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  1. Last Thursday we received a set of Larry's lateast production run arm rests and I must say Becky is extremely pleased!! I feel a lot better too knowing the armrests won't swing out while we are going around curves and turns which is much more noticible on a trike where we don't lean like 2 wheelers. Installation was a breeze! The hardest part of the operation was drilling holes in the passenger grab rails. I recommend drilling a pilot hole first to make it a tad easier. Our trunk was already installed in the second set of holes so that step didn't need to be done, but in our case I discovered my trunk was not aligned properly for some reason and the passenger controls were right in front of the up tube, whereas on the other side the up tube was quite a ways over from the same point, so I am suspecting either something did not get aligned properly with the trike conversion, or my left passenger grab rail was bent out, or the right bent in, or both! Anyways I ended up drilling new holes in the bottom of my trunk to move it even further back and over about a half inch or so. I would suspect that on a normal RSV this won't be a problem! So, I am highly recommending these to anyone in the market for a set of passenger arm rests. They are high quality and rugged, typical of anything Larry builds! One nice touch is the top of the arm rest is fabric insert with the sides leather. Very nice touch in hot weather so your arms aren't stuck to the leather after a long ride! BTW I now have a set of Diamond R armrests for sale now, $100 or B/O plus shipping...
  2. '63 t-bird turn signal arm in man's arm from accident 50 years ago just removed. Turn Signal From 1963 Car Wreck Removed From Illinois Man's Arm - NBC News
  3. Howdy all, I seem to remember a post about certain Gold Wing passenger arm rests that fit a First Gen MK 1. I can not find it now. Does anyone remember this or have any info an the idea? I think Doreen would like to have a set on the bike. I have seen a couple of GW sets on ebay, but I don't know if they would fit. Thanks, Dave
  4. Anyone have any contacts about arm rest for the passenger? My wife loves to ride, but wants to be able to rest her arms more comfortably. Any links would be helpful. Thanks to everyone's help on the communitations system, backrest, luggage racks, and etc. I've asked for in the past. They have been very helpful. Thanks again, johnnyp
  5. i have a very nice passenger backrest and the passenger arm rests from my 87 venture ( the ones that mount in the trunk) . i believe the recling parts are all with it as well... i'd like to donate these to someone's cause. they are the brown vinyl ones. pm me if interested. i'd just want a few bucks to cover the shipping. i wanted black and got these and it wasn't worth returning them.
  6. I am looking for some passenger arm rest for the 93 trike. Charlene says she doesnt need them, but I think she would be much more comfortable with them. Does anyone still make them or maybe someone here has set they no longer need. I am just about finished making the changes to the trike since I bought it. Yesterday I replaced the old glass tube fuse block with one from radio shack and using Skydoc's instructions it was easy, the only difference between his and radio shacks is 5 fuses vs 6 on Skydocs. I also did the battery fluid level light bypass. The only thing left to address is the front brakes. They have been delinked when triked, but only one disk up front is working. The Vmax mod is next for the brakes. Later when I have the funds I will be doing the front brake mods to make them more reliable and better.
  7. Are they the same...Interchangeable...
  8. Hi All As most of you know I have bought a Gold Wing. With that said the guy I sold my 83 VR to would like arm rest for hie girlfrend. Do they make them for this old a bike and where would I look for them? Thanks Bull463
