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  1. Like new still in the box. Original equipment. $125. Will ship.
  2. I just bought a 1987 venture line driver backrest but i dont think all the parts are there, does any one have a parts break down of all the parts so i can see what is missing, i have looked all around and cant find a breakdown on all the parts
  3. I have a 2008 RSTD with the quick release passenger backrest. Does anyone know what other years this will fit on? The reason I am asking is that I am having a custom made rack to mount a trunk on. I know it will fit my bike but I am wondering about other years. The guy who is making it for me maybe interested in them for other people.
  4. I've a different take to adding a trunk to the RSTD that I was wondering if anybody has tried..... I'd like to use the removeable backrest for the attachement point and fabricate/add a Venture Royal trunk frame to that to create a one piece set-up the would mount the trunk. This way when I don't want or need the trunk I could put the standard back rest in - obviously, I'd need to purchase an extra back rest unit but It would be worth it for the ease of change over. I've seen the trunck frames on ebay for about 200 and I figured a good welding shop could fabricate/join this to the back rest frame. My only concern is if the mounts where the slide-in std. backrest fits are strong enough for the additional weight of the trunk assemby.... Any ideas or experience trying to do this? Thanks!
  5. Hi All, I have an 06 RSDT. Do any of you RSDT owners somehow lock the windshield and backrest? I am a bit concerned about them walking away. Dave
  6. i was planning on installing armrest for my wife on our 2004 rsv, but i have the oportunity to by a yamaha made wrap around back rest. it appears to replace the original backrest. what is your passengers opinions would they rather have the backrest or armrest. our last bike was a gl1500 with armrest and my wife enjoyed that. the wrap around backrest has been discontinued but some still have it in stock. what would my wife be most comfortable with. thanks for your opinion.
  7. cant post this in classifieds...dont know why....corbin passenger backrest $125 shipping to be arranged...if buyer gets an Ontario member going to rally I can deliver to them in the Greater Toronto Area of Ontario..email for pictures ..was on bike for 2 rides..my wife likes OEM better..thanks Sold
  8. i have a very nice passenger backrest and the passenger arm rests from my 87 venture ( the ones that mount in the trunk) . i believe the recling parts are all with it as well... i'd like to donate these to someone's cause. they are the brown vinyl ones. pm me if interested. i'd just want a few bucks to cover the shipping. i wanted black and got these and it wasn't worth returning them.
  9. A couple of my RSV friends have moved their trunk & passenger backrest back 1" by removing the mount bolts and and repositioning the whole assembly back one set of holes. Seen it done with 4 bolts and 6. Seems like a simple idea to give the passenger an extra inch of breathing room. I did not see this in the RSV tech library. Is there already a post on "How to"? I hope to do this today. (hints from my friends: Remove the passenger seat when you do it because when you move the trunk, it will pull on the com cord. The one with 6 bolts got said he picked up 6mm bolts from Lowes.)
  10. I want to run this by here to see what you guys think. The driver's backrest on my 84 is shot. Cracked & dry. I want to replace it, but of course replacements are not found. I found this reasonable alternative. http://i.ebayimg.com/t/Universal-11-x8-1-2-New-Contour-Backrest-Back-Rest-Sissy-bar-Pad-/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/$(KGrHqYOKj!E5W9!lpC!BObp,IEjVw~~60_12.JPG It's got a wooden plate backing, removable vinyl cushion cover. 3" thickness on the sides and 1 1/2" thickness on the middle Size 11"x 8 1/2" for $32 shipped. I see the OEM one is 11 1/2" x 6 1/2" & the support is riveted in on the back(should be easy enough to get off) Does anyone see any potential issues that I am missing? It looks doable, & the price is cheaper that having the original recovered.
  11. just picked up a nice 07 Victory Vegas 8 Ball, with 8200 miles! fun, fun, fun!! lots of custom stuff already...like paint, led turns, stop, and brake. HID, cust backrest, apes. this bike is quick!! my friend with a 09 RK SE 110, thought it was fast! im lovin life right now....
