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  1. Turned the cruise on while riding today, cruise lights flashed then nothing. Checked the fuse when I got home and it had blown. Replaced the fuse, started the bike and turned the cruise on and it blew again. Went through the Clymer manual and the switch looks like it has continuity. Tried one more time and it blew another. Has anyone else had this kind of trouble with the cruise?
  2. Guysneed some help. went to replace my tailight bulb on my 99RSV with led board, blew the 15amp fuse. but it in again was ok for a few min, so I put the tools away. blew the fuse. changed fuse put old bulb in seems to be fine. Is there something else I need to do to put this so called plug and play led. its the 32 not the 100.
  3. I ride an '07 RSTD - i was cleaning the bike today - had seat and both side covers off - i was using a mild cleaning solution in a spray bottle, chased with another spray bottle of clean water - i spritzed both side, cleaned and blew excess water away - i also sprayed behind the rear jugs and blew water away....well you may have guessed that when i went to start it, the bike is running one two cylinders - the right rear pipes are definitely hot and the front two pipes are cold. i followed the plugs wires on rear jugs to the coils, which is where i sprayed a fair amount of cleaner and water but those cylinders are firing. i can't locate the coils for the front cylinders (even looked in service manual). i have not done any real troubleshooting yet but hoped someone may have experienced the same issue and might save me needless time - any suggestions are appreciated.
  4. I've added passing lamps to my 06 RSTD and I'm having some trouble. I set up an in-line fuse on the circuit and connected it to the low beams. The whole thing is on a switch. I thought I read to that they use a 7.5 amp fuse. That's what I tied and it blew instantly. So, before I go messing around I thought I'd ask the experts. What size fuse should I be using on these passing lights. They're Yamaha OEM passing lights. Sugguestions would be quite helpful. Thanks all!!
  5. I have a 1989 Venture Royale. My trunk light and emergency flashers don't work. There was some questionable wiring in the trunk by the PO and probably blew the fuse. The schematic shows a fuse in line but I can't find any fuses blown. Is the emergency flasher fuse located somewhere other than the fuse panel?
  6. well folks i may not be online here for a few weeks.. gotta take my computer in forgettin a virus evicted, so igotta use my oldcomputer.. it is slo and tempermental.. they said that they are runnin about two weeks behind right now.. and my new 22 inch monitor blew out.. so iguess we will see how long this monitor will last..
  7. i'm at work and i get a phone call from scheduling.....it appears that the local storm...BLEW my bike over !!.....i don't know if it actually blew it over or blew it forward and it fell...either way, the parking garage guy says major damage to faring....this is an 840 lb bike.....hard to believe...the bike is parked next to the office under the parking ramps...on concrete...it's not really out in the open.....i just finished mounting new tires, carbon 1 braces, new plugs, carb sync.........anyone ever heard of this with a bike this heavy..??
  8. 1:00 am in the morning I'm bringing MamaMo home from work cause it's snowing. We came upon a herd of deer in the road so I hit the brakes hard and nothing happened other then the pedal went clear to the floor. 2004 chevy silverado with 57,000 miles. Looks like I blew a line or something but I missed the steak so were Ok.2010 is starting out right like I always say Nothing $400 won't fix.
  9. footsie


