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  1. I put an "I" basket in my scoot which quieted it down really well. Until I dragged (or is it drug?) my trailer 400 miles and then it got progressively louder, to the point where it may be louder than it was before the "I" basket. So, now I'm going to look at this from a different angle. Has anyone considered some type of sound deadening coating on the clutch cover to maybe lower the amount of transmitted whine? I'm still researching this, but I do know that what ever coating used would have to take a bit of heat as the side cover gets fairly warm. Maybe some of that pick up bed liner. I figured that I'd pick up a spare cover to play with from Ebay. Yesterday I was experimenting with sound deadening foam. I taped a large piece to the lower fairing area as there seems to be a lot of sound bouncing from that area with no luck. No matter how much foam I taped or wrapped around the right side of the bike, it stayed just as whiney. Now to the next idea. I have my old "G" basket and I'm toying with the thought of having the teeth on this basket "machined" slightly. Maybe a small grove cut in the center of the teeth of the primary driver gear would change things enough to lower the whine. Or possibly a slight radius to the top of the teeth. Anybody with a metal working background have any thoughts on any of this? I'm going to stop and talk to the local high performance engine builder on Thursday to see what they say. Thoughts?
  2. Where would the letter code be located on the basket trying to buy one online and the image has an update clutch spring imtold him if it's an I basket I will buy it today he does not know where to look for the code and neither do I imhave been searching on line and can't find anything on how to determine the letter. F G or I
  3. Just did the clutch skydoc clutch upgrade. eliminated the slippage but now is hard shifting. i know the single and double notches line up....not sure about if they are in reference to the basket. was unclear about that. any opinions??? also a couple of times it killed when put into gear from neutral. like when you put the kickstand down when its in gear with clutch in.
  4. I have an appointment Monday to take my 06 RTSD in for the clutch whine. I talked to my service manager today and he says he is not aware of the "I" basket. Does anyone remember where the post was that listed the part number for the "I" basket and the phone number for the Yamaha rep. I want to have the part number and phone number with me when I get there because it sounds like I might need to educate my service dept. I'm sure I read a post that had this info. Any help please.
  5. Hi gang allow me to introduce myself, I just bought a new for me 1991 Venture Royale so my wife and I could go touring 2 up. The Venture only has 72,000km so my thought was uhm just broken in. My other steed is a BMW 1989 k100rt with 125,000 km, my wife just doesn't find it comfortable for long hauls so its gonna have to go. Anyhow back to the subject at hand. There is a whiney drone coming from the engine area. The sound occurs while riding, and occurs when I release the throttle and last until the engine revs are very low, it happens all the time at any speed and in all gears. I suspect something to do with the clutch. This evening I removed the presure plate the friction plates and clutch plates, all are within specs. I have not yet removed the basket however I did grasp it in my 2 hands and was able to slightly move it laterally forward backwards and up and down. Here is my question am I right to suspect that the bearing just behind the basket might be worn or damaged as any play in the basket (shaft) doesn't seem right. Maybe worn bearing, side play affected by the torque of the engine compression slowing down the bike? Check out this picture it was taken by Freebird and this is what he found behind his clutch basket notice the bearings, the cage is broken I suspect this could cause the severe noise I am experiencing. http://www.venturerider.org/engineremoval/images/815.jpg
  6. I just replaced the shift shaft seal over the weekend and it seemed to go well. I rode 40 miles to work today no problem. On the way home I needed to downshift for slowing traffic, and I could not push the shifter down to get into 4th gear. The only odd thing I noticed when putting the clutch basket assembly back together was that when I put the splined thrust washer on after the clutch basket, the place on the shaft where the thrust washer ends up has no splines. I thought that was strange, but I know I put the washer on in the correct order, after the basket but before the rest of the assembly. The clutch pull at the handlebar did seem not quite as firm tonight, but that could have been my imagination as I was looking for possible causes as I rode. Each time I could not downshift, I waited a few seconds and tried again and it worked. I upshifted with no problem. Any ideas?
