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  1. Why am I having trouble copying and pasting an internet picture to my post?? Instead of a pic I get the web address.... I don't think it's me as I can paste a pic on other boards using this new format without a problem.... http://www.cast-aways.com/CODYPICS/yellowstone_national_park_bison_geyser_lg.jpg
  2. I need some of your expertise. I have looked through the site and on the net and I can't seem to find anything definitive on where I can get a set of driver floorboards that will fit the Mk11 (86-93). There must be a a model or a means to fit boards to the Venture. I do have a set that fit the Mk1 but these project into the space required for the chin. Finding these on EBay is near a miracle. Does anyone have any experience on a "universal" set or a savy means of adapting a board set meant for a goldwing etc. to fit? Thanks guys!
  3. I broke the arm on one of my highway boards. would like to get a replacement but there are no markings on the boards. Anyone recognize the brand? Thanks!
  4. I am having a new roof put on. They started today. Now that they have half of the roof off It is totally apparent that the builder of the house back in 1890 was a pinhead. The roof deck boards just end where they end, the next board butted up and on they went. The joints between boards are not centered on the rafters. When they got to the end of the roof they took whatever the cutoff was and butted it up against the next board. Even if the cut off was not long enough to reach 2 rafters, there are many spots where both ends of a board are floating and it is just nailed to ONE rafter in the middle of the board, it tips when pressure is applied to either end.:doh: Of course as to be expected the bottom 2 boards are rotten. But I had expected that with a 120 yo house that had 3 layers of roof on it. The contractor gave me 3 choices. 1. Tear off all the wood and redeck. $5,000 2. Cover the whole roof with 1/4 OSB to give a flat solid nailing surface. $2,500 3. Repair all of the loose ends with new boards at $5.00 per foot installed. Estimate of 100-300 feet. How many total repairs will be needed will not be known till the other half of the roof is torn off. $500 - $1,500. The budget is tight on this job so I went with option 3. I hope I did the right thing, or at least not to bad of a thing.
  5. Looking at adding new floor boards to my 07 RSM. Does anyone have any they what to sell? And are there any after markets that are made?Looking for drivers and passenger boards. The stock dull ones have to go!!!!
  6. Well it was listening to that whine from the back of my bikes(td and venture) for 3 years now that caused me to take matters into my own hands. I know i should have done this long ago but , hey, my feet were happy! I asked several people to come up with a way to lower the boards for my wife to no avail so this is my answer. 2x2 3/16 angle cut 3 inches long . kuyrakan longhorns. 1/4 gal pipe cut for spacers. (see pics). Since I dont really have the facility to make these they were kinda labor intensive since most of it was with hand tools I was hoping one of you guys with a shop might be able to do them if any others wanted. We have rode on a 450 mile day so far and she loved them. Said she like to be able to change from the boards to the pegs. They do flip up neatly when not in use. The 3/16 angle does have a little flex but not more than the stock floorboard. Perhaps if i was doing it again i'd use 1/4 angle. Anyway the whine is completely gone from the rear of the bike now. All is right in the world now! Jack in Los Osos CA
  7. Though I am not officially listing my bike yet, the plan is to get a newer bike in the next couple of months if Murphy doesn't come calling. You'll have to wait till I make a final decision on what it will be before I'll share my choice. However that means I'd be selling my blond '83 Royale, almost new tires, delinked brakes with stainless lines, super brace, highway pegs and or boards, running boards front and back, upgraded R/R, all running and brake tail light converted to LED, H9 head light, new battery, new tires, most all venture line chrome and accessories (I think), about 47K miles. Butt Butler. Cassette deck works! I have some miscellaneous new OEM parts as well including a stator. No issues with second gear or frame. If you are or know of someone who might be interested give me a shout, I'm tentativelly shooting for a 2-3 month time frame, Unless you want to give me some astronomical amount of money, then it'd be sold yesterday . 'Cause I may do that anyway with the right (and fair) amount.