  12. Installed my Utopia backrest yesterday evening. I have to say that it is comfortable and is well made. Reviews on this site prompted me to order it and that I'm happy that I did. Thanks
  13. Hidden in a box of parts appears to be a pair of drivers backrest mounts for an MKI bike. Not sure, but may be worth checking out if you are in need of a set. http://www.ebay.com/itm/83-Yamaha-Venture-Royale-XVZ-1200-Box-of-Parts-C6-/400308631506?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item5d3440f7d2&vxp=mtr Gary
  14. I had a chance to ride two up this weekend since I upgraded my clutch with kit from Skydoc. I synced my carbs with a vacuummate using the procedure I found on this site. My bike is running great now. Had a small backfire when decelerating. I found a set of factory pipes with tips that I put back on the bike. I think it had Highway hawks on it although I could find no markings on them. Sounding like my bike was over taching when going down the interstate at 80. Now it just purrs along. Ordered a Utopia backrest today after reading about them on here. Best 12 bucks I've spent.
  15. I'm thinking about getting a Mustang Vintage Wide Regal Seat w/Drivers Backrest. Does any one here have one on they're bike and how do you like it?
  16. Anyone know what the best way to fix the cracking of the vinyl from spreading? Also if anyone would rather have a brown backrest instead of a gray or black, in similar nice conditon and interested in a trade of some sort. The rest of the backrest is in excellect conditon. My 91 VR upholestry is the medium gray color.
  17. whew!! i took a chance on an ebay listing...it didnt say it was for a venture, but, it looked like the right seat. negotiated it for 150.00 plus shipping. its nice!! no rips, tears, scratches. the rear is much larger than the stock too. removable backrest, it also goes up and down. the backrest, that is.
  18. I want to put a fleece on my set just to cushion it up a bit, but don't want to cut it more than I have to. The best way to accomplish this would be to remove the driver backrest, so all I would have to do is cut about a 1 1/2" square out of it, slide it over the post and replace the backrest. There is a small screw at the top of the post that I would have thought would allow me to slide off the backrest, but it's still on there pretty good. I don't want to break anything so I'm not forcing it. Is there something else I need to do in order to remove it? The bike is a 2001 Royal Star. http://members.storm.ca/~cameron_antaya/ventureseat1.jpg http://members.storm.ca/~cameron_antaya/ventureseat2.jpg
  19. Can someone with a Corbin seat/backrest talk me through how to adjust the backrest fore/aft setting? I bought my RSV with the seat on and haven't figured it out just yet. Thanks in advance, Iz
  20. Looking to get a drivers backrest for my '83. Does anyone have one that they'd like to part with? I'm looking for one in black to match my current seat. Thanks~
  21. I just recived my new backrest from Utopia and I'm just a bit concerned about the measurement back . They say 1 1/2" from the front of the molded drivers bucket. When I hold this in a dry fit it just looks off . Has anyone installed this backrest on a !st gen and is that right? thanks you all.Bill
  22. OK guys, no laughing but a little serious help. The wife wants the backrest she sees on the grandpa bikes aka the Venture package. I am considering adding a DMY trunk with backrest which brings us a few problems, namely no rack on which to mount one. The RSTC only has a sissy bar rack that is tilted at the end and really doesn't do it for me. My idea is to get the longer sissy bar (the round one that is a stock accessory) and have it bent. Don't care if it messes up the bar as it won't show anyway, if I have to add a flat piece of stock no big deal, but I think it will make a pretty solid platform. No crap about getting the real ride as I have had this bike for 17 years and since it is virtually the same machine I don't need the intercom or the CB or the big out front fairing. I like it the way it is but gotta please the little woman, as I have kept her a tad longer than the bike. (29 yrs) I know I am asking for it...so go for it!
  23. 2006 RSTD Looking for a replacement seat like the Ultimate http://www.ultimateseats.ca/yamaharoyalstarTD.html Wanting to get a seat that is lower than the stock seat, yet comfortable for long rides. Also want to put a chrome rail around the seat. Backrest is a plus. Going to take the passenger pillion and passenger backrest off, but will want to be able to use this in case I ever want to take a passenger out on this bike. Recommendations?
  24. for near new standard seats from a RSTD. Reason, I bought driver backrest and with the trunk on they will match the seats better. My driver backrest and passanger backrest are not pillow top. So looking to switch back to stock seats. I will look at all in the order as I receive responces. Thanks, Joe
  25. Looking for opinions (yeah I know that's dangerous here) on the Bakup riders backrest. If you have one, how do you like it ?
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