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  1. Here is a photo comparing the stock 1987 VR cam lobe with a VMax. The lift is either the same or very, very close. The duration is way different! I can't wait to get this baby up and running!
  2. Is this an early pic of you Gary?
  3. Saturday we had my daughter Kelly's baby shower. Saturday night her water broke and she was rushed to the hospital. Shes now in the NICU (neonatal ward) and will remain there until little "Gavin" decides to make his entrance. Shes at 29 weeks and the baby weighs in at 2.5 lbs, which surpasses some benchmarks for weight and size minimums. The longer the kid waits, the better it will be. Original due date was Dec 9th but that would be a miracle if the baby waits that long. Could be any day now, we just dont know. Were all just hanging in there right now. Please keep Kelly, Chris and baby Gavin in your prayers.
  4. Happy Birthday Buddy!!! You were sooo close to being a Christmas baby!
  5. I found a baby 1st gen parked outside a store today. I had never seen one before. It turned out to be a Yamaha Vision. I googled the model and it is a 550 V-twin. But it sure lookd like a V-4 with two pipes coming off the front cylinder. I didn't examine it closely. Nice looking bike. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamaha_XZ_550
  6. Yep, been married to Taters 28 years today...How did I ever put up with her for so long ? "Who loves ya baby".....
  7. We have another grandson. Mary's second daughter gave birth at home in Toronto last night to a bouncing baby boy. Jackson Micheal. We will meet him later this morning.
  8. we had a new granddaughter born yesterday thats not doing very well seems her lungs won't open up and function plus there maybe a heart vlv problem, she arrived a four weeks early and it was also very rough on mom (daughter-in-law) to the baby had to be transported to childerns hospital in cinn.and mom is still in maysville,ky for now. if you will , an as i know this bunch you will, please say a prayer for little Lila wells for me thanks worried papaw steve
  9. wow baby!!!!
  10. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4hfdaC7eL4&feature=player_embedded]‪E-Trade Baby Loses Everything.‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
  11. At 5:30 this morning my oldest daughter gave birth to her 1st child. A 5lb 10oz baby boy, my second grandson. sorry no pics yet, but I do remember the rules. :dancefool: :dancefool: :dancefool:
  12. The HAWK is a new member.. Welcome Doug.... Just for interest sake I thought I'd post this as a welcome..
  13. May 18th brought my 13th grandchild. Her name is Emmah Nicole weighed 7 lbs 14 ozs. 21" long mother and baby doing fine BTW my oldest grand child (now 20) and youngest Emmah have the same Birthday
  14. Boy this is the toughest thing I have ever went through, my baby went to the Army a couple weeks ago. I am missing him so badly. How do those of you who have went through this get through it?? I am a mess thinking about him. He is in Ft Benning Army Airborn Infantry. He had been in the junior soldier program and worked to obtain E3 before leaving for bootcamp. I went from having my baby, my son at home to having an empty room. I have had custody of my boys since they were 1 and 2 without a Mother in the picture. When my oldest graduated, entered the workforce and moved on it was tough, but he is still here in town which makes it easier. With my youngest it was like one day here, next day gone. I am sure he is fine. But I have always been there to make sure they were ok. Now I have to trust in my heart things are ok. Nights seem to be the hardest to get through still. I know it wil get easier as time goes by. Prolly just was wanting to vent a little. Thanks for listening to lonely Dad..... Back to your regularly scheduled programming
  15. Yep. Title says it. I've got my first bike. First thing to do is change all the fluids, get new tires and for the Love of Larry, I gotta get rid of those damn flame mirrors. I can't see diddly through 'em. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v281/GAWildKat/Volusia%20Intruder/Volusia-HDR.jpg Here's the best photo I have of it so far. If you want to see more of the baby http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v281/GAWildKat/Volusia%20Intruder/ ^ go that way!
  16. This is another one of those stupid idiot threads. I was having a great weekend in the Chattanooga area with Lady Linda and on the way back north on I-75 near Sweetwater, TN, while running with traffic at about 75mph, a pickup truck with a full size baby bed lost his load. I was the first car behind him and fortunately not too close. Then, all of a sudden, this baby bed just raises up and the wind just flipped it every way. I hit my brakes without trying to slow too quickly, as I had an 18 wheel truck behind me. With moving over to the shoulder about a half lane, I was able to miss it. With the truck behind us, I was not able to see very much on what went on behind him. The guy in the pickup did slow and pull to the shoulder and when I went by him, I blew my horn at him. I don't know if he did back up or what. The interesting thing is with the temperature being about 70 degrees, I was really wishing we were on the bike. But, after that event, I was kinda glad we were in the car. It never ceases to amaze me at how many people will throw something in the bed of a pickup and take off down the highway without any kind of tie downs in place. I just hope that this idiot did not cause a crash behind us because there was a lot of traffic. RandyA
  17. If we can get down the driveway without slipping on the ice, the hubby and I are going for a ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 46 degrees out right now. Last week 30 below zero! My baby started right up last night, no choke, first time I hit the start button since last fall!!! :dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool: I CAN'T WAIT TILL 4:00!!
