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  1. On the 15th I ordered an ignition switch for my John Deere lawn tractor and the following is the current tracking info. You have to start at the bottom of the list and go up to see where it has been. I hope it gets here by spring. And they wonder why people don't use the postal service. RandyA Carrier: USPS Status: ACCEPTEDIN TRANSITDELIVERED Departed USPS Facility 2014-12-28, 11:24:00, KNOXVILLE, TN 37950 Arrived at USPS Facility 2014-12-28, 03:13:00, KNOXVILLE, TN 37950 Departed USPS Facility 2014-12-26, 17:41:00, CHATTANOOGA, TN 37421 Arrived at USPS Facility 2014-12-26, 16:54:00, CHATTANOOGA, TN 37421 Arrived at USPS Facility 2014-12-26, 07:54:00, SALE CREEK, TN 37373 Arrived at USPS Facility 2014-12-25, 22:48:00, CHATTANOOGA, TN 37421 Arrived at USPS Facility 2014-12-25, 00:09:00, KNOXVILLE, TN 37950 Arrived at USPS Facility 2014-12-24, 15:08:00, CHATTANOOGA, TN 37421 Arrived at USPS Facility 2014-12-23, 10:56:00, KNOXVILLE, TN 37950 Arrived at USPS Facility 2014-12-22, 17:28:00, CHATTANOOGA, TN 37421 Arrived at USPS Facility 2014-12-22, 08:22:00, SALE CREEK, TN 37373 Departed USPS Facility 2014-12-22, 03:45:00, CHATTANOOGA, TN 37421 Arrived at USPS Facility 2014-12-22, 03:10:00, CHATTANOOGA, TN 37421 Departed USPS Facility 2014-12-22, 00:41:00, KNOXVILLE, TN 37950 Arrived at USPS Facility 2014-12-21, 17:55:00, KNOXVILLE, TN 37950 Arrived at USPS Origin Facility 2014-12-19, 16:30:00, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19116 Departed USPS Facility 2014-12-18, 19:20:00, WILMINGTON, DE 19850 Arrived at USPS Origin Facility 2014-12-18, 18:58:00, WILMINGTON, DE 19850 Departed USPS Origin Facility 2014-12-18, 00:42:00, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19116 Arrived at USPS Origin Facility 2014-12-18, 00:22:00, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19116 Departed Post Office 2014-12-17, 15:55:00, CAMDEN WYOMING, DE 19934 Acceptance 2014-12-17, 13:51:00, CAMDEN WYOMING, DE 19934
  2. WooHoo! Ordered on Monday, arrived yesterday, picked up today. Installation will be on Saturday. Afterwards, hopefully, no more slippage!! Will post pictures. RR
  3. Dave and I started our ride this morning on the Tour of Honor ride in Texas. About 12 miles west of Dripping Springs, tx heading to Fredericksburg for our first memorial stop about 8am.. Dave had his rear tire go flat on 290 and went down on the side of the hwy. He is alright but real sore on his left side. I was leading so didn't see him go down, when I looked back after going up a hill and curve a pickup was flashing his lights at me, when I turned around and went back he was lying flat on his back next to his TD on the side of the highway. Two drivers had already stopped and gotten to him. Made him lie there till EMS arrived where they checked him out. Had a whole bunch of LEO and EMS and Fire dept blocking the road, its a busy fast hwy. They finally got Dave up and he was able to walk around. A wrecker arrived but Dave got ahold of Tom (Blanco)who lived real close to where we were to bring his trailer. He arrived and we got it on his trailer and took it to his house and put it on his lift to find the tire problem, a 1' gash inside the one threads. Dave's wife Jamie arrived shortly after and the three of us went to get some lunch in downtown Blanco then head back to Houston. I got back home by 6:30, spoke with Jamie, Dave was resting after some good drugs. Besides the rear tire, bike was in good shape, left crash bar was bent, left cowling was loose, left passing light a little bent. His new 5 gallon Aux tank on the back held in there. All n all was real glad the day turned out better than it could have been. He was able to walk away. Thanks to TOM for a great assist for a fellow Venture rider.
  4. Just got home and saw that my new tires had arrived. I went with the Avons again. There was a recent comment the the problem with the sidewalls cracking has been resolved. That may be true but the dates on these tires are 0610 for the front and 4310 for the rear so any changes were likely made after these were produced. I was a little disappointed in that these were made last year. I'm replacing two Avons that still have a lot of tread the the sidewalls are all cracked. I'm going to mount these but if I have the cracking issue again, Avon and I are going to have a little chat.
