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  1. The wife and I are headed to Florida for 11 days in January to do some riding:Venture: and goofing off. Thought I would post our itinerary for our trip to see if anyone would be up for a meet and eat, (breakfast, lunch, or dinner) or a ride. Arrive Pensacola Thursday 1/17 depart Saturday 1/19 Arrive Wildwood 1/19 depart 1/20 we will meet some friends in Dade City (north) and do a little riding on Sunday 1/20 We will spend the night of 1/20 in Sarasota and then head to Ft Myers Sometime Monday 1/21 Leave Ft Myers Tuesday 1/22 Arrive Key West that evening. Leave Key West Thursday 1/24 Arrive Cocoa Beach that evening Ride around Cocoa Beach and Daytona Beach Area leaving on Saturday Afternoon headed back to Pensacola. We will then be in Pensacola til Tuesday 1/27 Let me know if anyone is interested in meeting up for a ride and/or some food Rick
  2. Hi All Well Christy and I are back home from vacation. We spent a week in Saint Marteen, we had a great time. I was able to over come my fears of the ocean and go scuba diving yep a whole 30 ft under the waves, it is nothing like wearing a airpack, We spent a lot of time on the beach reading and people watching, there is alot of peaple to see on the beach some need a second look. We met alot of great people, Christy got her birthday ,christmas, and probubly couple other holidays present.It was a ring she had her eye on. We flew out just as the tropical storm was coming in. We had a super time and cant wait to go back. Bull463
  3. We are heading out tomorrow afternoon from the ATL to PCB for the Fall Thunder Beach rally. The weather forecast is stellar with mid-80's and sun predicted every day. Got a steal of a deal at a very nice beach front condo for $80/night. Sharing with 2 other couples, so it's easier on the wallet this year. Should be a great week and weekend. Hope to see some RSV's there
  4. Just wanted to brag on my wife a little bit if you folks don't mind. June 18th was my b-day and we had to skip it as I was stuck at the hospital when my mom fell. June 13 th was moms and we also had to skip it because mom was sick and close to the hospital then. We were supposed to take mom to the beach (Carolina Beach) in North carolina this weekend but alas that has to be skipped also because again mom is hurting from a fall and is in a rehab/nursing home. Well here comes the bragging part. Today was her b-day and what does she do. She decides to take the day off and drive her bike round trip to Carolina Beach and get doughnuts from a place called Britts doughnuts. If you ever find your place at Carolina Beach do your self a favor and eat 2 or a dozen or so. This is an 8 hr minimum round trip and she did it with a friend in one day just to surprise me and my mom. All this again on her b-day. Now I know it was also a lot to do with the ride and being able to be free of all problems for a day , but for me I think shes the best. It made my moms day to be able to eat one of these doughnuts because that was the biggest reason mom wanted to go to the beach. Ok thanks for reading and have a great day. David
  5. Riding up to Myrtle Beach this morning (I hate riding in Myrtle Beach) and saw a couple on a silver and purple 99 right where Bus 17 and 17 Split at 11:00 am I don't think they saw me but I waved.
  6. I have a Mustang seat on my 650 V-Star and have always loved it......I know Mustang has brought out a Venture seat....Who knows what?......Just rode home to Ohio from Thunder on the Beach in Panama City Beach....Need seat help for my 230 lb 64 y/o self!
  7. Had a great long weekend with the wife and some friends at Thunder Beach Spring Bike Week in Panama City Beach FL. My first one, and it was quite the experience. The weather was awesome while there (not so great coming home!), the visual experience was "interesting" (I'll leave it at that!), and we met some really terrific people. Overall, it was pretty much what I expected. Local media put the numbers at between 75,000 and 80,000 bikes and 100,000+ visitors. Based on my informal survey of state tags, I'd say the vast majority were from GA (no surprise). We didn't get a place to stay until we arrived, and got a very nice 2 BR ocean front condo right in the middle of the action for about $120/night. Tons of availability from what I could tell. And everything is fee-free....no cover charges, parking fees, entry fees or any other kind of extra expenses for anything! That part was really nice. And there are more bike vendors spread out all over the entire 10 mile stretch of PCB then you could ever see in a week....anything you want, you can find. My only issue is that the entire event is sooooooo H-D oriented, which was OK for the wife, but not much for the Yami or Kawi crowd by way of aftermarket anything. The factory promo trucks were nowhere to be found either, except for Can-Am. But other than that, I'd say it was a pretty fun weekend to take in the total "biker" experience. We might do it again in the Fall for "Thunder Beach - Part II".
