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  1. well i got retired from my job this morning. what a shock. they cut the night shift and i am officially home permenantly to harass my wife. this is my second retirement, so i guess it will be my last. time to tighten the belt and enjoy these so called golden years. lots more time to work on the 2015 rally.
  2. i just had the belt buckle made for me , wish i had a better cam. it is tan leather with dark brown writing , it cost me 20.bucks Wayne said he had enough orders he could make them for 17 buck or 18 bucks plus shipping , anybody up for a group buy ? http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=dbdb119102&view=att&th=11d4b6e3c285368f&attid=0.0.1&disp=emb&zw
  3. This is not bike related. I have an Otterbox Defender Series protector for my Droid X. I have had it about a year and 2 months. The other day, the tab that holds the phone and its protectors in my belt clip broke. I checked the website and realized that the warranty was only a year. OK, so I will just buy a new belt clip. After not finding just the belt clip to buy, I contacted customer service via email explaining the circumstance and asking how to buy a new belt clip. In about an hour, I had a response that in short said give me the numbers off the clip, your name and address and I will send you one. Today, a replacement belt clip showed up in the mail as stated. This just does not happen with most businesses. I am impressed. I believe in passing on the good as well as the bad. I hope this helps someone decide to spend the extra money on a good item that is obviously backed by the company. :thumbsup2: :thumbsup2: FIVE THUMBS UP!
  4. well, i have close to 300 miles on my liner and thought i would share the pros and cons. this bike is one of yamahas best kept secrets. why they don't push and advertise some of there really good models more is a mystery to me. this has to be one of the best v-twin platforms ever for the ultimate touring bike. as archaic that i thought the engine was in this age of high tech engineering. it is one well engineered drive train package. it has the broadest powerband of any bike i have ever rode. stump puller off idle and just keeps on pulling. the transmission is smooth as glass with short throw, and positive engagemant. low speed parking lot handling is the best of any bike i have ever rode. it has an ultra low center of gravity, and perfect steering geometry. the high speed handling is excellent. the frame is rock solid with no flex or wallowing when pushed hard in the twisties. i felt at times i could drag my elbows. well almost, a guy can dream can't he. lol. the fit and finish is impeccable with just the right amount of chrome. it has a near 50-50 weight distribution front to rear. the dealer in indy just called and asked if i was satified. i dug down deep for the cons and here is all i could muster up. the wind shield sucks. too tall, and some buffeting on the high way. i will cut about 2" off and make some lowers to cure that. there is a mild vibration around 65-70 mph that may annoy some , but it is overall very smooth for a v-twin of this size. there is some engine and drive train noise at lower speeds that is greatly amplified by the wind shield. i think most of it is drive belt howl. the belt sounds a bit tight, from my previous experience with belt drives. i will check it. the ergonomics are fairly good. the driver seat so far seems very good. i have long arms and the bars are on the edge of being a bit to far forward to reach. overall i was very impressed with this bike and i just love it. i think with a trunk and the rest of the normal touring luxuries yamaha would have one hot touring bike to meet the competition, till they come out with their detuned v-max powered flagship tourer. i still think that is their plan if the economy ever picks up. by the way this strat s is one georgeous machine. bill
  5. I have one of the Venture Rider belt buckles and have been asked who made them. Can't remember who was taking those orders but since it's been a while, as well as before the last sites crash I think, I can't find a reference for them. I'm pretty sure it was someone in Texas but could be wrong there. Time for another group buy? Info anyone? Larry
  6. I was shopping at the local supermarket where I selected: A half-gallon of 2% milk A carton of eggs A quart of orange juice A head of lettuce A 2 lb. can of coffee A 1 lb. package of bacon As I was unloading my items on the conveyor belt to check out, a drunk standing behind me watched as I placed the items in front of the cashier. While the cashier was ringing up the purchases, the drunk calmly stated, 'You must be single.' I was a bit startled by this proclamation, but I was intrigued by the derelict's intuition, since I indeed had never found Mr. Right. I looked at the six items on the belt and saw nothing particularly unusual about my selections that could have tipped off the drunk to my marital status.. Curiosity getting the better of me, I said, 'Yes you are correct. But how on earth did you know that?' The drunk replied, 'Cause you're ugly.