  5. Venture Patches has arrived and will be mailed by Monday.
  6. The Venture Patches Have Arrived. See Attachment. I'll get them out as soon as I can. Meanwhile I've already received requests for more orders so for those interested see attachment. They are super nice looking patches. The picture has all the sizes. 3 1/2" 5 3/4" 7" 9" The 3/1/2" inch wide is great for a baseball hat size. Plus if you want a very specific width side, they can be accommodiated. Just specify the width in inches. The prices will be a bit higher than specified in the other threads for I under estimated PalPal fees and postages fees plus the number in orders I'm guessing will be less in quantity but they will still be a great value.
  7. The Big Day has finally arrived. James (Highlander) Tut (a Harley Davidson owner friend) and I are leaving Wednesday morning from Fayetteville, Ga. at 6am on our trip. Now this may be a little long so bare with me as we are going to put about 11,500 miles on our Ventures (and HD) in about 28 days. (I sure hope the HD holds up:fingers-crossed-emo). I'm not going to mention the cities as it will take to long for my two little fingers to type. But the states are, GA, Tn, Ky, Il, Mo, Nb, Ia, SD, Wy, Mt, Wy, Id, Mt, Id, Wa, Or, Ca, Na, Az, Ut, Co, Ks, Mo, Il, Ky, Tn and finally back in Ga. My hurts just thinking about it. Now is the part where you come in. I would like all of you to keep us in your thoughts and prayers that everything goes alright and we all arrive at our homes safe and sound. Oh and a little prayer wouldn't hurt to keep us on our time table. See ya'll in about a month, Yamaduck
  8. Its a small amount, (they say) and it arrived in the cargo area of the airliner, but is this what we will be seeing more of, and soon? http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2011/03/17/low-level-radiation-detected-on-incoming-dfw-flight/ http://cbsdallas.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/radioactive-japan_1103848.jpg?w=420
  9. It's funny how after you pull the trigger on a deal that seems too good to be true...it usually is...Now my question. I bought some brand new (what I thought were genuine) Royal Star Saddlebag rails on eBay for a very good price. And while they look great and arrived still in plastic...there were no instructions in the bag. Is this a straight forward install or do I need to install these a certain way. Wally
  10. Just a note to let you know about excellent service. Marca split the zipper on her Frogg Togg Jacket. We had bought our suits at Hully Gully in London last year, but didn't have the reciepts any more. I emailed FT with my problem and within a day a got a note back stating their policy, and that they had experinced problems with zippers being too light and coming apart, so I could ship the jacket back to them and the would see what could be done. So that's just what I did. Here comes the fun part, I shipped via Expedited Parcel, Canada Post. Put it in the mail on Oct 12, it arrived in Mississauga the day following, and sat there until Oct 24 at which time it progressed to International shipping and finally left Canada on the 25, arriving at FT on the first. I then informed FT that the item had arrived, finally, and they weren't impressed, but told me that the turn around would be 2 weeks, and so not to expect it any sooner. I told them I understood. Yesterday,,,,, a package was delivered,,,,(about 1 week after it arrived at their place, and in that time they even fixed it it ) the same jacket with a new upgraded zipper,,,,, no charge Mr Norg, pleasure doing business with you, have a great day. THANKS FROGG TOGGS for the excellent service, and for making up lost time on the part of Canada Post. I will buy FT again, but not Canada Post
  11. New Avon arrived today. Ordered it Sunday night from Competition Tires and they arrived today....That was fast! Free shipping too...
  12. When I was fortunate enough to win the $100.00 gift certificate for New Enough I needed another riding jacket. I ordered the Cortech Tour Master Mod Denim Jacket. Well it arrived today and it is nice. Armor in the back and arms and you would never know it's there. Removable liner and was able to order it in the tall size and it fits perfect. Thanks again Don for having the contest.
