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  1. Angelo


    So I keep getting punished for teasing everyone about the wonderful weather we are having here. My battery capped out on my bike, fortunately in my garage and not somewhere away from home, but still ruined a nice day for a ride even if it was to work. Before I go and buy a battery to replace mine I've learned to bounce things off you guys so here it goes again. Any batteries out there that is a benefit over the stock ones in these bikes? Can't imagine there are too many options out there but I figure I should check just in case.
  2. Have any of you ever been able to run 2 batteries in parallel on a RSTD? I have been thinking that it may help make sure that i always have power, but I am not sure how the increase in amps will affect the bike. Any ideas?
  3. Does anyone see a reason NOT to use these higher cold cranking amp batteries on a 2006 Royal Star Venture? (Except for them not being a local purchase) I'm in AZ and batteries don't last but 1.5 years. See the links below. Battery_#1 $ 79.99, 850 CCA. Battery_#2 $ 79.99, 850 CCA. Battery_#3 $ 94.99, 600 CCA. Battery_#4 $124.99, 680CCA Thanks.
  4. Found this on the web. Thought it might be of some interest. 10 Facts about AGM Batteries 1. AGM batteries were originally developed for the military and so are very robust and can take much more abuse than wet-cell or standard deep-cycle gel batteries. As the electrolyte is contained within the glass mats, there is nothing to leak or spill and they are relatively free from freezing damage. 2. As with other sealed batteries there is little to no maintenance with AGMs. Even more of an advantage is that most of them are 'recombinant'. What this means is that the oxygen and hydrogen combine inside the battery during charging cycles to form water - hence very little water loss and hydrogen emission. These batteries are therefore less hazardous than their counterparts. 3. AGM batteries can be stored in otherwise prohibited areas because of their advantages of no leakage and no fumes. Another advantage of this property is that they can be stored on end or on their sides if need be without damage. 4. The battery construction places the electrolyte in closer proximity to the active plate material. This enhances the efficiency of both discharge and charge cycles. Because of this, and because the internal resistance of the battery is very low they generally charge at a faster rate and to a higher capacity than non-AGM batteries. They can also take heavy discharge rates without damage and can take the occasional discharge below the recommended 50% of capacity rule. 5. AGMs have a very low discharge rate when stored for extended periods, and even if left to totally discharge in storage they can be quickly recharged back to over 95% of their capacity providing they have not been left too long in a discharged state. The advantage is, no flat battery after storing for extended periods (within reason of course). 6. Under normal operating conditions, a good service life of up to 5 years can be attained. With quality care and handling, managed discharge and charge even longer lifetimes are common. Some reports quote up to 10 years. 7. AGM batteries are quite a bit more expensive that conventional wet-cell and standard deep cycle. But if you measure this cost against their robustness, longer life expectancy and better performance, they still present as the best value for money over the longer term. 8. A 'normal' car alternator will only charge a wet-cell type battery to around 70-80% of its capacity. Because of its higher charging rates an AGM battery will just about fully charge and at a faster rate from the same type of alternator. 9. AGM batteries are capable of charging rates up to 75% of their rated ampere hour capacity. In some cases this can lead to damaged alternators or standard auto chargers that may be susceptible to the excessive heat generated when trying to deliver maximum amps. The good point though is that AGMs will charge at lesser rates and be quite happy doing that. But, if you are going to spend money on a quality battery then you should really be looking at buying a quality three-stage charger. 10. AGM batteries can handle a multitude of roles. They can be used as starting batteries, in deep cycle applications, or as standby batteries for critical powered systems. These reasons make them ideal for camping applications. They can also be connected in series or parallel banks providing for various terminal voltages and ampere capacities. Example: two AGMs can be wired in parallel in a pop-up camper. Charged via a three stage 'Smart' charger and never have an issue with them.
  5. Advanced Auto Parts has MagnaPower 12-Volt Sealed AGM Premium Batteries for $84.99 for 1st Gen add something for $1.00 to make it $85.99 coupon code RAF7JA1102 takes $35.00 off = $50.99 + tax. Part No. ETX18L Voltage:12, Cold Cranking Amps (CCA) @ 0°F:340, Amp Hours:20
  6. These batteries have been mentioned a few times here lately. Webbike World has a pretty decent article on them right now. I actually find some of the user comments at the end of their comparison to be even more informative that the article itself. From reading some of the user comments, I'm not sure that these batteries are right for touring bikes with heavy current draws. http://www.webbikeworld.com/motorcycle-battery/li-ion-motorcycle-battery/shorai-vs-ballistic-li-ion-motorcycle-battery.htm
  7. Not only is it time to change the clocks. But use the time change as a reminder. TWICE a year we change times. Make it a habit to change those batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Also check all fire extinguishers, even disposables generally have a small test button.
