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  1. jfoster

    Bell Mag 9

    Has anyone tried one of these helmets and your thoughts?
  2. My wife got me the venturerider guardian bell and it came today. Very nice, thank you Don.
  3. Was underneath the bike today and noticed my bell is gone. Key ring it was mounted with is still there though. Looks like the bell rubbed off a lot on the key ring. Does the pewter ring wear through? I like to have my bell swinging free. I am wondering if it needs to be installed so that it doesn't swing? Ross
  4. thanks to the generosity a fellow VR member...I will display my bell with pride. I had seen the bells but didn't really know the meaning of it until I was gifted the bell... it's a little thing in size BUT means the WORLD to me....
  5. Friend asked me a question about the Guardian Bell. When you buy new bike and trade in old bike do you take your bell off and place it on new bike or do you buy new bell and trade with some-one?
  6. This will probably last a full 30 seconds before heading south,but having spend over 30 years in federal law enforcement these types of incidents really ring my bell. http://www.charter.net/news/read.php?rip_id=%3CD9TU8E601%40news.ap.org%3E&ps=1011
  7. this week our employer had a new "team buillding" exercise. we divided into 5 groups to answer trivia questions... as we came to the end, my team was tied with one other for first place! the bonus question: "Where to women have the most curly hair?" I was first to ring the bell, called upon then shouted the answer! Anxiously awaited a positive response..... well -- apparently the correct answer was Africa... we lost..
  8. If you plan on coming to Vogel this year this is must reading for the safety of your bike. I dont know if a gremlin bell would help you in this case. The Official "I Dropped My Bike At Vogel" Thread http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=13886
  9. I just ordered a Bell shorty helmet from Competition Accessories and would like to know if anyone has anything to say about them. My Fulmer shorty has fit well but is needing to be changed due to age. I bought a Scorpion last fall but it fits terrible. For the $50+change to get the Bell (includes freight) I thought I would give it a try. I used Bell helmets in the 60's for drag racing and motorcycles but I am sure they are owned out of this country by now.
  10. Was sent this attachment. Hope it comes out. Don't know if has been posted here before. This is awesome. I had no idea this was happening. God Bless this man. This is the first I've seen or heard of this bell. What an honorable thing for someone to do. If you delete this before opening, "Your loss". God bless this person.
  11. Can someone give me the URL for the bell exchange please? I left mine on the bike when I traded it and need to buy one for someone so I can get another for myself. Thanks......
  12. OK folks. Finally got around to taking a couple of pictures of our new Mascot. She is doing very well. Acts like she has been here forever and seems happy to have a good home. Goes to the vet on Wednesday for a good checkup but all is well so far. Here she is sporting her new VentureRider bell. Not 100% sure on a name yet but it looks like Eileen is leaning towards Lucy or Annie.
  13. Where do most of you place the bell?
  14. Got got the bell....Fantastic:dancefool: I'll hook it uo on my skid plate You know the one that is made out of plastic:rotfl:
  15. does anyone else need a guardianbell? i know at one time there was a swap done here among the members but that was before my time. anyone interested in doing another one? i need a bell and i know they work better if there given to you rather than bought yourself. ... just a thought
  16. Well I finally got to see what I thought was the sun today and got out all those parts I been gathering up all winter and decided to put some of them on. Lets see I put on the used Wagner grill (with special instructions from Steve W, Sarge 46 and Eck) Saddle bag guards Reinforcements for the FRT crash guard that connected to the bottom of the floor board (found a posting someplace and made the brackets and putt'em on today. Rick butler seat that came back a week or two ago Fired up the o'l girl and let'r run awhile. Dang that sounded sweet. Installed the gremlin bell Sarge46 gave me at the last P.I.P. No pictures and yes I broke the rules but I am tired and this being laid off is tough work. I better find a job so I can rest up. Geten'r done in Minnesota Steve aka Bubber
