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  1. At our club bike night last night, a guy and his wife showed up on a 2001 RSV with pillow top seats. My wife noticed that the pillow top passenger seat is a good 4 to 6 inches wider than our stock 2000 seat. So... is it a wider seat base or is that just extra padding adding to the width? A wider seat base would give more support but extra padding at the sides doesn't look to me like it would make much of a difference in comfort as there would be little, if any, extra support. Anyone? Andy
  2. a 1500 radio antenna that screws to the base. I don't need the base just the part that screws into it the whip part. If anyone has an extra they want to get rid of let me know and will make a deal. Joe
  3. Quickstep and I joined the Patriots M/C and a large group of riders for their annual Memorial ride. We had permission to ride over the causeway onto Fleet base West, which is the Navy base not far from us that is home to the Collins class submarine fleet. Magic! Then back to the Disabled Veterans clubhouse for BBQ lunch, raffles etc. In total we raised $5,000 for Legacy
  4. Anyone have a surefire way to repair a hairline crack in a 28mm carb??Bought this 99RS and discovered a hairline crack at the base of the #3 carb where it goes into the intake.Sucking air and backfiring.
  5. I understood the K-40 antennas that are stock with the venture have a 3/8"-24 threaded base ? I connected with the Firestik antenna company and they confirmed their attenna bases are all 3/8-24, male threaded So i must be incorrrect? The Venture K-40 stock attennas cant have the same base - since one cant simply be removed and replaced with the firestik Can someone tell me what the base thread is for the stock Venture K-40 attennas?? Thanks
  6. Had a little oopsie today and cracked the swivel part of the mirror. The base is still good and no other damage to the bike. Had a quick search on eBay and did not find any for sale. Found a few old threads referring to tapping the base for aftermarket MC mirrors or perhaps using Ford Ranger mirrors, 91 or earlier I think. Anyone done either of these mods? Only 14 days before I need to leave for Cody and I'm having a panic attack.
  7. going to romove handle bars on a 83 for polishing looks like one nut holding grips on, I assume 1 or 2 bolts at base under black plastic riser cover? can they be removed from grips an base with out disconnecting any wires ? Any help greatly appreciated Tom
  8. My wife and I went to Henderson NV to watch our grand son play T ball. I have never had such a fun experience watching any baseball game, in my entire life. The little kids 4-5 years old were so fun to watch. Some were even shorter than the T ball post. No one struck out and no one walked. There was no score keeping and every player got to bat every inning. But of course there were only 5 or 6 kids per team. The infield was filled with the players and behind every player was a parent giving encouragement to their little champion to be. The little Babe Ruth wannabes would stand at home plate the official (from the city parks and recreation) would wind up and place the ball on top of the T the little slugger would give it his all and, most times, hit the T post. The ball would fall to the ground and the whole process would start over again. Once the ball was rocketed into the infield 4 little figures would rush to the ball only to fall on it and then fight over who got there first then all the future leaders of America would stand up and the ball still sitting in its sandy divot. Only for one of the parents to point out that the ball was still resting in the sand and suggest that one of them pick it up and throw it on to the first baseman, who wasn’t sure what it meant to be a first baseman nor what to do with the ball once it was in his possession. All the while the little slugger either walked, fell, wander or the really experienced veteran would actually run to first base only to meet his little teammate there on first base. With a little encouragement from the on field parent/coach the first player that was on first base would rocket on to second base or the pitcher’s mound maybe on to the big peoples second base which was about 20 feet further out toward center field. One little player would run from third base back to first base instead of home base. I guess he wanted to keep on running. Anyway, all in all it was the greatest sporting event I have personally ever witnessed.
  9. I have an 84 VR, and am wondering how many had the same mirror base. If enough people were interested, I am looking to have the base moulded, so I can mount any mirror. If you read this and are interested, can you spread the word (this could be cost effective)
  10. Anyone using either of these two RAM mirror-type mounts on an RSV? RAM .87 Inch x 2.25 Inch Base with 11mm Hole and 1 Inch Ball (U) or RAM BASE W/ 9 MM HOLE AND 1" BALL Anyone happend to know (off the top of your head) the diameter of the threaded hole?
  11. I need to replace a brake light in the left trunk assembly. I look up in the service manual how to do the job...3 nuts and the assembly falls out, right? WRONG! The nut in the middle just spins round and round like it wants to be a ballerina or something. I guess the stud broke loose from its' base. I've thought about it and thought about it and can't come up with any ideas that don't involve damaging plastic in some way. Anyone have an idea?