  7. A young woman was shopping at the local supermarket where she selected: A half-gallon of 2% milk A carton of eggs A quart of orange juice A head of lettuce A 2 lb. can of coffee A 1 lb. package of bacon A drunk standing behind her watched as she placed the items in front of the cashier on the check out conveyor belt. While the cashier was ringing up the purchases, the drunk calmly stated to her, "You must be single." The young woman was a bit startled by this proclamation, but was intrigued by the derelict's intuition, since she indeed had never found Mr. Right. She looked at the six items on the belt and saw nothing particularly unusual about her selections that could have tipped off the drunk to her marital status... Curiosity getting the better of the woman, so she said, "Yes you are correct. But how on earth did you know that?" The drunk replied, "'Cause you're ugly."
  8. I just received a pair of fleeced lined Cordura Nylon chaps from www.coloradochaps.com and I am impressed. The chaps are custom made from your measurements, thigh and inseam. Instead of a typical belt they have a velcro strap that loops over your existing belt. I guess they assume you'll be wearing one. While it is not frigid here right now I did take a short ride with them on and they are very "toasty". They are easy to put on. Just put your foot and leg through the top and pull the zipper to your ankle. I've never cared for leather chaps and they always seemed too hard to get on. And with my short legs I could never find leather that fit right. I thought I would take a chance on these and I'm glad I did. Lori at coloradochaps.com is very good to work with. If you're cold, give them a try. Dennis
  9. Broke a second drive-belt on my Road star in a year &3months- a week ago Just got it back Fri. but now it needs new pulleys as they are worn and that is why the belt broke(mechanic).Got 30,000 or so on belt that broke spring of 09 and 20,000 or so on this one. Other shop says not to ride with the new belt and old pulleys and mechanic that changed it said I could?????????? Phantom wife says fix it (so no replacement bike to fix old 87\\for now)Have to wait till Tues. to see how long to get back pulley(on back order)Back pulley is $432can and front is $122 plus 3 1/2 hrs labor
  10. Didn't make Big Tom's ride becaues Becky had a Ladie's Tea at church so instead I got the lawnmower out to get it ready for the season. Wanted to replace the drive belt as it was slipping last year. While the oil was draining I removed my gas tank and installed the new bib that came in the mail that morning. After looking all over town for a new belt, morning turned to afternoon and Becky came home, and one of our newet members, Joe Neamon, called to find out if we wanted to ride someplace and I said sure, I have to go to Sears about 26 miles away. They live in the next town over, about 5 - 10 minutes away, and as we wer e waiting another new member Tom who lives 2 doors down drove past with his GF Amy and I told him gear up, Joe is on the way over and he told me he knew, he just saw Joe on the way over. A few minutes later, another neighbor 2 more doors down stoped and I asked him if he wanted to ride with us. He has a really nice Harley softtail he keeps immaculate, and in the 5 years he has had it, we have never ridden together. It's always some thing or another. Anyway, Jerry joins us sans wife who is busy, and off to Hamburg we go! Wonderful ride in, absolutely no rain! That morning Jerry had been in the area we went for an ABATE ride and ended up getting drenched (and got his shiny bike dirty)!! Horray, Sears had the belt we needed. In the mean time, Joe and Kathy hadn't had their lunch and it was going on 4:00 so we decide to head to East Aurora for a meal. Great food, great fellowship! Well, naturally we have to have ice cream, so back to Arcade to Delightfuls for ice cream. The weather is still summer like and none of us feel like calling it a night except Jrry who had to get home to wife, sooo, off to Ellicottville for coffee!! Stayed there for a while, it was already dark, so I guess it's time to finally call it a day. Now if Joe hadn't needed to go to work this morning, we may have went to Cleveland for breakfast...