    Guys don't try the classic radial, the bead breaks before the tire will seat, I blew one at 85 lbs, and another biker trying to mount one on a magna rear wheel said his blew at 85 lbs. That make the third one that the bead broke. Gregg
  10. i blew it and got to tickets in a month first one was a parking ticket. and last night i blew a red light. the worst part was i did'nt see it and neither did linda. it was flashing red. i drove through it like it was'nt even there. all kinds of lights flashed and i got my picture took. haven't had a ticket since the early 70's. it's scary to think i did'nt see it. i did wrong so i got to pay the piper.
  11. :starz:I had the most bizzard thing happen on the weekend. I came home after teaching a motorcycle crse and decided I would change my oil/filter before my trip to Toronto this week. No problem, done it before all was good......until.....I ran engine to circulate the new oil for about a minute....topped it off and fired it up again just to double check.......it ran for about a minute - rpm dropped - it chugged then died. Every attempt to restart that bike failed.:puzzled: I began my troubleshooting.......I figured with all the attempts to start the thing (maybe I flooded it - although I couldn't smell fuel) I would start by pulling one of the plugs to see if it was wet.......nope = dry. There's plenty of gas in the tank......lets go to the fuel filter/pump area.....fuel doesn't appear to be moving.....so.... There are two leads that go into the pump (checked the manual which says there should be x number of volts and alas there are none). Started pulling connectors cleaning them up, tore the entire fairing off to get at the relay etc, etc etc. I had also removed the fuel filter and blew it out, blew fuel through the pump to the carbs. I had done everything that the manual mentioned except diagnostics for the "ignitor unit" which I didn't know what it was or where it is located. Once I had blown fuel into the bowls it fired right up. Since this little episode I've ridden about 150-200 km's with no further problem. I spoke with a mechanic who said that obviously I fixed the problem but my big concern is that I don't have the foggiest idea what I did. He also mentioned that electrics either work or they don't and the problem was probably one of the connectors that I pulled apart and cleaned. Folks.....I put it to the floor.....should I be concerned taking her on a road Wed????
  12. footsie

    it blew

    I ordered a classic radial, dealer said it was built by cooper, I told the tire dealer ( who I have known for years) to lube the bead with murphy lube, but he did not and blew the tire trying to seat it. so now I have a khumo ordered, will try again monday. My ears are still ringing. Gregg
  13. I managed to blow the main 40 amp flat fuse. And then blew the 2 spares that I had figuring out why it blew in the first place. I have searched high and low and cannot find any replacements. I went to 3 different bike dealers and 2 auto parts store and radio shack. Nothing. Where the heck do you find these things? Thanks, Al
  14. I know this is a dumb question but here goes. I own an 83 VR, about to change the plugs and can't find what to set the gap to any help would be appericated. Also my headlight fuse blew and when I went to change it the holder was brittle and broke, I rigged it for now but need a replacement, probally the whole panel. Anybody got one or know where to find one. Thanks everyone.
  15. Ok, I replaced the battery a few weeks ago and started the bike. The starter stuck on! I had a couple of fuses that blew as a result of that. My low beam and tail light bulbs blew as well. I tore everything apart, replaced fuses and light bulbs and all is well, but.... I get no sound from my radio. I have unplugged all the large connectors and plugged them back in, nothing. At first the controller light up, but now that doesn't even light up. Is there a fuse somewhere specifically for the radio that any of you are aware of? If not I'm afraid maybe the radio brain blew with the power surge. If you all have any ideas for me that would be greatly appreciated. I haven't been able to find one either for a descent price, so I'm hoping I don't have to replace this one. I also hate to put the bike back together just to tear it apart to replace the radio. Thanks for all your help guys! Brent
  16. Denise and I took off for a ride this afternoon, got 6-8 miles from home, rolled up to a stop sign, and the bike felt squirrely to me. I wondered about tire going flat until I tried to pull away, and the bike gave a definite bump/lurch. Pulled over and sure enough, rear tire very soft. Called in my step-dad with an air tank, and it blew out near as fast as we blew it in. Found a piece of metal shoved in the face, cutting a good slice in it. So, I need a new rear. We bought the bike late last fall with 900 miles on it, up to about 2500 now on the original Bridgestones. Based on all the Avon lovers on this site, I was going to order an Avon for the rear, but my question is, can I leave the Bridgestone on the front?? Will this give any handling concerns, or can I run it until it needs changing?? Thanks for the advice. Larry
  17. I personally would not plug a tire and ride it like it was never plugged. I don’t think it’s a safe thing to do, I only have two tires under me and I don’t want either one of them to blow out on my butt doing 75 or 80 on the freeways. Also my brother lost a leg years back when his front tire blew out, the investigation showed that it blew at the plug, he had a flat and just had it plugged. That being said what do you think, what are your experiences on this?
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