  8. Seen lots of discussion about a "battery tender"...and it is obvious they are the electrical plug type. So...I assume these are not just a charger? I have heard of putting batteries on a 2 amps charger , on a timer, so it only comes on 1 hour a day. I purchased some cheap solar battery tenders from Canadian Tire. These are supposed to put out up to 1.8 watts/125 mA under ideal conditions. But...they won't be any good in my garage over the winter! SO....the question is What is a battery tender? Can I hook up multiple batteries to a single Charger/tender? With all the toys and equipment I have 8-10 batteries!
  9. For anyone in Canada who has an XSCargo store near them... they have a really great deal on those small LED pucks. They are selling the First Alert 3-packs for only $7.99. I put one in my trunk and it works like a charm. The two-sided tape isn't that great though, so i used a bit of 5-min Epoxy to hold the base on. They use AAA batteries and have 3 bright LED's which should last for months of use. Changing the batteries is a breeze and the light just turns and comes off the base and best of all, it matches the inside of the trunk perfectly. Best of all is I have 2 spares to use down the road as well !!! Here's a pic of how it looks in my trunk... http://www.ridecanada.org/photos/trunk_light.jpg
  10. As part of my continuing effort to offer the best products at a reasonable price, I now have the DEKA line of AGM High Output batteries for our First Gen. and Second Gen. VR's, RSV's and RSTD's listed in the Classifieds. Both of these AGM maintenance free batteries offer a full 1 year warranty, provide high output cranking power, and are shipped free to the 50 U.S. states. Here is the link to the DEKA ETX-20L for the Second Gens: http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=2743&title=deka-etx-20l-sealed-agm-battery&cat=7 Here is the link to the DEKA ETX-18L for the First Gens: http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=2742&title=deka-etx-18l-sealed-agm-battery&cat=6 If you have questions, or need a shipping quote to Canada, please feel free to PM me. Earl
  11. Does it seem to you all that car/mcy batteries just dont seem to last as long anymore? I mean I remember when most of my car batteries lasted more than 4 years, some 5 years. I bought my Chevy Trailblazer new in 2002. I just now put in its 4th battery today. Had lunch at Mojos BBQ and came out and the truck was dead. Nice waitress boosted me and I made it home. Yep, she was stone cold dead again. Load test showed a bad battery. DMM says its charging so im good there. Original died at 2 year mark while the others made it 2 1/2 years before they too pooped out. The last 2 were Napa Batteries. Replaced it with a battery from O'reilly's Auto Parts. 84 month warranty with the first 3 years free exchange. Figure if I get another 2 1/2 out of it at least it will be replaced for free.
  12. The picture didnt come out but this battery from Batteries Plus stores is plain crap. I bought my first one last year and right out of the box it had a bad cell. They replaced it and off I went. 8 Months later it dropped another cell. My charging system was working fine but I went ahead and repalced the starter solenoid just in case. Sat morning we headed out to Daytona and stopped for gas about 5 miles from the house. Went to start it and poof...nothing. Trailered it home, pulled the battery Sunday and took it to Batteries Plus today. Yep, dropped another cell. He also informed me that it was out of warranty but he will honor it since I had such bad luck with it. I had him credit me and special order a stock Yuasa, which will take a week to get in. Only cost me 10 bucks difference. Local Yammie dealer wants 135 for his. Bottom line, while Batteries Plus bent over backwards to accomodate me, their batteries aint worth the plastic theyre wrapped in. Their Oddesy batteries were 169.00 so ill just stick with the Yuasas now. http://www.batteriesplus.com/products/59-CC/5380-Motorcycle-Batteries/340611-Yamaha/2007-DASH--DASH-1996/XVZ1300-Royal-Star/images/Product/icon/32753.jpgXtreme Permaseal High Performance AGM Jet Ski, Powersport Battery - XTAX20HL-BS
  13. There like motorcycle batteries only smaller. They are marked 12 V 0.4 Amps. What would you use them for? I have access to about 15 of them. I'm sure they are worth something to somebody, But, who would need them?