  11. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-8PBx7isoM&feature=player_embedded]YouTube- Embrace Life - always wear your seat belt[/ame]
  12. Have a 2008 VStar1300Tourer and with a combined bike, truck/trailer to allow a return through Canada in December, accumulated 14K miles on a fun Alaska to Florida and back trip. At times a center stand would have helped. Does anyone know of a reasonably priced one that could be added with minimal modification? Although I've rode various bikes for over 45 years, this is my first belt drive machine. Managed to get a hole in the belt in the Mid-West from road debris and it was not a pleasant experience. If anyone has an antidote for that or other mechanical suggestions pertinent to this model, I sure would appreciate the advice. Thanks in advance, Peter
  13. Got to ride to work today. 1/2 block visibility due to fog, but it was 45 degrees and the roads were empty-ish. That's a great way to end the year. Sorry to you in the snow belt. I'll do my complaining in August when it is 105 (and I am still riding LOL). May 2010 be your best year yet! Dave
  14. I finally came to a point where a tire change was necessary... I had a BF Goodrich T/A Radial on my Venture for the past 28,000 or so miles, but a belt broke , so I decided to change it. It wasn't a problem as long as I kept it below about 75 mph by my speedo, which because of the difference in size of the BFG from a stock tire the speedo is off by about 7mph , so I estimate that it was about 68-70mph, and the tire started to bounce. As long as I kept the speed down it was fine, but I had planned to ride to florida for Biketoberfest so I decided to go ahead and change it now. I didn't make the trip to Fla. however.... I installed a Kumho Power Star 758, 165/80 R15. I bought it on tires-easy.com for $32 and $15 shipping, another $10 got it mounted. It took 110psi to bead it, and I am running it at 38psi for the first 500 miles as a run in before taking it to hopefully my sweet spot, which should be 31 or 32psi. So far the tire performs really nice....smoother actually than the BFG was. I think that's due to it being a bit wider and taller. Barring a belt breaking, I fully expect to get 35k-40k miles out of my $57 investment. Not bad compared to the $140 Elite III that only lasted about 7500 miles. I have pulled my little cargo trailer loaded with about 250lbs of camping gear and stuff over thousands of miles using the BFG and it worked great. I am anticipating much the same out of the Kumho....
  15. we collected a total of $456 for St Judes!!! $356 came from the belt buckle raffle and we made $100 from the Pie throwing Tuesday night... I think we did good..............I sent the money along with freebird to give to u at vogel...... thanks to everyone who bought tickets and made donations at the pie throw..... the kids had a blast......abbigail was a little afraid to throw that first one at her dad "ic23b" but we finally convinced her she wouldnt get in trouble.....then she had fun.... thanks also to all my victims who stepped up and took the pies in the face. and by the way......the buckles were beautiful......... bongobob won the vr logo buckle and IH Truck guy won the one with the rally logo
  16. We have decided to open up the raffle for St Judes for the 2 one of a kind belt buckles we posted about previously. The reasoning behind this is to raise more funds for St Judes. Those not attending will now be able to purchase/donate to raffle tickets for it..... 1 for $5 or 3 for $10 ONLY those NOT attending the rally will be able to do this thru paypal. anyone attending the rally who wishes to get in on this raffle will need to get their tickets at the rally. The reason for this is to not make a whole lot of more record keeping work for us. You can send payment to vrrally2009@yahoo.com and please in the notes or comments section of your payment put your site name and that this is for st judes . We will have a cut off date of July 29th for these ... here is the info on the belt buckles... [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=38305]2009 rally st. jude raffle - VentureRider.Org[/ame] www.exoticstainlesssteel.com and sleeperhawk i expect to see you as the first to purchase...... and remember all funds collected for this raffle will go to St Judes
  17. I have noticed over the last 3 to 5 years the fan belts seem to make noise after a short time frame. The last two or three that I have bought and installed, they started squeaking or making a little noise after several weeks to several months. If you spray them with say WD40, or let a bar of soap rub against the belt, they quiet right down and several days later you start to hear them agaim. Mostly when they are cold or just started. The surpentine belts is what I'm referring to. A few years back you only replaced a belt when it was cracked however the last couple I did it was for noise. I remember using belt dressings years ago but don't see that like you use to. Anybody else have this issue and what have you done? Thanks. Spotsy
  18. Went for a ride yesterday after all that cleaning etc. and NOW I have a big fix to get done. After about an hour and a half I was stuck at a light and had to wait for a vehicle to come to light to change it and as I was pulling away from light drive belt BROKE and had to pull to side of road. Friend helped me put bike on my emergency trailer and got it home. Phoned bike shops today to get price and holy cow was my wife shocked price without install was around $350 to $475can.With install is 2hours which is $60/hr so it will be $540+ come Mon. Have to take it to Delhi as they have one in stock.Would try and do it myself but need it to go to Port Dover on Fri.13th and according to repair C/D have to take swing arm and back end off to change belt so figured pay them 2hrs work and have it back rightaway.
