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  1. Moved this thread from the Watering Hole... Profiessional Input Please: I have read most of the threads regarding wiring of a Stebel Horn. I ordered one today so it will be on for a trip I am taking the end of May to Dragon/Cherohala area. I have decided to go with the "in cowling" mounting option. After reading Freebirds Tech article and others here on the forum I would like "confirmation" that I will be wiring it up correctly. 1. Mount horn vertically in cowling to frame. (Using pipe insulation to cushion per a suggestion on a thread and tie wraps) 2. Splice into hot wire from acc. plug and run wire to relay. ( Per Freebirds Tech article) (Increase size of fuse in lower fuse panel) 3. Wire from relay to horn positive. (Tech article) 4. Ground wire from horn to frame. ?????? 5. Splice into pink wire horn button and run wire to relay. (Threads tech article) What am I missing...anything. NOTE: I restored a 110 year old house here in Lynchburg. I did all restoration work "EXCEPT" electrical....Just not my thing..... Since I am under the cowling and want to keep the OEM horns active, do I need to deal with the "brown" wire everyone refers to in the mounting option on the lower right side of the bike?.... Long Tall in Lynchburg, VA
  2. Here is the article which was recently discussed here regarding the use of car tires on a motorcycle. Though it did cause some of the typical bickering, I know that some were not able to read it. Please take it for what it is, an opinion. You don't have to agree with it but part of a discussion forum is actually....discussion. http://www.venturerider.org/darkside/darkside.pdf Thanks to Rick Butler for sending me the article. Remember folks. If your mind is already made up then that is fine but those whose minds are NOT made up certainly deserve to hear both sides of the issue.
  3. http://www.prweb.com/releases/2012/4/prweb9448044.htm
  4. Just wanted to extend a big public thanks to Playboy for his excellent tech article on repacking the swing arm bearings on the Royal Star Venture. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=709132#post709132
  5. Anybody thinking about installing new throttle cables on their RSV, be sure to check out the excellent new tech article submitted by SMSgt. It is very well done. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=698593#post698593
  6. Who would have thought Dan was worth so much....Saw an article titled: Microsoft Said to Agree to Buy Yammer for $1.2 Billion
  7. I read an article that sounds more like an April Fools joke than real, it wants everyone to go to http://www.dcwg.org and check to see if there computers have been hijacked, saw the article on AP, CNN, Foxnews etc.... Seems fishy to me any thoughts? http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/04/20/hundreds-thousands-may-lose-internet-in-july/
  8. Guest

    Article re BEST BIKE ever

    This is an article copied from canadian biker magazine. I found it an interesting read and thought some others on VR.org might too. Enjoy. http://canadianbiker.com/the-most-important-motorcycle-engines-of-all-time
  9. He is one lucky fellow. A piece of leaf spring off of a truck went through his windshield and missed his left ear before going out the back window of his van. We talked to him on the phone last night and tonight and he seems fine. Here's the news paper article and picture. http://www.windsorstar.com/news/Windsor+almost+decapitated+steel+spring+Like+Bomb/6005134/story.html
  10. Good article on general tire questions. here
  11. Well, I finally got around to checking my valve clearances on Biggal this past weekend. I'd been putting it off all summer and this week I had some vacation time so I used it to catch up on some long overdue preventive maintenance. Many thanks go out to all the discussions on this website and MD 's at Don's the last 2 years, as well as Freebird's posting about getting the carbs off in the Tech section. V7Goose's article article in the Tech section was my main instruction book for doing the valves. I also used your procedure for setting the floats on the carbs. Thanks Goose. Dingy has a very good spreadsheet in the Tech section as well and it came in very handy. Thanks Gary. You made working with metrics a lot easier and keeping up with what's shims are in each location. After changing the coolant, as well as the oil, filter, sparkplugs, tightening the steering head bearings, and syncing the carbs (didn't really need that) she runs like a champ again. I'd say I've got my 12 dollars worth of help and more!! Thanks to everyone again!
