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Found 20 results

  1. Been round and round with this exhaust problem. The good news is that now that I've had it apart 3 times, and have lubed the pipes and collector with a hi temp never seize, it all comes apart and goes together quickly. I pulled it all apart to get the closest inspection of the collector. I was sure there would be some visible signs of failure, but there's not. Externally it looks great. No cracks, all metal seems solid, but put it back together paying special attention to all gaskets and connections, and she still has "the sound" .....you know...the "hotrod" sound. I'm out of options. The baffles must be having an issue inside the collector. My question is: If I cut a square as big as possible out of the bottom of the collector, will I be able to gain enough access to weld the naughty baffle (s) back in place? I did a search and found only pics of the collector with baffles removed. I'd like to keep mine as quiet as possible, so would a competent welder such as myself have anything to work with once I open it up, or should I spend the big bucks and get a replacement...??? The ones I see on e-bay right now are going for $150 , which is OK, but the ones I'm seeing look to be in worse shape than the one I have. I'm planning on pulling it back apart tomorrow, but I don't know what to expect when I open it up. Anybody out there who's done this before? Thanks:confused24:
  2. i have a full bub exhaust on my 05 rstd and was wondering if the so called removable baffles are easy to get out. matt
  3. just purchased a set of 4-2-4 nasty boys, after cleaning and polishing they came out pretty good they have baffles and fiberglass packing and since they are out, they could use repacking. anyone have experience with different packing material? is synchronizing the carbs totally necessary (don't own a synchronizer) ? do not want to spent a lot of money on packing material, and will probably install them as they are Monday and hear how they sound will appreciated all the input good and bad you have about these
  4. I'm having trouble deciding between the Bub slip-ons or the Barons slip-ons. I like the looks of the Barons more, but am afraid they might be too loud. Does anyone know which on is louder (baffles in) ? I've listened to the sound clips, but couldn't tell. Also, it seems to be quite the task to pull the Bub baffles, with cutting welds & drilling rivets, etc. How easy is it to pull the baffles on the Barons:confused24:? These are the two questions I need info. on. Thanks a bunch.
  5. Hey all, I am the proud owner of an 06' midnight venture. The knucklehead before me gutted the ends of the mufflers with a screwdriver. They look like ass. The sound is good but there is alot of popping when the throttle is released or going down hill off the gas. I just installed Baron Bag Slash Slip-Ons. The factory baffles were not wrapped, Wow are they loud, can't hear my Jimmy Buffett cassette. The popping is even LOUDER now. I wrapped the baffles with fiberglass, took it down to almost bearable, still popping loud. Does anyone have a suggestion? Muffler Brand? Tuning? Etc. The Baron Mufflers are going to be returned. Thanks
  6. Is there anything to do to the stock mufflers to get some noise or can the baffles be removed and how hard is it
  7. I just traded a VTX 1300 for a 2006 Midnight Venture and this bike is awesome! The bike has bub slip-on but the previous owner removed the baffles and it is a little loud, for me anyway. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction! Maybe if someone has baffles that are not being used or I would be willing to trade these slip-ons for factory pipes... any sollutions would be greatly appreciated! The chrome on the tips are flaking off, fyi. I live in the Fort Worth, Tx area. Thanks.
  8. I just put some nasty boys on the venture Sunday. I rode it to work and back home, about 27 miles each way. When I got home I let it idol in the drive while I waited on my daughter. Well I noticed the coolant on the ground maybe about a couple of ounces not much but like she was running a little hot any ideas? The pipes had the baffles taken out when I bought them used. They. Sound great and she seems to run better just need the carbs synched. Thanks for any ideas
  9. Well, yes because my searches didn't reveal to me threads that are close enough to my situation. I bought a pair of '06 RK mufflers. Both pipes have a restriction in them (not straight through). I was thinking these wouldn't have the catalyst in them, but I guess they may. Is it necessary to remove the cat? Since neither is straight through, how loud will these be compared to the stock RSV mufflers if I don't bore them out? I want just a little more rumble; I don't want these to be as loud as the V&H on my Kawi. I looked at them again and one pipe has just baffles on both ends and the other has a baffle on the outlet, but the inlet has what lookes like corrugated metal in it. I had read that the cat was a yellow material and that is not what is in this pipe. If I knock out the baffles and cat, will I have to rejet?
