good cleaning and I discover the dust boot is torn to heck, exposing the push rod (plunger) to the elements.. Hmm wondering how munged up it might be inside of all there? I got everything re-assembled and lubed it up with Moly for now as I can't figure out what's best to lube it all up with properly. The one thing I do notice now is though the lever travels sooo much easier, it's also a lot more sloppy than before. I thought I might have dropped a sleeve from the pivot pin but no.. its simply just sloppy fitting now that all the junk it removed. I did notice that the brass holder is deformed and worn, and that the dust boot is torn. I'll go down to the shop and order each a new one.. however, how hard is it to install that boot? Considering the mess that I found, and the amount of slop in the lever play now, might it be worth my while to have the whole thing cleaned out and rebuilt with new seals? The book says to replace the piston seals every 2 years? I ride the bike a lot and in all kinds of weather.. the fluid tends to appear old prematurely, I wonder now if this is where some contamination might be coming in.. ? Thoughts, ideas or comments appreciated..
  8. I know this is a long shot...but....I'm looking for the floppy disks to reinstall Windows 2000 on the computer that runs my weather station. I have tried the cd and it won't work. I even went in to setup and changed the boot order but the cd does not work. If you have the 3.5 inch floppies let me know and I'll make an offer. silverdeer
  9. After pulling out the rear linkage to install zerks and fix a bad bushing, I see that there is oil leaking from the boot on the swingarm. And has been for a while, from the looks of it. I guess I need to replace the oil seal on the middle gear. So, after getting the swingarm off, do I pull the entire Ujoint/shaft/assembly off of the engine, and then take the yoke off of the shaft??? Or, can I get the yoke off the shaft and replace the seal without doing all that??? I've also heard bad things about removing/installing the rubber boot. Am I worrying for nothing?? This is uncharted territory for me, I don't want to mess this up!!!
  10. I was replacing the spark plugs on my 97 Tour Classic and in the process of struggling with removing one of the spark plug wires the wire came out of the boot. Seemed to be much too clean of a break; looked like it was cut with a knife the break was so clean. How do these connect within the boot themselves? I am assuming I now have to replace the entire assembly (coil plus wire), correct? Is there any way to repair it?
  11. Well, it seems it happened to me I was online last night and everything locked up, I wound up shutting the thing down and restart and all i got was as my friend calls it "the blue screen of death" after about five failed attempts i dropped it off and he calls me this afternoon and tells me "good news", I found why it won't boot up! I say: Great, so did you get it going? and he says: well, that's the bad news!! sure enough, hard drive crashed, it can't find the boot program, disk severely corrupted. etc. Oh yeah!! This is good stuff!! A rather pricey Dell tablet PC and it's not worth a crapola and due to my own .... shall we say lack of diligence :innocent: ...... of course, you guessed it: NO back up!!! Yes!!! I love this stuff! Well; compost happens, I know I'll be trying to figure what i can salvage from this mess, heck might even start a back up regimen. Wonder if i can claim no income for 2009 now :rotfl:
  12. Noticed that carb boot for #1 cylinder is wet and seems to bubble from under the band. Tried to tighten it but it seems as tight as it gets. Is this an indication of a crack in the boot?
  13. Minnesota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, British Columbia, and Alberta....amazing scenery every day!! Glacier/Road to the Rising Sun Banff and Jasper But the scariest ride of all.....Beartooth Pass from Cooke City Montana to Red Lodge Montana!! We were higher than the clouds! You can't tell it on the map, but this one's crazy!!! And grizzly country to boot! Here's a few pix but they don't do the beauty justice....And to all the Canuk's....thanks for the wonderful hospitality your country hands out! Gary and I will never forget this trip!!
  14. just bought a 1990 been trying to trouble shoot fixed one cylinder with new plug wire and boot trying to do the same for other cylinder when i pull the plug when bike is running there is no drop in performance, also the wire will spark outside the wire when unplugged and touching the cylinder with a neww wire and boot
  15. Well on the way to St. Charles thru Ar. Thursday the wife and I had a spill on the bike in a gravel parking lot in Mo. The gravel was the crushed rock type gray in color and looked to be packed good and I made the turn in ok and was headed straight to the other side when it slide to the right and I thought I had it recovered when all of a sudden it sliped to the left and down we went rather hard. Beth wasn't hurt, but I imediatley felt pain in my right ankle and was able to pull my leg out. So I thought I just sprained it. We made it on in, which was 89 miles out from St. Charles, and got checked in to the motel. It began hurting pretty bad and I was able to stop with the weight on the left leg. Got into the room, took boot off and iced it and the swelling went down but the pain intensified to the point I could put no wheight on it. So we decided to call my son and he and his brother came with his trailer and took us back to La. We made it home this morning about 8am and Beth had no sleep, so she napped till after noon and took me to the local hospital. Well it is broke just above the ankle joint on the small bone ( fibula ) in a spiral break. It is in place and the ER doc said see an orthapedic which would probably just put it in a walking boot cast. The pain has gotten better but I still can't put any wheight on it So with a ruined weekend with friends I am now back home and won't be rideing for a while. At least it will be healed in time for the next event. Bill came and got me for breakfast friday morning so I did get to see old friends and some new ones. Thanks to those who came by the room an visited and offered help. I know each one of you would have gone out of your way and we appreciate it.