  14. A week ago I told of how good Odessey was about replacing a battery that was just one month over the stated warranty period. I have no problem with the way it is being handled but due to other Odessey failures in young batteries I have decided to choose another brand. Last summer I got an Odessey for my truck and one month later it failed and needed to be replaced. Just this weekend It failed again and I put the 5 year old Delco I had removed and was sitting on a shelf back in and it fired right up. Another warranty claim pending. Very disappointing. Well all this prompted me to compare and I found the Odessey PC545 I was using in the bike, supposedly the best I could get, had 14AH and 185 CCA. Well the regular Yousa battery has 18AH and 270 CCA and if I wanted to pay more I could get the high performance Yousa and get 18AH and 310 CCA. I just ordered the Yousa from the local auto parts place and was done with it. Everyone watch your Odessey batteries. The failing of the battery in the fall may also have contributed to my engine knock from ignition problems. Either way my trust is gone. PS. Does any one want a good deal on the new PC545 Im recieving under warranty?
  15. High heat, extreme cold and lack of use are the hardest on batteries. I can't help you with the first 2 but for the third simply do this. Install a $7-9 70amp switch between the battery negative and ground. I get mine at Pepboys but any good auto supply should have them. This will reduce the discharge rate because rectifier diodes, clocks and some TCI's (computers, ignitions) still pull power even with the ignition switch off. Putting the switch on the negative side relieves the switch of the high amperage loads at start ups but still breaks the circuit. You should still recharge the battery before starting, if it has not been run is several weeks. Buy the way, my "cheapest" I can find batteries usually last 5 years (in this desert heat).
  16. Does anyone have recommendations for a battery for my 86 Venture Royale?
  17. Do batteries just quite. Today I came home from work, shut off the bike and went into the house to pick up something and when I returned the bike wouldn't even turn over. I put my trickle charger on it for few hours and it started right away. I phoned around for a new one and got a price of $150, but they were out of stock. The Harley boys bought them all. They are going to call me tomorrow with a price for a Odessy. I only have a short time left of the riding season, I was hoping to have the battery last.
  18. hi all as some of you know. my new (6 mos old ) pc545 odyssy battery went south on me, at the '08 international rally in kitchener. well i'am finaly getting around to getting it replaced under warranty. last nite in went on to their web site. (http://www.odysseyfactory.com ) looking for a local delear to handle the warranty. the closes delear is a batteries plus about 20 or so miles from me, gave them a call. told the young man the tale about the battery. now the fun begins, the young man wants to know the mod. # of the battery i tell him a pc545. then he wants to know what kind of m/c i tell him a '99 yahama rsv. then he wants to know what cc's is the engine i tell him 1300. he's having trouble, i tell him again it's a pc545. i bought it in a group buy from california. he tells me they have two types of batteries for my bike 1 is an agm and some other one. well now isn't the pc545 an agm? i ride over there this morning and take the battery inside the store. here we go again. this guy has to call hi manger at home to find out if they will do the warranty. now the guy ask me did i buy the battery from them (batteries plus). i tell him no, he tells his manger this and i'am told they NO CAN DO. i'am starting to fume now. i say the battery is only 6 mos old and has a national warrenty. i'am now told they will only honor the warranty if i bought it from them. great here we go passing the buck. i walk away and call odessy home office. talk to a nice lady repete the tale of the battery, and what i was just told at barreries plus. she informs me that they are having some trouble with them honoring the warranty if you didn't buy from them. ok i ask what do i do now? well she transfers me to the warranty division in warrensburg, mo. talk to another nice lady kathy mitchell, tell her the tale as it is up to now. wants to know if my stator is working properly. i said yes, what is the volt output of the battery 11.8 i tell her. how often do i charge the battery? i don't know when ever i feel like it. says i may not be charging it often enought. then wants to know what brand of charger i'am using. i tell her a accumate, she ask is it on their approved list of chargers? i say i don't know. i bought it for my other bike 'cause the accumate i read was suppose to be one of the better 2-amp trickle chargers. she tell me i need a 3 amp of better charger. well i tell her i've never had a problem useing this charger. i plug it in and usualy it's in the green in 20 minutes or so. what it comes down to is she's going to help me, sent me the warranty replacement paperwork by e-mail. mailing it back to her tonite on my way to work. gosh i love it when everything comes together. now if only BATTERIES PLUS gets their act together. sorry for the long post. best reguards don c.
