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  1. Bought a new Tourmaster Rincon jacket last April. But since then its been in the 90's and 100's practically all summer here in Texas, so I never got a chance to try it out. But today, it was in the mid 40's to mid 50's and I got a chance to give the jacket a test drive. WOW! I have to say, even a grizzled old leather wearing biker like me can learn new tricks! That thing is WARM! I got a good deal on it from Motorcycle Superstore back in April, only $99. I have just about worn out my trusty 20 year old leather jacket, so it was about time to try something new. If your looking for a new basic-looking textile winter jacket, check the Rincon out. http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/1/1/39/16896/ITEM/Tour-Master-Rincon-Jacket.aspx
  2. In the Ohio restaurant forum??? Yamamama & Freebird the only members with access? It tells me I may not, may not, may not. Last entry was April 18, 2010.
  3. [ATTACH]65575[/ATTACH][ATTACH]65574[/ATTACH] Got ya, April fools day. I promise not to lie to you again until next April fools day. Fuzzy
  4. It's a dark day here at the Nelson household. My son Dylan won an Apple IPad II in a raffle. He doesn't have it yet, they are shipping it to him and he is supposed to have it by April 1st. I told him he could keep it but it can't leave his room.
  5. This would have been real bad if these guys hadnt been at this spot at the railway at this time.....Its amazing to just see the railbed just disappear..... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQAiTBoJf3Y&feature=email]YouTube - CN Stackpool, ON washout April 14, 2011[/ame] F-bomb language warning from scared guy on camera, just turn down volume Brian
  6. Richmond, Indiana -Thousands of motorcycles are expected to converge in downtown Richmond, IN on Saturday, April 9, 2011. These motorcycles will serve as an escort for two 22 ft. steel beams harvested from the World Trade Center in New York. The beams will be used as a focal point of Project 911 Indianapolis, a permanent memorial dedicated to those killed in the collapse of the World Trade Center, the crash of aircraft in Shanksville, PA and the Pentagon. Project 9/11 Indianapolis will become a part of the Indianapolis city landscape that includes the USS Indianapolis Memorial and the Medal of Honor Memorial, and will be dedicated on September 11, 2011, the 10th anniversary of the deadly terrorist attacks on America. [ame=http://www.vimeo.com/22800773]April 9 2011 Project 9/11 Ride on Vimeo[/ame]
  7. Here is a ride I went on April 8 2011. We rode out 44 east to 9 over to Greenfield Indiana. Then U.S. 40 to Richmond. We stayed the nite and rode in the Project 9/11 ride. Here the Friday ride. [ame=http://vimeo.com/22745184]April 8 2011 Friday Ride To Richmand Indiana. on Vimeo[/ame]
  8. Mom passed away on April 7, please send prayers.
  9. Just wondering if anyone would be interested in going on a little trip either Good Friday or the Saturday before Easter. This would be either April 22 or April 23. The trip is called Natchez Trace Wine Trail. It consists of 118 miles (approximately 2 hr and 15 mins) and visiting 4 different wineries in Middle Tennessee. They are Belle Meade Plantation Winery in Nashville; Keg Springs Winery in Hampshire; Amber Falls Winery and Cellars in Hampshire; and ending at Grinder's Switch Winery in Centerville. Pat and I would like to do this little "road trip" on either of these dates and wondered if anyone else would be interested. We could meet at Belle Meade and proceed from there. Let me know if anyone is interested and which date would be best for you. Don
  10. Happy 118th Birthday Navy Chief Petty Officers! - Established 1 April 1893 and still going strong! http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/197856_1791759246093_1602994580_1718228_6813292_s.jpg
  11. April 12th thru April 17th I will be in Talladega for the race. Anyone else going?? Wont have the bike though
  12. I was wondering if anyone is planning to attend either of these swap meets on the 16th and 17th of April. http://www.washingtonvintagemotorcyclists.org/WVM_Swap_Meet_flier-1_2011.pdf http://www.classicbikeswapmeet.com/swap_meet.html If the weather is good my buddy and I are planning to take the bikes and attend both, if the weather isn't cooperating we are going to cage it. My lovely wife says she will join me for her first bike ride that weekend! I'm excited!!
  13. Anybody else planning a Spring Break? My wifes favorite place on Earth...is Hatteras Island and the little community of Rodanthe.Call it a Spring Celebration.We are celebrating 30 years of marriage later this fall,and last month we paid in full with Cash the remaining balance on our 4 acre Camp. I had originally planned a week off in April to cleanup around the Camp but the wife is between Jobs right now and needs a break so we negotiated a special rate deal yesterday on the same house I'm renting in June.Maybe I should just leave her down there for 2 months.Hey Mini could you put TROUBLE up for 2 months? H.I. April 9th for a week.
