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Found 7 results

  1. Global TV was on Kootenay Lake about a 45 minute ride from Nelson BC filming some background video on a bad landslide that killed 4 people a few days ago. While filming their background another ladnslide hit and almost got them in their boat. It would really take your breath away to see this coming at you knowing that parts of a town and 4 people were killed the same way. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1cCs-S5EKc&feature=share]EPIC mudslide caught on camera [Raw Video] - YouTube[/ame]
  2. Going to make a long story short. Got nice new J&M headsets. Before installing in helmet plugged into bike to make sure they worked and got hissing noise, front and rear on both sets of headsets. Tried combinations of headsets and cables too. Called J&M. They said it was from the bike and was amplifier related. So read lots of threads on our site. Checked out venturers.org too. I put headsets in helmets anyway (both full face, one Aria and one KBC), thought may as well use them and will do some more research and try fixing in week or so. We both get on the bike, plug in and no hissing problem. Hmmmmm? Decide I don't care why, let's ride. Later on Colleen gets off, unplugs and I start getting noise, both hissing and engine. Hmmmmmm? Now I do care. What was the difference? Well with only one headset connected you aren't going to need to use the intercom. Hmmmmmmm? With only rider plugged in, I found I could control the hissing and engine noise by lowing the IC volume. If I lowered the IC volume to 6 the engine noise went away. If lowered it all the way to 0 the hissing goes away. Ahhhhhhh, very sweet. Not saying this is the solution for all audio noise cases, we never got any background noise using just the speakers, but when using headsets I am able to control the background noise levels by using the IC volume based on number connected headsets. Works real nice for us.
  3. On my cb I can transmit ok by when I receive it's has static in the background just installed a light bar would this be causing interference?
  4. I know this may not really belong here, but this thread gets the most attention and I'm truly trying to find out if anyone knows who's bike this is OR, who's trike kit it is. If you look at the second picture, there's a USA flag in the background so it should be here in the country, not the UK like I originally thougt because it came off a UK Bike site. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. After a summer break, I'm resuming my biweekly column for http://www.thetentacle.com , a local (central MD) commentary site, which is not motorcycle related. My topics are either motorcycling or math education. Go to http://www.thetentacle.com/author.cfm?MyAuthor=52 and click on "The Joy of Selling." For background on this piece, click on "Christmas in the Summertime." Nick Diaz Middletown, MD
  6. I've searched with no luck for the Venturerider.org business card template. I have the solid black one but I had another one that had a white background. Can someone point me towards the place to download the white back grounded one ? Thanks Keith
  7. is patch #6, with 83% of the votes. I have attached the patch and done a quick redo with 2 slight changes - the blue in the background is Ontario but looks like it is water because of the colour so I changed the blue background to green to look more like land. I also removed the VentureRider logo (please forgive me) and replaced it with "Life's a Venture, get on and ride." Unless there are any SERIOUS issues with those changes, the planning committee is moving forward with this patch design for the shirts and patches.
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