  8. Any one here riding a nice looking blonde 1st gen staying at an extended stay motel in Vilano Beach, just outside of St Augustine FL? Me and Jean were hanging out on the Vilano Pier and as we were leaving we saw a 1st gen parked in the motels lot. I did a drive-by but no one looked out and I didnt see anything that would indicate hes a member here. Just wondered.....those pesky first gens are so rare, but to find one actually on the road, well........and I know it wasnt Dan.
  9. MamaMo

    Life Update

    To catch everyone up. Left Sheetz Feb 2011 Started with Subway April 2011 Gall Bladder Surgery April 2011 then back to work. Fell at work June 1, 2011 hurt back. Dr put off work totally for 2 months. Light duty work now forever thanks to fall. Didnt get to ride the bike at all last year. Worked part time doing Court house research from Aug-Dec 2011. Just went to work part time for Froggys Company last week. Looks like this could grow to a full time position. Now waiting for summer, plan on getting that bike ride. :-) Two beach trips already planned. Hoping maybe a weekend trip to the beach with a friend in the middle. LIFE IS GOOD. One door may close but one will always open too. Hoping to make a meet n eat or may be Asheville 2012. Got to get some time in with my Venturerider FAMILY.
  10. We're headed out to Virginia Beach today. Looks like we're gonna have cooler weather out there. Haven't been there in 20 years. We'll be in the truck, as we're taking the oldest Son and his wife on a little vacation, before he deploys overseas in 2 weeks. He hasn't seen the beach since he was a baby. I got us two hotel rooms, with hot tubs, overlooking the beach. Should be a great time.
  11. Saw a nice 89 1st Gen about 20 miles north of Myrtle Beach yesterday on Hwy 9 anyone from here?
  12. A few pictures from our weekend at Myrtle Beach, rode over with a couple of guys who work with George! Got to see midget wrestling, walking on the beach, having cool refreshments in the evening, breakfast at Tarbaby's and dinner at Dick's Last Resort! What fun we had!!! http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Sleeperhawks%20Mechanic/2011/Sleeperhawks%20Mechanics%202011%20Myrtle%20Beach/#!cpZZ1QQtppZZ20
  13. Yesterday evening at Myrtle Beach, Sleeperhawk got an early Father's Day present that he has been wanting for a long, long time! A Mustang seat! After riding home from Myrtle Beach today, we both decided we really liked it!!!
  14. Man Who Had Sex With Horse Released From Prison Man Ordered To Stay Away From Stable POSTED: Monday, March 21, 2011 UPDATED: 4:21 pm EDT March 21, 2011 http://www.news4jax.com/images/structures/misc/email_story_icon.gifEmail http://www.news4jax.com/images/structures/misc/print_story_icon.gifPrint http://www.news4jax.com/images/structures/misc/twitter_story_icon.gif http://www.news4jax.com/images/structures/misc/facebook_story_icon.gif http://www.news4jax.com/images/structures/misc/buzz_story_icon.gif http://www.news4jax.com/images/structures/misc/google_story_icon.gif http://www.news4jax.com/images/structures/misc/digg_story_icon.gif http://www.news4jax.com/images/structures/misc/reddit_story_icon.gif http://www.news4jax.com/images/structures/misc/delicious_story_icon.gif MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. -- A South Carolina man who twice pleaded guilty to having sex with a horse has been released from prison after 16 months and ordered to stay away from the stable where the animal lives. Probation officials said Monday that Rodell Vereen, 51, was let out of prison March 1. Vereen must complete two years of probation or he will have to finish the five-year sentence he received in November 2009 after pleading guilty to buggery and trespassing. The Sun-News of Myrtle Beach first reported Vereen's release. Vereen was arrested after the owner of the