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Found 12 results

  1. We had books.... and we had "book support"
  2. ok... here is where I show my age .... I know little to nothing about these hi-tec fancy things...... My wife will read anything anywhere and numerous times over. If I had a dollar for every book she has bought in the last 30+ years I would likely be able to retire now. Not complaining... if she had the money I spent on cars and motorcycles... she would have a lot more books. I see these book readers... I think they look great but do not know anything about them or how one get the books loaded on and costs. What is a good one what is a bad one if I was to get her one for Christmas..... Any help................
  3. ***** Alzheimer's Test for Modern Seniors ***** How fast can you guess these words? 1. F_ _K 2. PU_S_ 3. S_X 4. P_N_S 5. BOO_S 6. _ _NDOM Scroll down Answers: 1. FORK 2. PULSE 3. SIX 4. PANTS 5. BOOKS 6. RANDOM You got all 6 wrong....didn't you? Don't worry. You don't have Alzheimer's. You're just a pervert!!!
  4. Here is a link to a Netherlands Venture site that has posted the 83-85, 86-93 and the 99-2010 Owners manuals. It also has access to the Service Manuals as well. http://www.yamahaventure.nl/en/usermanuals.html Brian Thanks to the Venturists in Holland for putting these books online.
  5. Is there ever any Maintenance Days in the Southern California Area? While I have been riding for many years, I am new to the RSV and am looking to learn. Also where can I find a book style manual for my 06 RSV? I have only been able to find a CD version and the books stop at 04. Any assistance with all of these questions would be greatly appreciated. Mongo
  6. How do you get books for a E-Reader? I usually visit all the 2nd hand shops for my books don't want to pay what they cost new. I now have a E-Reader. Kind of fancy. Yeah I'm cheap. Free access some where??
  7. The Yamaha engineers ,what were they thinking , That you have to remove the Gas tank to reach the rad cap,what they ran out of ideas where to have an extension,,,,, AS IF,,, The 1st Gen is easier to Maintain and yes I do miss the 1st Gen It's definately a Sport Tourer in my books But than The 2nd gen is much comfortable to ride even if up here Im called as a Wanna Be Harley
  8. Love to listen to Books on Tape (cd) when traveling so I am looking for a CD player to mount to my RSTD. Looking for input here. I know most have switched to mp3's so maybe someone has one collecting dust they would like to part with? Also looking for idea's on how to mount it to the RSTD? I have an amplifier and speakers for my ipod so I could use some advice on how to put all that together? I'm envisioning switching between the two, when the mode strikes but audio is not my forte!
  9. Hey All, when I bought the 03 RSV it had the K & N Air Filters. I added a set of Emego 29" Fish Tail Straight Thru Pipes (non-baffled) from JC Whitney, and some 8" Baffles. Yes, it is loud, but I Like It. My problem is the bike runs Rich at Idle, and Lean going down the road. I went to several dealers and a few after market places and appently in all there parts books there is No Jet Kits available for the RSV. I used my Carbtune and sync it right on, but the problems still persist. Does anyone know how to get a jet kit or to solve this issue? Your help would be most appreciated. Thanks-
  10. I keep thinking about picking up some books to read now and again, motorcycle related, and there are so many out there!! From journeys to guides, and everything in between. So let's hear it, what are some of your favorite motorcycle-oriented books, and what category would you put them in? Example: Proficient Motorcycling (training/tips/tricks/etc.)
  11. After spending a good deal of my summer trying to figure out why my VR wasn't charging, and now that the riding season is over, I finally got her to charge properly again. I should have gone with what my first gut instinct told me and replaced the stator right from the start. I went through a flow chart I found somewhere on here to try and figure out where the problem was before tearing into the engine. I had stripped it down to the frame and pulled all the wiring to check and clean all the connections. I cut out the connector and hardwired the stator to the rectifier. But according to everything in the flowchart, the stator and rectifier were both fine and the problem had to be somewhere in the wiring. I finally cut the connections between the stator and rectifier and tested the stator again. The stator was definately the problem. Unless I'm illiterate or something, nowhere in the flowchart did it tell me that I needed to disconnect anything before testing it. My gut was telling me to do one thing but the books and flowcharts seemed to be telling be something else. I've worked on cages all my life but seldomly ever on bikes, so I was trying to follow the books as closely as possible. I realize noe that I've got it fixed that of course I would get false reading with everything plugged in. The power from the battery would feed back through all the wires and give me the false readings. I guess the books and such took it for cranted that I would just know to unplug things first. But then there are alot of things you have to leave plugged in to get an accurate reading. How was I to know? So to make a long story short, unplug the stator and rectifier before you test them in order to get an accurate reading.
  12. Can't find out what E-2 Error is and few other things different on 85 from others. Anyone know where books can be had? i seem to have misplaced address for the place I got one for 83.
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