  17. Even though I got a guardian bell when the SS bike was presented to me.Yammer Dan gave me one and watched me hang it from my right crashbar at the Asheville meet. Well I can tell you that bell was busy I could constantly hear it ringing alot of times.It stayed on the scoot for around 5k miles but is gone now and I have to replace the rear tire due to a screw in the sidewall. I guess that it got filled with road demons and decided to eject so they would stay away from the SS bike. Yall keep an eye on yours and pay attention when the ring you never know what is on the road. Jeff
  18. I have ordered the cast Pewter Guardian bells with our VentureRider logo. I will take orders for the laser engraved black bells later if there is enough interest. The price isn't quiet as good as I had hoped and is costing me a fairly significant amount up front for the carving of a wax model and then the molds make from the model. For that reason, I am going to start taking the orders now in hopes of defraying some of that expense out of my pocket. The price will be $12.00 per bell plus $1.80 shipping per bell. For those ordering more than one bell, please add 50 cents shipping for each additional bell. So, 1 bell would be $13.80, 2 bells would be $26.30, 3 bells would be $38.80, 4 would be $51.30 and 6 bells would be...well...you get the idea. I'm sure that shipping will be more to Canada but I don't know how much. I will try to get a shipping price to Canada tomorrow. It shouldn't be too much higher. I WILL ship only USPS. PayPal will charge me 2.9%+.30 cents per order but I will absorb that. No problem. So, that's the deal. I have ordered 250 bells for this first order. If I run out, I can get the next ones quicker as the molds will already be made. Delivery time for this first order is estimated at 3 weeks. I know that some of you want to receive these as gifts and do the exchange. You can work that out and start another thread for the swaps or however you wish to do it. If you buy bells and want them sent to somebody else, just include the address where you want them sent in the "notes" section when you PayPal or with your money order if you pay that way. I'm also going to send an email to all our members in case there are those who have not seen the info on the bells. So, those of you who are willing to do so, please get your payments in starting now. You may send payment via PayPal to dnelson@axcesswave.com or by mail to: Don Nelson 16898 Hawley Road Oberlin, OH 44074 Thanks I did a lot of searching and got a lot of quotes before I proceeded with this project. To be totally honest, I could have gotten these done at a better price had I ordered them from China. I had some very good quotes from China and I'm sure that they would have been fine. The thing is though, I'm not 100% sure what they were made of. I was told "zinc alloy", "nickel plated", "pewter type process", etc. and etc. and I'm sure that any of those would have worked but just wasn't sure what we were getting. The other thing is, I really do like to deal with a USA or Canadian company if at all possible. So, I ended up paying more for these but I think I made the right decision for us. The USA manufacturer that I am dealing with is hand carving the model from clay. He will then make an epoxy or silicone mold from the wax model. From that mold he creates a sterling silver mold as the final mold. They are then cast with 100% lead free pewter.
  19. So there I was at Carl’s Birthday Party thinking this is really nice and what a great bunch of folks. Honestly, the way VR’s mixed in with Carl’s family you’d think we were all related! I guess we are in a sense and it’s nice to see the family grow and faces become more familiar. The gathering was great and nothing was missing, except Hal’s ‘wings’ of course (long story, if you weren’t at the Rally perhaps you seen the photo’s), even the weather behaved. Smiles and laughter were all around amidst great stories and even better food... one would think it couldn’t get any better... well it did. Part way through the evening while out on the deck I was approached by one of our members ‘bongobobny’. If you ever met Bob and his lovely wife Becky you’ll know what wonderful people they really are. Well by this time Bob and I had already said hello but hadn’t talked much. I was looking forward to catching up with him but our conversation took a little turn and that’s when it happened. Bob reached out to me with something in his hand and with the most sincere smile he said “here is something I’d like you to have”. When he opened his hand there was a small black velvet pouch and he handed it to me. Well I feel challenged to find words that adequately describe how wonderful I felt when I opened the pouch to find a VentureRider Guardian Bell. It truly is a gift of friendship and I will cherish it as such! Thank you very kindly Bob & Becky! PS. I haven’t put it on the bike yet but I’ve hung the pouch off my belt loop till I do... every once and a while I hear a “ting” from the bell and I think of Bob and it brings me a smile! At some point I’ll put it on the bike.
