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  1. Guest

    Bean're Motorcycle Nomad

    Reading a new book " Bean're Motorcycle Nomad", what a story! To make it even better, he personally signed the book for me, in person no less, at the Wharf Rat Rally in Digby NS CANADA this year. It's a book well worth a read!
  2. For anyone who might be interested there is a video of the Saltspring Island Toy Run on you tube. There are also pictures on face book at shutterjunkie and saltspring toy run. I don't know what they are as I am not on face book and don't want to be.
  3. So when I bought my bike from the dealership (2006 RSTD) it didn't have an owners manual. For my old Honda, the owners manual was a little book about 5" wide, 3" tall and about an inch thick. It fit on one of the side covers for the bike. This way if you were ever on the road and had a minor service issue, you could refer to the book. I never needed it, but like wearing an armored jacket and a helmet, I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Anyway, I ordered the owners manual from Yamaha's site because I was expecting something about the same size that would slip right into one of the little pockets in the hard bags. I figured that it was worth the $$ to have the right sized manual that fit into the pocket (where I assumed the manual went) rather than print out the Owners Manual PDF that I could get for free online from Yamaha. The Owners Manual showed up today and I'm a little disappointed. Rather than being the little small booklet that would slip right into the pocket, I've got a book that's 8.5" wide by 6" tall and not quite a quarter of an inch thick. It won't fit into what I thought was the "manual pocket" and now I'm kind of bummed that I spent $30 on it.
  4. We had books.... and we had "book support"
  5. Hello Folks, Ive been a member here for a little over a year,just lurking in the background,I guess its time to come out of the closet, as I am stumped. I have a 1987 Venture Royal with almost 80k. The swingarm is completely apart for general maintenance and a tire change. When I reassembled the swingarm I noticed about 1/8 inch free play from side to side, Im using the workshop manual to limit my mistakes, I have all of the right parts, and everything is torqued per the book. So assembly is not the problem, I think. I put it together and took it apart 3 times, and it still has side play,(yes I know what Einstein said about doing the same thing over and over,and expecting different results). According to the book sideplay is eliminated by installing new tapered roller bearings and collars,but the ones I have now look and feel like new, what am I missing? I cannot find anything wrong. I was thinking of equal shims on both sides, but I dont think that is the answer. Did anyone ever run into something like this, any suggestions will be welcomed.
  6. Just saw on Local TV station Seattle, Two guys in a small fishing boat, on the Columbia River ( someplace between Portland Or. and the Pacific Ocean ) were minding there own bussiness, just fishing . ( I assume for salmon ) And guess what ?? A Sea Lion, takes there Bait !!!!!!! Another near by boat, videoed the event, so its apparently On the record book !!! For all you Bull Head fishermen out there, Take heed !!!! Consider the possibilities, of have a Sea Lion, as the " Power Source " for your 12 foot fishing boat !!!! :080402gudl_prv::cool10:
  7. As a member of the MN Motorcycle Awareness Board, one of our tasks was developing a Public Safety Awareness (PSA) spot to be run on the local media. The link below is what we came up with. http://www.minnpost.com/minnclips/2012/03/look-twice-motorcyclists-psa?utm_source=MinnPost+e-mail+newsletters&utm_campaign=db26f78f1f-3_22_2012_Daily_Newsletter3_22_2012&utm_medium=email What do you think..... Also, if you have a mind to, please feel free to pass this along to others through your face book page, blogs, club media, any other outlets you may have access to. We had five video spots submitted for consideration. And, it was unanimous with all board members that this message hit the mark best of all.
  8. ok... here is where I show my age .... I know little to nothing about these hi-tec fancy things...... My wife will read anything anywhere and numerous times over. If I had a dollar for every book she has bought in the last 30+ years I would likely be able to retire now. Not complaining... if she had the money I spent on cars and motorcycles... she would have a lot more books. I see these book readers... I think they look great but do not know anything about them or how one get the books loaded on and costs. What is a good one what is a bad one if I was to get her one for Christmas..... Any help................
  9. Finally, the abridged, paperback version of the book; "Understanding Women, Vol. 1" Is available in book stores.....
  10. I bought my 06 RSTD new in July 06, and just turned 50K on the odometer. I swear it rides and runs just as good or better than it did on day one. Any ideas on how long one of these will continue to go before they are no longer reliable? I'm crazy when it comes to maintenance, changing the oil every 2K. All other maintenance "by the book". Cosmetically it looks like new. I love this bike, and want to keep it as long as practical. But, I want to continue to feel safe taking it for long road trips. Thoughts?