  8. Hey Guys, I know this is a long shot, but are there any of you out there who have BMS floor boards installed on your 1st Gen Venture.....or up in the attic in a box Thanks, Rick
  9. Message deleted. I have sent the trial member an email explaining why.
  10. i just want to give a big thanks to eusa1 his wife and daughter and rick haywood for comming down and moving my bike out of storage and getting it up on its center stand in the back yard of my apartment. mike eusa1 drove it home and did most of the grunt work he drove it right up in the yard like a pro and that grass hill aint fun. we got boards under the front tire and center stand my thanks to his daughter for helping with the boards she a fine young lady. and rick watched the right side of the bike. this team made it look like a well planed pit crew in no time they had it up parked and stowed. and then where off to the rootbeer stand for some cold rootbeer. and some talk then the time came to part ways as it is hot as heck out there. i just hope they take it easy on the way home and stay cool and rick nice meeting you as well i enjoyed the afternoon with you great pepole....
  11. TRUCKER'S BREAKFAST A trucker came into a Truck Stop Cafe' and placed his order. He said I want three flat tires, a pair of headlights and a pair of running boards.' The brand new blonde waitress, not wanting to appear stupid, went to the kitchen and said to the cook, 'This guy out there just ordered three flat tires, a pair of headlights and a pair of running boards.... What does he think this place is, an auto parts store?' 'No,' the cook said. 'Three flat tires ... mean three pancakes; a pair of headlights.. is two eggs sunny side up; and a pair of running boards... Are 2 slices of crisp bacon ! 'Oh... OK!' said the blonde. She thought about it for a moment and then spooned up a bowl of beans and gave it to the customer. The trucker asked, 'What are the beans for, Blondie?' I LOVE THIS ONE......... 'She replied, 'I thought while you were waiting for the flat tires, headlights and running boards, you might as well gas up! FOR ONCE THE BLONDE GETS EVEN!!!!!
  12. May not be the right place for this ?, but I have found a (what they say is an) 1984 venture royale in the junk yard that is complete and they said they would let it go for $1200.00 I am OK with this price but the yard said that it needed a new stator.. found one on ebay for $139.00. here is the thing i am wondering about though, it has front and back floor boards with heel toe shifter as well as highway floor boards. did they offer the floor boards for the driver as an after market product for the first jen? I know that this was available for the passenger but have never seen this for the driver. the bike has 45000miles on it comes with all the keys and here is another thing that I am wondering, the top storage container lock assembly is the one that is actuated by 2 buttons http://i.ebayimg.com/00/$(KGrHqQOKpcE3JTCJC14BNzuuFkmqQ~~_14.JPG like this one? my 84 doesnt have this lock assembly (I insert the key unlock and lift), was this an option on the 84? Could this be an 85 with a good transmission? please help I wanna get this bike, so all I have left is to clear it with the financial advisor. Thanks in advance mike
  13. ronherny4 had a bunch of parts listed one of them being milled carb covers which i wouldnt buy last night,now i hate myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o well easy come easy go next time i wont delay. nice rad cover,rear brake res cover,led tail light etc. ebay has rear foor boards for bid 80 dollars and i think list is about 219.00 to 265.00 but one has bubbles.think i'll go for them
  14. I have a complete set of saddle bags with lower light bar and the mounting frame to my 1990 venture royale for sale. I also have a set of adjustible kiddie floor boards. If interested call (678)230-0261 to discuss pricing. I have the bike in the shop converting to a trike, and I have to sacrifice the bags in order to do the conversion. Papaw Len.
  15. I bought a pair of MarkII ('87) passenger boards on eBay and trying to fit them on my '83. The 3 mounting holes line up OK. The problem is with the muffler attachment. There's a wide gap and a bit of an offset. Anyone know of a solution?
