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  1. I grew up with basic first aid because we back packed and hunted in remote areas. In the Air Force I was a security /police Law enforcement first responder. I always have a first aid kit on my vehicles. Tonight I had 2 wrecks that happened in front of me hours apart. Both were ugly I don't know what the cause was on either. The first was a mutable roll over with no seat belts on the passengers. I pulled out the survivors and stopped the bleeding until the CHP and EMT showed up. The 2nd was 3 hrs later same freeway other direction 1/2 mile away they flipped and landed on the guardrail cutting the car in half. I hope the car seats were empty I could not find any children. I don't think the driver survived, I did CPR and first aid but it was a lost cause I'm afraid. As motorcyclist we should all be prepared to respond to emergency's. In this case I was on my Virago and only had a small first aid kit. The best part of the kit was my training. If you don't have basic first aid you should go to the red cross and get trained, you could save the life of a friend or loved one. Do not be afraid to help most states have good Samaritan laws that protect you from liability and it is the right thing to do. Ride safe Rod
  2. Hey All, Dana (csmbrek) will be coming by to our place tomorrow @ 2pm to have some fixin going on with his bike. Nothing spectacular, but if anyone is a out and about or needs some basic maintenance done, the garage will be open @ 2 as I have half a day to work tomorrow. Iffin you can or want to make it PM/email me for an address
  3. We put an assortment of build pictures of the bike to trike project in a photobucket album. They can be seen at http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/ I'll also put a few of the basic pictures in our gallery in here. When I have the time and figure out how to do it. lol
  4. I found this in the 2nd Gen tech library (although it also applies to 1st Gen's as well): http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=501 As I'm always looking for ways to improve my '99's performance and fuel mileage, I want to give this a try, but I'm still a little confused. The mod calls for a "tee" to be installed if the AIS system has NOT been plugged (mine has not). If someone has done this, please let me know what this is referring to and how it needs to be installed. The rest of the mod seems quite basic - just a 1 1/2" to 2" hose connecting the nipples on each side once the vacuum hose and cap are removed. Don, you weighed in on this back in '06, and I was wondering if you still think this is a beneficial modification to make. Thanks.
  5. Hey guys. Those of you who know me will be aware of my photographic bent. I've often been asked if I have a web site. Now I can say, "Yes I have." Fairly basic for starters, but I'll expand on it. Just wanted to 'get it out there' to see how it fares. Comments and critiques welcome. http://fotoshoppe.vpweb.com.au
  6. This is my nephew, Robert. He's had a tough go at life early on. Homelife wasn't always the best, but I have always tried to be there for him. He left Knoxville for Basic training in early April. His first stop was in Arkansas for his GED, then on to Ft Benning, Ga for Basic and Infantry school. There was no way that I was gonna miss this. I am so proud of him. He's the 3rd generation in our family to go Army. Now he waits to be deployed with the Tennessee National Guard. HOOAH!
  7. First, I would like to thank Monty for the basic idea which I then modified. I have attached pictures of the the final product: somewhat crude but functional..the back plate is removable for winter riding. Currently, vent pointing downward but can be removed and turned 180 degree for warm air upwards..... Material: Aluminum flashing----$10.00 Aluminum Vent-------$ 2.00 Hardest part was making a template: first paper and then basic template in aluminum...and lots of patient and trimming.
  8. Monty

    Ft Sill

    We just returned from Ft Sill, where my youngest just graduated from his Basic Training. He has moved on to Ft Leonard Wood now. It was a 10 hour drive for us, but well worth it. http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i274/13thAFMonterey/FT%20Sill/IMG_0235.jpg http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i274/13thAFMonterey/FT%20Sill/Benji1.jpg http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i274/13thAFMonterey/FT%20Sill/IMG_0242.jpg http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i274/13thAFMonterey/FT%20Sill/IMG_0272.jpg My oldest, (the one who rides the GS850), is in week 2 of his Basic at Ft Sill, so we didn't get to see him while we were there. They were supposed to go at the same time, but he had to get his tattoos approved first, so that held him up. http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i274/13thAFMonterey/FT%20Sill/1120090437.jpg http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i274/13thAFMonterey/FT%20Sill/Jared2.jpg http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i274/13thAFMonterey/FT%20Sill/Jared1.jpg
  9. Monty

    Proud Papa

    Well, my youngest arrived at Ft. Sill yesterday, to start his basic training. That's the same place I went for my basic and AIT. At least it should be cooling off there a little bit. Bet he's lovin' life by now....lol:scared:
  10. After installing the passing lamps on my Venture I decided I wanted some led's as well. I found some really neat ones from Joe Florida. http://ledaccentlights.net/store/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=36 They might be slightly more pricey than some but it seems the quality and the lifetime warranty made up my mind. Also, I got almost immediate answers to my questions thru emails. I don't know how to do a utube video so I'll just post a few pics of the basic 3 colors. The leds are remote controlled from up to 150' and have 15 different functions like strobe, multi color flash etc. some of which are probably TOTALLY illegal while running down the road.
  11. I'm looking for a good service manual. I've found clymer and the factory one. What one would be more practical for home use. I'm not going to tear my venture down and rebuild it, just do the basic stuff. I'm also adding some LED lights to it and maybe a louder horn. Maybe a running light kit also..
  12. Hello everyone I'm new to the RSV and have a basic question about the intercom. We currently have the Chatterbox wireless. I would like to connect these headsets to the RSV intercom system. I assume we simply need two cables to connect from the helmet to the intercom jack? Anything else that might cause problems? Thanks! Jerry
  13. OK folks, when I activated my Zumo XM, I went with the traffic and the weather package. I understand though that basic weather comes with the traffic. So what is the difference between basic weather and the full blown one that I subscribed to? I paid for 3 months but may want to drop the advanced weather next time.
  14. I was just doing some research on Driveing, and Fog Lamps. I stumbled on this web site, which has some very good basic Information concerning Light Bulbs. May be of Interest: As refference material. http://www.danielsternlighting.com/products/products.html
  15. I am just getting back into riding and would to like to do the basic maintenance myself. The other day I noticed a very small amount of oil at the rear of the bike (size of a silver dollar)the oil leak that is. After reading the forums I believe it is from the final drive? How can I check this out. And if the oil level is low what and how do I replace it? Also what other basic maint. do I need to perform? Oh yeahIhave 05 RSV. Thanks.
  16. Well...sort of a picture. I used the picture of the blue and yellow wax model and did some special effects to it. So....this is not a picture of the actual bell but at least you can get the basic idea of what they will look like. On the back side it has our logo...Life's a Venture....Get on and Ride!
  17. What are the basic settings for my carbs. I have heard that there are starter settings on the sync screws and idle screws.
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