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  1. Many on this site have know Paul much longer than I have. Since I met Paul a few years ago, he's been a great friend and a fantastic ridding buddy. Last Thursday or Friday he set out for a multi day trip with his wife Cynthia and they had a rear tire go flat. Details are still not all in. Both had to be air lifted from the Vernal, Ut area to the hospital in Grand Junction, CO. I understand that they are there still for a few days. Both suffered broken bones and at least one had a punctured lung. Any prayers, thoughts and best wishes would be greatly appreciated. All this after Paul had a solo accident (no real physical injuries) in Feb when he went down on his '08 RSTD and now he's down on his replacement Venture. Dave
  2. As many of you already know I had my seats redone on my MM. Several comments were put in there hoping that they would ride as good as they looked. Well I took her out for a spin today (about 350 miles) and she rode just fine. I was a little concerned because the newly redone seat was much firmer than the pillowtop and I loved the pillowtop. Dorsi removed the pillowtop portion of the seat leaving the foam foundation and put a piece of 1/2" firmer foam on top of the foam foundation. I explained to Dorsi that when I ride my tailbone never hurts but my sitting bones (the two bones that push into the seat) are the bones that start burning and become very sore. I had brought a pattern to Dorsi of where my sitting push into the seat and I figured if we remove the foam foundation where those two spots are that would eliminate the problem. Well it seemed to have worked. The two sitting bones did not get sore today. My entire (bottom) would start to get a little sore and a little wiggle or repositioning would get rid of the little stinging and I would be satisfied for a while. When we stopped at lights I saw other riders standing up and as we were going down the road they were standing on the floor boards to give their posterior a break but not me. So I am very please with the seats both the way they look and the way they ride.
  3. my old bones hurt sometimes so this is the way to do it
  4. This is an open invitation to all members not just Ga. members. Our own Eck and his wife Konnie are coming to the Atlanta area this weekend and we are planning on getting together for an evening of food and fun. Bring your wife, or significant other or come alone, come on your bike, in your cage, however you want. We will be meeting at Smokey Bones BBQ in Peachtree City located at 100 Market Place Blvd,Peachtree City, Ga. We will be meeting there between 5:30 and 6:00 pm. Saturday, April 4,2009. If you havent met Eck, this is your chance to do so, and maybe he will regail us with his experience with the Blue Mustang. Come on out for some good company and good food. Oh, just to let you know Eck is coming over this way looking at a replacement bike for his Liquid Silver. We have to persuade him not to buy a HD........... Map to Smokey Bones .
  5. I'm back home now in Atlanta safe and sound after riding into the remnants of hurricane Faye's rain from Birmingham all the way to Atlanta. The last part of the trip I was trying to complete the Saddlesore 1000 from Amarillo to Atlanta. Which I will cover under a different post. But, I still needed to finish telling y'all the rest of the New Mexico portion of the trip which be covered in three parts. This part being # 2 which will cover from the Cimarron Canyon to Las Vegas, NM. Which was one of the most interesting parts of the trip. Leaving the Cimarron Canyon I reach a place called Eagles Nest. Where Eagles Nest Lake is. Supposedly the best Trout fishing in New Mexico but I'll never know because my fishing pole blew off the trailer somewhere in Tennessee. But I know it sure was windy all the way to Angel Fire. NM where I toured the National Vietnam War Memorial. I spent some time there and was sincerely moved by the exhibits and the movie presentation of the Vietnam Years both in country and stateside. Vietnam was the war of my generation and the images depicted brought back quite a few poignant memories. After Angel Fire as I'm entering Taos, NM I stop to check the map. While stopped I decide to answer Nature's call so I step off the road and into the woods and walk down this incline about 15 yards where I reach this creek culvert where I stand to add to the water flow of the creek. As I'm finishing up I look over to my left, and notice something strange down in the creek. It appeared to be some bones sticking out from under some clothing. The clothing appeared to be some sort of jacket. Now if it were just bones I would just assume it was some deer or animal carcuss but since it looked liked it was wearing clothes and I had never seen any wild animals wearing clothes in this sort of setting my next guess was that it was the bones of a person not an animal. Not knowing exactly what