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  1. Well I had the unfortunate task of helping a biker that went down this morning. My next door neighbor and I left for work at the same time. She and I were the second and third on the scene. He was laying face down in a pool of blood. Looks like he may have hit a deer. He was wearing only a half shell helmet. They look cool, but did not keep the gravel from being impacted into his right ear canal. He may lose the hearing from that, his face was covered in blood, major road rash and missing tissue on the right side of his face, left eye had no pupil visible, just red. Right foot.....facing the wrong direction. He was awake, he could not breathe, knocked the wind out of him. I helped him sit up so he could breathe easier. He kept trying to get up to get his bike. I asked him to listen to me, biker to biker, if he promised not to get up, I would go pick up his bike. He agreed and I picked up the bike and rolled it off the road. It WAS a nice Ultra Classic. He was more concerned about the bike than himself. I understand, I probably would be too in the same situation. Once EMS and the police arrived I asked the officer in charge that when they call for the tow truck, to please request a flat bed so there would be less damage done to guys ride. He said he would do that for him. Let's all be careful out there. Watch for mother nature on the back roads. You just never know.
  2. I have a niece. Taylor Paige Woods. A good kid I think. Story is about 2 months ago she gave blood at school. It caused a infection in her arm. This crud has caused blood clots, she has unexplained fevers, stomach problems and they can't clear the infection up. Been in hospital most of this time. She can't eat and they can't find reason why they can't clear it up. If you wouldn't mind a few words to the man may be what is needed. You may see her name on facebook and you can tell her those stories she hears about her uncle aren't true. Mostly. She has rode with me and a ride is waiting. Come on Taylor its time to kick this thing!!
  3. My 2 year old great grandson is in the hospital. The doctors are thinking he may have leukemia. Blood tests will start next week. I'm hoping that it is not the cause of his problems.....
  4. Well the way I feel after surgery my first ride is gonna be way down the road. Doc had a hell of a time with scar tissue from all my earlier surgeries. Lost 3 liters of blood which was replaced plus a bunch more fluids. I was is in ICU from thurs to sat late afternoon. They had a hardtime stabilizing my blood pressure it kept dropping way down then my temp jumped up to 105. So the was touch and go for awhile. Raymond (ColesGrandpa) came and visited Sharon and I at the Hospital sat morning it was nice to see him. But anyhow I got to come home last night. Im on oxygen 24/7 till I go back to doc on monday. I feel ok but I have no strength and have not been able to get really comfy yet. Once that happens I know Im on my way to recovery lol John
  5. Well I lasted exactly 2 days back to work after my bout of Pneumonia before I had to go back to the E/R, this time the chest pains were so, so bad, we thought it was the big one, I have never had pain so excrutiating ever before, so back we went to the ER. This time things didnt go as smoothly as the last time, got there just before the changing of shifts and to complicate matters, they started looking at all the results from my last visit one week ago and were ready to discharge me before the even did chest x-rays and had all the blood tested. We,Charlene and I told them I havent even had any meds yet, how can you discharge me with all this pain and trouble breathing. They said all the test were good and that the xrays ............Wrong I told them that they haven't done one damn thing yet, they were looking at old test. Then another doctor came in and started all over again. Take more blood since the other was still sitting on the cart, it went bad. Didnt like this one either, he seemed to be in a hurry to get rid of me till Charlene started asking it they tested for this and that, he left and came back later and said he did as she asked and everything looked good. It wasnt my heart, or my gall bladder or any other organ, no blood clot in the lungs or a collasped lung. What I had was still Pneumonia complicated by plusiary What really mad me mad is all they did for me was give me a bunch of pain killers to stop the pain but no antibiotics by IV like they did last time.......just more prescriptions and no work, so now I go back to my Dr. on Monday and see what they say. Life stinks right now, I am so tired of being sick, I actually miss work, and I cant work on the 1st gen right now, and time is running out to get it ready by Vogel. End of Rant............
  6. I've had a time with this *** leg and cold this winter and it seems to be getting worse. I have blood clots in it and it aches when cold. I expected that during the winter when it was really cold but started to try and get out a little as weather is starting to break and it is worse. Only way I can get pain to stop is get in a hot tub of water and soak the thing. Cutting down my outside activity a lot. Any ideas on how to keep it warm without roasting the rest of me. What makes it react to cold like that? Blood flow not what it used to be. Time to Quit Riding?? I ain't buying it!!! My want to is back up from last couple years but this thing just won't let me go. Pills don't stop the cold ache.