  11. Being a snowbound retiree I do spend quite a while with my nose buried in a book. So I was wondering - WHAT ARE YOUR FAVOURITE BOOKS? Mine are: Mystery - The Sculptress by Minette Walters Horror - 'Salems Lot by Stephen King Fantasy - The Stand by Stephen King Sci-Fi - Perdido Street Station by China Mieville Biography - Willie Nelson Story Bike Book - Fallen Angel , Long Way Round Magazine - Cycle Canada
  12. An atheist was seated next to a little girl on an airplane and he turned to her and said, "Do you want to talk? Flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with a fellow passenger." The little girl, who had just started to read her book, replied to the total stranger, "What would you want to talk about?" "Oh, I don't know," said the atheist. "How about why there is no God?" as he smiled smugly. "Ok," she said. "Those could be interesting topics but let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff - grass. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, but a horse produces clumps. Why do you suppose that is?" The atheist, visibly surprised by the little girl's intelligence, thinks about it and says, "Hmmm, I have no idea." To which the little girl replies, "Do you really feel qualified to discuss why there is no God when you don't know crap?" And then she went back to reading her book. Fuzzy
  13. Im still working on a buddys 99 venture. Im trying to locate the fuse for the acc socket in the fairing. The book says lower right. have not been able to find it. Did they put that in the fairing?
  14. A few weeks ago, I saw a slide show of the book called "Go The F--- To Sleep", a night time story book. It is available now as a free download from Audible. Here's the blurb: Academy Award nominee Samuel L. Jackson (Pulp Fiction) rocks this mock bedtime story, capturing a hilarious range of emotions as the voice of a father struggling to get his child to sleep. Go the F**k to Sleep is a bedtime book for parents who live in the real world, where a few snoozing kitties and cutesy rhymes don’t always send a toddler sailing blissfully off to dreamland. California Book Award-winning author Adam Mansbach’s profane, affectionate, and radically honest verses perfectly capture the familiar - and unspoken - tribulations of putting your little angel down for the night. In the process, he opens up a conversation about parenting, granting us permission to admit our frustrations and laugh at their absurdity. Beautiful, subversive, and pants-wettingly funny, Go the F**k to Sleep is a book for parents new, old, and expectant. Due to its explicit language, you probably should not play it for your children. Go the F**k to Sleep is available free for a limited time. Feel free to share the link to this page with tired parents and other people who could use a good swear and a laugh. ©2011 Adam Mansbach (P)2011 Audible, Inc. Download the Audible audio book here. Note: Profanity.
  15. in VEGAS or NY city for 9-11-2011 a Decade of Remembrance you will miss out on one heck of an event. Book early from 9-8 2011 to 9-12-2011 More to come.................Ron
  16. Anyone know if "new " part # / part works as well as old. It's a gen 1 stat seal. New one is a bit different but that's what the book calls for.
  17. desperately after hand book, as not sure what and how everything works, haynes type manual would be great, thanks in advance:smile5:
  18. on the center stand everytime you adjust the class system air pressures? I know the book says to do it that way ,but really do you do it everytime?
  19. Can anyone tell me how much oil goes int eh front forks. I know the book says 13.5 oz but is that total or per side?
  20. Apparently something has attached itself to my address book and is sending out spam emails to everyone in my book. I use aol with their McAffee security controls and have done a complete scan, but nothing turned up. Any ideas? I am not very computer savvy, but know enuff to be dangerous:think: Thanks Craig
  21. I have a 08 venture. the cruise workes but when going down hill then an the way up it will lose about 5 mph then pick it back up to set speed. Would the cables be out of adj? I did adj the carb floats so it is possable I didn't get the cables just right! Thanks for input! Ps. the floats were way off from the book. Milage went fron 34 to 42. Don't put that in stone. I need to do some more checking on that part.
  22. Here is a photo show of some of the "Back Roads Of Texas" photos on their face book! http://www.photoshow.com/watch/MH2HV8my Phill
  23. Just recieved my CB radio for my 83Venture, (Pinwall) I am in need now of the radio manual and the pinouts to the audio control:think: . If any one has the book or info it would be greatly appreciated Mike R in Calgary..
  24. I am thinking about going back to full coverage insurance on my 83 Venture, especially since I have fixed all the plastic and repainted it, just wondering how many people are carrying full coverage insurance on their 1st Gen. I know the blue book value isnt very high, but if it does get totaled by me, I want to get a little cash for it, dont want to write off the whole bike...............
  25. Been getting a lot of noise coming from top of engine and a vibration in the bike so I decided to call the bike shop to price a valve adjustment, I almost dropped the phone when he said $550. Looks like I will be getting a repair book and trying it myself over the winter! Any recommendations on a repair manual? Never been into a bike that far but if i have any problems I know where to go to get the answers.... Thanks, Dale
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