  9. Anyone have a set of "Gray" passenger arm rest for 91 VR?
  10. Thanks to Vincent, AKA: Playboy, for this EXCELLENT tech article. Packing Swing Arm Bearings 1. Remove the rear wheel as you normally do and your halfway there. 2. Drain the final drive and remove the speed sensor wire and four acorn nuts and simply pull out final drive and drive shaft. This is a great time to catch up on a lot of those little maintenance items. . http://www.venturerider.org/Swing%20Arm/swinga1.jpg 3. Un clip the speed sensor wire from the swing arm and remove the clamps from the brake line. So you don’t have to hunt for them later re insert the clamp bolts back into the swing arm finger tight. Just allow the caliper to hang over out of the way. Be sure and check pads for even wear. 4. Now its time to remove the shock and the dog bones or leveling links. Before removing top bolt from shock remove seat and right side cover. http://www.venturerider.org/Swing%20Arm/swinga2.jpg 5. Un clip the shocks vent line located beside battery on right side. Then remove round black plastic cover where you add air to rear shock ( it just pops out ) http://www.venturerider.org/Swing%20Arm/swinga3.jpg 6. Remove the nut from the valve stem. http://www.venturerider.org/Swing%20Arm/swinga4.jpg 7. Now just work the vent line and air line down from top and pull out top bolt from shock. http://www.venturerider.org/Swing%20Arm/swinga5.jpg 8. To remove Y pipes you will need to remove left side cover also. Under the lower section of the Y pipe loosen clamp closest to the rear. http://www.venturerider.org/Swing%20Arm/swinga6.jpg For the section attached to rear cylinders you can loosen that clamp as well or remove the two nuts on the flange going into head . http://www.venturerider.org/Swing%20Arm/swinga7.jpg Remove the bolt where the mufflers slide on . http://www.venturerider.org/Swing%20Arm/swinga8.jpg 9. Now you can just work the Y pipe out and to the rear. http://www.venturerider.org/Swing%20Arm/swinga9.jpg 10. Next pop off the chrome covers on both sides. http://www.venturerider.org/Swing%20Arm/swinga10.jpg you will notice a bolt head on the left side. 30mm I think remove this bolt from the left side . http://www.venturerider.org/Swing%20Arm/swinga11.jpg This bolt requires 72 ft/lbs on re installation. 11. On the right side you will notice a Allen head bolt with locknut loosen or remove nut then remove bolt . http://www.venturerider.org/Swing%20Arm/swinga12.jpg This bolt only needs 5.1 FT/lbs of torque. Locknut requires the 72 ft/lbs. Don’t worry about the swing arm falling out when you remove the bolts. Now you can work the swing arm out from under the bike with just a wiggle. http://www.venturerider.org/Swing%20Arm/swinga13.jpg The rubber boot protecting U joint should come out with it . http://www.venturerider.org/Swing%20Arm/swinga14.jpg 12. Place the swing arm in a vice with drive shaft side down. Pull of the rubber boot so you can see the back side of the right side bearing. Insert the left side bolt from the inside. http://www.venturerider.org/Swing%20Arm/swinga15.jpg Using a wooden dowel rod tap out the bearing and seal. This will allow minimum distortion to seal so you can re use it . http://www.venturerider.org/Swing%20Arm/swinga16.jpg 13. I used a seal puller on the right side seal because I had one but working carefully with a screw driver or very small pry-bar you can get that seal out with out much distortion. 14. Inspect bearings and races for pitting or wear marks I doubt you will find any unless this has been neglected for a very long time. My bike was @ 30k and had some grease still on bearings Probably just what the factory put on them. 15. Re-pack your bearings with a good quality grease. Insert the right bearing and reinstall seal flip over the swing arm and repeat for left side. 16. Reattach the rubber boot and work the swing arm back up into the bike. Don’t worry about the trying to get the boot back on just yet. Just get it in there where the swing arm bolts will be close to lining up. Lift the swing arm up and slide something under it to support it. . http://www.venturerider.org/Swing%20Arm/swinga17.jpg 17. Reinstall both bolts just enough to get the threads started good and then work the rubber boot back over the U joint. Long handle needle nose pliers and a monkey hook are real handy here. 18. Tighten both swing arm bolts. The left bolt must be tightened first. Remember right side is only 5.1 ft/lbs and locknut is 72 ft/lbs. 19. Everything else goes back in reverse order. Don’t forget to lube those pivot points on the shock while your there. Something that works well for me when it comes to reinstalling final drive and drive shaft is that I pull the driveshaft off the final drive, put the bike in gear, I then insert a large Allen wrench into the hole of the driveshaft where the spring fits for a handle and install the driveshaft into the U joint. You can turn the gear on the end of shaft to determine that your in the U joint and not beside it. Hope this helps because it is not the dreaded job I thought it would be. Could have done it in a afternoon but it was a 100 degree day and trying to take pics on all the steps took some time. Vincent aka PLAYBOY
  11. I have a 2009 Royal star touring deluxe and am currently servicing it and found the reear swing arm has some end play in it. The end play has about .003-.005 side play on it. Is this a concern and if so what is needed to take this play out. Does the exhaust have to be removed to get access to the through bolt.
