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  1. when i bought this 88 venture last week i mentioned that it had a loose front end i changed fork oil, and this solved the right side oil leak that i had, but still had a very bad shimmy at all speeds when i released pressure on the handle bars, severe enough that i was afraid to ride it. the bike also needed tires and i opted for dunlop elite 111s, as this seemed the tire of choice on the forum, i use dyna beads in my roadstar so thats what i used in the dunlops and guess what?absolutley no shimmy or vibes from the front end, and the mirrors are clear. Frank
  2. I have a conundrum concerning the installation of a new front tire on my 86. Part of the problem is probably of my own making and the remainder remains a mystery to me. I installed a new Dunlap E3 and put in 2 oz. of the Dyna Beads. Since this was my first motorcycle tire self-replacement I took my time and read the posts and even watched a video on tire changing. Removed the old tire, polished the rim, removed all the old weights etc. Installed the new tire (MR90-18 71H) and put in the beads, aired it up and everything looked fine. Took the bike out for a ride and did maybe 100 miles. The front tire exhibited a noticeable hopping at low speeds and more so on starts from a standing stop. The the "hopping" disappeared when the speed was increased to above 10 mph or so. The problem: took the bike out for another run and pushed it up into the 80+ mph range (fast for the curvy roads around here). No problems noted until some more vibrations of a much higher frequency developed at higher speeds. When I returned home and was about to turn into my drive the front started a violent head shake. I was rolling right along at the time and was on the front and rear brakes to slow down and turn. The "hopping" was very noticeable and then the head shaking began. Could not turn into the drive and coasted to the neighbors drive and found that the front tire was completely flat and had come off the safety bead on one side. Naturally the Dyna Beads were all over the neighbors drive. Walked home, picked up the air tank and returned to the bike and pumped up the tire, as if nothing had happened. It is still holding 40 psi this morning. My part of the problem is that I put the 'light spot" opposite the valve stem, in reverse of the accepted method. Now what the heck is the remainder of the cause of the tire loosing all the air in a few seconds with no apparent reasons? This experience is certainly not a confidence builder. Any help would be greatly appreciated. PS: As this bike is normally ridden with a side car attached the rake of the triple tree has been increased by about 7 degrees. I was not riding with the car attached when this occurred.
  3. OK, just for a minute let's all pretend we are in the camp that thinks Dyna Beads work. Wait for it...are we there yet? Good, Here goes. Being a cheap bas$#&d, I was just wondering. If Dyna Beads work to ballance your tires, why wouldn't BBs work just as well at 1/10 the cost? Easier to recover and reuse in your next tire change too. Of course they would have to be installed at the time of the change. Just wondering. Opinions?
  4. Has anyone tried these Dyna Beads to balance their tires ? Looks interesting ! http://www.innovativebalancing.com/motorcycle.htm Keith
  5. I would like to try the Dyna Beads, however I would also like to use Ride On. I'm thinking that the two do not work well together. I've read Ride On also balances the tire also. I search on Ride On but no hits. So does anyone have an opinion on Ride On?
  6. Heres something new to me, went to have my new avon venom rear mounted today and the beads were so close together that they couldn't get the beads on the rim and to accept air. make sense?? plus being about 40 degrees didn't help, we even tried the starting fluid trick to no avail. sooooo the tire is now in the garage for a couple days with 3 1/4" blocks spreading the beads apart. never happened before and will never happen again...
  7. Guest

    Dyna Beads

    Put the dyna beads in last week had to break the beads on the tires due to the TPS system not able to use the valve stem. The cost $65 not bad had 3000 miles on the tires hope to get better wear and mileage out of them. I am getting a better ride a lot less wobble at low speeds with no vibrations. I would recommend this on new tire installations to absorb the cost of re braking the beads, if you don't have TPS there easy to put in threw the valve stem. Next tire change i will be going to the darkside with beads.
