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  1. Went to a pretty cool event tonight, Full Throttle Ministries, Blessing of the Biker's night. This was there. A biker's last ride:
  2. Was invited to a church sponsored event tonight. It was put on by Full Throttle Ministries. They have a yearly "Blessing of the Biker's" event. The Pastor rides and has the Full Throttle Ministries outreach from their church. After everybody gets there, and there had to be 400+ bikes, we lined up 3 abreast and they had three Pastors that prayed over each bike and rider(s). Pretty cool full blown event.
  3. Wow you can tell it is cooling off. I worked yesterday and I'll bet I saw over 100 bikers go by, beside the 25-30 that came in the dealership.. It sure would have been hard to work seeing all the bikers had I not been so busy...I hope my wife & I get to ride today between showers...I've been so busy I haven't had time to wire my bike for trailer lights yet. We can't wait to take a trip and use it....
  4. I was at the grocery store today standing beside my bike. An elderly lady came up to me and said " I hate you bikers, but that sure is a nice bike.":rotf:
  5. Thought this was good to share.
  6. Would like to get a ride together to Key West FL. I'll be riding from Sandyville,WV this Spring? Not one for a bunch of bikers getting together, but, know first hand it will "CHANGE YOUR LIFE"... Well... I may be streeeeeeeeeching it a little...
  7. Any one Going??? www.bikersreunion.ca
  8. ibents

    Open your Eyes

    This video should be required viewing for all cagers. I apologize for the last word in the Video. Ian [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hehBQkOEa4o]YouTube - Bikers Are Everywhere OPEN YOUR EYES![/ame]
  9. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=masAsJeyIVQ]YouTube - A Day Out In Devon - SMIDSY, a bikers revenge[/ame]
  10. Guest

    Scottish 'Biker' defies physics

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cj6ho1-G6tw&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Danny MacAskill - "Way Back Home" - NEW street trials riding short film[/ame] They call them 'bikers'...we call them cyclists...either way, this is one skilled performer. (Best viewed in full screen mode)
  11. COCHRANE, Alta. - Officials say a motorcyclist lost a portion of his leg after the metal arm from a forklift fell off a truck and into his path Friday. Officials said the man was traveling eastbound with a group of fellow bikers, when a semi-trailer approached from the opposite direction along Hwy 1A. Cochrane Const. Francisco Ceron said police believe an arm of the forklift, part of a heap of scrap metal on a flatbed truck, fell into the path of the man on the motorcycle. As a result of the accident, one of the biker's legs was severed below the knee. No injuries were reported to the other bikers. "It is very unfortunate," Ceron said. Police are unaware of whether the driver of white, older model flatbed truck even knew he lost some of the scrap metal he was hauling and they are urging anyone who can help track the driver down to call (403) 851-8000. The injured man is said to be in his 20s and from B.C. nadia.moharib@sunmedia.ca
  12. You know we're always talking about how horrible it is for cagers to drive inattentively and hit a motorcycle. Well, this w/e in Illinois there was a biker killed on I-57. From what I understand (tv news) there were several bikers riding on the interstate. The lead biker slowed due to an emergency vehicle on the side of the road. Apparently the bikers toward the rear were not paying attention and struck the bikers in front of them. One killed, two severly injured. It's not always the cagers, there are rules of the road to follow when riding with other bikes too. Prayers out to them and their families.
  13. Saw a Venture and several STAR Riders at the Bikers For Boobs Poker Run today in Carrollton, GA. We"re any of you members here?
  14. I just wanted to mention here that we recently had the need for the PGR out here. A 24 yr old Army Lt, Joe Theinert was killed in Afghanistan 2 weeks ago. He lived on Shelter Island, which is a really small community and very close knit...you need a ferry to get to it.. My In Laws live there and we know alot of the people there. The Town really came together and did not allow the family to do ANYTHING except some very personal things....everything got handled. Word got out that some inbred idiots who call themselves a church...(wont mention the name but you know who they are) were going to make an appearance. Well...the PGR came in with 75 bikes and made quite an impression on the community. The initial reaction of some people was to wonder what all these mean looking bikers were doing here...but once they saw them surrounding the service with their flags....they were truly touched. I think alot of people have a new view of scary bikers. God Bless The PGR
  15. In yesterday's Dahlonega, GA newspaper, The Nugget. "Trooper not indicted in biker's death". A local motorcyclist was recently killed as he returned from a friend's funeral by a GA State Patrol car making a U-turn on Hwy 129 to go after a speeder. The DA said "He was doing his job, he turned on his lights, he made the Uturn, he didn't see the individual".