  7. Problem solved! Bad eyesight lead to alignment problem. Corrected and works fine now. I know I have seen step by step instructions on swapping out the clutch basket but I can not find it. It may be on the other site I'm not sure. My 2001 Venture has gone from almost no whine when I bought it with 4,500 miles on it to screaming with almost 16,000 miles on it. My question is, Is the nut that holds the smaller disk basket into the larger clutch basket a standard thread or a reverse thread? I have tried with all my might to loosen it by turning it to the left. I even added a 3 foot piece of steel rod to it and it will not budge. With only 4,500 miles on it I don't know why anyone would have gone in there but I thick they did. I think they tightened it down with a lot more than 50 lbs of torgue. Non of the clutch disk are lined up as they should be. Evidently that is not important because it has been shifting fine for the last 11,000 miles. Any suggestions on which way to turn that nut and how to break it free would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Harry
  8. Brown Sugar has started to show a heavy knock (Can't think of better word) when started in the cold. Goes away as she warms up. Clutch basket? Only 70k she is almost broke in. Probally due for oil change soon.
  9. Does anyone make an aftermarket clutch basket that does a little better than this factory I basket? I see lots of clutch kits with springs, friction plates, etc.
  10. First let me thank everyone who gave me input on my clutch basket change. I switched to a generation I clutch basket, It made no difference at all in fact it added a churp down in my low rpm range. Now I have a churp/whine all the way from 0-70, I will be changing back to the original tomorrow. This 05 Venture is the most comfortable bike I have ever owned, and I've owned many, but this churp/whine p's me off.
  11. I changed the clutch basket and now the clutch lever will not depress, it's hard as a rock. Anyone else have this and what should I do.
  12. Resiliently bought an 01 rsv for cheep...now know why...the clutch SCREAMS!!!! I have read all the post on clutch baskets I can find. (H' I' G' ect) Found this one off a 1st. gen and the only letter on is a 'C' etched on the gear itself. I have nothing in it so it is probably worth a try. I will compare them closely when I get the one out of bike, waiting on pcw spring kit. Anyone know about the C basket?? thanks, yammer 2k1 [ATTACH]60850[/ATTACH][ATTACH]60851[/ATTACH][ATTACH]60852[/ATTACH][ATTACH]60853[/ATTACH][ATTACH]60854[/ATTACH]
  13. Hi my 2000 venture's clutch started to slip about a week after ownership in 5th mainly so i decided to source a extra clutch spring to pop in there and hopefully sort the problem, but i decided to pop over to a local v-max spares guy i know. I bought a complete basket with plates etc . Well my original is a H basket, and the v-max one has a scruffy E marked on the back if that means anything on the max's . Well im yet to try it to see if it eliminates the whine as im waiting for a gasket , but i thought you might like a few picks i took to show the difference in the teeth . V-max on the left has noticably narrower teeth to the original H Basket . Does anyone know if the I basket has Narrower Teeth compared to the H ?? Oh and a pic of my clutch basket tool welded a big screwdriver to a spare clutch plate lol
  14. Have a 2001 RSV with 85,000 miles on it. Am going to replace the friction plates and spring in it as I am getting a little slippage when cranking down on throttle in 4th and 5th. My question is, there are 2 disc behind the clutch basket secured behind a wire retainer, the Barrett kit I bought does not include these, do you think they should be replaced and if so how are they ordered. Also should I go with the more expensive spring conversion kit, or just remain with a new diaphram type. The whine I have learned to live with, so I dont think the price of a new basket justifices the (Maybe) reducing the whine. Thanks, any help appericated.
  15. After reading everything I could find about the clutch basket whine, it seems that I read a viable fix to substantially reduce the basket noise may be in changing the 2nd gen clutch basket to a 1st gen clutch basket? I forget where I saw it, but somewhere I thought I read that one of the 1st gen baskets needs 1st gen clutch parts, while the other uses the 2nd gen clutch parts. I cannot remember if the 1200 or the 1300 1st gen basket could be used with 2nd gen parts. Does anyone know which is which? Just modified my clutch last winter. No change in the whine, but my clutch parts, i.e. plates and pressure plate are in very good shape and I would rather not replace them if I do not have to do that. Thanks.
  16. What do you think will happen when I go to a G basket from an I basket, had a H basket in the begining? I basket made no change.