  12. So I am pulling the rear wheel for a tire change and once the wheel is off I am checking the swing arm, shock etc. WHen I pick up on the swing arm, there is up and down slop where the bolt goes through the top shock mount. Bolt is tight, its like the mount hole in the shock is too large. I would figure this to be a near zero tolerance fit where the bolt passes through. Sufficient slop that you can make impact noise with it if you push up and down slightly on the swing arm. Amounts to about 1/8 inch movement up and down at the axle just from the slop in the bolt. Anyone else seen this before? OEM shock 22,000 miles. There is also oil on the bottom of the bellows. Still holds air and no excessive bouncing I can tell, but likely not long for this world. Thanks, RSTDdog
  13. I need the part number for the rear Arm rest covers on my 2nd gen. I'm going to change out the rear speakers tomorrow and want to be prepared if I need new ones. What is the best way to remove the vinyl covers without destroying them ?
  14. What do you think?I put a new battery in the 89 today it had been 3 months since I had it started. It started on the first crank and everything seemed OK. Then I noticed fuel pouring out from under it.The fuel pump and connecting hoses from the pump are dry. I can only see one hose hanging down in front of the swing arm it's dry.Do you think the float bowels are sticking and my fuel is flowing out the overflows? I can't see them but thinking there should be 4 of them. Or maybe a fuel line has ruptured. I have major fuel not dripping but pouring off the fuel pump side of the swing arm. Then again on the side stand it's leaning that way.
  15. Does anyone use this, or do you think it will work on my 2001 RSV? http://www.harborfreight.com/motorcycle-swingarm-rear-stand-65620.html
  16. Where can one order Passenger Arm Rests that fits MKII?
  17. I'm replacing the pads on my rear brake and would like a quick confirmation/correction about the thickness of the spacers. I measure the spacers between the caliper and the caliper bracket arm at 4mm and the one between the swing arm and caliper bracket appears to be 3mm. (I'd have to pull the wheel to make sure.) Is this correct? Added question. should the disk be installed based on rotation or is that subject to which disk if at all? I notice the outside pad is not flush with the face of the disk, piston problem??? Thanks! Oh, if you missed it in my profile it's an '83
  18. And I didn't even get bit by a radioactive spider!!! Done all myself by falling down and trying to drive my elbow into the concrete floor. I'd rather dealt with the spider at this point. Last Thurday at work I took a flying backwards leap and did a 4" foot drop onto the concrete and I remember hitting my head but apparently the elbow got there fast and furious. (oop... different movie) When my head quit spinning I tried to get up but the left arm wouldn't bend. At all. Could not support myself but finally got right side up and back on my feet. Checked myself out and I seemed to be fine except for the left elbow bleeding a bit and the stiffness. So....being a guy I cleaned it up and threw a bandage on it an finshed my shift. I did stop and notify the Director before I left that I had taken a spill and just wanted to record it and NO I didn't need emergency treatment. Hey! Like I said...I'm a guy and how many times have I cracked an elbow, knee, heel, wrist, head or other body part in my life. Not enough paper for a score card on that one. Went home and cleaned it up and dropped the old joint in the ice bucket for a while. That helped. A bit. Then the swelling started up! I mean POOF. Man I got a big elbow! But being a guy....... I bandaged it up and went to bed. NOW..... this is where those of you with weak tummies might want to wander back to a nice safe posting. And for those of you with the macho blood lust.... NO I didn't attach any pics. But I woke up during the night and wandered in to scratch my name in the litter box. (cat hates that) But when I flipped on the light I glanced in the mirror and WOW! When was I in a fist fight? Blood all over my face and chest and the arm is drenched. Holy Smoke! Went back an turned on the lights in the bedroom and the bed looked like a scene from a slasher movie. I seemed to have been bleeding a bit. Being a guy..... I changed the bandage and the sheets and went back to bed. So... over the next few days of working I did my usual routine and kept cleaning the elbow and changing bandages. Seems like I'm gonna survive. Swelling is still there but the arm is loosening up a bit. Yeah, I'm fine. Second notice..... be a good time to check out the Disney channel kids. Wait! The kids would love this part. But come Monday.... things got odd. The arm hurt, the bleeding was slow but steady and there was a lot of clear fluid draining. When I got home I asked my daughter