Evidently over the years..the backrest(passengers) on the trunk of my bike has gotten very dirty and needs cleaned.I've only had this bike for 2 yrs,so all this dirt isn't my fault.During this past summer I'd put the bike up for sale and had it sitting out in the sun.What has happened is...all the (probably Armorall) thats been applied has had a melt down.In various places the leather has sticky spots on it. It almost reminds me of the sapp you get on a peach tree. In trying to remove it I've found the true color of the leather....Outside border is a dark brown,while the inner panel is a lighter brown. Problem is...it's not all coming off and it's blotchy at best.Heres the things I've tried so far. Armorall leather cleaner...Spic&Span...Murphys oil soap..and even finger nail remover (in small spot) nothing seems to get it all.The sale of the bike could hinge on me getting it cleaned OR if someone has a all dark brown one for sale. If you have a good one for sale let me know what you'd want for it...my email address is jachuck49@yahoo.com Thanks.