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- Remember to wear a bicycle helmet !
I'll try to make this short. I have a friend who was a co-worker back in the 90's. He is a kind and gentle type of guy who would bend over backwards to help you out if you needed it. Well, I found out that he was paralyzed in an accident while riding his bicycle. He was traveling down a hill and hit a parked car. The car pulled over and stopped due to the new law in Washington State that requires you to not be driving and talking on your cell phone. So the driver did the right thing and Mark hit the car on his bicycle. I know what it's like to go down hill at a high rate of speed on a bike and you tend to look down because your trying to avoid rocks etc. Mark was looking down, hit the back of the parked car, and now is paralyzed. Seems the story should be over and I've said some prayers for Mark and his family. I decided to look on the Internet to see if anything was written about it and found a Corvette forum talking about it. He was called every kind of idiot there was and beyond. I guess we don't think about how our words can hurt folks sometimes. He's a friend of mine and it was an accident.
On June 1st 2010 my 23 yr old son, Brad, is starting his long planned bicycle ride across Canada. His plan is to take up to 12 weeks and ride across the country to help raise funds and awareness for the Brain Injury Association of Canada and their related support societies . His ride will take him close to 4,700 miles from the west coast to the east coast. So if you are riding to or from the Kootneys and happen to see a young man all alone on the highway pedaling his bicycle east.... please ..... stop and say hello to Brad. thanks info on his ride: or send me a message.
I really thought that our part of Washington state was pretty good about motorcycles and their drivers. But here is a story where someone riding a bicycle decided to throw his bike into the path of a guy (semi-famous actor) riding a motorcycle. I guess the gene pool is sometimes pretty shallow.
I got my HF trailer repainted and assembled and the box mounted on top. It works great and follows unloaded along at 80 mph. I am now looking at adding other conveniences like a bicycle kickstand and a cooler on the tongue. My wife and I plan to take a trip west across the state in two weeks to see our son run in cross country in two weeks. Questions: I bought a kickstand from Walmart but it doesn't seem to have the right angle for mounting on the tongue. Anybody have pictures of how they mounted a bicycle kickstand on their HF trailer? What is the easiest way to mount a cooler on the tongue and what cooler is recommended? I know that it must have a positive latch (don't want my ham sandwiches flying down the interstate). Any other recommendations? Iowa Guy
Now that I have my RSV for almost 3 weeks and about 150 miles on her, I know nothing about the equipment to be able to use the intercom system. The after-market unit that we used on my Sabre worked OK under 25mph. But really is totally useless unless my wife & I rode a tandem bicycle!
I have heard here and elsewhere the odd time of someone who has or built a rack to carry a bicycle on a motorcycle. Does anyone have pictures or more details of how to make one, or where or how the bicycle is carried?