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Found 8 results

  1. Gyro balanced motorcycle... More
  2. My wife and I rode from Georgia to Johnson City, Tennessee this past weekend. I had a lot of vibration in the front end so when we got to the motel I noticed that I had lost the weight that balanced the front tire. Saturday morning I noticed a Honda, Suzuki dealer so I stopped in and asked the lady at the service desk if they could balance my front tire. She was very nice and told me to go out to the service department and speak with the manager and tell him I was traveling from Georgia he would probably help. The service manager was Brent Mitchel and he said he could put the weight on where the old one came off and I could then ride down the street to see if the tire was balanced and if not he would remove the tire and rebalance it. He said for me to wait in the showroom and he would come get me when he was finished. He came back and told me to ride down the road and see if the tire was balanced. I aske him how much I owed and he said nothing. I tired to pay something for the trouble but he refused. I didn't go back because the tire was better. It would be a better world if every business had people the care like this one does.
  3. When syncing the carbs on my 86 lst Ed, I can get all four carbs to be perfectly level at about 24 bars onmy Carbtune but at higher rpms, up around 3500 or 4000 or so, they are no longer anywhere being level. I have no vacuum leaks. Even when riding at 65/70 mph it feels like they aren't balanced. I hook up the Carbtune and at idle they are still perfect. Run the r's up while sitting there and same result.......not balanced at higher rpms. Otherthan than this, it seems to runs strong. Compression on all cylinders is about even 165 to 175. Just would like some comments regarding if this sort of thing is normal. I do have a second set of "just gone through" carbs and may try mounting those to see what happens. But that is a lot of work just to see "what happens". Thanks
  4. I posted earlier about my lifestyle change and was asked for a picture, so I will post a couple. I really do appreciate all the encouragement I am getting from you guys and I still have a ways to go. I will also see if I can find one from earlier. The one from Asheville is me on the left with me keeping the picture balanced. I was actually not at my peak weight in that picture. RandyA
  5. I just ordered a Kumho today from a local dealer for $50. It should be in tomorrow, I'll put it on after I have it balanced Thursday morning. Does that make me a Darksider? \
  6. After GeorgeS posted the link on the superstore front tire , I ordered one last week and received it yesterday. It was a total of about $102 including shipping. Thanks George. I put it on last night and just using the axle and jackstands, I balanced it myself. I had to take two weights off the wheel that was on the Avon to get it where I wanted it. I usually remove and replace my own tires as I like to clean the wheel and check the valve stem, but this was the most difficult tire I have ever mounted. It seems to have a much more stiff sidewall. After putting over 200 miles on it today, I can say that I do like it. At first I felt I had lost just a little of the agility that the Avon had, but now I feel it is little better balanced over all. I have had an Elite III on the back since last summer and feel the bike was more stable on the back than the Avon. One thing I did notice was the Elite III is at least an inch taller than the Avon and to me that does make a little difference with my short inseam. RandyA
  7. So now that everything is back together, well almost, I have a nagging problem. Had the motor out for second gear, cleaned the carbs but did not break them down, just took out the diaphrams, used carb cleaner all over and through out, installed new diaphrams and all seemed to be good. Balanced the carbs last week and now I can't get the idle below 1500. All carbs are balanced but I have a problem with #1. When I take the plug off of the vaccum port there is very little change in the engine. Not so with the others. When I took off #3 the engine almost died, #4 and #2 there is some change as would be expected but not enough to worry if the engine will die. I replaced the lower throttle cables but they are all slack, the idle speed screw is backed right out, I checked the chokes and they are all pushed in. Sometimes though, the idle will come right down and momentarily behave as it should, but mostly not and I cannot controll it. I need more ideas,,,,,,,
  8. well decided to change both tires , How hard is it to remove tires of the rims .I want to take them of and change them myself and have them balanced at my repair shop.Any special tools needed .
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