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Found 22 results

  1. Is there anybody that can give me the real lowdown on BOTH of these windshields? I want one that makes the Calm air "bubble" extend back to include my passenger. She gets slapped around terribly back there. I know that with things aerodynamic, bigger doesn't always mean better. It just looks like the Clearview is selling its shape, and F4 is selling it's enormity. Is it possible that the better shape of the Clearview will outperform the huge F4?
  2. For those who know, why does the '88 have less advertised power than the '83? The '88 has a bigger bore, and slightly bigger carb, and a little more torque, but the rest seems the same, yet the '88 is advertised with 11PS less power? What would account for this difference? Just askin'.... -Pete, in Tacoma WA USA '83,88 Venture
  3. Wife's cousin came across this. I couldn't resist. 94 goldwing with trailer. Excellent condition with a little over 50k on her. Looks like I'm gonna need a bigger garage.
  4. I just ordered a Harbor Freight flatbed trailer a few days ago. I stopped by a few local dealers that sell trailers etc. Neither had anything i could use along the motorcycle line. Anyway the wife was less than enthused that I started in on the trailer thing in the first place. (she doesnt ride). Anyway one of the dealers just found a used flat trailer that was pulled behind a wing i guess. So the wife will be less than impressed that i bought another trailer. But it was only 35 bucks, and it is titled. Cant go wrong with this deal, so it looks like im gonna have 2 trailers. Guess I will have a smaller and a bigger trailer. This trailer has 8 inch tires which appear to be in good condition, and bearing buddies to boot. The harbor freight trailer is 12 inch tires. so a bigger box may be in order for that one.
  5. Anyone going this year? Its always a good time and it keeps on getting bigger every year? Let me know, Paul
  6. Made some minor mods. What do you think?
  7. was going to run my son up to St Louis we stoped for gas before we left he went in to pay we get on the bike and all it will do is click never would turn over just click so i call my wife and tell her bring jumper cables we try to jump it but notheing so i got a bigger pair of cables it clicked then turn over one time then i put it on the soleniod and it fired right up drove it back to the house. so is it my battery or the is it something else?
  8. On some of the posts, the pictures are about the width of the page. I have put my pictures in the smaller format to get them to load, but I like the larger pictures a lot better. They are easier to see and not having to click on them to get them to load would be a plus. Is there any downside to having bigger pictures posted as far as memory or bandwidth usage? What size are these larger pictures in pixals? RandyA
  9. If money was not an issue what kind of bike would you get and may-by why? My first bike would be the dodge tomahawk. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uZA93SvZpk&feature=fvw]YouTube- Dodge Tomahawk[/ame] But then i figured that since dodge went belly up, finding parts would be impossible. then i thought about bigger bikes The McLean V-8 Monowheel. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4YmVP6i4qw&NR=1]YouTube- McLean V-8 Monowheel (Crash)[/ame] But after the end of that movie my health insurance would go up 300% on to bigger, [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZO0pAmliyVY]YouTube- Monster Bike[/ame] detroit motor with Alison trans and a top speed of 25Mph. But it does have AIR ride seat for the long hall's [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wiTddVGgRo&feature=related]YouTube- Australia's Monster Motorbike - Melbourne Media Prelude[/ame] but the fuel mileage would kill me. in the end I would probably stay with my 84 venture or any of the ventures, there a Timex that wont quit
  10. Well, kinda sorta. We closed on our house today and we have paid our rent to the new owners so we can still stay there until the 11th. We close on our new to us house on the 9th. It is only 5 miles away and about 1000 sq ft bigger. woohoo, higher mortgage!
  11. these guys were overheard saying "What the hell, the venture guy has a bigger flag":cool10:
  12. Today when i got home it was on the step's like a kid in the candy store i had to rip it open and sure enough look what i Got! cant wait till i have time to put it up and use it; im sure the new trailer is going to be getting lots of use as this is a bit bigger then my old one http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/drayco58/IMG_0032.jpg?t=1249594935 now this one should be just right for them rain days i can put the bike inside and clean it while waiting on the sunshine:cool10: Dray
  13. Found this tire on FleaBay. Would this be a good choise for my RSV? I sure like the bigger lugs and tread pattern. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2-NEW-165R15-TIRES-FRONT-RUNNER-RACING-165-R-15-DRAG_http://i.ebayimg.com/08/!BUdlbp!!Wk~$(KGrHgoOKicEjlLmZ3G2BKNpOwr(r!~~_1.JPG
  14. Thinking about Metzlers for my TD. Any size suggestions? I wanted to go with a bigger rear tire, but i'm not sure if it is wise. Any input is welcomed.
  15. I have had motorcycles for years but my bride is scared to death to ride. I bought the 2004 Royal Star Venture in December; yesterday and today it was over 70 degrees and I got her to ride with me. The bigger bike and comfort has sold her; I now have a partner. She already wants the leather jacket.
  16. I've heard that the wheels on the Harbor Freight motorcycle dolly are too small and need replaced... since they bottom mount, bigger wheels means higher unit... but have some of you come across a better wheel to mount (PN?)? http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/photos/95800-95899/95896.gif http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=95896
  17. can I go to a bigger mm for my wires?? will it work??
  18. how do these come off? they appear to just slip on and be held in place by the springs but I cant get them loose. Are they screwed on? or do I just need a bigger hammer?
  19. I have barons risers on my bike, but feel I need a little more. Will Fanders bars make a bigger difference?
  20. Guest

    amp mounting

    hey,, I need some info on how to mount an amp in the trunk , right now the amp is resting against a bazooka tube,,not very secure , the amp is a Alpine MRPF 240 ,, would love to add a bigger amp but don't know if the bike's electrical system can handle it,,or if it can be mounted in the trunk,, any info would be really helpfull .
  21. I'm hearing that a bill is in the hopper, Wa. state gov't, to put a $600 to $900 tax on new vehicals with engines larger then 2 liter. Called an " Engine Displacement Fee " Also, a bill that would create Special licence plates, that Identify, past convicted Drunk Drivers. Oh well, life goes on, gov't gets bigger, and bigger ------
  22. After some help from my brother, a Honda rider (oh well, some day he'll convert) I was able to come up with a new fuel pump. It is made by masters and is item #e8055 . It is available at Advance Auto for $62.00 including tax. It does take some modification to the bracket that it comes with and a little fudging but it is in and seems to work great so far. It looks exactly like the original but it is about 1/4 inch bigger in diamater. I'll try to attach a pic. and see what happens. It puts out 3psi which from what I can gather is what the original puts out. Feel free to ask any questions that you may have and I will try to help. Update by Freebird. The linked information for this was outdated and no longer worked. The only fuel pump I find with this part number is Airtex. I hope it's the same one. If not, let me know and I'll remove this information. http://www.amazon.com/Airtex-E8055-Electric-Fuel-Pump/dp/B002XK172K
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