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  1. Came around a curve on the way to work this morning, doing about 45, and saw some turkeys right on edge of road just ahead. A hen flew up and took a low trajectory right across in front of me, there was zero chance of missing it. Caught me right on the throttle side hand grip. Jerked the bar back hard & bike went into a tank slapper for about 10 occilations. Got it to settle down and kept bike upright. Bird did not survive, fingers are a little sore. I have turkey crap across the black tank cover, but no damage I could see to bike. Tweety 1, Turkey 0, we advance to the medal round... Gary
  2. He traded his venture in on a Polaris ranger... but said as soon as he recovered he was buying a SuperTenure..He looked good,, but said he had good days & bad days..please continue to pray for Big Bird & his family..
  3. Big Bird starts his radiation today. It will be what seems like a very long and frustrating 5 weeks for him, but with prayers, family and friends i know he'll make it just fine!! Please pray for family & Big Bird..
  4. Big Bird is @ UAB in Birmingham last I heard he has a spot on his brain that they are suppose to try to use a gama radiation knife on... they were going to try and do this from what i was told before they started the other treatment... Continue to pray for Big Bird & his family...
  5. VentureRider.org member A report shows a probable esophageal cancer. He will be having surgery in the morning for a biopsy and they will also attempt to put in a feeding tube. The family appreciate the prayers thus far and ask for you to continue to remember him in your prayers. I meet him one afternoon at my wife's office and of course I was on my venture & we struck up a conversation. He invited me over to his shop to show me somethings he thought I needed to know. He really helped me in a lot of things about the Venture. He is the one who introduced me to this site. His love for riding really showed & his love on passing down what he has learned to a newbie was greatly appreciated ...So please say prayer for Big Bird......
  6. Attached pictures of Tweety's pinstripping job done by Jaybird at MD on Saturday. Jaybird & his wife do an excellent job and at a fantastic price. Don donated Tweety Bird stuffed bird to my cause. Gary
  7. So, I have had several helmets hooked up on the wall in my garage. One set of black helmets have been in the same spot since 2003, when I got rid of my black 83 1st gen and bought my 99 silver. The last week I have noticed this tiny bird coming in and out of the garage. Sitting outside today, in between getting the garage set-up to get back to working on the bike in earnest, I heard a loud chirping coming from a tree outside the house. The bird seemed to be stressed about something. I just happen to glance over to the black helmets on the wall and notice straw coming from behind the helmet. I go over and look closely. Sure enough, the bird is building a nest in both helmets. I go inside and leave the garage door open. In about 10 minutes, said bird made a dash for the helmets. So, it looks like im going to have some new garage mates for a bit. Ill just leave it alone, but I thought its all pretty cool. Sorry, I cant take pics of it. My New Fuji Camera wont work with my Mac and until I find out why the Mac keeps rejecting the pics I cant download any here. Wonder whats gonna wander into my garage next........
  8. Warning!!! Can only be done before DQ! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYW5G2kbrKk&feature=player_embedded]Flying like a bird | part 14/14 - YouTube[/ame] Kenw
  9. While on a ride today I had a close encounter with a Turkey Buzzrd, the silly thing took off as I was approaching and flew back across the road. Managed to go between the windshield and me, his wing was right in front of my face , had to duck to miss him, good thing I did not have a passenger, because they would have collected the bird for sure. My buddy riding behind me said it was so close he thought I had hit the bird, but we both survived to talk about it.
  10. Did you ever wonder why there are no dead penguins on the ice in Antarctica - Where do they go ? Wonder no more ! ! ! It is a known fact that the penguin is a very ritualistic bird which lives an extremely ordered and complex life. The penguin is very committed to its family and will mate for life, as well as maintaining a form of compassionate contact with its offspring throughout its life. If a penguin is found dead on the ice surface, other members of the family and social circle have been known to dig holes in the ice, using their vestigial wings and beaks, until the hole is deep enough for the dead bird to be rolled into and buried. The male penguins then gather in a circle around the fresh grave and sing: "Freeze a jolly good fellow" "Freeze a jolly good fellow." Then they kick him in the ice hole. :rotfl:
  11. szach


    David received a parrot for his birthday. The parrot was fully grown with a bad attitude and worse vocabulary. Every other word was an obscenity. In a moment of desperation, David put the bird in the freezer, just for a few moments. He heard the bird squawk and kick and scream-then suddenly, there was quiet. David was frightened that he might have hurt the bird and quickly opened the freezer door. The parrot calmly stepped out and said "I believe I may have offended you with my rude language and actions. I'll endeavor at once to correct my behavior. I really am truly sorry and beg your forgiveness." David was astonished at the bird's change in attitude and was about to ask what had made such a dramatic change when the parrot continued, "May I ask what did the chicken do?"
