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  1. Been looking at quotes. Here are a few from Eleanor Roosevelt that I like: "Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart" — Eleanor Roosevelt "Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art. " — Eleanor Roosevelt For Mini, YamaMama, Annie, and the rest of us LADIES. "Well behaved women rarely make history" — Eleanor Roosevelt :whistling::whistling:
  2. OK folks, it's been a while since we have had a contest. Thanks to AdChrome, I think it's time that we do just that very thing. Now I realize that this is a second gen/RSTD specific item but that's just the way it goes sometimes. So....we are going to have a contest and give this beautiful set of carb covers away to some lucky winner. Now I just have to decide WHAT kind of contest it will be. I'll be getting back to you soon on that.
  3. Got to ride again today...the end result ....
  4. Fathers day present from my beautiful wife!
  5. My cousin in Arizona wants to sell me his 02 RSV for $4,500. He rode it on long hauls, garaged and maintained it well and it has 68,000 miles. It looks crisp with no rips, cracks and the clutch whine is overcome by higher rpm. It has no issues I can see but at that mileage I know the saleability is zero after me. It is a beautiful bike feels very comfortable and study. I am very tempted as this beautiful bagger could haul me frame (6'2" 250) through Arizona, Mexico and the mountains. Are these RSV as bullet proof as he claims and the value seems well worth it. My present bike is a Road King which I will no longer take on long hauls and will sell if I move over to metrics. BTW it has been awhile since I saw who'is behind me in the mirrors with the Royal Star drive Any input would be greatly appreciated. Your input will probably make me decide one way or the other Thanks Normax
  6. I counted the tines and looked at how heavy they were. Surely a Rack for the wall no matter what. About that time he jumped up and took off! I think next time I'll use a gun instead of the Ranger!!:bang head: It was a Rack to remember. Probally dead somewhere!!! Shame and fender, hood,headlight and parking light probally cost more than the meat was worth. I do think I would have mounted that one and invented a good lie!! It was a beautiful rack!! I think the old man that lived close was going looking.
  7. Well I guess the weather was a little to chilly for some, we only had 3 bikes show up for RoyalStarJack's fall ride, but it was a great ride anyway, Jack, his wife Cheryl, RandyR and myself braved the chilly temps. We made our way via some beautiful back roads that were so colorful it was hard keeping my eyes on the road. We had a nice lunch at Col. Pooles BBQ, which is our regular stop on this ride, from there back roads all over the N. Ga. mountains with a couple of stops to take some pics. The weather was chilly but beautiful. Thanks again to Jack for a wonderful way to spend a fall Saturday. I had to make this one, it might be my last ride like that for a few months, since I will be having Carpal Tunnel surgery on my left hand in Nov. [ATTACH]62047[/ATTACH][ATTACH]62048[/ATTACH][ATTACH]62049[/ATTACH][ATTACH]62050[/ATTACH][ATTACH]62051[/ATTACH][ATTACH]62052[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]62054[/ATTACH][ATTACH]62055[/ATTACH][ATTACH]62061[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]62053[/ATTACH][ATTACH]62056[/ATTACH][ATTACH]62060[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]62057[/ATTACH][ATTACH]62058[/ATTACH][ATTACH]62059[/ATTACH]
  8. You only get one doing this! Chech the link it's beautiful http://videos2view.net/basejump-flight.htm
  9. Had to get up at 3am this morning to drive a supply truck around the mountains to rest stops for a major bicycle race held here every year. Finished deliveries and was back home about 9am or so after a breakfast stop. The roads we ride around Vogel are going to be packed with about 3,000 bicycles today. I think I'll stay off the roads. But, the weather is a beautiful 82F so, just did an oil change on my Suzuki DR200, lubed the chain up, and filled the air in the tires, and will head for the dirt roads in the Chattahoochie Natl Forest. Will thaw out a steak for dinner when I get back in 3 hours or so.
  10. Once upon a time there was a very handsome male camel with two huge camel humps. He fell in love and married a beautiful female camel who had one perfect camel hump. As time progressed, they became the proud parents of a wonderful baby camel who had no humps. They contemplated long and hard on what to call their beautiful little boy. They finally decided on...... You ready for this?????....Keep scrolling down..... Humphrey! :rotf::rotf: Oh, stop your whining and groaning! It's a nice story and better than another thread on oil or tires.
  11. Since it was too hot to ride the bike Sunday, we took the four wheels to see Eck and Konnie! We went to eat at Fleet Landing with a beautiful view. George and Eck spotted some dolphins but I could not get a picture of them! After lunch, we took a scenic route through Charleston. It always amazes me what a beautiful old historic city it is! After a long afternoon of playing pool, we had pizza at Dough Re Mi, a New York City style pizzeria! The pizza was delicious!! We highly recommend this place and look forward to returning! Just a few pictures of our wonderful day with Eck and Konnie! Thank you both for an absolutely beautiful day!
  12. I am looking at re-jetting my 2008 Tour Deluxe. I'm interested in any info and experience anyone might have with this. What size main jets and needles to get and so-on. I have already put new idle jets in, which was a beautiful thing. I'm just looking to get a little more performance out of the bike, which is why I'm considering re-jetting it.
