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  1. While cruising the item on EBay for sale I came across this add: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Venture-Yamaha-1989-Venture-Royale-1300-Blue-Like-New-200-miles_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem588296a25dQQitemZ380148032093QQptZUSQ5fmotorcycles Does anyone believe this is really possible? A 1989 VR with ONLY 210 miles on it? It does look very clean. 3K current bid but it also has a reserve on it.
  2. Well, it happened again. I lost control and bought another bike - my fourth one,,,,pheeeeeewwwww,,,,,,,,, The summer of 2011 I bought a 2000 MM Venture here in Reykjavik, Iceland for a friend of mine who lives up North. Was surprised how easy the bike was to handle and discovered it had levelling links and lowered forks. Was as easy as my 1998 Tour Classic. Rode the bike halfway through Iceland to meet up with my friend and deliver the bike and took his old Kawasaki Vulcan back and sold it for him. He took really good care of the Venture and pampered the bike apart from always scraping the drivers seat with his boots but he is kind of short legged. Late this summer he was riding with his friends up North and they stopped at the shoulder of the road. When he stepped of the bike he lost balance and dropped the bike on the right side. Unfortunately there was quite a steep slope on the side and the bike went down the slope about 20 feets. Did only get cosmetic damages but it took six guys about two hours to get the bike back up on the road. They bike was driveable in all sense - just not looking as pretty as before. The insurance company opted for paying him the bike for 12.500 US$ (note that bike prices are averagely double here in Iceland compared to the USA), and last week I bought for him a Yamaha Wildstar 2000 model with every possible accessory available as well as some custom made. A really beautiful bike and he is as happy as ever. The insurance company put the bike up for auction last Friday and it ended today. The highest bidder had only one bid (there are three bids allowed): 6.250 US$ The second (me) had all three bids: 1st.bid 6.248 US$ 2nd. bid: 5.882 US$ 3rd. bid: 5.710 US$ So I had no hope that I would get the bike. But I lucked out. The highest bidder backed out and I was offered the bike for my first bid of 6.248 US$. I decided to take the chance and drop my highest bid and stick to my second bid for 5.882 US$ with the hope that there would not be somebody with a bid amount between my first and second bid. And,,,,,,,,THE BIKE IS MINE The damages are as follows: 1. Tank has two dents in the white area. Only needs the white colour painted. 2. Front upper fairing scraped and chipped. Needs full paint. 3. Windshield broken. Needs to be replaced. 4. Lower front right fairing scraped and chipped. Full paint. 5. Would want to replace the front fender to get rid of that terrible Seagull previous owner bolted on. Ugliest thing I ever seen on a Venture (I do know it is a matter of taste ) 5. Saddlebag lid right side scraped. Full paint. 6. Trunk lid scraped. Full paint. 7. Saddlebag guard badly scraped. Needs to be replaced. 8. Right side driving light dented. Needs to be replaced. 9. Driver seat needs to be patched/repaired or a replacement bought. (Where in the world would I get an identical colour vinyl/leather for this? ) And thats about it. Have already gotten a price for the paint job - 1.300 US$ and estimated cost for the parts is somewhere between 800 to 1.200 US$ depending on how lucky I get, Total cost without calculating my work: 8.382 US$ - Sale price: 12.000 US$ Profit around: 3.500 US$ (if everything works out that is). And believe it or not - the BOSS gave me permit to buy the bike when I told her I could make some money on it. Bad thing is that both my sons said to her: MOM,,,Has Dad ever sold any of his bikes ? MOM,,,WAKE U-UP ! I am determined to sell it when it is done and,,,,,,well it is actually a very nice color and there were only 1.500 samples made,,,, When I get home from Norway middle of December I will remove the parts that need to be repainted and get them to the painter. No rush though - selling the bike when it gets close to spring. If any of you know of any of the parts available then please send me a line. The pictures on the insurance companys website are protected from copying but I am trying to find a way to attach the pictures and will post an update. Update: Pictures will be added tomorrow Wednesday - the insurance company are going to mail them to me. Thanks for looking and if any of you know of any of the parts I need then please be so kind to contact me. Friendly regards from Iceland / Norway.
