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Found 19 results

  1. I have made some updates to our pic gallery to add a slide show type presentation. Unfortunately, there are some bugs and I see that I'm getting errors when I try it with IE and not all albums display the slideshows. I will work on it more later but probably when I get home from vacation next week. Just wanted you to know that I am aware of it.
  2. Hi guys, I have a couple of friends that have picked up the Venture. So... in the follow the pack mentality.. I'm selling a couple of bikes to a friend and looking for a used Venture. I have my eye on an 89 with 65K miles. Owner says it was serviced 2K ago. Question: What should I look for, or be aware of regarding a Venture of this year/mileage ? Any unique issues/repairs etc ? I know every bike has it's own issues. I appreciate any input. Bill
  3. CBC Ottawa is showing pictures of a red RSV involved in a collision with a van today in Ottawa. Male driver killed and female passenger critical according to reports. Any Ontario members aware if it might be someone from the forum? Thoughts to all involved....Doug
  4. Caution - - this is a very disturbing video of a vehicle that lost control on what looks to be a slippery 4-lane road and got clocked by an on-coming 18-wheeler. Not sure why this driver lost control (were they texting or impaired in some way? Who knows....), but regardless, I'm posting it to keep us all aware that you just can't be too careful. The only thing that gives any solace to this is that the folks in the SUV never knew what hit them. It's a total explosion. Please be safe out there! http://rmirror.net/r/videos/comments/q5hu9/car_accident_nsfl/
  5. For any of you using a Mac or even some Mac programs. Just something to be aware of. http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2012/02/04/apple-releases-major-security-update-for-os-x/?intcmp=features
  6. I got the lower steering bearing pressed on, and the bearing races in. I can start putting everything back together again. Obviously I have to pack the bearings...but other than that is there ANYTHING I should be aware of or is it pretty much just do the reverse of what I did to take it apart?
  7. its an 07 rsv in beautiful condition,45k, 10,995. My gut tells me to buy it before its gone.....according to blue book its about 600 high but as i stated this bike was meticulously taken care and could pass for new. Is there anything I should be aware of?
  8. I have been wanting to buy myself a full dress cruiser. I rode a 99 Venture yesterday and have decided that is the bike for me. Is there anything I should check out or be aware of on that year model. Everything seems to work and the bike has 36k miles. I am a little concerned that it is carburated instead if FI, any issues I need to be aware of. Thanks in advance. Robert Spring Hill, Fl
  9. I am going to take my front wheel into the dealer to get a tire put on because they want a fortune to do it. I had a quick look tonight and it doesn't look that difficult. Is there anything I should be aware of? Do I have to remove the brakes before removing? Do I need to do anything with the bearings? 44,000 Kms (26,400 Miles) Thanks, John
  10. If I lend my bike to my son, who has a cycle endorsement, do I have to worry about any legal issues if he decides to take a passenger? I know my motorcycle insurance will cover lending the bike to someone legal to ride, as long as it is not more than a certain number of times a year to the same person, after that they need to be added to the policy. But is there any other things I need to be aware of?
  11. Good Day.. I am new to the Venture Rider Forum and requesting some help. I am considering to purchase a 2004 Midnight Venture with 12,000 miles that appears to be very clean and honorable. Is there anything that I should be aware of prior to purchasing that would make this year bike a poor choice? Service records are not available. I look forward to reading your responses. Richard
  12. Was no big deal to pull the wheels off my old Nomad. is there anything I should be aware of? Any little write ups? thnx
  13. ......... made you a better driver? After changing jobs last year and having my commute time doubled and having to cross the city each day I feel I'm more aware of traffic around me and try my best to be as courteous a driver as I can be. Paul
  14. Does anyone else find that the saddlebag rails for the RSV/RSTD rust easily, especially around the welds and the rounded curvers? I now have my second set on the bike. Both sets rusted to the point where they look terrible. Any fixes/preventions I'm not aware of? Anyone else have this problem? If I can't get it resolved, I'm just going to take them off, and leave them off. Thanks, Don from PA.
  15. I have a '99 RSV - I may be purchasing my 2nd bike which is a 2006 RSTD - it has 300 Miles and from what I gathered is in excellent condition - show room brand new. My question is - for those of you who may have ridden an RSV AND a RSTD, what can ya tell me is the difference in the ride and handling? Any insights to the RSTD I should be aware of? This is going to be my "play" bike - fixin it up, louder exhaust, more chrome, tweakin it if ya know what I mean!
  16. This was sent out to us from our safety department and I thought it was worth passing along. I just cannot believe what risks people are taking now to pursue thier love of this drug. Subject: Propane Tanks For those of you who like to grill it up during the summer, here's a safety annoucement you should be aware of. Please put this information out to ALL personnel. For those of you who exchange your propane tanks, this is something you definitely need to be aware of, especially in light of the recent news of 'Meth-labs' in our area. Meth cooks are getting propane tanks from exchanges at Wal-Mart, Kroger, etc. and emptying them of the propane. Then, they are filling them with anhydrous ammonia (which they now have a recipe for by the way). After they are finished with them, they return them to the store. They are then refilled with propane and sent back for you and me to buy. Anhydrous ammonia is very corrosive and weakens the structure of the tank. It can be very dangerous when mixed with propane and hooked up to our grills, etc. You should inspect the propane tank for any blue or greenish residue around the valve areas. If it is present, refuse to purchase that tank. Check out the following website for more details. They also have pictures. http://www.npga.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=529
  17. I was thinking of getting a trailer to store my 85 VR in and trailer it down to Morro Bay ca this summer. Has anyone had any experience with the continental Cargo enclosed trailer? I was looking at the 6 ft by 10 ft model with the extra 6 inches of height. and a guy is town has one about a year old for about 2500 cdn I think these were about 4000 new around here. Is anyone aware of any issues with these trailers? Thanks for any input anyone may have, Brian :cool10:
  18. Guest

    Medication Error!

    Not to slam medical professions, please understand this. A buddy of mine got seriously wrong medication from the pharmacy. I think he will be ok but it is a problem. Bottom line, folks - know what is going in your mouth or butt or where ever when you get meds from pharmacy or doctor or in hospital. Know what your meds look like, and ask the question if something doesn't seem right, in color, size, shape or anything else. It could be a generic drug and different manufacturers products will look different. It could be a change in dose that you are not aware of - but it could be an error. ASK QUESTIONS! My wilfe and I have had way too much experience in hosptials etc. And we caught more than one mistake. You have to know what you are getting. Ask. Especially ask if it is not familiar to you. You know what it is supposed to look like and don't be afraid to ASK! Got to take care of your self. Don't depend on someone else to do that for you.
  19. I have purchased a Mio 310x GPS that should be arriving soon . I did quite a bit of research, but it really came down to price. I wanted the GPS, but also the MP3 capability. Chaos has one and he really likes it and it certainly got us where we were going. Does any one else out here have one or have opinions? Anything I need to know, or be aware of? Thanks, Jay
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