  17. I know this is probably not the right forum, but I wanted to make sure it was seen by many members. So after 17 years of dragging my knees on sportbikes, sometimes on the roads, mostly road-racing, I've decided to trade in my one-piece leathers for a nylon and mesh armored jacket and jeans. I'm ready to stop laying my chin on the tank with my butt in the air, and to start leaning back and enjoying the scenery. On that note, yesterday I purchased a 1985 basket case Venture for less than $1G. It only has 32K km (about 20K miles), though I'm unsure if the second gear problem has been addressed. I've done some work on my bikes over the years, but nothing like the project I'm now addressing. My neighbour is going to help me, we plan on stripping the bike to the frame and rebuilding from there. Being a former racer, I already have one mod in mind - the Vmax heads, cams, and valve train. You can bet I will be posting numerous questions. Any suggestions for brake upgrades? I've read some have used the R1 setup. Suspension? Anyway, photos to be posted soon and wish me luck!
  18. Ok, I must just be stupid. I have tried searching for the TSB or letter that has been discussed here. (so I can show it to my dealer that says no to the replacement of the clutch basket.0 I want to take them a copy so I can get the I basket change before warranty runs out. Can anyone that knows where it is send it to me or provide a link. Thank you greatly in advance. Signed "Search Challenged and bug-eyed" :confused24:
  19. I have an '01 Venture. The whine/ chirp would drown out the loud pipes, and the stereo, and was almost painful to listen too. It would start at about 2800 rpm, and go away around 3500 rpm. I bought a clutch basket for a 1st gen (1983-1993?) Venture for $45 off Ebay and installed. The noise is almost completely gone now. It still comes in at the same rpms, but much, much quieter, and barely noticable now. A 1st gen Vmax (1985-2007) clutch basket will also fix the problem and are available for cheap on ebay all the time. If you have an air compressor and an impact wrench with a 30mm socket, the basket is easily swapped out in an hour or less and the special clutch holder tool isn't necessary. Download a service manual for a venture (any year) or a Vmax, and you'll have all the info you need to make sure you get it put back together correctly. Don't forget to buy a new gasket, as the original will rip apart when you pull the cover off. If you have any questions shoot me an email at remmerts@live.com. BTW, if you would like your bike to scream like friggin banshee, I now have a clutch basket for sale that will be music to your ears
  20. just wondering how difficult it is to install I basket. I'm only semi mechanically inclined but can usally figure things out. is this something that a pro should install for me. I would like to do it myself but don't want to get in over my head. thanks
  21. after 3000 miles on my 01 rsv instead of getting use to it the chirping is driving me nuts. it's taking the fun out of riding. there is no way I could take a long trip with that noise. I've read about changing to the I basket just wondering what the success rate was before i spend the money. if the chirping doesn't go the bike will. thanks
  22. All I need to know I learned from the Easter Bunny! Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Everyone needs a friend who is all ears. There's no such thing as too much candy. All work and no play can make you a basket case. A cute tail attracts a lot of attention. Everyone is entitled to a bad hare day. Let happy thoughts multiply like rabbits. Some body parts should be floppy. Keep your paws off of other people's jelly beans. Good things come in small, sugar coated packages. The grass is always greener in someone else's basket. To show your true colors, you have to come out of the shell. The best things in life are still sweet and gooey. May the joy of the season fill your heart. AND MAY GOD BLESS YOU! Happy Easter!
  23. Hi everyone I have an '06 rstd with the very loud chirp which having tried different oils including amsoil with no success, have approached my dealer about getting an 'I' basket and althought the the 'I' basket number is good that they would have to get it from overseas and would cost around $450-$500. with no guarantee that it would be the 'I' basket, and as been said by some that it didn't fix the chirp. My request is does anyone have an 'I' basket available or can get hold of one and if so how much not including freight that would make it bit more financially better to risk. I read on a post from some time back I think from Kit with 'crickett' that he had the 'I' basket fitted but then fitted another which cured the chirp, was the 2nd basket fitted another 'I' basket? Would be thankfull for any help. Alan (from Adelaide Sth Australia)
  24. Do new Ventures come from the factory with the "I" basket installed? May be interested in buying a 2011 Venture S and I'm wondering if I'll have to go through the trouble of getting the basket changed prior to delivery. Also, has anyone heard any news of a Venture re-design? Is there a new and improved Venture coming out soon? Thanks!
  25. Could someone tell me or show pics of the proper clutch basket removal tool for a 2008 rsv?
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