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  1. Jesus, I know I am not the 1st person to wish you a Happy Birthday today, on the 2012th year of your birth. I also am not the 1st person to seek you out this day, there have been many before me that today have looked to you for guidance and comfort, and you have been there for them. I'm probably not the 1st biker to speak with you and wish you a Birthday greeting today. I may not be the first at a lot of things that pertain to you, on the day of your birth. I do want to be the 1st here, on this tiny website, full of people that follow you, know or try to know you, and some that are maybe interested in knowing you, to wish you that Happy Birthday. After all, it is you, the most recognized person in the entire world, who was given to us this day, so many years ago. You also gave yourself to us, to be our light and beacon on our path to being with our creator, Thank You for doing this. The sacrifice you made, for your father, to deal with satan for our souls, there are many that remember what you did, and are very thankful to you for doing it. I suppose what I'm really trying to say, is Thank You for this place, this website, to it's creator Don Nelson and his family that always opens up their home and their hearts to us, much like you do. Thank You for all the people that I have met here, who have touched my soul, and my heart and gave me some faith in humanity. My only wish, on this day of your birth, is that all the people whom I call friends here, the ones who enrich my life and put up with me. That you bless them and everyone on this planet on this day of your birth, because it's the best gift I can think of, to give them. We as humans, still hold some hope that we'll get it right one day, as we know you still believe in us. So Thank You Jesus, for being here for us, and Happy Birthday to you. I hope we can give you part of the present you really want, Peace for us down here.....
  2. I wish that I could say the only reason I feel down this holiday season is because I am under the weather, but we all know thats not the case, regardless of how good I or anyone could feel, the holidays will be somber. I know its all about remembering the birth of Jesus, and I normally can enjoy the season if I am up or down, but with what happened 11 days before Christmas I will not only be remembering our Savior's birth but the passing of 20 little Angels and 7 of their guardian Angels. Lets all remember to keep Christ in Christmas and those 27 Angels and Guardians in our hearts and prayers. My grandkids, my little angels, will be spending the night with us tonite and I cant wait for them to get here so I can smother them in hugs and kisses. Charlene and I wish all of our VR family a Merry Christmas.
  3. Well folks it is time for the spring silly season with deer running all over at all times of the day. This is the time of year where the does will be giving birth to there new fawns. Just before they give birth, they will drive last years fawns out of her territory (this is how they spread the gene pool). So you will have deer wandering around looking for a new place to live. If that young deer grew up in an area that had very little or no vehicle traffic, then mom never taught them how to cross the street. And if mom is right behind them looking to kick some tail they may be running like crazy. So keep an extra eye out for deer, at ALL times of the day, for the next month till things calm down some. this time of year is not as bad as during the rut in fall, but it still has a significant increase of deer activity.
  4. Women always say that giving birth is way more painful than a chap getting kicked in the testicles. Here is proof that they are wrong: A year or so after giving birth a woman will often say, "It would be nice to have another kid". You never hear a man say, "I would like another kick in the nuts". Case closed.
  5. This New Year Marks the beginning of not only a new year, but the beginning of a new decade. Besides all of us being 10 years older, what was your greatest memory during the last 10 years? I would have to say the birth of our Granddaughter Ella. There are many other good memories too.What are yours? Yama Mama:beer:Happy New Decade!
  6. God Bless and have a great day! http://f814.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f18928%5fAIPHjkQAALUCSVE3aQpj%2b1S8TPw&pid=1.2&fid=Inbox&inline=1 I will be making a conscious effort to wish everyone a Merry Christmas this year ... My way of saying that I am celebrating the birth Of Jesus Christ. So I am asking my email buddies, if you agree with me, to please do the same. And if you'll pass this on to your email buddies, and so on... maybe we can prevent one more American tradition from being lost in the sea of "Political Correctness". http://f814.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f18928%5fAIPHjkQAALUCSVE3aQpj%2b1S8TPw&pid=1.3&fid=Inbox&inline=1 May you be blessed in your celebration of our Savior's birth AMEN!!!!! Merry Christmas!! wild hair -----Inline Attachment Follows-----
  7. Granddad! Friday afternoon my daughter gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. It has been a very wonderful weekend. There is nothing like the miracle of birth and a beautiful new life. I wanted to share my joy with all you.......................Ron
  8. As of January 31, 2008, if you travel to the U.S. by land or water, a U.S. law will require you to present: a government-issued photo ID, such as a driver's licence; AND a birth certificate or a citizenship card; OR For youth under 16, a birth certificate; OR A valid passport.Canadian citizens flying to or through the U.S. must present a valid Canadian passport. Canadians will also be able to enter the United States by land or water with a NEXUS or Free and Secure Trade (FAST) card. The Government of Canada will keep Canadians informed as the U.S. makes further changes to its entry requirements.
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