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  2. Hello all, In trying to help with bleeding of the linked brakes I bought a brake line with the bleeder from an '89 Venture Royale on ebay. It didn't come with a mounting bracket for the bleeder, and I can't figure out from the parts house diagrams what I need to mount it. Can someone take a picture or point it out to me on a parts diagram? I figure I may be able to find one in a parts or bolts lot that are listed on ebay. This is the line I have, bracket would be for the top end of the line. Thanks, Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good ride! Richard
  3. Went to my local Steeler today to see if they had speed bleeders and they did not same as with all the local auto parts stores, however they said they use a little tool that works great but they had just sold the last one. When I was getting ready to walk away one of the service guys said he had just bought one for the service dept but if I needed it he would sell it to me for half price since it was now used and he could get another one next week. Brought it hone and it worked great, still plan on getting speed bleeders but this will make a nice addition to my tool kit. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Motion-Pro-Mini-Bleeder-08-0482/dp/B0077QSGFG]Motion Pro Mini Bleeder 08-0482 : Amazon.com : Automotive@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31PmYpNl9DL.@@AMEPARAM@@31PmYpNl9DL[/ame]http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31PmYpNl9DL._SL500_AA300_.jpg
  4. want to change fluid in clutch res: can't find the bleeder where did they hide that little sucker? help please. got front brakes and rear brakes done. 2006 venture. going on my first 5 day ride to mount rushmore , bad lands and other sights to see, try'n to get reddy to go. clutch fluid looks dirty, wanna change it!:confused24:
  5. I just installed a speed bleeder on my clutch bleeder. The resevoir was empty....don't know why. I am assuming I need to crack it open a 1/2 turn or so to bleed it. I am getting all kinds of fresh fluid into my vacume bleeder...and I hear what sounds like a sucking sound and saw lots of bubbles. the bubbles stopped and I"ve filled the vacume resevoir twice already ....but my clutch isn't getting any better! I tried closing the nipple and seeing if the vacume dropped...indicated a poor hose connection...but it doesn't, so everything is nice and tight. So why can't I get more clutch?? a quick answer would be appreciated I've already lost a few good riding oportunities!!!!!!
  6. I have been working on my leaking clutch slave all summer. Made the mistake of "having" to have speed bleeders on my clutch slave. That lead to a sheared off bleeder screw, replacement of clutch slave entirely. Now I put on the new clutch slave with the bleeder screw that it came with and had a heck of a time getting the seal tight enough to draw fluid. With much help from here and plumbers tape I got a tight seal and and the clutch working. Now I have the same leak from around the bleeder valve. It can't be tightened anymore. So, how do I get the seal tight enough around this bleeder screw so that it doesn't leak? How do you bleed out the line losening and tightening and keep the seal tight enough when you are done? Can't believe I have to pull the cover, drain the oil, losen up the clutch slave just because they design these things that you can't unscrew the bleeder screw the hole way out. Crazy. Appreciate your help. Sorry for my attitude. It is the 4th time I will have the clutch slave off this summer.
  7. I changed the clutch slave today. The previous clutch slave had a leaky bleeder due to bad female threads. It came with new bleeder screw and inner works. Bled the clutch until I didnt see any bubbles and the clutch was soft and not effective at all. Went and purchased a hand vacumn pump and got so many bubbles it was incredible. Thought was I was maybe getting bubbles from where the hose was. It was on tight. I tried 3 different types of bleeder screws. Same result. Very frustrated. Anybody know what I'm doing wrong?
  8. I need the rubber "cap" or flap or cover that goes over the clutch bleeder access hole on my 84. Anyone got one?
  9. Now what do I do? Made a heck of a mistake and tried to use a socked instead of an open end wrench (7mm) which I didn't have and sheared off a speed bleeder on my clutch. Didn't have the room to use a socket and was applying too much side pressure. I thought I might be able to replace part of the line. I can't even see what needs to be replaced. If anyone has seen this situation before I would appreciate the help. Not sure if I can try to drill out the speed bleeder some how and then tap new threads. There is not much room to work. Not sure if shops can do this kind of work. Would really appreciate peoples suggestions if you have experience with this kind of thing. Have a trip planned and I have one more weekend to solve the problem or else I will have to cancel my trip over a stupid speed bleeder.
  10. Quick question... Can you install the Speedbleeders WITHOUT draining the reservoirs? It seems like there would be enough vacuum from the reservoir being closed...that once you remove the old bleeder valve, you might get a little leakage...but that shouldn't drain the reservoir...should it? You expert opinion would be greatly appreciated!
