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  1. Ok, so late last night after spending about an hour on this site I got inspired and went out to work on Cassy (thats the name of my RSV). I am trying to remove the saddle bag but I cannot figure out how to unplug the CD changer to get it out of the saddle bag. HELP! I darn-near broke the plug trying to get it off. Somebody here has to know how to do this. Also, I was messing with the CB antenna and it just lifted off of its mount. Is it supposed to do that or did I break it? Need input!!!!!!!!!!!!! (P.S. I am removing the saddle bag rails and the CD changer just in case anyone is interested in purchasing them.)
  2. OK.....I've done it again: I jammed something just a little too big into my right hand saddle bag and it's buggered the alignment on the latches so that I can't get it open. Don't laugh...it's a 15 kilogram bag of wild bird seed that's stuck in there...and it only cost 14 bucks, so I don't really give a damn about losing the feed...but I MIGHT wanna put my Frog Togs, or a six-pack in there sometime!! Anybody got a fool-proof way of wiggling or jiggling or removing a phantom bolt somewhere that will allow me to get this thing open before I go insane? Notes: the button won't depress. The rear latch is not locked down, so it's only the front that's causing the problem. The inside upper edge of the bag is bulging outward (toward the wheel) so much that it has to be pushed back into alignment before the lid can even be lowered into position. (starting to sound like I need to post pictures.....but I can't imagine they'd help much.) Anyone? Anyone?
  3. My wife wants a small bag and a cup holder attached somewhere she can access them while we're riding. So I'm needing some ideas. We went to Iron Pony and I bought a cheap(soft) cup holder and a leather tool bag thinking I could just attach them to the grab handles. Well, they hang funny and look goofy. I can't fasten them rigid, because you have to lift them up to open the side bags. Do any of you out there have any ideas?
  4. Fall is upon us, and with it getting darker earlier and with our white tail friends getting ready to run amok, I added a few very inexpensive safety items that I picked up at Wally World today. The LED lights are mounted on both right and left side saddle bag rails and can be solid or blinking for additional visibility from the sides at night. They take 2 AAA batteries each and will run for 400- 500 hours continuous before needing new batts. They cost $8.95 each. I took the bike out for a quick ride tonight, and man can you be seen! The chrome deer whistle is mounted under the right side bag to catch the max amount of wind, and is barely visible, and is also removable by sliding it off the stick-on holder. They came 2 to a package for $7.95, so I mounted the other one under the right side foot pad on the wife's Harley. For that price, I'll probably get two more for the left side of each bike. Can't be too careful this time of year.
  5. So what is a good small, good sleeping bag to pack on a bike. I've been packing the same one for years, and is big and bulky. I'd like one that is much smaller, but doesn't cost a ton. Not a winter bag, spring thru fall. Price does matter! Suggestions?
  6. Since I bought my 2007 RSTD Midnight last year I have wanted to install a Tri-pouch Windshield Bag. I searched the forums here and elsewhere trying to locate one that would work, never finding what I wanted. Recently I took a chance and purchased a Carolina Leather Windshield Bag Number 721 http://www.carolinaleatherworks.com/winbag721.html This weekend I finally got a chance to install it and I am very happy with the results. I simply took off the windshield, Removed the three center bolts, inserted the bag, aligned it, marked the location of the holes, and drilled the plastic backer attached to the bag. I then installed the backer between the shield and the metal bar on the rear of the shield and reinserted and tightened the bolts. The only problem I had was getting the bolts reattached with the extra thickness of the plastic in there. After numerous tries I was able to get all the bolts reattached and everything reinstalled. I did loose the right side cables from their guide on the frontend of the bike to enable the bags to slide on and had to slightly adjust the cables to get the shield back on. So if you’re like me and searching for a windshield bag for a RSTD this might be the answer for you. Scott
  7. looking for a tank bag that is not too large and (pretty much) water proof . Any ideas
  8. At the 2012 International rally in NY, someone from Texas gave me a bag of pecan coffee...I have a great memory, its just short ..Can't recall who gave it to me......well, I HID the coffee and drank it as if it was made of gold on special occasions....Sad to say, its gone........:bawling:Can the person who gave me the bag tell me where it came from as I don't have the original bag anymore and would like to find out where I can order some ......