horse staked out her stable and caught Vereen sneaking inside. She held him at gunpoint until police arrived. The owner said she spent several nights in the barn after catching Vereen having sex with the animal on surveillance tapes. She feared he had returned because her horse was acting strange and getting infections again. She also noticed dirt and hay piled up near the horse's stall in Longs, about 20 miles northeast of Myrtle Beach. Vereen was caught having sex with the same horse in late 2007 and was on probation from that incident when he was arrested a second time, authorities said. The owner of the horse didn't immediately return a message from The Associated Press on Monday, but her husband said she knew Vereen was out of prison and she was scared he would come back to their stables. A phone number for Vereen couldn't be found. Before he pleaded guilty, he told Myrtle Beach television station WMBF-TV he was sorry if he hurt the horse or anyone else. He said he wasn't taking his medicine for schizophrenia when he went to the stables and promised to keep taking his medicine when he got out of prison. Vereen also must continue to register as a sex offender. ___ Information from: The Sun News, http://www.thesunnews.com/
  15. Had a great day today. Beautiful weather, and took my 17 year-old son on his first ride along with my two brothers. He took the MSF course 2 weekends ago and passed with flying colors, and then got his M endorsement from the DMV on Thursday. We started off with meeting some fellow riders from our church at a Starbucks in Seal Beach, and then the 4 of us headed south on Pacific Coast Highway about 25 miles or so to Laguna Beach. Cut over to the freeway for a stop at an accessories shop before heading home. Matthew did a great job and I am really proud of him. He was on the 1988 Honda NX 250 I picked up about 3 weeks ago. Great little bike for a starter and beyond. We're planning a ride further up the coast next weekend for an overnight camping trip.
  16. Okay, I have a 96 Fleetwood Terry RV travel trailer model 29S and I need a roof repair. Getting water in it, I have sealed every spot, still leaks. Probably looking at a entire roof replacement, anyone here know how to do that? Anyone here do it for a living or can do it as a side job and any idea what it would cost? Trailer is stored at Pirateland at Myrtle Beach. Trailer is about 31' long no slides. Ideal plan would be to come down and get the trailer to a site for a day or two and let the repairs take place. Thanks in advance, Don
  17. Geeze!! Is this board slow or what??? Posts are way down. Is everyone snowed in?? Or are they off basking on some beach in the Carribian?? or just hibernating?? Have we answered all the questions we were afraid to ask??
  18. If you like ice cream and we all know that we do you owe it to yourself if your ever down Florida way to seek this brand out and try it. I know we all love our DQ but this stuff beats DQ hands down....... http://www.workingcow.com/ Me and Jean have two shops we make a special ride to. One is in Fernandina Beach FL right in the middle of the downtown area. We get our Waffle cones and hang out on a park bench watching all the strange tourists. The other one is a roadside stand on the north end of Flagler Beach. Ocean view as well as bikini view. Just downright good stuff....
  19. Had a day off today so I took the old girl out for a ride. Was out for about an hour riding along the coast of Palm Beach on A1A. It was a picture perfect day, blue skies, clear blue water along the beach. About thirty minutes into the ride I was practically soaked with sweat. I just don't recall it being so hot hear in south Florida. The winds were calm the seas were flat calm. Temperature was 93 humidity was also in the nineties. I really wanted to ride more but it was just too freaken hot!