  13. Due to a change of plans we stayed longer in Milwaukee than we expected. Left Saturday morning at 6am and arrived back in Calgary 6:30 pm Sunday. The route we took: http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Milwaukee,+WI,+United+States&daddr=47.10246,-104.76903+to:Calgary,+Alberta&geocode=Fba4kAIdVqfC-innR4tX1wIFiDGEe0G1IhlfRA%3BFfy5zgId-lnB-SkBqDKKlyclUzEvBPM-guKFxA%3BFYjiCgMd-p8z-SnVP4SfA3BxUzE6tlK2sTttJg&hl=en&mra=dpe&mrcr=0&mrsp=1&sz=5&via=1&sll=47.04596,-100.983405&sspn=25.600726,47.724609&ie=UTF8&ll=47.338823,-100.898437&spn=25.461777,47.724609&z=5 was 1620 miles according to google...I'm tired this morning!
  14. I had a wonderful time eating pork in the pines with many great folks. They told me to post when I arrived and I am doing that I however have no idea if this is where I am to post this. It truly was a great time I look forward to doing it again next year Gary The Monk Lundquist From Iowa City, IA And I am on face book Gary Lundquist grelax53@yahoo.com would love to add my new friends I met on there too:thumbsup:
  15. Recently I bought locally, an 86 VR. The P.O. was trying to sell it to me, for about 1.5 yrs & it came with a Corbon seat w/ backrest in addition to the stock seat. I finally caved in, when during a call back home, a neighbour wanted me to pick up another Venture. This bike is for an Ontario trip next year, which I am to go with him on, from the wet coast. He has been looking after my place for the last 3 yrs, while I am in Wainwright. He is making this a "Bucket List" trip & don't want to do it, on an air cooled bike. So the work on it begins. Progressive fork springs Done CLASS controller solder job Done Ball studs for side covers Done SS Braided line kit Arrived Speed Bleeders Arrived Re-build masters & slave Parts shipped Console top pieces Parts shipped Exhaust gaskets Parts shipped Wheel bearings for as needed Parts shipped assorted grommets Parts shipped Tires Order later Deka Battery Order later I will be getting more into the work on it, after PIP.
  16. Grand child #21 arrived at 10:45 this morning!! "Adilee Paige" Pics to come. I was holding her around noon when she opened her eyes for the 1st time and grinned at me!!! I know there are those that are going to say it was just gas!!! Probally the same ones that try to claim a 1st Gen won't do 120 MPH in 3rd gear!!!! Left camera at hospital. Got one. See those fists? That left is cocked!!
  17. Parcel arrived Friday morning. Thank you Sir.:clap2: Quickstep not well, so brackets won't go on for a while.
  18. My new rear tires arrived today, I couldnt believe the speed at which they got here, I paid for them on Feb.27, and they got here on Mar. 3rd. Took the V Star in to the dealer for it 20,000 mile service and having them install the Shinko Radial on the rear. On Sat, I will take the rear tire for the 1st Gen in and have it mounted, while that is being done, I hope to have all the brake parts here so I can re-do the rear brakes and master cyl, and resv. Looks like I might be taking the 1st gen to Todds M&E&R&E&R on the 13th.
  19. It arrived today. Thanks again. Russell
  20. Maineac, Thanks - the parcel arrived safely this morning (Friday)
  21. Over 1400 mi in 2 days. Left Larchwood @ 6:30 am got to Indianapolis around 9:00 pm, took off from there around 7:00am arrived N. Augusta S.C. before 9:00 pm. Will be here till sunday the 9th..Had a great time getting here. Daryl
  22. :ice_awesome-vi46644:You_Rock_Emoticon::clap2: Margaret, Just checked the mail (Mon. 12noon) and the T-shirts have arrived Thank You
  23. Bob, Just letting you know that the quick fist clamps arrived safely in the mail Thanks again :clap2:
  24. Hey Mark, Just letting you know that the passenger floorboards arrived in the mail today Have sent a PM to you Many, many thanks :clap2:
  25. Freebird and Eileen, on behalf of my wife and I, we truly want to thank you for the hospitality that was shown to us this past weekend it was greatly appreciated. It was awesome meeting familiar friends and making new ones....Beer 30, you rock buddy....To Squid, V Goose and all the guys that worked tirelessly on the bikes, Thank you. This is the most unbelieveable organization I have ever known, where everyone is more than friendly..its family. Lonna thanks for the cheese cakes...magnifque!! Hope everyone arrived home safe. Ian [ATTACH]31334[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]31335[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]31336[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]31337[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]31338[/ATTACH][ATTACH]31339[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]31340[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]31341[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]31342[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]31343[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]31344[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]31345[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]31346[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]31347[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]31348[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]31349[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]31350[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]31351[/ATTACH]
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