  7. about 3 weeks ago i came down with terrible gout attack. this attack went from my right foot to both knees then both ankles. my sister came in one day to check in on me. and i was leaning slumped over my walker. she could not wake me. ambulance and emt arrived emt.s had a hard time waking me . ambulance attendent placed me on the gurney. while laying flat i came too.. so this is what they found. after 2 weeks in the hospitial. #1 gout caused an infection in my right kidney causeing it to shut down. had 3 pints of blood put into me. infection made me pee blood. #2 reduced my blood preasure meds because while sitting i would drop down to 85/60. and would pass out. standing would rush it back up to 190/120. again i would just pass out. now with adjustment in meds im at 135/90 not great but under controll and no passing out.#3 this all caused an attack to my leggs most likely MS flair up? i can no longer hold myself up. i have trouble walking. im useing a walker and takeing baby steps. pain shoots down both legs. so i will be seeing a pain management doctor. then some kind of doctor who will work on the back and do some kind of nerve block? then back injections. i cant drive my car as i cant feel the foot controlls. i have PT 2 times a day at home. and food brought in as i cant even stand up long enough to make something. i cant get into my shower. so its sit on a comode. inside a plastic tub. and do a wash down by the kitchen sink. the PT nurse will empty it when she comes. so that,s how im doing. weak a little scared. but determend to beat this attack back into admission.
  8. As we get older, and the fact we are targets for cagers, chances are, we, or our family may need medical services in the future, which may include blood transfusions But....more and more it is becoming evident that bloodless surgery is the best for patients. As some may know, I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and so I refuse blood for religious reasons. This is NOT meant to be a religious discussion! I wanted to provide some links where you can get information on the use of blood so you can make your own decisions. For me...it is because I believe that is what God wants for us...but it also is just GOOD MEDICINE! One link is a well known PBS news show. Another is a preview of a video put out by Jehovah's Witnesses. I promise that the fulll length video is not "preachy"...it is a logical and very good examination of the use of blood and an explaination of alternatives to blood transfusion. Again....this is not meant to push my beliefs on anyone (that's not what we do anyway) but is an interesting subject that could affect us individually or our family. SO IT"S GOOD TO KNOW ABOUT! Here's the links www.pbs.org/wnet/need-to-know/health/video-blood-test-what-you-dont-know-about-blood/3036/ www.watchtower.org/e/vcae/article_01.htm www.jw-media.org/gbl/gbl02e.htm you will see there are several links for more information on the Watchtower site. ...again...these videos do not push the beliefs of the Witnesses....but do provide good information. IF anyone wants to discuss the religious aspects of this subject I would be willing to do so via PM's. If anyone, after seeing the previews and checking out the other links, want a copy of the DVDs distributed by JW's, I could arrange to get a copy for them. PLEASE don't turn this into a religious discussion or I'm sure it will be pulled by the moderators.
  9. Morphine, Not what it used to be. About 1:30 A.M. this mourning , took a field trip to the hospital. Severe pain in my left side lower abdomen. It wasn't stopped up gas in the intestines, nor appendix. Got to the hospital ER......what NO ILLEGALS !!!!!!! They sent me directly to a room and had me undress with No formal invitation. Dropped my drawers and revealed my BUTT , like usual, LOL !! Man I was in Pain with a capital "P". So in with the IV, out with the blood samples, and then the Morphine. Got the usual bad taste and warm flash, and hours later still in pain. Shot #2 .....same affects and wide awake. Got my Birdie snapped (X-Rays) and then the good ole soft drinks for the Cat Scan. Poor Kittie . Up all night , 2 shots of Morphine and No pictures to show you of my little boy. No not what you are thinking , but of my new kidney stone. Now in the whom (Bladder) and just waiting the opportunity for me to turn my head away for the great escape! While in my bed , badger by the nurse to get a Flu shot. I said why not, just add it to the newly acquired med bill, what a few more large bills? Finally the Doc shows up to give me the spill. Blood pressure EXCELLENT ! . Kidney stone the culprit (my first one) and possible Diabetes Type II. Suger fix 211 at time they drew the first blood. Down to 192 at last check before they released me. So now awaiting the passage of the stone, M&M's for pain meds, and meds for possible Diabetes. instructions to go find a Sugar Daddy or Momma to check fer sure on the Diabetes. With all that , I was purely disappointing to get the watered down Morphine. Where in the heck was the Demerol ? In conclusion, I'm tired, fuzzy headed now and then from fatigue, starring at some Reese's Peanut Butter cups and saying to myself NO, NO, NO. Calling: Nurse Yamma Mama .....where are you ? BEER30
  10. just heard on the news, Texas highway patrolmen will be looking for "drunk drivers", this weekend. new tool - - - NO REFUSAL. if you refuse a breathalyzer test, they will have warrants in hand, to take blood samples for testing. great idea, but could also cause more problems for the leo's. just jt
  11. Just thought I'd pass this on! Important Information on Blood Clots and Stroke Blood Clots/Stroke - They Now Have a Fourth Indicator, the Tongue STROKE: Remember the 1st Three Letters... . S. T.. R. STROKE IDENTIFICATION: During a BBQ, a woman stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics) .she said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes. They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, Jane went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening Jane's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00 pm Jane passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Jane would be with us today. Some don't die. They end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead. It only takes a minute to read this... A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough. RECOGNIZING A STROKE Thank God for the sense to remember the '3' steps, STR . Read and Learn! Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke. Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions: S *Ask the individual to SMILE. T *Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently) (i.e. It is sunny out today.) R *Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS. If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call emergency number immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher. New Sign of a Stroke -------- Stick out Your Tongue NOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the person to 'stick' out his tongue.. If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other,that is also an indication of a stroke. A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10 people; you can bet that at least one life will be saved.