  3. As most of us know, Walmart does not carry Super Tech oil filters anymore.........What is everyone using now? It looks like Purolator won out on the bid.
  4. I have been dealing with plugged pilot jets on my 84 all this year. As most know seafoam doesn't work well on plugged jets and I didn't want to stop riding the bike long enough to rebuild them. Amazingly enough with the idle cranked up to 15-16grand i'm still getting 37mpg and able to ride. I found these on Ebay and placed a bid. When I got up today I was happy to find I won. $121 with shipping. Does anyone know if all 83's had the adjustable needles?http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&_trksid=p4340.l2557&rt=nc&nma=true&item=380440103134&si=ZMX9op6qie0ucLl6clKQXmfoPKc%253D&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AL%3AOC%3AUS%3A3160&vxp=mtr&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc
  5. When I posted this last set of auctions, I put a reserve of $10.00 on them, that way if they didnt make reserve they would automatically relist, what I didnt know was when they relisted it did so for anywhere from 160 days down to 58 days, I will not let them run that long, all the auctions that are still open will be ending this Saturday, May 26. So you still have a little time to bid, this is the end of the shirts, pins and hats. I wont have any more for a while. I have a source that may have some leftover and I will see if I can get them, if I do I will post and so the auctions differently. Thanks for all your support of the kids at St. Jude. With the money you folks have bid and the very very nice check that the B2's presented me with at their M&E, we will have a very nice donation, nothing approaching last years, but a respectable one, which we will be presenting in person in late Sept. or early Oct. Thanks again to everyone who donated, bid, and supported St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.:clap2::clap2:
  6. Off the top of anyones head, will a stator/engine cover from a '83 1200 fit on the '88 1300. In the picture it looks the same, but don't want to bid if it doesn't fit. thanks all Markus
  7. Reminder, Check out the Cruzin for St. Jude Auctions. There is only 3 days left, I believe. Lewis needs more action in the auction. There are T Shirts, pins and hats waiting to be bid on. Help this great cause, just because you care about the children. Yama Mama
  8. I bid on the motorcycle covers(listed on Flea Bay) shown on the lower portion of the VRO home page. I thought what the heck and bid on all three. Well I won the bid for $0.01 each. Yeah that is a PENNY each, with $49.00 total for shipping the three. Don't know what I'll get, but 3 XXL covers for less than $50.00, what the heck!!!
  9. The action for St Jude auctions has been slow, not a whole lot of competitive bidding going on, get in on the action, the kids at St. Jude would really appreciate it. And if your bidding and want more than the one shirt and pin in the auction, just let me know if you want more than the one and you can just match your winning bid for each one.........winning bid is $6.00, multiply your bid by how many you want, its that easy. No need to bid on several auctions. Thanks to all that help support the "Kids" at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Don't forget we will be meeting in Memphis in early Oct. to make our donation in person. I will be posting the actual date in the next week or so after I talk to the folks at St. Jude. This is a great chance to get out and meet some great folks from VR and St. Jude. The turnout last year was fantastic and hoping for the same again this year. You can click on this link here on when it appears at the top of the VR page, or just go to the Classified section, St. Jude Auctions.
  10. New auctions have been posted in the classifieds for St. Jude. Shirts and pins. Bid often and bid High, remember this is for the kids at St. Jude Children's Hospital. [ATTACH]64990[/ATTACH][ATTACH]64991[/ATTACH] :mo money:
  11. While grazing on Ebay in early Dec. 2011 I saw a 1986 VR ( item 150711597381, photos were still up recently), advertised as a project bike. Finally bid ended at $680, which I thought was cheap for such a fine older machine. Winning bidder never paid and I was offered the VR for bid price, shipping to my home added $400 but still cheap for a diamond in the rough. Found your very friendly and informative site while the bidding on the VR was still active and joined on ,12/8. As you have said best $12 I've spent. I've already found a very nice replacement seat,windshield and normal maintenance items, and of course downloaded manuals etc. Not surprising that a complicated machine with many electrical/electronic devices which are 26 years old (isn't that about 78 in motorcycle years) is in need of TLC. Along with working on the defects noted in Ebay listing a thorough fork and steering head rebuild/upgrade is planned.Pleased to see that several members have a machining background.