  16. Pryor, Ok needy kids will have a great Christmas Thanks to a lot of great bikers. http://www.photoshow.com/watch/ix6tp3mt Phill
  17. I wonder if anyone, anywhere has done anything about getting a ban on these things or lobbying to change how they do this. Recent readings in here as well as my own experience ... it's obvious that these things, especially in corners, are a "clear and present danger" to bikers all over.
  18. Vance,Goose and his lovely wife just left...They will see ya shortly! BAD BIKERS!!!! Pic to prove!!
  19. For those on Facebook, check out; http://apps.facebook.com/causes/238988?as_id=515343&as_type=Sharing
  20. This was sent to me by a friend and I thought I would share it with all here......... Boomer........Who does wear black from head to toe. By: Wayne Haskell Some think bikers are mean, Some dressed in leathers and others in jeans. You don't like our patches or the clothes that we wear, You hate our bandannas and you hate our long hair. You don't like our scooters and our loud noisy pipes, You think we're not loyal to the Stars and Stripes. You don't like our patches that are worn on our vests, You think we're so different from all the rest. But the truth is Mister, we're kind of alike, You drive a car and I ride a bike. You have no tattoos painted on your arm, But we fought side by side in Viet Nam. So the next time your children are running around, Enjoy their freedom, and the fun that they've found. Remember us bikers and all that we do, We feed our lost veterans, we're red white and blue! We bring toys for tots and toys for a smile, By riding our bikes for miles and miles. You see, us bikers have never forgot, Our homeless veterans and our homeless tots. We are loyal to our clubs and true to our bro's, We will always wear black from our heads to our toes. Society once said that long hair was for fags, But you'll never see a biker burning a flag. Now the tattoos and leather you don't understand, Stands for free independence that us bikers demand. Our long hair and patches and bikes with loud pipes, Is a tribute to our freedom, the Stars and the Stripes. So before you make up your mind on just what I might be, Take a look in the mirror and what do you see? The man that you see that is staring right back, Is not too much different from that biker in black!! Ride Safe~Ride Free Gypsy
  21. To Everyone, Just want to put the word out that Hollister Rally has been cancelled by the Hollister city council due to high cost for law enforcement ( $300,000.00) , which really isn't needed Sturgis doesn't even pay half that . A little history about Hollister Ca. , In 1947 a bunch of bikers ( 3 to 4 dozen ) were partying and racing there bikes in downtown Hollister . The news media of course made it sound and look worst then it was and Hollywood was inspired to make a movie about it ( The Wild Bunch ). In 1996 a few citizens decide to organize a Motorcycle Rally on 4th of July weekend , well by 2005 the Hollister Independence Rally had attendance of 120,000 bikes attend for the 3 day weekend. The Hollister Independence Rally became the largest Motorcycle rally in the West Coast . The town of Hollster is a good town and a biker town but it has several problems the city council and local law enforcement they don't like bikers or bike rallies . So in closing the town of Hollister has lost a great rally ,but bikers will still come on 4th of July because of the history and the spirit . If any of you have been to the Hollister Independence Rally you kow what I mean . Take Care, Silverbac
  22. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBNyuf533Go]YouTube - You didnt see me[/ame] If ya don't ride...ya won't understand....preaching to the chior.
  23. While riding this past w/e thru the rolling hills of Western Iowa, admiring the Fall colors, I saw a couple of people riding horses thru their fields. This got me wondering if bikers could've been Cowboys in a previous life. From my own experience, I am in heaven when on my bike out in the countryside with no one else around. The wind, sunshine, even the rain makes me feel at home. Even though I am a 'city boy', I feel more natural out riding the countryside. I know this is stretching things, but my mind wanders the whole time when I am out riding. craigr
  24. I have been riding the parkway this weekend and I believe there are more bikers than cars.I have met alot of great people.