  19. Cleaning and Repairing a First Gen Tape Deck Thanks to Red Baron for this excellent article A few weeks ago I did a tour of the northern US and put about 7000 miles on my 1990 Yamaha Venture Royale. During this tour, my tape deck "ate" one of my tapes. I like to listen to the tapes while on the road when out of range of local radio stations. I have several tapes of classical music as well as my favorite vocalist, Babs, Barbara Streisand. Not being able to determine the cause of this failure while on the road, I waited until I returned home to affect a repair of the unit. I inquired of this group for advice. Thanks for the responses. Most of you thought it just needed cleaning. I went a little further than that. Since the unit was 18 years old, and I use it often, (I have 82K miles on the old girl) I suspected the belts may be worn or had failed as well as needing a good cleaning and lubricating. As I do all my own maintenance, with the help and advice from this and other web sites as well as service manuals, I thought you might be interested in a short "How to" of what I did. This unit now seems to perform as it should, i.e., doesn't "eat" tapes anymore. First thing I did was research belt availability. I found belts on the web at a place called Vintage Electronics in Corvallis, Oregon. I needed three belts. Part # SCQ4.0 --- $3.10 Part # SCQ6.5 --- $2.10 Part # SCQ10.0 --- $2.55 I ordered them, used PayPal to affect the payment and received them four days later. Great Service http://www.venturerider.org/tapedeck/image001.jpg Next thing I did, after receiving the belts, was to remove the unit from the bike. The tape deck can be removed from the radio/tape deck holder by removing one hex nut from the bottom of the unit. You will also need to unplug the power cord. http://www.venturerider.org/tapedeck/image006.jpg After freeing the unit from the holder, remove the top and bottom cases. http://www.venturerider.org/tapedeck/image009.jpg After removing the cases, the belts can be seen. http://www.venturerider.org/tapedeck/image013.jpg The "V" shaped piece must be removed to expose the belts for changing. This can be accomplished by removing three screws and lifting the "V" shaped piece very carefully. There is a spring on the right side that will impede removal. Just lift around the spring leg. It's easy. You can do it. http://www.venturerider.org/tapedeck/image016.jpg OK, you're there. Remove all three belts. You will need to remove the large wheel on the left to access the belt beneath it. Note their position carefully before removing. A sketch may help. Now, before installing the new belts, lift the large wheels straight up and put a drop of oil on their shafts. They will lift straight up and out of the unit. Just one drop of light oil is all that is needed. 3 in One oil or equivalent. Reinstall the shafts/wheels into their respective positions. Now install all three new belts. The belt under the left wheel will have to be installed before reinstalling that wheel. When satisfied that all three belts are tracking correctly, reinstall the "V" shaped piece with the three screws removed earlier. Turn the unit over. Now we want to clean the rubber wheels and the pickup "head". I used a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol to affect this cleaning. Dip one end of the swab in alcohol and use it to carefully clean the head and wheels. Use the clean end of the swab to wipe off residue the alcohol loosens from the wheels. Remove any excess oil from the ends of the shafts oiled from the other side. http://www.venturerider.org/tapedeck/image020.jpg Now we can reinstall the top and bottom cases. http://www.venturerider.org/tapedeck/image023.jpg After installing the case pieces and making sure that all the screws are secure, install the assembly back into the radio/tape deck holder and reinstall into the bike. Unit should function like new. No more "surging" from loose or worn belts. No more tape "eating" caused by dirty drive wheels. Hope this has been of some value to anyone doing their own maintenance. Red Baron Addendum: Do NOT over lubricate. ENSURE that "belts" are NOT "twisted" . If the belts are "twisted" the speed will not be correct. These are square cross section belts and MUST have the same "flat" of the belt touching in the groove on the wheels. Just look closely at the belt. If there is a twist in the belt between wheels, it's not going to work correctly.