  18. A mother and her 5-year-old son were flying Air New Zealand from Auckland to Sydney. The son (who had been looking out the window) turned to his mother and asked, 'If big dogs have baby dogs and big cats have baby cats, why don't big planes have baby planes?" The mother, who couldn't think of an answer, told her son to ask the flight attendant So the little guy walks up to the galley and asks the flight attendant,' If big dogs have baby dogs and big cats have baby cats, why don't big planes have baby planes?" The flight attendant responded, "Did your mother tell you to ask me that?" The boy said, "Yes, she did. "Well, then, please tell your mother that there are no baby planes because Air New Zealand always pulls out on time. And ask her explain that to you."
  19. Tried something different this year, everyone got their own Turkey!! Hope everyone had a Great filling Day.
  20. With all the new technology regarding fertility recently, a 65-year-old friend of mine was able to give birth. When she was discharged from the hospital and went home, I went to visit. 'May I see the new baby?' I asked 'Not yet,' She said 'I'll make coffee and we can visit for a while first.' Thirty minutes had passed, and I asked, 'May I see the new baby now?' 'No, not yet,' She said. After another few minutes had elapsed, I asked again, 'May I see the baby now?' 'No, not yet,' replied my friend. Growing very impatient, I asked, 'Well, when can I see the baby?' 'WHEN HE CRIES!' she told me. 'WHEN HE CRIES?' I demanded. 'Why do I have to wait until he CRIES?' 'BECAUSE I FORGOT WHERE I PUT HIM, O.K.?!!'
  21. I like many have fallen victom to the economy today with great saddness i watched my 2007 venture get loaded up on a truck and taken away. with a new baby on the way i couldnt afford to keep making the payments so i had to make the choise baby or bike... it didnt take long to decide on the baby so off she went. on another note i did get the opertunity to take off most of the extra's i put on like the hitch and wireing harness most of the chrome so i will be posting it in the for sale section soon as i get pics and clean it up. i hope that we all will remain friends and i hope i will still be welcome here as you all have become a part of an exstended family who have helped me through some hard times as well as the good times . thanks for your ear.. Ron aka "grasshopper"
  22. Mary's oldest daughter Danielle gave birth a little after six o'clock this morning. A 9 lb. 3 oz. baby boy, "Luka". Momma, Daddy, brother Ilyja and Grandma and Grandpa are all doing fine.
  23. I'm new here, but thought I'd share. Wife is preggers, and had a appointment today. Doc said she was 2cm dilated and 75% effaced. He said baby will be here within the week, if not tonight. She's been having contractions since yesterday. They got down under 7 minutes apart about midnight, so I took her to the hospital. They think her water has broke, but they are having a difficult time confirming it. They won't let her go home, but they won't admit her yet, either. So now we are in limbo. When our first was born (13 years ago), we went to the hospital at 5PM, and had the same song and dance. Four hours later he was born. I was worried about how fast it happened last time, and this being her second child may make it even quicker. Now it kinda sux because we could have been home getting some sleep. Oh well, better safe than sorry. Oh well. Coffee break is over. I'll update when there is news.
  24. Some where out there on 81 in VA is a rear trunk reflector / lghit cover off of my baby. Ill post up a pic of what I kneed later. Its the plastic piece that sits between the turn signal covers on the trunk .My bike is a 91 Vr. If anyone has one of these extra they want to sell please let me know. Thanks in advance. David:fingers-crossed-emo
  25. Buddy needs a good home. He is three and needs a backyard to run in. He is great with kids and is a lap dog too. My daughter took him in after someone dumped him out in our neighborhood as a scrawney 10lb puppy. My daughter, also seen in the picture, was convinced the "poor little thing" would not get very big. I looked at his paws at the time and laughed!!! He really is a great dog, just spoiled and scared of thunder. Since they don't have a fenced yard, he has outgrown them, as a house dog, especially with the new grand baby.
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