If you happen to be in the area and see hundreds of motorcycles, northbound on Interstate 5 - Here's what's happening. This is the latest information for the Traveling Wall.
Latest Schedule:
Wednesday July 8, 2009 1:00pm Smokey Point Rest Area (I-5 NB) Escort to Bellingham Washington
Shortly, PGR will set up a meeting place& time to ride here as a group.
Riders will Escort the Wall from Smokey Point to Bellingham.
Thursday July 9, 2009
8:00am Set-up of the Wall for Public Display
12:00n Wall opens to the public.
Friday July 10, 2009
6:00pm Opening Ceremonies / PGR will form a Flag Line for the Opening Ceremonies
This is the only official PGR mission for the Wall
Saturday July 11, 2009
3:00pm Ride of Honor in Bellingham, WA
Sunday July 12, 2009
5:00’ish Tear Down