  20. BradT


    I was looking for a pair of Chaps, but these do not have a belt. They have a loop that goes around your belt and may be called Leggings. Saw them for 200 bucks today and was thinking I could get them a little cheaper. Any suggestions where to find a pair ? Thanks Brad
  21. I went to Tandy today to get a belt blank to make a new belt for my new VentureRider.org belt buckle. I was asking about what kind of neutral stain I could use on the raw leather belt blank and buckle that would not harm the logo image on the belt buckle. The leathersmith store owner was hesitant to recommend anything not knowing how the image is made on the belt buckle and suggested the safest methode to use would be direct sunlight.......................I said, "What" He repeated, "direct sunlight". He then showed me several examples of raw leather exposed to direct sunlight over varying lengths of time and the darkening effect that sun light has on raw leather. Kinda like sun tanning the leather hyde. The direct light darkens and ages the leather somewhat and the aged color looks more like the tan leather riding, cowbow boots I just purchased a few weeks ago. I'm gonna give it a try.
  22. I thought I'd start a new thread here to make sure Thom knows when we've gotten our Buckles. Well at least for some of us that don't live that close to him or have his phone number. So Thom I just wanted you to know that my belt buckle arived today here in New York and it looks great. I'll wear it with pride. It was money well spent. thanks PJ.
  23. In Tae Kwon Do that is, My little guy and I tested and passed to the next belt level,I have a blue belt and Josh now has his red belt.Josh is really into this stuff and catches on fast he's been in it just over a year and his next test will be for brown belt.I'm doing fairly well for my age but I think I could have done a whole lot better if I started at 10 . For him it's all fun but for me it seems to be hard work.
  24. I just read through the Kawasaki Voyager thread. I saw several comments disparaging the belt drive. I don't understand the down side of a belt final drive?? I like shaft drive, but I've also owned a RoadStar with belt drive that I thought was just fine. I'd like to know what I'm missing. What makes shaft drive superior to belt?
  25. Most of you know all this already, this post is for the few new folks who might not be aware of the pitfalls of going to a dealer..........for anything other than to look at all the new bikes.......that is basically all dealers are good for. The main reason I do not let any dealer work on my ride is because of two situations that could have caused a lot of grief. The first was at a Power Sports dealer in South Carolina, this is a dealer who sells not only yamaha, but honda, kawasaki, suzuki...a few more. I needed new tires on my Honda Shadow 1100, did not have time to order some, wanted to go for a ride to North Carolina that weekend so I took the bike in for new tires and waited three hours while the work was done. On the way home, I suppose I had went about 12 miles I kept hearing a chatter like something was loose when I would stop for a light and the bike was at idle, so I pulled over and started looking. The front axle nut was hand tight, it was vibrating when I would stop........I have never trusted any dealer after that one. The other less serious incident was with my Harley 1200 Custom, I had taken it in to have a new drive belt installed and on the way home I kept hearing something squealing.......inspection found they had mounted the drive belt cover with the mounting bracket on the wrong side of the belt. So today, it was a little slow so I stopped into a dealer, with the intent to look around a bit, buy a couple oil filters , some oil etc..........boy have I been missing out!!! I was not aware how these stealers have really progressed to total rip-off status!1:big-grin-emoticon: Good Grief!! I looked at oil first, actually I wanted Mobil One, they did not have that, but had several other synthetics, at 13 dollars to 18 dollars a quart, yes I did not stutter, that is what they wanted for it. So I gave up on that idea and looked for gear oil........it was only 18 dollars for a quart, so I left all that on the shelf and walked to the counter and asked for two oil filters.........I had assumed they would be 12 to 15 dollars each as hey I am at a dealer! They wanted 27 dollars each.....and they still have them! I have also emailed two dealers , and called one of them about the clutch whine, gear box.......rear end.....harmonics.......whatever is causing it.........and neither emailed me back. The one I called will get back with me:rotf::rotf:ya right, I do not have a blue smilie..do not want to hold my breath that long:sign20: . Just thought I would post my recent dealership experiences......not news to most of you. Working on getting my windshield situation resolved....once done. I plan to invest as much time as it takes to come up with the real reason behind the whine issue, not that I dislike the bike.......I love it........just I like to find a resolution to things. If any of you are newbies........stay away from dealers, yes I know someone is going to chime in and say, hey dummie, my dealer is not like this.......wanna bet? Deal another hand and see what happens!! Kit
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