  12. Some knew of Peg's Mom's passing and the extra bills that hits us hard, well it hit even harder this time around. I went to the doctor feeling I had the Flu or something but he said I was a walking dead man my blood pressure was out of this world so I was rushed to the E.R. and had a lot of tubes sticking in me. They finally got me back down, they did a lot test and said my heart was in good shape and my blood count seem to be OK?. They did not know why my blood pressure was so high? They was really scared about it? . Peg was not in good shape either just loosing her Mom and now she was worried about me passing. I have to go back next week for a follow up with my Doctor. I went back to work at Wal-mart (second job) to help with the added bills and my Doctor told me that was not a good thing. May have been the cause of me going down? With all this happening and the extra bills added on, I will need to sell my bikes:( to help Pay off bills untill then I'll have to work at Wal-mart untill things get better. ? or worse? So if you know anyone looking for a nice 2003 Venture or 2001 Gold Wing give me a PM . I still have a loan on each. God Bless Buddy
  13. Notice the straw hat. A town close by had what they called a community safety day at the local hospital. They had state police helicopter, medical helicopter, an old sheriff blood hound (huge pooch for a blood hound wish I would have gotten a picture), SWAT gear, police cars, police motorcycle, fire trucks, etc.... Anyway as one of the kid events they had a big wheel race and my daughter won. You took 2 laps around. She stopped after the 1st lap, all the other kids did too and she took off. Beat them all by 1/4-1/2 lap.
  14. My wife jackie was feeling pains in her beck and chest today, so drove to emergency room. They ran some tests and everything looked ok, then the doctor decided to do a cat scan. to make a long story short they admitted her with blood clots in her lung. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers! You take things for granted till they change, the house feels empty, and my best friend isn't here! She's an awsome person! Thanks
  15. Better watch the amount of watermelon you eat. Forget the oysters. Texas A&M scientists say watermelon contains ingredients that deliver Viagra-like effects to the body's blood vessels and may even increase the libido. Researchers from Texas A&M have long-studied the fruit and found that it contains natural "enhancers" to the human body. "We've always known that watermelon is good for you, but the list of its very important healthful benefits grows longer with each study," said Dr. Bhimu Patil, director of Texas A&M's Fruit and Vegetable Improvement Center, in a news release from the university. Watermelon and some other fruits and vegetables contain phyto-nutrients, including lycopene, beta carotene and citrulline, which are compounds that produce healthy reactions in the body, Patil said. Specifically, scientists believe it's the citrulline that has the ability to relax blood vessels, much like Viagra does. When watermelon is consumed, citrulline is converted into the amino acid arginine, which works “wonders on the heart and circulation system, and maintains a good immune system,” Patil said. "Watermelon may not be as organ specific as Viagra," he said, "but it's a great way to relax blood vessels without any drug side-effects."
  16. jeannie is back in a private room, again. makes 4 times she has been in a room, and hasn't spent 24 hours , in any of them. the GOOD news, is , the cancer Dr. came in this afternoon,and told us that her lymphoma, is a "very low grade". he said he isn't concerned about trying to fight it , for a while. first they need to fix her heart, and lungs, then re-test for cancer. her blood sugar went up to just over 400, last night, but is now back down around 180. thanks you all, again. for all the prayers and kind thoughts. just jt
  17. WAY too rich for my blood but still looks pretty cool. http://drivelikeapro.com/pages/detail_motorcycles.html
  18. Ok, I've heard of fast service but come on Don........ I'm telling ya, he's got lightning in his blood I swear. I was reading about the two fellas that changed their names and have been doing the same with a lot of my online stuff and caught the name-change bug so I sent Don an email to change mine. As I'm in the forum I happened to lok up & there it is......... POOF! OdinsMaiden becomes CrowsNest. Thanks Don Brandi
  19. Nancy, MeanDog wife just called me and told me that they put Mark in ICU this morning. The nurse came in to get some blood from him and he couldn't breath. That's all I know at this time, she was on her way to the hospital. They had put him back in earlier this week, he has had trouble breathing since he came home the last time and his blood count was down again so they gave him 4 more pints of blood. I'm getting ready for work, had to go in today to work court, so I will be out of touch. When I can, if there is anything new will let you know.
  20. I came across this on another board. It wasn't available commercially at the time but now it is. The product is called QuikClot. This is a video of it being used. WARNING!! do not click the link if you have a problem with seeing A LOT OF BLOOD!!! http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/standard-item.jsp;jsessionid=25QFPW2E0CSKACWQNWRCCOQK0BW0GIWE?_DARGS=/cabelas/en/common/catalog/item-link.jsp_A&_DAV=MainCatcat20075-cat20132&id=0048462517925a&navCount=193&podId=0048462&parentId=cat20132&masterpathid=&navAction=push&catalogCode=2UG&rid=&parentType=index&indexId=cat20132&hasJS=true&_requestid=38809
  21. What keeps us riding even after a minor or major accident as we have seen on this site. This year I have lost 3 very close friends and one is in coma.... all experience riders. Is it in our blood or are we risk takers or we just like the Rush.... As for myself Im all those
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