  12. Ran into this auction on Ebay this morning. Can't believe someone would be stupid enough to even list them, and.... someone else would be stupid enough to bid on them. NGK's
  13. The auctions that are currently running to benefit St. Jude Childlren's Hospital will be ending tomorrow. Some of the bids are stupid low, get you bid in now. Remember this is for the Kids at St. Jude.
  14. lets not forget the Saint judes auctions.............its not much but Im willing to play the bidding game and there are 2 or 3 that havent been bid on yet...........unless Im in the wrong place. David
  15. Ok you slugs have been spouting off about hosting the Int. rally in this area...Now , if you are serious about this ...........just step up and post if you are willing to do you part by chairing a committee....IF we have enough interested members , then we will toss in our bid to hold the rally here...ps...this includes our close Canadian friends too...you know who you are........
  16. Anyone Interested In Selling A Hazard Switch for 89 VR, before I bid on bay?
  17. The winners of this round of St. Jude auctions are; Cap'n Eddie B2Mom Short-Haul------3 Auctions won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to everyone who bid to help support the Kids at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.:clap2:
  18. Can't even let the man go to work anymore. He was on location waiting on a rig to move, so he got bored and started watching an auction on Iron Planet on his iPad. Called me and said he goofed or something like that and that he had won a bid that he placed and bought a motorcycle. I asked..."It ain't one that looses parts is it?" Yup it is. He got a 06 Harley. Think he said it is a soft tail, and something about Screaming Eagle. Now how to play this to my advantage....Heee hee. LOL
  19. Well, Coudn't resist. Bought a 2006 Honda vtx 1800 R with sadlebags, windshield, new tires,and with just over 6,000 miles on it for $6500.00 out the door. Wil be picking it up within the next week and half. I know the routine, pics,pics. As soon as I get her home. Also going tomorrow to start the process of buying a house here. Hope they accept our bid. Will have 2 2car garages to store bikes in and in between them is a place for an RV.........Condor if you need space I have some avalible. lol.
  20. Just a heads up for you 1st genners, I have put up 2 items for St. Judes in that area of the classifieds http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3077&title=venture-drivers-backrest-pad&cat=15 http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3078&title=-2786-to2793-1st-gen-drivers-backrest-brackets&cat=15 If your looking for them, bid these up, it's for a good cause. I will personally pay for the shipping to anyone on this website no matter where they live.
  21. Working on my 83 venture I've been keeping an eye out for potential deals on ebay. Last week I saw that a CB from a 1300 with a high bid of only $15 with only 1 day left. So I put in a bid and got it for $18, With shipping it was a grand total of $33.20 Got it yesterday and tested it today on my dad's bike to make sure it wasn't a lemon, no problems! Now I just have to put in all the wiring on my bike. So I can actually use it.
  22. Here are the winners of the St. Jude T-Shirt, Hat & Pin auctions............................ Midnite ...Mike Crocker....2 auctions Shorthaul....Danel Dagel csogk......Brian Thanks to everyone that bid, the kids at St. Jude will benefit from your support. I will be posting more auctions soon. Thanks again to all.
  23. I dont know what happened when I first posted the auctions, but there wasnt a place to bid, I have redone the auctions and you can now bid to your hearts content.................. :mo money:
  24. dang not much money but 400 a month paid some bills anyways. the bar owner said he,s giving up the bar after 40 years. guess i cant blame him. i use to clean up on the weekends and got a free meal as well. he gave me $350.00 tonight and i didnt even work for it. he said its all i can do for ya son son i like that im 51 LOL. he said to many bars in the area. and its a younger group now. he bid me good luck and we went our ways. wish i had 65 grand for this nice little bar. holds 50 pepole inside and has a small patio deck in the summer and good music too. im going to miss the old boss and the good pepole that came there too.
  25. I took the plunge this week and bought a Wolo Chrome on ebay. Ad said used with minor scratches but seller deals almost exclusivley in horns and has good feedback, so I took a chance. Total cost shipped of just over $36. He still has some for sale - starting bid is $24.99. Here's one: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/AIR-HORN-WOLO-BAD-BOY-MODEL-519-CHROME-12-VOLT-/250624213524?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3a5a5e0214 He also has the non-chrome starting at $19.99. Anybody here ever deal with this guy?
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