  16. Hi Everyone I am looking for foreword pegs or better yet foreword boards (big feet)for my 85. I need to stretch the legs! I have all the components for the radio and cassette player. Also, I have a set of running boards that need some tender care. They are the ones that connect to their own crash bars. Left side is a bit out of shape. I already gave running boards. I would love to trade stuff. If this is in the wrong area please move or if this is not allowed please fell free to remove.
  17. I was trying to find the post about a member making some off-set brackets last year to make it so his wife's legs would go down farther on the passenger floor boards . but I can not seem to find it in the search. I am looking for the post for another RSV Owner any help would be great. Thanks, Jeff
  18. ok, i have floor boards and highway boards.....just bought the 86 royal, (first full dresser) former cruiser styles....wanted to test the waters on an older bike first....found a very well kept up and beautiful one.................with the heal toe shifter, brake and boards, i find myself not being able to brake as fast as i like because of my own coordination......boards sit up high and lifting my toes to the brake is not a natural feel to me at all. they look great and r great under ur feet, just thinking of my comfort and safety. anyone else feel this way? anyway to put forward controls on or lower the boards and controls? if not.....what do i need to put stock pegs and controls back on? does anyone have some and want to throw in some cash for these boards? any info anyone has would be a huge help......
  19. I was watching the listing on eBay on the Markland highway floor boards up to the end. Alas.....the other guys threw money faster and farther than I did. So I'm still looking. The question is what opitions are there for a similar type of highway floor board? I have had pegs on the bars and didn't care for them. These looked like they would sit out pretty well and not interfer with the lower Baker wind wings I run. Any suggestions for a fit on my '84? Mike
  20. I need a picture of the heel toe shift lever and how it mounts with the floor boards installed. Also how the Brake lever looks with the board installed. The bike must have floor boards on it and not the stock pegs. I have both levers but no mounting plates so that is why I need pictures of each so I can mount them on my trike with some idea of how it is to look. Thanks in advance Bikenut
  21. I've posted my '98 Shadow and some highway boards in the classified if you're interested:sun:
  22. First let me say howdy again to everyone. I used to frequent these boards 10 or so years ago and learned a lot from ya'll on my newly aquired Royale. My question is: Has anyone heard or tried using a Megasquirt system on one of these bikes and putting fuel injection on it? I was reading over at http://www.megamanual.com/forums.htm and run across a post about someone that had one on theirs while leaving the carbs on and could be coverted back to a carb system with little to no major mods. Very tempted to give it a try but this being a single case on the Megasquirt boards I'd like to know if more are out there.
  23. Anyone know what the maximum lean angle is before you start dragging boards or pegs (on a 1st gen)? Thanks!
  24. Where can I get the Hannagan ground affect running boards?...Have checked with Hannagan site but there is no listings for them...HELP!!!!!!PLEASE......
  25. I purchased a set of floorboards for my 88VR from a member here quite some time ago and just never had the spare time to put them on. I am taking a road trip next week and decided today to make the time to get them on so I could find out if they were more comfortable than the pegs (been reading the pros and cons in other threads). Well I removed the pegs and started putting the floorboards on and came to realize I am missing 2 of the chrome spacers that go between the frame and the floorboards. I got 2 of them, don't know if I didn't get them and lost them or just didn't get them, makes no difference, I don't have them now and I need all 4 to install the boards. I mic'd the ones I do have and 1 is 22.30 MM and 1 is 17.75 MM thick. I'm not sure what all of the thiickness needed are but if anyone has these 2 spacers I am missing and would be willing to part with them please give me a shout. The spacers are 25.30 MM across and have a 10.5 MM hole in the center of them.. I am attaching a photo of a set of boards I got from yet another member that was helping me to understand how to install these. You'll note in this picture there are a total of 4 spacers. I didn't get any of the bolts with the boards either but those aren't a problem as I can get those locally at Lowes or Home Depot. Thanks in advance for everyones helpas always...This is a great site. [ATTACH]35121[/ATTACH]
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