  12. Recent discussion in another thread has me confused as to what signal light bulbs I have on my Venture.. I had always thought these were 1156 and 1157 bulbs.. but someone suggested that 2006 and up RSV were different.. So I pulled one of the front signal light bulb from the bike and tried to figure out what it is.. and well, I'm a dummy. I don't know nuttin anymore. Looking at the base of this bulb, there are two solder points jutting out of the black base. Sticking out from the metal base are three PINS, equal distanced from one another. two of the pins are down low on the base while one is up a little more than 1/3 up the base. Is this a 1157 dual element bulb? Or is it one of them newer fangled ones? Thanks in advance.. Cheers
  13. Last week I was doing a job at Ft Knox, Kentucky. I was shocked to see visible proof of a Canadian plot to undermine the US Army. Not sure which traitor has allowed them to sell Tim Horton's on a US base instead of Dunkin Donuts like we all know God intended.
  14. For anyone in Canada who has an XSCargo store near them... they have a really great deal on those small LED pucks. They are selling the First Alert 3-packs for only $7.99. I put one in my trunk and it works like a charm. The two-sided tape isn't that great though, so i used a bit of 5-min Epoxy to hold the base on. They use AAA batteries and have 3 bright LED's which should last for months of use. Changing the batteries is a breeze and the light just turns and comes off the base and best of all, it matches the inside of the trunk perfectly. Best of all is I have 2 spares to use down the road as well !!! Here's a pic of how it looks in my trunk... http://www.ridecanada.org/photos/trunk_light.jpg
  15. Well he finally made it back to his base. We dropped him off at the airport on sunday. Actually we pretty much threw him out of the truck said a quick goodbye and left. It was a bit of a mad house at the Atlanta airport. So he got to Dubai then had to fly to Kuwait. Some new policy after I made his reservations that said they have to go and come from Kuwait. I figured out why after he got there. You have to pay 15 for a visa and then some more for a few other things. Seems they have a racket going. Anyway then he had to get to Kandahar. That took a bit of time then he got stuck in Kandahar. Finally got to shindand yesterday, but I heard from him today which is their tomorrow. Anyway, he finally made it there. He has 54 days to go. 50 till he leaves Afghanistan then 4 in Kuwait or something like that. Then he heads to Atlanta again and takes their transport back to Benning. After he gets done with that he's mine again. Hopefully the last bit of time will go fast. I guess I should figure out where to get a clock to countdown the days and add it to my signature. Margaret
  16. Now I'll be able to go on base and bully.....er... Wait...Wut? Motorcycle Permit??? Daylight only? No Limited Access Highways/Interstate?? NO PASSENGERS??? What a ripoff. I thought I'd at least be able to cause heck on base. Oh well. At least I can get on the two wheelers. Sorry Kat, can't come along for the ride yet. But, anyway, Yep. I'm on the first step to getting that nice long road cruise under my belt. Next up, Taking the Motorcycle classes up in Lawrenceville. Better and more thorough than the DDS classes. Soon it will be so.
  17. I added running lights to the turn signals on my 83 Venture. Now when the key is on I have both turn signals are illuminated along with the two bulbs in the tail light housing. I purchased two new light bases at Auto Zone for about $4.00 each. These are dual filament bases that use an 1157 bulb. [ATTACH]43678[/ATTACH] I used a dremel cut off wheel to remove the two spot welds that hold the base into the reflector housing and removed old single contact base. I lined the filaments up vertically on the bulb base prior to soldering [ATTACH]43682[/ATTACH] New base was a good fit into reflector housing. I then used a high wattage soldering gun to solder the new base to the reflector housing. I also attached a ground wire to bulb base at one of the solder points. The light was reattached to the bike. I spliced the new ground wire and the turn signal wire into the existing wires for the old base. The wire for the low wattage side on the new base was tapped into the tail light wire at the pigtail. The existing lenses for the rear turn signals are amber color. I wanted to have the lenses match the tail light which is red. I used Rit Scarlet clothes dye to accomplish the color change. This was available at local grocery store. [ATTACH]43681[/ATTACH] I put about 1 tablespoon of the dye into an old pan with about 2 quarts of water and boiled the lenses for about 15 minutes (checking often). The lenses are now a very close match to the tail light color. [ATTACH]43679[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]43680[/ATTACH] There is also a spray paint available for changing the color of lenses but I couldn't find it locally. Gary
  18. Ok been a while since I updated you all on Muffinman. They got word they may be moving again by next week. They'll be going to a base near Iran about 6 miles from it. Evidently it's an old soviet era base. So I'll let ya'll know when I know. They've been talking about this for a while, but nobody could make up their minds what was going to happen. Kinda scary the folks they put in charge now. Oh as far as my weather looks like we passed to the rain line, Yipee. Margaret
  19. The answer was provided by Bill Adbou and posted as a performance tweak, I have included his tweak for your review: Air Filter Buckling The air filters have a hard plastic base and top with the filter element in the middle. Where the filter attaches to the black base housing, it is forced down and allowed to buckle, causing the element to seperate from the base. I am sure yours is the same way. I got new ones from my dealer, no questions asked, andinstalled them with a 2 inch piece of 5/8" heater hose at the top which keeps downward pressure on the filter once the top housing is in place. It takes a little force to assemble it, but once it's together it will stay. Note: use of a horse shoe piece of foam cut to 5/8" thickness, with the open pointing forward, so as to not interfere with the air flow from the air box opening. Thanks for everyones input, as my newly acquired 1988 Venture had this modification.
