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  1. Went for a little ride today and my speakers stop working when i went to increase the volume . Everything is on but there is barely any sound coming out.Anybody ????
  2. Does anyone have a set of good Bub's, Jardines or ????? pipes for a 1st Edition and willing to part with em? Just added the Ventureline light bar that mounts below the bags and where the stock mufflers now dump the exhaust barely, and I do mean barely, are below the bottom of the light bar. Looks silly. First I thought I'd just out bid someone on fleabay for a set of those chrome dual downturned muffler extensions but seems like there will never be another set up for bidding. Even checked CL. Even posted here to see if anyone had a set they'd part with but so far no good. So, now I think the only way to go will be a set of after markets pipes/mufflers. Will pay whatever it takes. MG
  3. Hello everyone, Did the clutch upgrade(2nd gen). Installed new extra disk, removed wire, half disc, 2 rings. cross sanded the plates, soaked all the disk in fresh Rotella. re-installed with two notches on disc all aligned, installed pressure plate to marks, put new spring on, ring that holds bolts. Bike has 45k, but was barely slipping in 3rd gear with two up and pulling trailer. NOW watched the pressure plate move freely with clutch handle engage, disengage. put the cover back on, fill up oil. Took for a spin..............slips with barely any throttle. must have missed sumptn.!!!! Any good suggestions on what I missed .....hate to think I have to find another gasket. Leaving on the 3rd of June for a 3000mile trip. Clutch lever feels even weaker than before...also clutch doesn't engage until it is almost totally released. Jim
  4. Big problem, last week my radio and cb quit working. To be more specific my speakers and headset will play a radio station but at a volume one can barely hear(must turn bike off). 1. All Controls work on handle bar control(just not loud enough) Must be on 30 to barely hear. 2. Audio fuses check out good. 3. Cleaned and dielectric greased ALL connections under fairing including radio ground and the red, yellow, white and blue booted connections. 4. Took controler apart and dielectric greased connection and bypassed volume control knob with no change in volume Question... Where in the heck is the amplifier on this bike? I have yet to find one.
  5. I have a very close long time friend who is only 59 and is currantly lying in hospital and has been there since the ambulance took him in last thursday april 15. He is currantly not expected to live much longer and has refused any form of life support. I have been going to see him everyday and evertime I leave I think it will be the last time I see him alive, yet each time I go back he is still holding on but barely and often is barely consious. Each day his two daughters are there and the anguish they go through each day is hard to take. Please send some prayers for both him and his daughters, I believe they really could use them at this time.
  6. I am thinking of purchasing some lower wind vents (I am already feeling the heat)...and have only seen one picture of them installed....and the angle was from the front, which meant you could barely see the vents. Could someone post several angles of the vents from the back and also a closer view of the clamps. Thanks, Wally
  7. ok so i barely bought my 98 royal star from a guy who's the first owner, he said he bought it from the dealer with aftermarket pipes on it.... the problem is that the bike doesnt seem to have been re-jetted since it seems to be running a little lean.. it takes a while to warm up and if i try riding it when it barely starts, it kinda hesitates to run....how do I know what kind of exhaust it is?? what could be the problem??
  8. I've brought part of this problem up before but I have a follow up now. My AM/FM has plenty of sound thru the external speakers. At highway speed (60-65) I only need to turn the sound to 17 or 18 to hear it fine. When I switch to XM which is on my GPS (Garmin) the sound is nowhere as loud. I can turn it up to the max at 30 and at highway speed I can barely hear it. Same way when it's run thru the helmet speakers before I got a new helmet. My question now. If I get an MP3 player for my upcoming 30 day ride will the MP 3 be like the GPS/XM since it also plays thru the cassette player or will it be as loud as the FM? I may not get the MP 3 and waste my money if I can barely hear it.
  9. I have an 85 VR with a CB from an 86. All seemed to work well, but I now have a feedback issue when I key the mic with my PTT button. This feedback is noticeable in channels 25 to 40 but doesn't seem to be there in the lower channels. On Ch 20 it is barely noticeable and not a real issue but as I good up in channels the worst it gets. looking for ideas. Carl
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