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Found 19 results

  1. Going to have to do a clutch job here soon on the 2nd Gen . Trying to decide on the Barnett conversion with OEM fiber disk , or PCW HD Clutch Spring kit with extra friction disk ? Have nearly 30K on the '06 , 8K pulling trailer . I'm starting to fill a little slippage in the clutch when I do a hard acceleration . I can baby it and it's OK for a mild trip . But why take a chance on making the it worse . I heard PCW is cheaper in price to do , but I want better quality (not knowing which is better), so cost is not an issue . I have not done a clutch job in over 30 years , so kinda out of the loop , you might say ! TIA BEER30
  2. I am going to replace my clutch. I know they are not that expensive, but do I have to replace the steel plates as well as the friction plates? Is Barnett much better? I am just planning to go with stock. Thanks, Fred
  3. Hi; Does anyone know if the Barnett Clutch Spring Conversion Kit comes with a clutch plate cover gasket. Anyone? Does it? Thanks; JohnB
  4. I ordered the Barnett Clutch Kit, plates & pressure plate, back in August of 2010. Because of health reasons, (more like apprehension/Lazyness), I didn't install it until this morning. I found a page on this site for clutch replacement and finally dug in. I got it all appart and saw something about noticing the marks on the clutch plates, which I saw on the originals but not on the Barnett. So, I figured that it doesn't matter & put it together anyway. But, before tightening it all down, I decided to cover it up and check for replacing with BARNETT Clutches. Boy am I glad I stopped!! I obviously have the wrong clutch package. So, come Monday, I will be on the phone ordering the correct clutch plate set. I will have to overnight it because we are heading to Ohio mid May. So, this clutch replacement is going to cost me MUCH more. I guess that is the price I pay for putting things off! Craigr
  5. This has probably been talked to death, but I'm a slow learner. I am getting ready to get my 04 Midnight RSV back together after my wreck in Nov. I want to make sure she is ready to go for the next 4 to 5 years so I am wondering about changing out the clutch. I only have 49K miles on it, but I am experiencing some slippage when I shift hard into second and third gears:whistling:. I'm a pretty agressive rider at times and hate to hear the clutch slipping. I grew up wrenching so I know it wont heal itself and will only get worse. I know several of you have changed out to the Barnett clutch and pressure plate. I am just wanting to hear your thoughts about the performance of the Barnett parts. The Warden travels with me a lot so we pull a trailer to haul her make-up and purse . I'm sure this puts a serious strain on the stock (and weak) diaphram pressure plate. Also, at some point we are thinking of gettin a camper. I would welcome any negative comments as well as the positive ones. Thanks to everyone.
  6. i have a quick question for someone...i ordered the barnett kit (all friction discs, steel discs, and pressure plate w/ springs) and it arrived yesterday. I plan on tackling my clutch today or tomorrow but everything i read mentions to "line up the grooves at 11 oclock and 5 oclock". The problem i am having is...the barnett friction discs have no grooves on any of the tabs. I dont want to get the basket opened up only to realize i have the wrong discs. Can someone with some knowledge help me out here. Since i am replacing the pressure plate does it no longer matter about the grooves? Thank you all for your input. -Motor
  7. Before I pull the clutch cover off my bike to redo the clutch plates, I've misplaced the instruction sheets for the Barnett spring kit that the shop installed for me after the last clutch burn out.. I haven't seen one of these before on a bike, so not sure what to expect and of course would like to avoid as much down time as possible.. Is it another big plate held down by 6 bolts with an 8 lbs torque? Or is there a little more to it than that? Thanks in advance.. hoping to get this done today whilst it's raining..
  8. Looking for a little help. I am going to upgrde the clutch on my 02 RSV with an used Barnett spring I got at a good price( $62 for the whole clutch basket assy with the Barnett kit) I was going to do the PCW Racing kit as it was cheaper untill I found this deal. Ive read a lot here about the PCW kit and understand that they are replacing the rear half disc for a full friction disc. So my question is are the guys that are using the Barnett kit doing the same thing? I dont recall ever seeing anything about that with the Barnett although I cant see where it would hurt, but matbe it isnt nessesary. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Kevin
  9. What are the advantages of Barnett clutch springs over stock springs? Are the Barnett springs stiffer? Gary
  10. I am planning to replace my clutch, but after reading all the threads on the subject I am a little confused. I am planning on using the Barnett clutch spring and plates. The service manual calls for a new o-ring, ball and retaining wire. Do you use these parts with the Barnett clutch upgrade? The thread in the tech section said not to use a few parts but I'm not sure if it was for the Barnett or not. After 61k of riding 2 up and towing a trailer it has begun to slip and I don't plan on getting rid of it any time soon, so I am going to replace every thing. I should of had the dealer do this when they changed the clutch basket a couple of years ago. I live a long way from anywhere I can get parts so I need to have everything before I start. Thanks for your help.