  12. http://ca.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f15872%5fAIIIw0MAAXFsTVfgSgjStWLnOqY&pid=2&fid=Inbox&inline=1 BLUE BIRD OF HAPPINESS, MY ASS! It's Friggin' Freezing. There's snow up my ass, all the food's covered with 3 feet of this white sht, and you want ME to sing? What?? Anne Murray's "Snowbird"? Piss Off!! Next year, I'm flyin' to Jamaica, and smokin dope!!
  13. Hit a hawk going about 75 mph in 30 degree weather. Saw it coming across the meeting and it seemed like it dive bombed me. Haven't hit but 1 bird in 1million miles of car driving, but take out a bird in less than 20,000. Heard that happens with bikes for some reason. Question- My lower fairing is trashed. The other side got dinged. The one that just got trashed was replaced after being damaged. It seems that these things may get damaged quite east. Any suggestions on protecting these lower fairings? They are quite expensive to replace.
  14. *This is priceless - would love to do this.* One year at Thanksgiving, my mom went to my sister's house for the traditional feast. Knowing how gullible my sister is, my mom decided to play a trick. She told my sister that she needed something from the store. When my sister left, my mom took the turkey out of the oven, removed the stuffing, stuffed a Cornish hen, and inserted it into the turkey, and re-stuffed the turkey. She then placed the bird(s) back in the oven. When it was time for dinner, my sister pulled the turkey out of the oven and proceeded to remove the stuffing. When her serving spoon hit something, she reached in and pulled out the little bird. With a look of total shock on her face, my mother exclaimed, "Patricia, you've cooked a pregnant bird!" At the reality of this horrifying news, my sister started to cry. It took the family two hours to convince her that turkeys lay eggs! Yep..................SHE'S BLONDE! I HOPE EVERYONE HAD A HAPPY THANKSGIVING !!!!
  15. Posted this on the Goldwing board so I figured it would fit here also. Except for the Pin Strip that will be here this week it is Done, and rides Great, I still have the Speedo, and Cruse issue to work out though. Introducing Tweety Bird It is YELLER Yep it is definitely Yellow. The only difference between the Hot Rod Pearl Yellow Y130P and the Lamborghini Maiecerlgo, Gallio Deep Pearl Yellow is an extra shot of Pearl. In a couple of the pictures you can see the pearl working on the edges of the, and on the tank. http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/tweetybird92.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/tweetybird93.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/tweetybird.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/tweetybird1.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/tweetybird2.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/tweetybird3.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/tweetybird4.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/tweetybird5.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/tweetybird6.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/tweetybird7.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/tweetybird91.jpg http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo265/kj5ix/01%20Venture/tweetybird9.jpg
  16. Not Bike related, but some of you may be interested. My wife bought a Humming Bird feeder last month. I hung it on a wire from a tree limb, close to the house, and never seen a bird around it. A friend told me that it has to be hung away from tree limbs. So, Saturday, I moved it and hung it on a wire from the soffit, under the rain gutter, in front of the large bay window. And this morning there was two humming birds feeding. Really an interesting sight. I didn't know we even had these birds in the neighborhood. It sure attracts them. The feeder is first filled with water, then add sugar and some red food coloring. Works like a charm. Now I've got a new unique hobby!