  20. George and I, along with a couple of guys George works with (they ride Harleys) went to Myrtle Beach this weekend. What a fun weekend! :happy65: We left out Friday evening after work and had a beautiful ride down there! After hotel hopping for a good deal on rooms, we ended up staying at the Sandy Beach Resort with a suite of three bedrooms, two baths, jazucci, full kitchen, living room and even a washer/dryer. And, an oceanfront view! Wow!!! It is definitely on our list of a place to stay next time we are down there! It was such a treat to wake up to the sound of ocean waves and a beautiful sunrise over the water. After a hunt on the beach for sea shells, it was time to go. George was ready to ride! Saturday morning was late breakfast at Tar Baby's which has a large variety of buffet items. It was a beautiful 30 minute ride from the hotel there. Next was checking out the various vendors. First stop was at the Myrtle Beach Mall (where Bass Pro Shop is). There were not a lot of vendors there. Next we hit Barefoot Landing and had a stroll through the Alligator Farm but no alligators were in sight, just ducks and turtles! Then for a nice ride down Kings Highway to the Harley Store where again, vendors were few. The last stop was at Suck Bang Blow where a band was playing, burn outs (phew!), Wall of Death, and a contest for the loudest pipes! And Chuck and Keith had a chance to drool! After a refreshing stop at the hotel for a swim and a shower, we headed back on the strip for supper, eating at Captain Benjamin's. What a wide variety of food! We left for home this morning, feeling refreshed and having had a great weekend. We got home just in time before the rain! There were quite a few bikers there, more than we anticipated being there, but it was the end of bike week so I am sure a lot had already left to go home. We are ready to go back!!!
  21. I can't imagine why I am so nervous. Couldn't be that I am getting married tomorrow!:bighug:My new bride and I will be going to PC, FL to Thunder on the Beach. If you see a guy on an 07 RSV with a little bitty redhead on a trike, say hello.
  22. Howdy Back here in Northern Nevada after a great ride of 4,200 miles and everything went smooth. The Butler seat was incredible as was the new Barons. We had three other riders to Guaymas and two other joined us in Loreto onto La Paz across the Ferry back to Tucson. Camped on the beach where we could and ate plenty of seafood and stayed at 30% occupied 4-5 star hotel for almost nothing. Weather was great except for winds down on the East Cape, In Mexico cruiser bikes are a thing of immense curiosity and envy. The RSTD with a Kuryaykn Gran Tailergater is the way to go. My friend BWM KT bike had electrical problem but the Mexican in a little village bypass the fusing and it ran great. Great to be in snow capped Nevada just in time for Deer and Antelope tag. Next time gotta figure away to strap on my Gibson 12 string for beach fires and Anejo Max
  23. Saw the swamp and the gators. did the beach on Jeckell Island. Did the Jacksonville Zoo. Good time but in the morning I'm taking U S 40 east to I 95 north to West I 26 to I 77 North to I 79 North to U S 16 and home!! Only bout 700 miles. Wish I had Bike here. Warden is hinting for another trip to beach somewhere on the way home. Ain't gonna happen once I head north!!
  24. Ok guys, this is for all you that have shut down for the winter. The day after christmas, Gregg(footsie),me, and 3 of his relatives and friends went on a ride down to Bradenton,FL from Gregg's house in Sycamore, GA. We had a great time!! It was a little cool(mid 50's), but the ride was good. It was mostly cloudy the 2 days we were riding but we survived. From Bradenton we shot back up to Tampa then over to Daytona Beach to spend the night before heading back on Sunday. We had a late dinner(supper for us country folks) at Charlie Horse in Daytona Beach. Gregg tried to eat all their crablegs. We stayed at one of the cheap hotels on North Atlantic Blvd. It was old but clean and had a high pressure shower that felt soooo good after the days lenghty ride. Back at my home I checked the mileage for myself to be 916 miles for the 2 day trip. Thanks to footsie and his friends for letting me tag along.
  25. I will be at the show in Dallas with my VR uniform (hat & t/shirt) on. I hope to see some of you guys there. If you spot me, stop me and say hi. Ken Minner aka slick97spirit See schedule below: :cool10: Cycle World International Motorcycle Show Schedule for 2009 - 2010 2009November 13-15Dallas Convention CenterDallas, TexasNovember 20-22San Mateo County Event CenterSan Mateo, CADecember 4-6Long Beach Convention CenterLong Beach, CADecember 11-13Qwest Field Event CenterSeattle, WA2010January 1-3Rock Financial ShowplaceNovi, MIJanuary 8-10Carolina First CenterGreenville, SCJanuary 15-17Washington Convention CenterWashington D.C.January 22-24Jacob K. Javits Convention CenterNew York, NYJanuary 19-31I-X Center Cleveland, OHFebruary 5-7Minneapolis Convention CenterMinneapolis, MNFebruary 19-21Donald E. Stephens Convention CenterChicago, IL
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