to give me a hand and help me take a look at the wound on my elbow and help clean it up. After all how many of you can see the back of your elbow? So she digs out the med kit and sets to work. She's always showed some interest in being a nurse. She cuts off the old bandage and pours Peroxide over the wound. Nice tingle. She mentioned it didn't look like a scrape but more like a puncture at the point of the elbow. Like a star shaped hole. So being a guy .... I want to take a look. Last warning! I raise my arm up, not easy to do, and hold it in front of me in front to the mirror but I can't bend my arm back. So I use my other hand to pull the left hand back towards my shoulder. Yikes! I felt a pulse in my arm and a blast, not a little either, of blood and clear fluid shot out of my elbow and covered the wall, mirror, sink top, and shelves. I heard her scream and I turned around and, well that was a bad idea as I sprayed her, the shower curtains and towels rack as I did. So rather than tend to the mess right away I had to hold her head out of the toilet for about five minutes. I think she has considered her future in nursing is at a low point right now. Ok, Like I said ..... I'm a guy. Now I'm concerned. So the visit to the Doc was informative and productive. When I told him about the bizzarre discharge he looked at me somewhat oddly. I asked him if he's ever seen that before. Nope. I told him to hold up a towel in front of elbow and did the same flex again. About a foot and a half out. Now I got three Doc's interested! So all in all they determined I had damaged the membrane that cushions the joint it the elbow. When it started to swell up and the pressure from moving my arm to that postion it just ruptured and the fluid and blood make a hasty exit though the first available hole. The one in my elbow. And I got a bucket full of pills from the Doc's and I get to visit with them every other day for a while. Yea! My favorite pastime! My bosses only question was how long would it take to heal. I swear, I want to show him my lil trick. Ok, Ok .... so I'm not shooting web stuff but I got to admit I'd never seen nuttin like this in all my years of getting banged up and damaged. Too bad it didn't happen before Halloween! I would have been the coolest guy on the block. Yeah, kids love this stuff. Myself, I think next time I'm going to go the "HULK" kind of thing. I'm not so fond of cleaning up after "Spidey". And I get a lkick out of the "Puny Human" line! So there, it's a nasty, gorey story but has anybody experienced anything like this? And you were warned..... several times. Spidey err.... Mike
  19. If you have a set of arm rest for the 1st Gen MKII in Black or Gray for sale, please PM me.
  20. A game warden was driving down the road when he came upon a young boy carrying a wild turkey under his arm. He stopped and asked the boy, 'Where did you get that turkey?' The boy replied, 'What turkey?' The game warden said, 'That turkey you're carrying under your arm.' The boy looks down and said, 'Well, lookee here, a turkey done roosted under my arm!' The game warden said, 'Now look, you know turkey season is closed, so whatever you do to that turkey, I'm going to do to you. If you break his leg, I'm gonna break your leg If you break his wing, I'll break your arm. Whatever you do to him, I'll do to you. So, what are you gonna do with him?' The little boy said, 'I guess I'll just kiss his ass and let him go!' May your stuffing be tasty May your turkey plump, May your potatoes and gravy Have never a lump. May your yams be delicious And your pies take the prize, And may your Thanksgiving dinner Stay off your thighs! Happy Thanksgiving!
  21. i put a set of polk audio db 401 speakers in the front and rear of my rsv, last year and never got around to posting pics. here they are and i hope they will help you. purchase some wire terminal ends that fit the speakers before you start the project along with some two sided tape to reatatch rear arm rest covers, and note that the screws under the rear armrest are different in length. solder all your connections e-mail with any questions?? mike
  22. I have been looking for passenger arm rest for my 2006 RSTD, But have'nt had any luck. Im afriad to modify something and weeken the back rest. This is for my child so I would like to find something thats made for the make and model. Does anyone have an ideal. thanks.
  23. Does anyone know of any passenger arm rest outthere for an 06 Tour Deluxe?
  24. i am looking for some passenger arm rest i cant seem to find any for a 2008 RSV got any ideas
  25. the rear speakers on my 2010rsv appear to be broken and vibrate to the po9int that i can hear them while riding with the radio off is this a warrenty item if not how do you go about getting into them, i see a screw at the bottom of the arm rest? steve
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