  20. on jackets from New Enough. http://www.newenough.com/closeouts/bargain_basement/fieldsheer/aqua_sport_tx_textile_motorcycle_jacket.html Also check out the price of the On Base visability vests
  21. we go by. The wife and I are leaving Saturday on our annual bike vacation. Had planned to do West Virginia but the weather is too cold for my better half. So we decided to ride the Trace to Natchez, MI and go over to Gulfport for a couple of days. We are staying at the Naval Base since a two room suite is only $59 and no tax. Will head back to Tennessee via Montgomery, Al and Columbus, GA. If you see a fast BLACK Midnight go by pulling a Piggy Backer--toot your horn.
  22. I am going to purchase a Ram Mount for my 2006 RSTD. Does anyone know if the Cycle Handle Bar Base (RAM-B-309-1U ) will fit the RSTD? It attaches to the brake/clutch handlebar control bracket . http://www.ram-mount.com/CatalogResults/PartDetails/tabid/63/partid/082065077045066045051048057045049085/Default.aspx
  23. I am in the process of changing all my blinker to clear linses and new amber bulbs and I can't get the old bulbs out. The first one twisted off in my hand leaving the base in the socket. I am assuming I have to push the bulb in and turn counterclockwise like the manual states. Mine is '99 RSV and I doubt the bulbs have ever been changed. I have never seen a socket quite like this one. It has a metal strip across the base. Should I remove that strip before trying to remove the bulb? I tried this but when I rotated the bulb the whole socket moved. Someone please set me straight on this. I have one rear bulb broken and do not want to try another one until I am clear as what to do.
  24. Luke AFB is west of Phoenix and is rapidly being surrounded by civilization that complains about the noise from the base and its planes, forgetting that it was there long before they were. A certain lieutenant colonel at Luke AFB deserves a big pat on theback. Apparently, an individual who lives somewhere near Luke AFB wrote the local paper complaining about a group of F-16s that disturbed his/her day at the mall. When that individual read the response from a Luke AFB officer, it must have stung quite a bit. The complaint: Question of the day for Luke Air Force Base: Whom do we thank for the morning air show? Last Wednesday, at precisely 9:11 A.M, a tight formation of four F-16 jets made a low pass over Arrowhead Mall, continuing west over Bell Road at approximately 500 feet. Imagine our good fortune! Do the Tom Cruise-wannabes feel we need this wake-up call, or were they trying to impress the cashiers at Mervyns early bird special? Any response would be appreciated. The response: Regarding 'A wake-up call from Luke's jets', on June 15, at precisely 9:12 a.m., a perfectly timed four-ship fly by of F-16s from the 63rd Fighter Squadron at Luke Air Force Base flew over the grave of Capt. Jeremy Fresques. Capt Fresques was an Air Force officer who was previously stationed at Luke Air Force Base and was killed in Iraq on May 30, Memorial Day. At 9 a.m. on June 15 , his family and friends gathered at Sunland Memorial Park in Sun City to mourn the loss of a husband, son and friend. Based on the letter writer's recount of the fly by, and because of the jet noise, I'm sure you didn't hear the 21-gun salute, the playing of taps, or my words to the widow and parents of Capt. Fresques as I gave them their son's flag on behalf of the President of the United States and all those veterans and servicemen and women who understand the sacrifices they have endured.. A four-ship fly by is a display of respect the Air Force gives to those who give their lives in defense of freedom. We are professional aviators and take our jobs seriously, and on June 15 what the letter writer witnessed was four officers lining up to pay their ultimate respects. The letter writer asks, 'Whom do we thank for the morning airshow? The 56th Fighter Wing will make the call for you, and forward your thanks to the widow and parents of Capt Fresques, and thank them for you, for it was in their honor that my pilots flew the most honorable formation of their lives. Only 2 defining forces have ever offered to die for you....Jesus Christ and the American Soldier. One died for your soul, the other for your freedom. Lt. Col. Grant L. Rosensteel, Jr. USAF
  25. I am having trouble tightening my antenna to the base. The black plastic piece which houses the female portion of the antenna mount screws on to the base seemingly all the way and then won't tighten up. The male thread sticking up from the base into the antenna starts to spin. Is this normal and if not, is there any way to fix it? Looks like it's sealed. Thanks Kevin
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