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Found 16 results

  1. 83 Rat chopper Venture. Manual Vmax boost. Homemade pipes, forward controls, and everything else. VTX radiator. Misc. lighting. Well I guess you get the idea. Finally out of the basement and down the road. I can now tie my shoes without bending over. Zag
  2. When I retired three years ago, my wife and I bought a new home and left behind a conventional hot tub, at our old home. We enjoyed it for 15 years and then got rid of it because of age and the fact that we no longer were excited to be going out in 15 degree F weather to use it outside on the patio, in the winter. We have been discussing getting a new one for our home but don't want to put it outside due to the expense of keeping it heated in our Western NY winters. I have seen advertisements for the new inflatable spas and tubs and thought we could use one outdoors in the summer and then move it into our basement in the winter so that we could use it year round. Do any members have one of these units and use it indoors in the winter and what are the drawbacks about the moisture level in a heated basement? Any and all comments and thoughts (both pro and con) would be appreciated. As I mentioned, I have owned one for many years, so I am familiar with the operation and chemicals, etc.. Just not sure about the moisture in an enclosed heated basement. Jim
  3. Well it only took 2 years of negotiating but it is finally mine. Well sort of. I bought it, I paid for it, now I just have to get it off the 4th floor that it is on and then get it home and then into my basement (I have no garage). It will eat up 4 ft x 6 ft of floor area in my tiny little basement. It is a Brown and Sharp No.2 (B?)
  4. I have a number of old scoots in the basement and thought I drag would something out while waiting for the turkey to finish cookin.. Thought you all might enjoy a trip down memory lane.. Anyone ever have one of these back in the day?? Its actually later than my early years BUT I realize not everyone on here grew up in the 60's like me hahaha.. Anyway, pretty cool lil bike, I would say the neatest moped ever made.. Course, I love anything on two wheels - old new or in between - they are all fun!! Scott:mustache:
  5. I need to borrow/rent an engine hoist / shop crane for a couple of weeks. I was looking at buying one from Harbor freight (on sale now for $180 - 20% coupon + $144) but I really do not have room to store it when I am done with it. I just bought a surface grinder to put in my basement shop and need the hoist to disassemble it, load it, unload it, and then again to reassemble it in my basement. Anyone have one within 100 or so miles of Milwaukee? I have a full size P/U to come get it and return it home in a few weeks when I am done. I have also been watching Craigslist and ebay to find a good cheap one that I can use and then resell when I am done with it.
  6. Its been nearly 5 months workng on remodeling my basement apt. Sealed Cement Floor, New Paint, New Wood Floor and Carpet/Pad; New Shower doors, New Kitchen Island. Now I can get my VR ready for some summer fun. Progressive Springs, New Lights, amd misc gadgets to add.
  7. See Picture So as the drain pipe comes down the main floor wall from the sink area, it has to make a inward jog so the pip can come inside and down the cement wall into the basement. The leak is all along the circurmfrance of the long verticle basement pipe where it fits inside curved pipe. So what is the best way of fixing it?
  8. Before I tear the basement wall appart, sure would appreciate some plumbing and subflooring insite for I've no building experience. While remodeling my basement I discover a plumbing leak in a basement bedroom. The leak at first appeared to be near the clean out but after some investigation the leak is coming from way above the cleanout. The concrete wall is 66 feet long and it is about 3 feet from the corner of the side wall. Above the leak on the main floor the kitchen sink/ garbge disposal /dishwasher is there. I've ran the washer machine and while in the drain cycle it uses different plumbing about 12 feet away on the side wall of the house. That then leaves the kitchen sink/ garbge disposal /dishwasher for they are right above the plumbing leak. Now this last summer I put in new engineered wood floor on the main part of the house above the basement. I cut the nonollieum up to the kitchen cabnette and left nonollieum under the dishwasher. The refriderater does have water and ice. I therefore did not disturb anything 2 feet from the wall. I first ran water into the sink and after some time no leak found. Then I ran the dishwasher and during the drain cycle that is when the leak was found. Then when I add the sink water with the dishwasher the leak is worst. I've added 2 pictures. Now the house is about 24 years old and it was my custom built home. The basement stood unfinished and unstudded for about 3 years and the leak was not there when the basment was finished 3 years later. Could it be as simple as maybe pouring something down the drain so the chemical can find it way into the leak and fuse it together. OR Is the only thing to do is to just open the wall up and then go from there? Thanks for your advise.