  12. Click on the link ant read the article then click on the movie. http://sciencedemonstrations.fas.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=k16940&pageid=icb.page80863&pageContentId=icb.pagecontent341734&state=maximize&view=view.do&viewParam_name=indepth.html#a_icb_pagecontent341734
  13. This might have already been posted but it's great news as far as I'm concerned. Here's a link to the article. http://www.michelin.com/corporate/EN/news/products/article?articleID=N20110823_cpN_commandeII_E
  14. Just got my Rider magazine and they have an article on a Royal Star Venture with a Hannigan kit. It is good, but makes a couple of somewhat negative references like no reverse available. But, at the end of the article about information on the Venture, it is suggested to checkout Venturerider.Org. YaHoo!!!!! RandyA
  15. So My problem was noticed last winter. The bike would take forever to warm up which made my short ride to work unpleasant. I just read an article on shadow wherethe same problem existed. Long warm ups. Choking when goosingthe throttle and poor off idle preformance. Before getting into changing jets the article spoke of raising the idle needles by adding shims.Also turning the pilots out 1/2 to a full turn to enrichen idle. I dont mind trying out a few options but I was hoping someone had info tested and tried options so I didnt have to be the test dummy. The bike has khrome werks turn out exhaust which is louder but the carbs jets seem to be sock from previous owner. I get slight popping on decel and power is great. Only idle preformance is bugging me.
  16. Has anyone read the June Cycle World review of the new BMWK1600? A friend described the article as the bike being the most magnificient bike they have ever ridden. Everything from the motor to suspension to brakes to handling is flawless. Puts the Goldwing out to pasture, but you have to part with $26K. I havent seen the article yet.
  17. These batteries have been mentioned a few times here lately. Webbike World has a pretty decent article on them right now. I actually find some of the user comments at the end of their comparison to be even more informative that the article itself. From reading some of the user comments, I'm not sure that these batteries are right for touring bikes with heavy current draws. http://www.webbikeworld.com/motorcycle-battery/li-ion-motorcycle-battery/shorai-vs-ballistic-li-ion-motorcycle-battery.htm
  18. I believe Carbon 1 makes supports for front foot pegs for 2nd Gens. I looked in various threads and can't find his article. Can anyone help me with the post or tell me what state Carbon 1 resides in. Thanks.
  19. http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/features/122_1103_corn_ethanol_as_fuel/index.html
  20. We have lost the last of our WWI vets. The man died of natural causes at 110. The other two men mentioned didn't actually serve in WWI they were still in basic when it ended. According to the article the last WWI vet from Canada died last year in Feb. Pretty interesting article. Thought some would like to read it. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110228/ap_on_re_us/us_obit_last_wwi_veteran Margaret
  21. Don I printed the article on carb syncing, and it had a lot of the forum stuff on it and was small aka hard to read due to the way it printed off the forum. I copied and pasted it into Acrobat, and formatted it for easy printing, and reading. Add it to the article for printing, if you want. It should be attached, but it it isn't send me your email, and I can send it that way. George
  22. Thought this was an interesting article in the New York Times recently. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/06/automobiles/06AUDIO.html In this article, it also shares light on CD players: Audio seers say that the CD, too, will eventually fade away. Technology marches on, and automakers are wary of becoming stragglers in that parade.
  23. Sometimes we Saskatchewan people feel we get lost in the middle of the continent with thousands of people flying over us everyday. No one stops in to see what we are all about. Here is a good article fron the San Franciso Examiner. Anyone wants to work, if ya got a trade we can probably get you to work quickly, there is a shortage of trained people. http://www.sfexaminer.com/news/2010/11/saskatchew-where-canadas-hinterland-booming Brian
  24. This article is about my friend....I found out about it reading the morning news. Will be on the way to see her husband in a few.... http://www.macon.com/2010/11/09/1334398/motorcyclist-dies-in-warner-robins.html
  25. I have always thought Randy Quaid was a little out there, but loved the parts he played in the movies like cousin Eddie in Christmas Vacation and a couple others, but what the heck is wrong with him now? Is it too much drugs and alcohol or just a need for attention. Here is an article today where Randy and his wife were arrested in Vancouver for some charges in California for breaking and entering and now they are asking Canada for asylum? Weird! http://www.leaderpost.com/business/Randy+Quaid+seeks+Canadian+asylum/3713231/story.html Brian
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