  10. I have bubs with the messed up tips as well. When I removed the tips and baffles there was no packing left at all. Just for the fun of it I started up my bike and loved the way it sounded. I use to have a v-star 1100 w/vance and hines and miss that sound. So what would happen if I dont put my baffles back in? Would my carbs need to be re-jetted? Would heat become an issue and cause the pipes to crack, chip, or blue??
  11. Anybody have a set of Baron 4-2-4s that can take a pic of a baffle? Even a description would be a lot of help. I picked up a set of used 4-2-4s last fall. They look great on the bike, but there's one small problem. No baffles. Yowie zowie, those things are loud! There's no way Irene and I can go touring with straight pipes and hear ourselves think five minutes into the ride, much less at the end of the day. I cut off a set of "standard" baffles so they'd fit and added wire extensions that run up into the pipes. I wrapped those with packing material. Now the sound is satisfactory, nearly stock in fact, but I'm afraid I have too much back pressure. I'm considering taking them out and reworking the packing material for more exhaust flow. A little more sound would be ok too. I'm basically wondering if I'm going in the right direction. Can anyone offer any guidance?
  12. My 06 RSV came with stock RK pipes. I would like to get a little more sound. How do you drill the baffles and how many holes do you drill? I looked at some of the old posts but didin't see specifically how it should be done or how many holes? Thanks
  13. Ok.....I'm down to the tricky part. After dealing with the rust in my tank I'm down to applying the epoxy resin tomorrow. The tank looks a lot better than it did and the epoxy should solve any future rust issues. My question is, are there any interior baffles in the neck of the tank? I noticed while I was shaking the tank with a handful of grabber screws and a tube of BB's that very few made it into the filler neck. Using an inspection mirror I could not see anything in the upper neck but couldn't get that good of a look up inside. The only "baffle" I can see is the neck of the filler tube going down into the neck a few inches. Anything other than that? Just trying to figure the surface area so I mix enough epoxy to cover EVERYTHING! Thanks
  14. I've had my RK's on for a few month's now and they had all the baffles so today, I drilled all 3 of them out. Well, does she ever BARK now when I crank it on! Under normal riding, they're not that much louder and the funny thing is, before I drilled them, the sound seemed to come more from under me than behind the bike...now, the sound seems more behind the bike. I LOVE IT! If you got RK's with the baffles and want a bit more rumble and some great BARK, drill out those baffles! :thumbsup2:
  15. Hello All - I just put some HD Road King pipes on my 02 venture. Do I need to rejet? Some people I spoke to say yes, others say no. How do I know for sure? These things have absolutely no baffles and are loud as heck!!! TIA.
  16. Just installed khrom werks slipons on 2007 venture. Very good sound but just a little loud for better half. Does anyone know if you can remove baffles and add packing to tone down slightly. If so how is it supposed to be done and with what kind of packing.
  17. My '85 has a left muffler that's rusted out on it's tip and rather than run down another, I'd like to install a set of 1200 H-D mufflers that are straight-through with surrounding baffles. I'm wondering if not enough back pressure could be an issue. Anyone done any homework on aftermarket exhaust?
  18. Has anyone put straight pipes or slip on with no baffles? I have purchaced a flame trower kit for my bike but they don't recomend exhaust with baffles so I want to take out my baffles and replace them with a straight steel tube and keep the look of the BUB's. I need to know what size will not hurt my power? I don't want to slow it down just light it up! I think it will be great for tailgaters:shock3: http://www.hotlicksexhaust.com/
  19. I have a new venture and I was wondering if the baffles can be taken out of the pipes and if so how does it sound? I see on here about putting HD on them but if I can do something with mine and it not sound bad why not. Thanks for the info
  20. I think I have the issue that so many have had with the baffles in the collector. When I start it there's a rattle. It's there when I rev and when I down shift but not on a steady throttle. If it's the baffles, can that cause anything other than irritation? If I remove the baffles and put the collector back together will that cause any problems? I would rather not spend the money on anything new if I can avoid it.
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