  19. I thought that now would be a good time to start another group buy, and called Odyssey to check on pricing, I just got off the phone with them and everythings a go, however they are out of stock on both the PC545 and the PC680, but they expect to receive a new shipment the first week of May, so the timing's right. We still need to get 10 members.... or more. PC680, PC680MJ http://www.odysseybatteries.com/battery/pc680_sm.jpg For 1stGens, the Odyssey is PC680. Your price each to your doorstep will be $110.00. Be aware that this is the non-metal jacket battery. I discussed the application at length with Odyssey , and they reiterated what they had said in the past about not needing the heavier MJ version for our 1stGens, but if anyone would like one of the PC680MJ's the price will be $121.00 to your doorstep. Also take note that the batteries will be fresh, and haven't been sitting on a dealers shelf for an extended period of time. PC545, PC545MJ http://www.odysseybatteries.com/battery/pc545_sm.jpg For 2ndGens the Odyssey is PC545. Your price each to your doorstep will be $104.00. If you'd like the PC545MJ (Metal Jacket) it will be $118.00 Payments are to be sent via Paypal to paypal@cast-aways.com Batteries will be drop shipped directly from the supplier, except for those batteries going into Canada. They'll be bluk shipped to me and then shipped from here. There will be a shipping surcharge for those batts shipped to Canada. I'll probably do the same thing as the MAC's which seemed to keep the cost down, and be agreeable with everyone. The prices work out to be Dealer cost plus $20 bucks to cover shipping and paypal charges. The last time I charged $15, but I ended up loosing about 4 bucks per battery. So this time I'm covering my rear... Canadian shipments will need to be adjusted once I get one here to do a shipping estimate. If you have any questions, or see something that's missing from the above please PM me. Jack
  20. I have just about decided part of the problems that I'm having with my ride is the battery. It is 5 years old and I'm going to replace it. Decision? There are several types from gel to AGM to normal batteries. Any thoughts?
  21. I have been looking at ads and info on the net about battery desulfators. Given the long rest periods over our Canadian winters, I have had the experience of replacing batteries come spring and thereafter. Anybody have experience with these? They look like a great deal to me! Harvey
  22. We've only got a couple of days left to order Odyssey Batteries. For details.
  23. For those of you who do not wish to wait for the group buy, this vendor on ebay is selling Odyssey batteries now at an even better price to your door than the group buy price. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/odyssey-battery-pc-680MJ-honda-acura-jdm-and-more_W0QQitemZ320202906989QQihZ011QQcategoryZ33574QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Note that it is the battery Odyssey recommends with the MJ designation, an upgrade over the regular pc680. Edit: After noting a few posters who speculated that this vendor might have old stock, I contacted him and he replied that he is a high volume vendor and gets new shipments in weekly, so all his batteries are factory fresh. Furthermore, he also carries the PC545 for those of you who need it. He runs the same auctions over and over again (examples linked in posts below), so do not be put off by the number available in each individual auction. The choice is yours. `
  24. Happy New Year! I've got some questions about batteries. I'm sold on AGM technology, but why Odyssey in particular? I hear "more power" as a reason. But according to spec sheets (using the PC680 for the first gen as an example), there are other AGM batteries that have more. CCA - some have 300-350 range, Od. has 220. AH - others are rated at 22, Od. is 17. This makes sense because the Od. is actually a little smaller and lighter physically. So why go with Od. instead of the others? Are they more honest about their ratings and actually as powerful or more powerful than the others? Is it quality? Reliability? Life? I've known other brand AGM batteries to last 5-6 years in a bike or quad, which as you know is probably double the average for wet cell. Also, why does Od. specify the "MJ" version for the Venture when some other bikes call for the standard PC680? Does the batt compartment in the Venture get much hotter than others? Anybody got an opinion, rumor or lie they would like to share about this? Thanks, Jeremy
  25. This Morning my battery was week and I couldnt start a bike... no big deal, hooked up battery tender and left to ride with Stratoliner. make 120 miles and get back home. Battery tender was flashing orange light what mean bad battery. Try to unplug and plug back.. but each time have same reading. So after 3 winters it's a time to buy new battery. I will go with Odyssey or glass mat gel batteries, as well motorcycle Li-ion High capacity. Where is best deal for batteries. what is your experience which one is best replacement for stock one, or should i just go with stock one.? Thanks
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