  20. It's finally nice enough to ride here in Indiana. I'll be meeting up with Bummer so that we can buddy up and exchange guardian bells. So......I was thinking about where I should put my bell. I've heard you should mount it low to scare away those nasty road gremlins. Care to share where you mounted your bell on your bike? Pictures are always welcome. Bob
  21. for all of you smart people, here's a question. will a gremlin bell work in my shop? it seems that some of them lil suckers , fell out of my bell, and took up residence in my shop!!!! tools get moved around, parts get lost or mis-placed, "stuff" winds up on the floor, and under work benches! i know that it isn't MY doing, and my old German shepherd dog, swears HE didn't do it, so it must be gremlins! i wonder if a COW bell, would be big enough to catch them all? lol just jt
  22. OK folks...I am NOT asking anything from any of you because I know that many of you have given to a number of causes here and I know that all of us, me included, only have so much to give. What I AM asking is that you spread the word among any other groups that you might belong to. ANY groups...motorcycle, car, gardening, whatever other forums, clubs, associations you might be part of....please help spread the word about this cause. It truly is a worthy one. I have listed 5 of our VentureRider Guardian bells on Ebay as a fund raiser for Cliffno350's son. Some of you have likely seen posts here regarding his ordeal and I just feel that I need to make some attempt to help. There is no way that we can raise the needed $15,000.00 among our small group here but by spreading the word to other groups, we may be able to help at least a bit. The following is a cut and past from one of the auctions that I just placed on Ebay. There are 5 auctions that are the exact same. Please forward the links to any and all that you think might be interested in helping. The links to the auctions are at the end of this post. If you folks would post this at other forums/clubs that you participate in, that would be great. PLEASE discuss it with the sites owners/officers before doing so just in case any of them might have an issue with it. If you know anybody who would like to simply donate a couple of dollars to this cause, you can have them paypal it to dnelson@axcesswave.com and I promise you that every dime of it will get to Cliff and his family. I do ask that you put "FOR CLIFF" in the comments box when you send a PayPal. Here is the text from the Auctions. I am selling 5 custom cast Guardian Bells with 100% of the proceeds (less Ebay fees if excessive) going to VentureRider member cliffno350. VentureRider.org is a motorcycle site dedicated to the Yamaha Venture, Royal Star Venture and Royal Star Tour Deluxe motorcycles. Though the site is dedicated to riders of these particular bikes, we have members who ride bikes of all makes and models. VentureRider is a family oriented "PG RATED" site basically dedicated to those who love to tour this great country and other countries on motorcycles of any kind. Cliff is one of our long standing members. His son has been diagnosed with Transverse Myelites. This is something that I knew basically nothing about but there is a lot of information about it at http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/transversemyelitis/detail_transversemyelitis.htm Cliff and his wife are great parents and luckily their insurance has covered much of the expense but not nearly all. The issue now is that they need to purchase him a special therapy bike. These bikes are about $15,000.00 and the insurance company has refused to pay for it. You can see what we are trying to buy here: http://www.restorative-therapies.com/ With all the other expenses, Cliff and his wife simply do not have the cash or available resources to purchase it on their own. With this bike, Cliff's son does have a chance of someday walking again. There is no guarantee but it does give him a chance. Folks, I know that if it were one of my children, I would be doing everything that I can to get them the help that they need. I know that I can't, on my own, raise $15,000.00 for them but I have to believe that together we can make a difference. This is no scam. You are more than welcome...even encouraged...to visit us at VentureRider.org and see that we are real. I am the owner and founder of the club and my username there is Freebird. The site is 100% free so feel free to check it out and feel free to ask there about me. We have over 4,000 members and I will be starting a fund drive there also. I had some of these bells custom cast for our members before the holidays. I have a few left over so decided that I would offer 5 of them here with all proceeds going to Cliff and his family. NOTE: I did not say all PROFITS..I said ALL Proceeds. I am donating my cost for the bells. The only deduction will be actual PayPal fees and I'm only saying that just in case we get lucky and some big spender REALLY bids them up so that my fees are beyond what I can afford. Folks...if we could collect $5.00 from 3,000 people, we could change this young man's life. How often do most of us have the opportunity to make a REAL difference in a particular person's life. Let's do this folks...PLEASE ...let's make this happen. The Legend of the Guardian Bell Legend has it that Evil Road Spirits have been latching themselves on to motorcycles for as long as there have been bikes on the road. These Evil Road Spirits are responsible for mechanical problems and bad luck along a journey. Legend goes on to say that by attaching a small bell onto your bike, the Evil Road Spirits will become trapped inside the bell where the constant ringing drives them insane, making them lose their grip until they fall to the ground. (Ever wonder where potholes come from?) Legend also has it that the mystery of the Guardian® Bell carries twice as much power when it is purchased by a friend or loved one and given as a gift. Show someone how much you care. Offer them defense against the Evil Road Spirits! Give a Guardian® Bell and share the Legend of Good Luck it offers to a motorcycle and its rider! Here are the links to each auction: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=300191677958&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT&ih=020 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=300191678005&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT&ih=020 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=300191678040&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT&ih=020 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=300191678078&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT&ih=020 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=300191678128&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT&ih=020
  23. I'm kind of new to the Guardian Bell thing and was wondering where it should be mounted on a 1st Gen. I appreciate any suggestions.
  24. I have a Guardian Bell I'd like to swap if anybody else is interested. Let me know here or PM.
  25. hi all my guardian bell came in the mail this afternoon. what a peice of metal, has a nice feel to it also. so much better than my old bell. thanks freebird for thaking the time to do this, i'am well pleased. best regards don:322:
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