  11. I changing the brake cables and clutch cables and need to bleed the clutch but cant find the bleeder to bleed it with. Need help urgently. Thanks
  12. I have a friend who has an 83 and he did some repair work on it. Now - when he pulls on the clutch lever it won't move - but when he loosens the bleeder - it will. He also can't get it to shift even into Neutral. I know he had to replace the stator cover. Any suggestions.
  13. Greetings from Knoxville, TN. I hope this is a good place to post this for some info. I just got a real nice loaded 87 Venture Royal. Can do a lot fixens, but the linked brakes I never had before. Seems like there is no rear pedal. I have bled the rear cal and the left front cal and there seemed to be no air. However, the bleeder up by the handle bars has a lot of air. I kept the rear master cyl filled, thru the 14mm bolt hole in the side of the MC (i guess that is a fill hole), and bled a lot of air out of that upper bleeder and got a good hard pedal and wheel stop, but after a little other work elsewhere on the bike, I rechecked the rear pedal and there was not any pedal again. I have repeated the air bleed from that upper bleeder a couple times and more air comes out. I would think that if I got a good hard pedal then Im good-to-go but why doesnt it last? If I had a leak sucking air in, I would think I would also see a leak on the floor, specially under pressure when bleeding. Would love any ideas and direction. Dennis
  14. Started home Sun morning and "Brown Sugar" showed me why she let a couple of those other bikes get close. Started lagging when I let off gas and soon just wouldn't go. Rear/Front brake locked up. Opened rear bleeder and got no fluid. Opened front bleeder and got no fluid. Master cylinder? Brake released while we were there and I rode it home with only front brake. If it released it seems to me calipers are ruled out?? Can you imagine what that thing would do if the Brakes weren't holding it back???
  15. I have been brake doing maintenance on my 83 VR.I changed my front pads and changed my fluid.No problem with that part. I changed my rear Brake pads ,drained my fluids and bled my system.It was working but now I have no rear brakes. I undid my Rear bleeder and did a reverse bleed with a fluid pump I had figuring I had an air bubble or something.Filled the rear reservoir too .I took the caliper off and inspected it.I pushed on my break pedal and there was no pad movement.I losened the rear bleeder on caliper and pushed the bake break.No fluid movement.When I take the bleeder out I can see fluid in the chamber. Could there be a problem with my rear master cylinder?Anybody have ideas or have I just missed something? Thanks all. Ray
  16. anyone know where i can buy some for my 1984 venture? i have been working on my brakes. got the master from dingy here on this site. went out to use the mityvac.friend was helping he was going to do the back for me while i went to pick up some micky.d breakfast for us. i got back and he said hey man im sorry i couldnt get the vac to pump up? and i rounded off the back bleeder. i didnt get angry these things happen. but if he cant tell a 8mm wrench for god knows what he used? any way i know cant gett he mityvac to work on this back bleeder. i went to auto parts store napa.o,riley no help there. . so if anyone knows where to find some or has some for sale let me know. also can you use the speed bleeder ones with a mityvac? if i dont get these brakes done soon the bike goes up for sale.
  17. I bought a Brake Bleeder made by Motion Pro http://www.motionpro.com/images/items/08-0143.jpg I used it for the first time today. Did my new-used Millennium Model brakes, front & rear OK. Started bleeding my clutch and noticed that bubbles were being sucked back into the line when I released the clutch lever. I checked to make sure the arrow on the one-way valve was pointed away from the bike, and it was... Pumped it again to confirm the situation... No doubt I now have air in my clutch line. I don't think this happened while doing my brakes, but I'll be cautious with them at first. Bled the clutch line by opening and closing the bleeder valve with a wrench each time I squeezed the clutch. A number of air bubbles came out. Time for a test ride to see if its ok.
  18. I know this isn't the place to start this, but I'm casting the widest net for help. Decided to change fluid and added a speed bleeder to make the job easier. Every thing was going fine, nice new fluid flowing, and went to close the bleeder - and it broke off . Took slave cylinder out, drilled out and re-tapped so stock bleeder would fit. Now it won't hold pressure/close. Did I drill too deep? Looks like I'll need a new/used cylinder, unless the geniuses here have a solution. Any ideas???
  19. Take that anyway you want to here's the question -I already pestered Earl with this but I did not explain myself properly, and the man should have to do everything! I pumped fluid from the rear bleeder to the master cylinder without a problem. I am trying to do the same in front, push fluid from the bleeder on the caliper through the line to the reservoir. Problem is that I seem to be blowing most of it out from between the tube and the bleeder as thought there is a block. I took the bleed screw out and it is clear. No fluid seems to be reaching the reservoir. What would cause this. *It's a new master cylinder!!