  9. Problem, RSTD, has NO Radio. Solution " Jensen JHD910 " Marine quality AM/FM Wx band radio. Bought one, installed in a Tank Bag, Installed antenna, Works great !! Some problems with Ignition Noise on AM band, but my new home brew antenna has almost solved the problem. Anyway, Its a darn good Radio !!! But--- Its expensive, About $200.00 bucks, Size, its only 5 in wide, 3 1/3 in high and about 1 3/4 inch thick. A deffinate plus for mounting, Takes AUX input for MP-3 players,
  10. Although I never had the privilege of meeting Mark, it sounds as if he had a wonderful sense of humor...so I think he would have liked this story. My aunt passed away and requested that her ashes be spread out in the ocean near Nova Scotia where they lived. My uncle (who was a grumpy old man) rented a boat and he and guests sailed a few miles offshore for the service. It was a bright sunny day with a bit of breeze and the ocean was a bit choppy. After a very touching service,the time came to spread the ashes. As you may know,after cremation, the crematorium places the remains in a very thick plastic bag. What ensued was a battle of epic proportions that will forever remain in my memory as the last "go round" between my dear Uncle and Aunt. It seemed my aunt didn't really want to go! My poor Uncle was staggering around like a drunk man trying to keep his balance on the pitching deck while pulling and tearing at the bag trying to open it. He had it in the air, under his armpit, between his knees trying to rip, tear or pry the last remains of my aunt out of her plastic prison. Some of the guests started offering words of support and yelled out suggestions on how to accomplish the task. The struggle continued as my uncle staggered and swayed as if to some unheard music. but Dear old aunty just would not co-operate. Finally, he tried a different attack. He attempted pulling the 2 sides away from each other near the center of the top, much like you would a bag of Potato Chips. After a lot of grunting, and stress and strain he succeeded.....sort of. The bag exploded open, showering him with ashes....along with several of the guest who happened to have the misfortune of being downwind. My now white-faced Uncle sputtered and spit out ashes as he said his final parting words to his dear wife..... "OH THE HELL WITH IT!!!" and angrily threw the bag and remaining contents into the ocean. She always said she would have the last laugh! Moral of the story....if you plan such a service..... BE SURE YOU HAVE A KNIFE OR SCISSORS! (some details have been slightly embellished...but essentially a true story)
  11. so i'm at my partners apartment today when we get a knock on the door. he goes and answers the door and standing in the hall are two really derpy looking women asking if he owns the motorcycle in the driveway. so i go over and say its mine well it turns out the idiots backed their Chevy cobalt into my VR. so now the rear left saddle bag is all scratched where it got hit and the front right side of the fairing has some broken mounting tabs and shifted when it toppled over. my insurance must love me two not at fault claims in one riding season. (on a good note i now know i can pick up my bike super easy)
  12. i seen where some people talked about using the Valkirie Saddle bag top racks,,has anyone tryed to see if thay will fit,,or if anyone has tryed the JM top racks sold by Mutazu Motorcycle Accessories,,thanks
  13. still havent found one, who knew this would be the rarest part of the venture if anyone know where there is one or has one for sale let me know please, i also need the chrome rack for it
  14. I'm in need of the right side saddle bag lid for my '86. I think it was stolen while I was in the auto parts store. Who knows? Maybe I just didn't latch it. Any way I sure need one. If you can help out, thanks.
  15. i need a right hand saddle bag cover missing on my venture, its a the brown cover with the chrome rack on it, any of you have one your willing to sell?
  16. Hey all, hope I posted this in the right place... I've got a 2 week cruise coming up in September and I ordered the stock Yamaha luggage rack for my 08 RSTD, looking to mount a sissy bar bag for some extra storage. I'm mainly looking to move the odds-n-ends I carry in my bags to the rack - you know shield cleaner, rain suit, gloves, etc... I've been looking at VikingBags, Tourmaster, Saddleman (and others) and they all have decent-looking bags, but the stock rack isn't flat - it's straight for about 6 in. then it angles up for maybe 3 in. more. So the bags with hard, flat bottoms won't sit flush on the rack. I'm wondering if a round bag such as the Tourmaster Select Sissy Bar bag would work better. And some of these bags don't seem to have much options regarding mounting. So question is: anybody got a recommendation on a good bag for mounting on an 08 RSTD stock luggage rack? Be nice if it was big enough to hold an XXL full face helmet as well as the odds-n-ends listed above, but not Wingebago size.
  17. Looking for recommendation for trunk rack top bag....on the rack not inside...
  18. Does anyone have a part number or ordering information for a Triple Pocket Windshield Bag that would fit a 1999 Royal Star Venture? Any and all help shall be appreciated. Gilligan
  19. Where do those who have saddle bag racks get them?? It is hard in the UK to source good parts & so far can't find any. Was hoping for tubular ones to match the rack on the trunk. Thanks if you can assist.
  20. I just received my Russell Day Long seat. My wife and I have a trip to North Carolina planned in July - we live in Delaware. Nanci over at Ace High Leathers is making a set of saddle bag lid covers for me. Once all is done I'll post a picture. I had a trunk project started but didn't finish until I saved the money for the seat. Trunk has a back rest so wanted to be able to align with Mama's needs for comfort. Anyone have experience with Ace High? Thus far they have been very cooperative trying to coordinate with Russell to get a color / texture match.
  21. I need a waterproof bag idea that will cover one of those over-head, carry-on airline luggage bags. It is about 21" by 14" by 10". I will be carrying it on my cooler rack off my hitch on my 91 VR. Any idea would be appreciated. I though of just 55 gallon black garbage liner and duct tape it so the plastic does not flot in the wind. It isn't much for looks tho.
  22. My ride from Seattle to Las Vegas is on. Needs some suggestions. 1) What bag fits nice on the rear trunk rack, and from the reads I found that 10 lbs is the recommended limit. 2) What bag fits nice on the passenger seat being that I'm riding single. I need this bag to fold flat so I can store it in the rear trunk for my wife will be traveling with me on the return ride from Las Vegas to Vacaville.
  23. Does anybody know the address to get the lower saddle bag side rails for a 2nd gen at? Puttin' together my new bike and need to order some parts :mo money:
  24. Found this link on another board and thought a few members here would enjoy it as much as I did. If you like old motorcycle barn finds you're gonna love this. It's quite long, so go grab a bag of popcorn and something to drink. There's 8 segments that play automatically, so sit back and be amazed.... http://www.coolestone.com/media/3728/America039;s-Ultimate-Barn-Find/
  25. Been out riding all day and at one stop I made a guy pulls in on a Valkyrie with a very nice tank cover with two hard closeable "pockets". He did not know where the tank cover came from because it was on the bike when he bought it. I took pictures of the tank bag and label but the label didn't come out to good. Just thought it was a good idea with the "pockets" on the tank bag.
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