  13. Just got back from a vacation with the family. We went over to Minneapolis for a getaway. While there, we took the car over towards Lake City MN. Lake City is on the Mississippi river which makes up the border between Minnesota and Wisconsin. If you ever get a chance to take a bike trip along the river, DO IT.....It is really beautiful country. Red Wing, Lake City, Zumbro Falls, Wabasha. I'm sure the wisconsin side is just as nice. nothing like seeing sailboats etc. on Lake Pepin (mississippi) at Lake City. All in all, a beautiful day, even in the car. I know there is a posting on this kind of a ride in the roads and destinations, but I couldnt help throwing out a reminder.
  14. Hope you all enjoy these...today was beautiful in East TN. http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b303/elmicko2002/utf-8BSU1HMDAyODktMjAxMTA2MDctMTU1OS5qcGc.jpg http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b303/elmicko2002/utf-8BSU1HMDAyOTAtMjAxMTA2MDctMTYwMi5qcGc.jpg http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b303/elmicko2002/utf-8BSU1HMDAyOTEtMjAxMTA2MDctMTYwMi5qcGc.jpg
  15. Got back from Tail of the Dragon at Deal's Gap, NC. Spent 3 days down there riding in the mountain twisties with my Kumho on the rear and Perelli MT 66 on the front. It was a 5.5 hr ride to get there and rode all day to get back. I can honestly say I had no problem with the CT at all on the trip. I don't know how it would have handled with a MC tire on the rear, but I do know I had no problems with the CT. The mountains were absolutely beautiful. I plan on making this a yearly trip. Glenn
  16. GEOGRAPHY OF A WOMAN Between 18 and 22, a woman is like Africa - half discovered, half wild, fertile and naturally beautiful! Between 23 and 30, a woman is like Europe - well-developed and open to trade, especially for something of real value. Between 31 and 35, a woman is like Spain - very hot, relaxed, and convinced of her own beauty. Between 36 and 40, a woman is like Greece & gently aging, but still a warm and desirable place to visit. Between 41 and 50, a woman is like Great Britain, with a glorious and all-conquering past... Between 51 and 60, a woman is like Israel - has been through war, doesn't make the same mistakes twice, and takes care of business. Between 61 and 70, a woman is like Canada - cool, self-preserving, but open to meeting new people. After 70, she becomes Tibet - wildly beautiful, with a mysterious past and the wisdom of the ages.... an adventurous spirit and a thirst for spiritual knowledge. . . . . . THE GEOGRAPHY OF A MAN Between 1 and 80, a man is like Iran - ruled by a couple of nuts THE END.
  17. Here you go guys. A suggestion for your next vacation. I would have killed myself just getting the bike off of the camper. This bicycle ride is over the top! Mesmerizing!!!!!!!!!! Beautiful landscape! This is awesome to watch till the very end. What a talented, and strong guy! http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=Cj6ho1-G6tw&vq=medium
  18. I took off work yesterday at 3pm and stopped by the house and picked up my lady Linda, who had come over for a visit, and we took off down thru the country on one of those rides you dream about during the winter. I started off in a light jacket and ended up putting shorts on. The scenery, with all the budding trees and flowers was absolutely beautiful, especially with the clear air and the mountains all around us. At one point we saw 82º on the bike thermometer. It was one of those light traffic, bike running real good days along country back roads that are just made for easy riding and talking and sharing thoughts about the upcoming summer and camping and traveling on the bike. We snaked along roads that ran beside rivers that went from glistening pools to fast running white water. We saw fields of grass that are just beginning to get that bright green that is only in the early spring. I really feel fortunate to live in this part of the country where the weather is more moderate and people are so friendly. It is rare that when stopped that someone doesn't have something friendly to say, especially when you are on a motorcycle. I noticed that when I pulled the bike back into the garage that we had put 125 miles on it just to run out and get something to eat. RandyA
  19. This is sweet!!! http://elrellano.com/videos_online/4624/circo-roncalli.html
  20. Nemo


    A man said to his wife one day, "I don't know how you can be So stupid and so beautiful all at the same time! The wife responded, "Allow me to explain, God made me beautiful so you would be attracted to me; God made me stupid so I would be attracted to you!"
  21. Monty


    Another beautiful morning in Jacksonville Beach. Too many people don't take the time to appreciate such things in life.
  22. Going to be at Branson for 4-5 days for a reunion with some old military friends. We are going to ride the bike up that way...my question, what are some good rides around that area? I know it is a beautiful area...just want to make sure we make good use of our time.
  23. Here are the pictures finally! What a great time we had and what a beautiful weekend! Thanks to everyone who made it to the show! http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Sleeperhawks%20Mechanic/2011/Sleeperhawks%20Mechanic%2020110226%20SC%20ME/?action=view&current=img0540.jpg
  24. Yep...got out and rode today...beautiful day about 67 degrees here in Searcy, AR and stopped out at the Smyrna Church (the OLDEST Church in Arkansas)...and shot a picture with bike in the foreground...obviously taken with the iPhone4 and just a "little" bit of embellishment on the pic. Hope you enjoy.
  25. Overall the last 20 years Loraine and I traveled a lot of miles on our bikes. I would like to share some of this beautiful country with you. The first one will be a short trip down the Natchez Trace Parkway! http://www.photoshow.com/watch/YC3hB7NN?source=em_ps_show_owner Phill
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