  8. I know lots of members here seem to like the Dyna Beads for tire balance. In general, I am not a fan of adding ANYTHING to my tires except air, but I have never joined that discussion since I didn't have any real information or first hand experience with the product. Well, now I have some info that I thought I would share in the hopes of maybe helping a few members here not waste their money. I am a huge believer in Motorcycle Consumer News - I won't go into all the reasons why at this time, but I have great faith in their testing and opinions. The following comes from their answer to a letter asking about Dyna Beads in the February 2010 issue: " MCN evaluated the Dyna Beads on a reader's suggestion back in October of 2006. Although the tiny white ceramic beads have apparently found favor with long-haul truckers, we tested them in a Honda 599. Using a shop's spin balancer, we checked the bike's rear wheel, which had 1.6 oz. of balance weights in place. The balancer agreed with the amount and location of the weights. After installing the specified two ounces of beads in the rear tire and then removing the rim weights, the balancer found an out of balance condition. This test was repeated five times and the balancer continued to call for the replacement of the 1.6 oz. of rim weights in the same location. Over-the-road testing was next. Without the rim weights, the rear wheel produced noticeable vibration and the installation of the beads gave a barely perceptible improvement. Also, the weight of the beads added so close to the tire tread gave a noticeable increase in gyro stability, making the steering heavier. We also tried them on a car and were disappointed. Bottom line: Save your money for a proper spin balance." Goose
  9. I found some past articles in the various forums about these tiny beads inside the tire to smooth out the balancing, however they are a couple of year old information.. Has anyone been running with these beads in their tires repeatedly now for a few years who could let us know how's it been working out? Worth the while, make any difference? Cheers
  10. A lady goes to her priest one day and tells him, 'Father, I have a problem. I have two female parrots, But they only know to say one thing.' 'What do they say?' the priest asked. They say, 'Hi, we're hookers! Do you want to have some fun?' 'That's obscene!' the priest exclaimed, Then he thought for a moment..... 'You know,' he said, 'I may have a solution to your problem. I have two male talking parrots, which I have taught to pray and read the Bible... Bring your two parrots over to my house, and we'll put them in the cage with Francis and Peter. My parrots can teach your parrots to pray and worship, And your parrots are sure to stop saying... That phrase... In no time.' 'Thank you,' the woman responded, 'this may very well be the solution.' The next day, She brought her female parrots to the priest's house.... As he ushered her in, She saw that his two male parrots were inside their cage holding rosary beads and praying.. Impressed, She walked over and placed her parrots in with them... After a few minutes, The female parrots cried out in unison: Hi, we're hookers! Do you want to have some fun?' There was stunned silence... Shocked, One male parrot looked over at the other male parrot and says, 'Put the beads away, Frank, Our prayers have been answered!
  11. Was thinking on adding something to my RSTD seat to give me a little help in the comfort department. Went on a 750 mile round trip ride last weekend, got a tad sore, and was thinking about beads. Not sure if the sheepskin would be better though. This topic has probly been gone over before, if so, sorry for bringing it up again. Sending the seat to Rick Butler would be the best solution, but will have to wait. Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
  12. is anyone usen the wooden bead caushions on there seats and where can you get them???
  13. Took 125psi to seat the beads. I'll get some pics up soon.
  14. While adding Dyna Beads to my tires this evening I noticed a small cut in my front tire (after adding the beads). I'm leaving next week on a week long trip and I am debating on whether I need to change the tire before I go or not. The tire has less than 2,000 miles on it. The cut is about 1/2 the depth of the tread at the tread and then taper up to nothing at the other end. The cut is clean and there is nothing in it. Attached are a couple of photos of the tire to show the cut and the scale. I'm seeking other opinions. Would you ride on it or not? Dennis
  15. just came back from a test ride on the FJR. New front tire, 1 1/2 oz of the beads, 80mph,no vibration. This is just a initial feeling out, more updates to follow, when the tire gets half way worn. The manufacter says you can add them thru your tire valve, but I have 90degree stem, so had to install during mounting. I have a different type(external) on the motorhome with good results, so i thought I'd give the beads a try.
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