  17. here is my kitty cat, cody.. he jumped 5 ft up to get into the bird feeder where he waits for lunch to come to him..:rasberry:
  18. I've hunted for many years, not so much lately, but have never gotten a partridge to put on my dinner table. Went to a bike rally in Soldier, Iowa over the weekend. Didn't want to camp this time so rented a motel room about 20 miles out. Was heading back from dropping some things off and there in the road is a partridge starting to cross from left to right. I try to slow down but bird had other ideas. Got up just as I was about to pass and poof, feathers are flying, material (being nice here is all over my boot) Bird hit my highway peg on left side. I say a few choice words thinking there goes the front shroud. Well, all said and done, other then my boots needing a cleaning bird broke nothing, made a mess and Mrs didn't even see a thing on back. Never knew those birds were that dang big. No I don't have pictures but if you want, feel free to head out to Soldier, Iowa and look for some feathers along with another mess that could be described as human made. God Bless and Ride safe. Mike
  19. Ok I'm getting worried now.. No joke, no fabrication here, but this evening I've had my 17th confirmed bird strike while riding my 2006 Midnight Venture this year. By confirmed I mean someone else saw it happen as well.. I've taken crows to the helmet, woodpeckers to the knee cap, various small birds through the front wheel.. pigeons exploding off my shoulder, etc etc.. this evening, a large white bird zoomed out of the woods and nailed my foot in such a manner as to twist my foot off the highway peg.. OUCH!! I had to pull over as my knee was pooched from the twisting.. My ride buddy saw it happen but couldn't ID the type of bird but all he saw was a big poof of feathers from the impact.. I ride my bike a lot, so compared to the average person, I should actually see more hazards than the guy / gal who goes from their home out to the coffee shop and back but this thing about bird strikes has me worried.. with over 30,000 miles since last summer.. My buddy, who's witnessed close to 10 of these bird strikes can't believe it but the blood and guts and bruises are not fantasy.. it hurts! He thinks it might be possible that there is something on the bike causing these birds to have a suicidal tendency.. Is it just me and my bike or is this common to get so many bird strikes on a bike?
  20. Alex

    Boogy bird!!

    Wish I had this kinda rhythm
  21. Well, I think I have had enough of the birds here in Iowa. Maybe the water is different in Michigan. A couple of summers ago, I had an owl try to take my helmet off. It actually hit my helmet with its feet. With my first gen I have dodged countless sparrows and blackbirds and actually hit two with the windscreen. Last summer I pegged a bird of some sort (I still don't know what it was) with the mirror stem of my nighthawk at 75mph. Gave a new defininition to the term: poof! I walked into the house, covered in blood, guts, and everything "else" that comes out of a bird. My wife looked at me, a confused look on her face, "What happened to you?" Well, today, they called in the heavy armor... I was following a car to work this morning at a nice pace. About two miles left on my 18mile commute I saw a turkey standing on the side of the road, facing away from the street. The car spooked it, and it started walking into the ditch. I was already slowing down, keeping an eye on the bird, sure enough, the fat bastard looked at me, turned around and started running back onto the street. I am braking as hard as I can now, and the bird lifts its wings and starts to fly. I am actually relieved, thinking I can put a shoulder into the bird easier than trying to run one over. By now I may be down to about 30mph, and the last flap of the wings lifted the bird over my head. I think the Gen threes should come with anti-aircraft missles.
  22. At some point over the past years, that mean Cinderella started calling me Tweety Bird. I THOUGHT it was just her way of being endearing but now I REALLY understand what she meant. Tweety Bird turned 60 recently. Now I know how Cinderella sees me.
  23. Just as the topic says!
  24. It's been fun hanging around here and looking forward to more. So from one old bird to the rest of you flockers........ This birds for you!
  25. Before I got the 2006 Midnight this summer, I rode my modded 2005 1100 Vstar a lot.. 80,000 kma in 2 years.. And in those two years I've had a lot of bird strikes while riding. Luckily, the three that hit my person didn't cause me to come off the bike but it hurt like hell. The others that hit the bike left a lot of mess. Most noteably was the pigeon that hit me in the shoulder and exploded in a large puff of feathers that my ride mates ran through.. (The wood pecker story is a whole page in itself.. ; ) And once I got my Venture, I figured my bad luck would follow since it's a bigger bike, a larger target for these birds to hit.. But after 4500 miles, no worries until recently.. sigh. I'm riding along the back road in the lead with my ride buddies in trail when all of a sudden there's a loud sharp WHACK to the back or top of my helmet, scaring the living heck out of me.. I pulled over right away as I had NO idea what had happened.. yep, sure enough, a bird hit the left antenna and it bent all the way back and then snapped forward to strike my helmet with a nice whack.. My buddies behind me saw this happen, the puff of feathers from a small bird and then my jumping out of the seat at being startled by the hit of the antenna.. Good thing they were there to tell me about as I don't think I would have figured it out on my own.. I didn't think the antenna would reach that far.. Go figure.. I don't worry about deer in the road a lot.. its the dang birds I worry about..
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