to do at that point, I decided that I probably should not get any closer to it so that I don't get totally grossed out or disrupt a crime scene should it be one. So I take a picture of it and climb back up the hill and get on my bike and ride on into town. As it turns out I find a New Mexico State Police office about two miles down the road so I stop to make sure I can ride off with my conscience being clear. So I pull in to report it. One of the Officers followed me back up the road to where I had pulled off and I lead him down the hill to the exact spot on the culvert where I first saw the bones. He evidently saw the same thing that I had seen because he immediatly gets on the radio and calls for a Supervisor and back up. While I was wondering why he needed back-up I slowly backed-up the hill. Turned out he needed a Supervisor to make a decision on what to do next and back-up for a third opinion on if it was a crime scene or not.So by the time the third, fourth and fifth cop car showed up and all of the officers had a chance to walk down the hill and stand where I first stood. They all had decided that it was very suspicious and maybe they should call for the criminal investigators to come secure the scene. It was at that point that they politely asked me if I wouldn't mind waiting to tell the criminal investigators How I happened to stumble over this exact spot all the way from Georgia by way of South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Utah, and Colorado to this exact spot in New Mexico. One of them did suggest in somewhat of a joking way, I wasn't laughing, that they did have handcuffs and I could be REQUIRED to sit in the back of one of the cop cars until the investigators arrived. Seeing the futility of refusing their invitation I graciously accepted. I did however agree to sit in the back seat of one of the cars when it started raining only under the conditions that they would leave the door open and I could leave one leg out with one foot on the ground. I stayed there only as long as it rained and used the excuse that I wanted to take a picture of the double rainbow as a ploy to escape from the car. So five hours later after everyone arrived and stood on the spot on the culvert and then the ones dressed in suits got to get down in the water a drag it out of the water since they were they ones that got paid the big bucks to do that sort of thing. I was set free to go my merry way. I could have stayed there and camped out but some of the officers had been talking about the big mountain lion that had been seen in the area and if this could possibly be a cougar kill. That seemed somewhat unlikely to me since by now they all had agree that the clothing I first saw now appearred to be a large sack tied up with rope. But, to be on the safe side I opted to ride off into the night and find a safe motel well away from any wild animal danger. Which I did some hours later in Las Vegas, NM.
  6. I'm sorry to report I crashed my 2007 RSV on Monday in Pineville, Ky. Myself and 5 of my buddies were returning home fm a 4 day(1500 mile) trip and was within 2 hours of home when it happened. A lady crossed 2 southbound lanes to enter the norhbound lane we were in and caused 4 automobiles and 2 bikes to crash. She didn't even get a scratch on her vehicle. I'm so mad I could spit. She was cited for "driver inattention and no proof of insurance. My bike is in the shop and I'll find out in a couple days if it was totalled or not. My buddies bike, which my bike hit, is a ultra classic and probably sustained 2000 dollars damage. I don't have any broken bones due to wearing all my gear. My helmet saved my life and my boots and armored jacket kept me relatively free fm broken bones and very little road rash. I've been off work for 2 days because I'm so sore, even in places I didn't know I had, ha ha. I have to tell you my brakes "locked-up" and I skidded which is why I went down. I had no option but to hit the brakes hard. Yamaha needs to fix these brakes and they'd have an even greater bike. I don't know if I'll continue riding this bike because if my wife had been with me she would've become a projectile. In closing, I just want to remind you to wear your gear, even if it is hot and be careful. There's a lot of stupid people out there and stupid does hurt!!! You guys are great!! Eddie Flinchum--Winchester, KY.
  7. WATERBURY, Vt. — A Hinesburg man is recovering from broken bones after he hit a bear while riding a motorcycle on Vermont Route 100 in Waterbury. The state police says that 52-year-old Neale Gow was southbound on Route 100 at about 6 p.m. Sunday when the bear moved into the road on front of him. Gow was thrown from his motorcycle. He was hospitalized with broken bones. There is no word on the condition of the bear. Good thing the bear didn't stick around. I have had my close encounter with a bear while riding my scoot.
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