  9. Found a good size and long crack in my basement cement floor. It's about 1/8 inch wide and 5 feet long. Could be longer when I get to the other side of the wall and replace that carpet also. I plan on using fix-all to fill inthe gap. My questions is, is there something better to fill in the crack or does it even matter. Also I plan on putting DryLok (Home Depot - Masonry WaterProofer) on the cement floor before laying new wood floor and carpet. Is this a good Idea. My wife believes that mold is a health issue that our medical world has not done much research and really is ignoring this issue. There is paint residue from the initial buildng process on the cement floor, but not much. Or will such a waterproofing cause more of a mildue and mold issue. I was thinking that maybe it is better to allow the cement floor to breath. Thanks for your opinion. PS I do not have a water problem in the basement for I'm on a gently sloping piece of property.
  10. Woke up this morning to no water in the house.....Went into the basement to checkout our well pump to find that our 80 gallon pressure tank ruptured during the night....yep, flooded basement again...at least my new sump pump was working just fine..not to bad except that the new tank and installation will cost me $850.00.....YIKES..THANK GOODNESS MY PLUMBER WILL LET ME BREAK IT UP INTO THREE PAYMENTS... ..DRAT YOU BOOMER AND YOUR PYGMIES....
  11. Two years ago my basement flooded ruining everything we had stored....First time it ever happened to us after living here 22 years.....Well, Taters went to do the laundry this morning around 10am and Yep, 3 inches of water in my basement.....Sump pump was running but nothing pumping out. AAAARRRRGGGG!!!!.............. I quickly ran to the hardware and purchased a new sump pump and started pumping out the water.....Got it pumped out in about 5 hours (the last time it took 2 pumps and took around 9 hours).. I got the new pump installed and now have the fans going along with the dehumidifier....At least this time it didn't ruin the washer or dryer and I still have my hot water tank and furnace working..........I can only imagine what could have happened if Taters didn't go down into the basement......You see, we don't store anything down there anymore and other than Taters washing we don't have any reason to go into the basement....Ahhh life is grand....Its these little things that happen in our daily living that makes me feel alive.........The good news is that Taters got her new living room set delivered right in the middle of this FIASCO!!!! AHHHHHHH!!! AIN'T LIFE GRAND.... :fnd_(16):
  12. It has been raining like I have never seen it rain. For over an hour it has been raining at 1 inch every 10 minutes, with 36 more hours of rain in the forecast. The sewer and drainage systems were not designed for this kind of rain. My basement has a river coming in. The basement does not leak, the water has overflowed the back door and is running down the steps. There is nothing that I can do to stop it. My house was built in the 1800s there is no floor drain. There is nothing of value on the floor other than the lathe and mill. I'll see how bad it is in the morning, maybe I'll have to skip work to start bailing, (remember no floor drain) the only way to get water out is to pick it up and move it. Oh poo. I guess I know what I am doing for the next couple of days. OK Whine over for now.
  13. Now that CPO is gone and out of ear shot I say we should have some real fun. and start our own Boomer sayings. Boomer who say that when your gone your gone and don't blame me for being gone. I think he is hiding in the basement till Spring.
  14. Came home today to one foot of water in my basement..what a mess..Tools, bows, electrical appliances, pictures, things that belonged to my mother before she passed away 2 years ago, spare bed, Christmas decorations, furniture, leather goods, hunting equptment, pool table, etc, etc, etc....the list goes on..Got the water pumped out..float stuck on sump pump..Dont know where to begin..carpet soaked..One step foward..two steps backward...its gonna be a long weekend.....relit water tank...washer working..gas dryer not working, furnace working..sump pump running every 20 seconds. Hope its still working in the morning... Just needed to vent...cleanup begins tomorrow...
  15. 83 Rat chopper Venture. Manual Vmax boost. Homemade pipes, forward controls, and everything else. VTX radiator. Misc. lighting. Well I guess you get the idea. Finally out of the basement and down the road. I can now tie my shoes without bending over. Zag
  16. For those of you who may not yet be on Good Enough's mail list. They have now set up a Bargain Basement. Some decent prices if folks are looking for a new jacket, gloves, etc.........
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