  14. In Florida , an atheist created a case against Easter and Passover Holy days.. He hired an attorney to bring a discrimination case against Christians and Jews and observances of their holy days. The argument was that it was unfair that atheists had no such recognized days. The case was brought before a judge. After listening to the passionate presentation by the lawyer, the judge banged his gavel declaring,"Case dismissed!" The lawyer immediately stood objecting to the ruling saying, "Your honor, How can you possibly dismiss this case? The Christians have Christmas, Easter and others. The Jews have Passover, Yom Kippur and Hanukkah, yet my client and all other atheists have no such holidays.." The judge leaned forward in his chair saying, "But you do. Your client, counsel, is woefully ignorant." The lawyer said, "Your Honor, we are unaware of any special observance or holiday for atheists.." The judge said, "The calendar says April 1st is April Fools Day. Psalm 14:1 states, 'The fool says in his heart, there is no God.' Thus, it is the opinion of this court, that, if your client says there is no God, then he is a fool. Therefore, April 1st is his day. Court is adjourned.."; You gotta love a Judge that knows his scripture!
  15. Probably a thread someplace but can't find it. I have my bike on the lift, I have the battery tender hooked up, I have StaBil and Seafoam in the tank and I took a short ride (it's like 20 degrees here) to get all the additives in the carbs, I have it cleaned and waxed and the cover is on. Now my question is do you leave the gas turned on or off. Mine will not set til April without going out for a ride. It may only be 10 miles total or so but it will go out every 3/4 weeks. Thanks in advance
  16. Saw this today on the Tail of the Dragon website. Does anyone know for sure that it is open? Last I knew it was going to be July before they got it cleared. Also, the hubby,sons and I are heading down there in June. Has anyone ridden "Devils Triangle" or the Cheohala Skyway and are they really nice roads with a lot of twistes? Thanks Deb ROCK SLIDE UPDATE April 16, 2010: The rock slide on US 129 is located between the Dragon and Happy Valley Road/Foothills Parkway. TDOT has announced in a press release that the 11 mile section known as the Tail of the Dragon will be open from 8 am to 8 pm beginning Monday April 12, 2010. The only access is from North Carolina US 129. THP announced that there will be zero tolerance for traffic violations, so I'd travel the Tail with extreme caution. Please obey the traffic laws and report any undue harassment to us. We will forward all complaints to the Tennessee and North Carolina senators and representatives who worked so hard to get the road open. We will continue to post the latest information here so keep in touch. All is going well at the Tail of the Dragon. Traffic is low, so it's a great time to enjoy the road without fear of semi trucks and large crowds.
  17. Who is planning to come to the angel city rally in Unadilla Ga, in April. For those not familiar with it visit the web site at www.angelcityrally.com I will be in my usual spot, campsite 155, rally is April 14 to 18. Anyone planning on going let me know, I am hard to miss, I have a yellow and white 1971 dodge travco motorhome. There were some RSV's there last year but I only talked with one and he was not a member at that time. It's a fun rally to me Gregg
  18. So, just curious, how many miles have you guys put on this year? I got my 85 Venture in April, turned 16 may 7th, and put on more than 6,200 miles this summer. So how many have you put on your venture?
  19. Somehow I missed this one completely. The jist of the story is that eight Bandidos were murdered in Canada in 2006. The trial was in April of this year. Yall be careful up there. http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Crime/2009/03/31/8951096-sun.html
  20. For anyone who lives in NC or Southern Virginia, the newest and largest Yamaha Dealer in the state is having an open house on Saturday April 25th in Burlington,NC. I already have an appointment for my 2nd Gen for next Wednesday. http://www.burlingtonyamaha.com/
  21. OK - I'm tired of sitting...I want to put together the first Southern PA M&E of the year and am thinking Gettysburg. My problem is that April is booked solid so I can't commit to anything before May 2nd. Who's interested?
  22. I am thinking of riding up there this Saturday, lots of cool older Yamaha's will be there, Think of meeting at I-85 exit 120 at McDonalds at 8 am for breakfast leave at 8:30 sharp ride back roads to Suches, supposed to be a great riding day and this is a fun event. Post if you are interested. Thanks Stew Here is the link for the event, check out the bikes!! http://www.thetwinster.com/Dogwood.htmGa Riders, The Yamaha 650 Society Welcomes You To The 7th Annual Georgia Mountain Dogwood Rally at TWO April 17-19 2009 Always the 3rd weekend in April. Just as the Dogwoods come into Bloom!
  23. Happy April Fools Day. I just hate practical jokes. I would never play a practical joke on anyone. I think they are really cruel. Ok so what is the best joke you have played on April Fools Day. I need ideas. Yama Mama:innocent-emoticon:
  25. Hi all, we live in Jacksonville & we are looking at getting a group together to ride with us to the "Leesburg BikeFest ". We are planning on leaving Saturday the 25th of April. Perhaps start the day with breakfast and plan to meet any other riders in Leesburg for a luncheon.
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