  25. I apologize for the length of what follows, but some of you may want to know! Everyone is aware of the annual Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson sponsored spring bike rally and the Atlantic Beach bikefest the following week in May. Well, it appears that the MB city council voted not to have them anymore. The county comcil is split at present, but will likely follow suit. Supposedly, there were a failrly large number of complaints about both and the cost to the city for OT, addt'l services, etc. I don't generally go down there and mix it up during either event (did all that when I had my last bike.....doesn't do anything for me..I'm just not that interested), but I think it is short sighted and generally stupid to try to get rid of them. The city of MB wasn't the one to license many of the venues and temp. vendor permits anyway, so their basic statement was that they would "do things to encourage bikers to not come". I am beyond disappointed with these morons that run the local governments around here. There are millions of dollars pumped into the local economy by these events and these idiots think they can replace it with another % on the tax bill for us residents! There were some businesses that had complaints, but what about all the businesses that exist almost for the express purpose of serving those rallies? Years ago, we had Hell's Angels and Outlaws coming and there was occasionally trouble. That has long since been the case, though! I'm not telling you anything you don't already know when I say that todays bikers run the gamut from Doctors to Lawyers to mechanics and retirees and millworkers. Some let it all hang out a little too much when they get hooched up, but that happens whether they're bikers or not. More recently, but still maybe 7 or so years ago, the Atlantic Beach Bike event got totally out of control spilling over into Myrtle Beach and there were darn near riots when some of the businesses got antsy and closed up their establishments. Since then it's been much better, but many business are sick of having the NAACP breaking their stones over whether they are open or not during Bikefest and the constant complaining about traffic control & routing not being the same during the two events.(their description, not mine. I just happen to know a few of the business owners) If there are valid complaints..fine! I don't really care one way or the other as long as people act like they have some sense on the bikes, regardless of which event you're talking about. My wife & I were talking about it and there are usually around 200,000+ bikers showing up for Harley Week. My question to her was: What are the city and county going to do, when 50,000 or 75,000 bikers show up just like every other year ( because they didn't get the message or because they don't give a rip) and there are no events and no venues for them. And they get informed AFTER they spent their money to rent their rooms for the week, that "Myrtle Beach city and Horry County don't want you here anymore". I see the potential for problems. It ain't over till the fat lady sings and she's not up to the building just yet. I don't believe the public has had their complete say yet. http://wpde.com/news/news_story.aspx?id=148876 I've been here more less continually since about 1979 and the area has changed alot. I don't think I much care for where it's going...This latest..It's driven by attitudes and misconceptions and on the other side there is a measure of antagonism and arrogance and an equal portion of attitude. There's many more stick-in-the-mud transplant retirees that move in and start trying to change everything. There is a strong yuppie wannabe presence. It's changed and is still changing...which it will..I just don't think I like it much anymore is all. I suppose the bottomline is that regardless of what they decide, they can't keep bikers from coming to the beach if they feel like it. I don't know if I'm different from anyone else on this point, but if I'm not wanted...fine I'll go somewhere else. But, I'm going to try to convince as many of my biker AND cager friends to go elsewhere as I can in the process. (there was a time, though, when I'd have shown up just for spite and dared somebody to say something about it) I feel sorry for the business owners that cater to bikers, but I hope this whole thing backfires right in the face of the local governments. I mean for Pete's sake, it's one lousy week for each event. Control it if need be, make more and/or better ground rules and enforce them, but everybody has the right to a vacation and some fun at the beach with friends that they have a passion in common with, EVEN IF THEY ARE BIKERS. It should get very interesting! Oh yeah, they're separately talking about doing something about spring break too! Go figure! UPDATE: evidently the county has voted to go along with the city of Myrtle Beach in killing the bike rallies. (and I thought my district's county councilman was the only jerk in local government) It still ain't dead yet, vote or no vote!
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