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  1. might have been posted before but... You can smell the rubber burning as you watch. Must view on full screen. What a ride! What a driver!!! You’d have to wear Depends to ride with this guy! Betcha can't watch just once. It sounds like the little car is running bad.....one reason it sounds like it is cutting out is because the rev limiter keeps the R.P.M.. from going too high and blowing the motor........the other popping sound is the wastegate on the turbo. Also note at the very end, the sparks coming from the rear wheel rims as the tires burn down .. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=4TshFWSsrn8&vq=medium#t=35
  2. We got up early this morning to go to early church, so we could go for possibly the last ride of 2012. We headed toward Indiana on the back roads, went to Brookville Lake first, then road to Liberty, Indiana and west of there to Connersville. Left there and road on 121 to catch route 52 to get back to West Harrison to get to our daughters for dinner. It was really windy. Supposed to be 68 out but with the sun covered with clouds and the wind blowing strong, we wore our leathers. I wound up put on my fleece face cover to keep the wind from blowing on my face. All and all though it was really nice to get to go on a nice long ride. The bike ran great. Nothing interesting to say, just sayin! Yama Mama
  3. Got home from trip & after washing bike, I noticed I have tiny yellow specks of paint on windshield and fairing. I remember going by a striping crew & wind was blowing...thought I stayed clear of em but apparently not. Is there any cleaner that'll remove the specks without damaging the plastics?
  4. Is there a different anti-freeze for motorcycles? The steeler told me there is reg. anti-freeze for cars won't work. The water pump on a Venture don't like it! If i remeber right some thing about Silicone? I think he is blowing smoke up my tail pipe!!!!! trying to sell Yamaha brand. THANK'S for your reply!
  5. Sailor


    Being mechanically inept I could use a little advice. When my son was visiting we went for a ride and he told me my right exhaust was blowing blue under hard acceleration. Today when I went to put the bike away for the winter I did my usual with the sea foam and fired it up to run the gas out of the carbs. There was a lot of blue smoke from the right exhaust and when I held my hand to it it was much hotter than the left one which was not blowing blue. After running for a couple minutes the blue cleared up and the exhaust cooled down. All pistons are running fine. Before I take it to the stealer next spring for a tune up I would like to get an idea of what is happening. Any suggestions?
  6. It was really windy here yesterday. I was riding home from work directly into a 30-40MPH head wind. This is the same route that I have driven every workday for the last 10 years so I know it well. I pulled up to a red light, on level ground, fairly new concrete surface. I was first in line at the light. With every wind gust the bike was pushed backwards and my feet on the ground (rubber soled shoes) did not have enough traction to hold the bike against the wind. I had to hold the front brake to keep from backing into the car behind me. This is with the wind blowing on the most aerodynamically clean side of the bike. After reading in several threads recently about parking in gear, and tales of the wind blowing over the bike, I am reformulating my beliefs as to how to safely park this thing. I can believe that with the bike parked with a strong tail wind that the faring and windscreen are acting like a parachute that the wind could move the bike forward enough to fold up the side stand. Parking in gear will/should help to prevent this from happening. I know that I once parked a manual transmission cage pointed up a hill and left it in first gear, and it was able to turn the engine over backwards while it chugged slowly down the hill. I do not know how much force it would take to move a bike while parked in gear but I am certain that it would be a lot more than in neutral.
  7. I looked at the calender a few minutes ago and see that within a day or so, we will be halfway through winter. If I survive this thing, this will be a winter I will never forget. As bad as it has been here in east Tennessee, I know it has been a lot worse for a lot of you. It is right now 20º outside with 20/30 mph winds for a chill factor of 6º with snow blowing sideways and almost a whiteout. Just wonderful. RandyA
  8. Goldie is running, or rather ran for a few minutes, then the ignition module bit the big one!! Now I have 2 dead units and one that runs on 2 cylanders... I am in dire need of a module ASAP! Don't want to miss MD because of it. Anybody got a spare to part with?? I'm going to check the schematic to see if there is any reason that I should be blowing them. The only thing changed was the pickup coils but I can't see what they would do to cause the unit to self destruct. It did run fine while it ran...
  9. I have an '09 RSV and I can hear what sounds like ignition interference in the headsets. Also, the CB goes ito the receive mode when I blow the horn and sometimes without the horn blowing and no one talking to me. This creates a loud static noise in the headsets. Does anyone else have this problem?
  10. Can anyone around Boone or Blowing Rock tell me if the leaves are starting to change there? I am thinking about riding to Grandfather Mountain, but if the leaves are already turning brown and falling off like here in VA I might need to find somewhere else to go. Thanks hairman
  11. All of the sudden I started blowing the fuse for blinker and gauges. I replace it and my volt gauge will show 13 for a while then bounce down to 8. Sometimes it comes back up but not always but the fuse will then blow again. Any Ideas???
  12. help i am blowing my headlight fuse to often do not know what could be causeing problem blowing fuse will not let me start with out replacing fuse
  13. Anyone know any tricks to pass the emissions testing? My 1986 Venture just failed the hydrocarbons test, but passed the carbon monoxide test. It is blowing a little oil out the tailpipe. Thanks,
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