  16. Finally got the time last nite to tear the carbs back off to find this pesky harley-esque oil leak! Somewhere off the #2 cylinder. Replaced crush washers for the oil delivery pipe to no avail, figured I would pull the plugs, disable the ignition, etc. to just spin the starter to find it. Didn't find anything till I pulled the #2 carb intake boot off and saw the oil come up out of the top left screw hole when I spun the motor! Then it hit me that it was seeping around the screw and coming down around the boot as I had seen. Put a small amount of rtv around the hole, re-installed the intake boot and let it sit overnite. No more oil leak! Yeaaaaa! NOW I can clean this motor up and mama can wear her white tennies again! One more item off the list! Dan- who will struggle till it gets figured out!
  17. I just went through our office managers PC. Installed all the latest Microsoft updates,AVG antivirus update,Spyware/Malware scan and reg clean, HDD defrag, and upgraded her ram. The machine has been running excellent for a week. I came back this evening and after she opened an email from another employee ZAP. All crap breaks loose. The Firewall is turned off,Windows update disabled,Antivirus disabled, Internet explorer won't run, and we can't connect to the internet.It does boot up normal but that is about it. I tried a system restore to a previous point but it won't allow that either. I think a bad virus has grabed it but I'll run a hdd utility in the morning. ANY Ideas or similar experiences?
  18. I have changed quite a few rear driveshafts on 1st Gens and have never had one drop as it did today. When I pulled it there was a big clunk! Kind of dry!! It fell completely down and I'm having a time geting it back in.Always kept mine lubed good and if you are carefull you just pull it and slide it back in. Not this time. I fought it for about a hour and left it. How do you put it back. I pulled the rubber boot back but couldn't get to it. Is this the way to do it and I just need to pull boot completly off??
  19. I hope someone can help. I just finished assembling a 1986 Venture that had been sitting foe approx 2 years. Everything was going along just fine until I started the bike for the first time. It ran pretty well and then I noticed engine oil dripping from the front swingarm boot onto the left side of the center stand. It appears to be leaking from the center of the boot on the bottom. The dripping oil got warmer as the bike warmed up. Has anyone got an idea as to what the problem is and any ideas on how to remedy the problem. Thanks for your input. rick
  20. Nothing I mean nothing causes me more headaches and blood pressure then a stubborn computer. My daughters Dell desk top running Xp pro sp2 has crashed. We get the dreaded Unmountable boot error. The machine just runs forever trying to boot.Here is where we are. 1. I cannot boot into safe mode or last know config. 2. It's a dell refurb so tech support won't help not the original owner. 3. No I don't have a XP pro cd to use the recovery system. 4. The Cd rom doesn't work or recognize anything. 5. I tried booting with the A drive using boot files from another machine with no luck. 6. The only solution I have found is building those dreaded six floopy disc files that support xp pro sp2 from microsoft but damn if I can find working floopys around this house. I am up to 4 usable disc but the fifth one crashes. Three hours work and the trash can is getting full of bad disc. 7. All I want is to build a XP pro boot disc from a working machine to try a earlier restore point.She probably has a corrupted file on the HD.
  21. I was putting things back together and saw this rubber boot on the ground... I've been in the left radio compartment, in and around the steering head, under and over the carbs and fuel pump and didn't see it ON something or see anything that looked like it needed it. Ok guys, where does it go... (1 1/4"L X 1"W X 3/8" high) http://www.bergall.org/temp/venture/huh.jpg
  22. All - had a cylinder (#4) that wasn't getting any spark, after getting good tests at the TCI for ignition and pickup coils, I thought the culprit might be the spark plug wire/boot. I pulled the retaining screw out of the boot and cleaned it, the spring, and the thrust plate. The 10k resistor measures 9.3k, within 10% tolerance. What's troubling me is I am not getting any connection between the pin on one end of the boot that slides into the spark plug wire and the retaining screw. Even when I strip all the pieces out and probe deep into the boot to make a connection with the pin, no luck. Thinking to test my theory of a bad boot out on another boot, I stripped one that I knew was good. Once again, no connection between the retaining screw and the pin. Does this make sense? Also, as I reassemble the boot, I believe the parts go in: 1) spring 2) thrust washer 3) resistor 4) screw Appreciate any help - thanks!
  23. Guest

    pulling U joint out

    okay what is the quickest way to jerk this U joint out on the 86's which is located under the rubber boot on the forend of the drive shaft?
  24. I've got an '89 VR. I'm looking for the rubber boot that's supposed to cover the linkage on my shifter. It somehow magically disappeared while in the shop...I'm thinking I probably want to keep road junk out of there! If anybody's got an extra, let me know what you want for it...thanks!
  25. Well i got the paint almost finished up and it was lookin fair. Got down to clear coeting (second coat) the last part and i knocked off my front fender into the grass, (no paint booth) turned around to see what happened and knocked off the headlight ring and the false tank cover..............I'll stop right there. the rest of the story is'nt good for mixed company. I'll have to fix the clear coat later, now i have a new problem...... Got all the parts back on and it looks better even though it is ****** up. So i started checkin to see why it wasnt idling right and i found that the #2 cylinder carb boot is busted. now i gotta have one. Anybody have a spare? It is the left front cylinder. looks like oil has dripped out of the filter housing and onto the rubber boot. i'm pretty sure this is what caused it th bust open.,:sick:, !!!
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