  11. I just bought a set of Kevlar friction plates from a Barnett dealer for my 86 VR XVZ13. When I received the plates two things confuse me. The shop manual shows index dots on the basket and index notches on the plates. These Barnett plates have no index notches on single longer tab per plate. Do I not have to concern myself with indexing or is something wrong with the plates.? The other confusing thing is there are two green colored plates, one for either end of the clutch pack. One green plate is just as wide as all the other plates except it is green. The other plate is also green but is narrow compared to the others. Any idea which one is inboard and which is the outboard plate. Barnett is silent on the subject and no help on their web site. Apparentlythey don't answer email questions. The dealer is equally silent. Both refer me back to the manual. And back at looking for index tabs, no mention of one narrow plate in the manual either. Thanks for any wisdom.
  12. I just installed a Barnett pressure plate on my '05 RSTD. I followed the instructions (which were cryptic at best), looked at Freebird's stuff, too. But obviously I've done something obviously wrong. The clutch won't engage at all now. I can pull in the lever (which doesn't feel right) pop it into 1st, and nothing happens. So the first question is: What did I do wrong? The second questions is: Why do I try to do things like this??? Any help with the first question would really be appreciated!
  13. The clutch on my 88 has got the high rpm slips. New clutch plates or a conversion are outside the realm of the current budget. Does anyone out there have a clutch spring from their 86 and up ( Royal Stars too if I understand it ) that they don't have a need for? Maybe you already did a Barnett conversion on your bike. I'd happily pay a few bucks for it. Thanks to whoever PM's me, or even just reads this.
  14. So after three different posts and multiple times veiwing Freebirds Barnett Clutch upgrade thread I finally pieced it all together why my new Barnett pressure plate wont work on my 1984 VR. BECAUSE ITS A 1984 VR and not a 1986 or newer LOL. So I now have a $150.00 dollar paper weight or an almost new (never rotated in the basket) Barnett Clutch spring upgrade for your 1986 or newer VR or VMAX. My bike shop special orderd this for me and are now refusing to give me a refund. My total cost was 147. and change. I will take $145 and I will pay shipping in the US to any one who is looking to upgrade. The bolts are a little worn and the washers are scraped a bit from the bolts but other than that it is still new. Please let me know if you are interested. Stay safe :225:MIKE
  15. Hello Everyone: Just one question I need to install a new cluch. And I alredy have the oem fiber and steel plates. But what I was wondering is should I get the pcw heavey duty spring or the barnett plate and springs. Which might be better? Thanks in advance Quicksilver
  16. I'm moderately mechanically inclined. My 06 RSTD has almost 30,000 miles and appears to be in need of a new clutch. I'm thinking of doing it myself. I'm also thinking of upgrading to the Barnett clutch. Is this a DIY job or should I leave it to the kid at the dealer to do? Will the Barnett clutch basket make the "whine" worse or better? Do I need special tools? Thanks for any help.
  17. Okay, followed the instructions found here on the web site that Freebird put for the Barnett Clutch. Now here is the issue, can't squeeze the clutch lever at all. Also, bike was in gear before removing the clutch plates, but now I can roll the bike and the green light for neutral is not on. The only way I can squeeze the clutch lever is have Mechanic put some pressure on the "plunger" that sits in the bearing. So anyone have any ideas as to what I need to do? :confused24:
  18. Has anyone switched from the stock diaphram pressure plate to the Barnett Spring type pressure plate. If you have, did you change clutch discs as well or just the pressure plate? Were the results worth the expense for the conversion????
  19. Does anyone here use the Barnett Clutch in their RSV ? Does the whole clutch basket and all the clutches come with it ? Where and how much might I expect to pay for it ?
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