  20. OK, I've got a problem with the clutch on my 86! I rebuilt the master cylinder and when I got it disassembled, I found that the kit that I got was the wrong one. I took that back to the shop I got it from (independent guy that I use) along with the old parts. He found what appeared to be right (Yami # 2KW-W0099-00) and swapped with me. I came home and put it back together. Now it won't build any pressure. I have tried: 1) Putting fluid in from bleeder with a syringe. At first I got a few little bubbles in the master, now it won't take it at all thru' the bleeder even with lots of pressure. 2) Cleaned and cleared the bleeder, then Teflon taped it. It didn't drip much with the bleeder out either. 3) Bleeding the old fashioned way, with LOTS of pumping. It will push a little thru but not much, and I have gone thru at least 5 reservoirs full. 4) Using a mighty vac to suck it thru the bleeder. 5) Disassembled and reassembled master to make sure all parts are in the right order. 6) Tied the clutch lever back overnight to allow air to come up. 7) Left clutch lever alone overnight to allow air to come up. 8) Pulled out some of what little hair I have left! :confused07: I've thought of getting all the fluid out that I can and then blowing air through it from both ends. That does sound messy though! Any ideas out there? (Relating to my clutch issue that is!) Does anyone recognize that part number? I'm wondering if the size is off just a fraction. It was snug going into the cylinder. Tuesday I'm gonna call my dealer and check their number. This problem is so bad that I had to borrow and ride a V-Rod to Hootor's Bike Night on Thursday night!
  21. I'm looking to change my brake and clutch fluids soon. I've been reading about the "Speed Bleeders" and another bleeder called the "Motion Pro Hydraulic Brake Bleeder". My question is; has anyone here actually used the Motion Pro? I'm a little more interested in the Motion Pro over the Speed Bleeders because it appears that you only need one and just move it to the brake you're bleeding at the time. Does anyone here know if that's how this works? J&P Cycles has the motion Pro for $19.99. Thanks Guys
  22. I bought a 1988 Venture that had been sitting for more than 3 years. The clutch did not work at all so I thought that since it had no fluid in it maybe it just needed fluid and bleeding (who was I kidding). I tried and tried to bleed it with no luck. I bought a rebuild kit for the master and slave and also a Harbor Freight bleeder. Rebuilt the master first and tried the HF bleeder without rebuilding the slave. Bleeder worked great and had a little clutch action but looked under the bike and had a flood of brake fluid there. I took out the slave and rebuilt it (thanks for all the posts that said it did come out) did the bleeder thing and it worked great. Had clutch! The front brake worked some but not good. I did the HF bleeder on it and it worked fine then. The rear brake did not work at all. Tried the old method of bleeding and had no luck. Did the HF bleeder on the front left then on rear then on fitting at steering head and went through front rear and head again. Got a full brake. The HF bleeder worked great it was on sale for $20 and it could of been the best $20 I ever spent. One other thing that is nice using the bleeder is that I need no one else to help me. The only other thing I did was to put a turn of Teflon tape around each bleeder screw so that air woud not leak while bleeding. Hope to get everything done so I can go to Maintance Day.
  23. clutch bleeder screw, where is it ???? 2005 rsv need to flush fluid , also want to try speed bleeder.
  24. A month ago I posted how after bleeding brakes on the 83 Venture the brakes locked up on the test drive and had no play in pedal. The bike is at a friends and he just got back from 3 weeks in Florida so I got to work on it for the first time today. First I adjusted the brakes so I had free play in the pedal. Took for test drive and after using the brakes twice the rear and left front locked up again. Took bleeder wrench so cracked rear caliper bleeder, released pressure and didn't touch brakes until I got back. Two or three hits on the brakes and locked up again. Now this time took a small hammer and tapped on master and brakes released somewhat. Now the master was already taken apart and cleaned. So I believe the problem is with master cylinder. So the questions are. Should the master be talking apart and cleaned again or should I look for another master cylinder? And is it agreed the Master cylinder is the most likely reason for the lock ups? Thank You.
  25. Got this 86 VR last week. It has not been running for months(many, many months). It won't start and I am working on that. Got some Seafoam and have begun to see if I can get fuel to the carbs. But first... should have been an easy one. No rear brakes. Fronts(rt side) work fine. So just bleed the air out right. Put DOT 3 on the res. and pump, pump, pump(bottoms out each time). Open Lt. front bleeder... nothing. Did this a half dozen times. OK, plan B. Found the bleeder by the neck. Could only find one so I guess it's the right one:) Pump, pump, pump. Nothing. Not a drop of fluid. Still bottoming out on the bakes. On to plan C... the rears. Same drill... nothing. Resivour(sp) is still full. Seems the brake fluid isn't getting out of the res. Now what?? I know absolutely nothing about these bikes(and this one in particular) but I am willing to try to get it to work. Will take any suggestions... TIA, Wayne
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