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  1. I have been trying for some time to figure out why my 86 VR doesnt get the mileage some on here claim. Mine, ever since installing the 89 motor (and even with the original 86 motor) struggles to get just slightly over 30 mpg. In addition, the bike has always seemed not to have the umph at higher rpms. My old 88 ran like a scalded dog all the way up to redline. And I have done about all one can do, carbs, sync, plugs, wires, caps, compression is great, valves are right on, no vacuum leaks etc. Well, after reading another thread earlier this week about boost sensors, today I pulled the b/s vacuum line from the manifold, applied vacuum with a mity vac and it would hold nada, nil, ziltch. I had no choice but to pull the necessary stuff to completely remove the rubber vacuum line to check it out and it is just fine; no cracks, plastic connector or balancer, whatever that little gray plastic piece is called is just fine as well. Applied vacuum to just the hose and it holds vacuum just fine. I then pulled the b/s and tried applying vacuum direct to the sensor and you can suck air through it like a straw. That is the culprit in my mileage issue and can't help but call it the culprit in the lack of high end performance. So, does anyone have a good one they are willing to part with? If so, please let me know and I will gladly pay your price. There are several on fleabay but no way of knowing they are any better than the one I just removed. Hope this works. Thanks so much Herb
  2. I'm beginning to get some antifreeze ooze from the coolant plug next to the right rear sparkplug. I tried to remove it and apply some pipedope or tape but couldn't get it to move. I applied a pretty good arm to it but quit before I broke something. Any suggestions??? Thanks.
  3. I firmly believe that being visible to other drivers is a matter of survival. I ride at night. I ride in the rain. I even find myself riding at night in the rain. Being visible during these conditions can be greatly improved with little effort or expense. I wear a TourMaster riding jacket that has reflective piping in various areas. You really don't notice it unless a light shines on it. But my helmet, Scorpion EXO 900, has no reflective parts. I decided to correct this design oversight. I purchased a helmet reflective decal set from Applied Graphics, http://www.reflectivedecals.com/arai1a.htm , and applied them to the helmet. They have several different patterns and colors. I bought the black checkered set. The cost was about $30. The application was simple. They say if it is applied correctly, it should last for years. We will see. The reflective properties are excellent as you can see in the photos below. I highly recommend adding some extra reflective material to your riding gear and the Applied Graphics company gets my two thumbs up. :happy34: http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w337/Owen064/IMG_1760.jpg http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w337/Owen064/IMG_1759.jpg http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w337/Owen064/IMG_1761.jpg http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w337/Owen064/IMG_1762.jpg http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w337/Owen064/IMG_1768.jpg http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w337/Owen064/IMG_1770.jpg http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w337/Owen064/IMG_1767.jpg http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w337/Owen064/IMG_1765.jpg http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w337/Owen064/IMG_1769.jpg http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w337/Owen064/IMG_1772.jpg
  4. I am just about ready to order my front tire at American-Superstore. I got the add from this forum, so I am wondering if there is a promo code that we can use in order to get any additional discounts that can be applied to the total price.
  5. Most of you already know who Kisan is and the great lighting technology that they offer for bikes of all kinds. You can now receive a 10% discount on all orders if you mention that you are a VentureRider member. If you order by phone, just tell them that you are a member here and the discount will be applied immediately. If you order online, mention in the comment box that you are a member and the discount will be credited to your order on the next business day. https://www.kisantech.com/
  6. Need your help! Did a preventative stator change on my 89 VR getting ready for a 3000+ mile trip since the original stator had almost 60k miles on it and I run a lot of extra lights. Installed the new stator (high output) in under two hours and was feeling really good about it until I got back from a 30 minute ride and had oil dripping from the kickstand. The leak has definitively been isolated to the bottom most seam of the side cover (between the rearmost two bottom bolts) and is making a real mess. Have changed the gasket now 3 times... once without sealant and twice more with two different types of sealant (yamalube, RTV gasket sealer) applied with no luck. There are no cracks, scratches or dings, and both the side cover and case look square with a straight edge applied. This bike was tight and dry until the cases were split... and as an old aircraft mechanic leaks drive me CRAZY! Thinking about double gasketing... any other ideas? Thanks in advance for your help!
  7. Does anybody know if on the '87 13DT VR on the right master cylinder (front brake) reservoir where the bolt that holds the chrome cover in place covering the reservoir(I think after market) or maybe where the mirror would screw in on the top side of the reservoir at the handle bar is reversed threaded? I have striped the allen insides out trying to turn, applied heat, cut deep slots in the top to try to grip and turned until blue in the face to no avail. Could it be reversed threaded?ffice:office" /> Thanks for any help!!!
  8. My Cassett player has been eating tapes, running slow, and would Not Reverse tape direction. I decided its time to replace the belts, and do some work on it. After opening up the unit, back side, the Y shaped piece of metal over the two Fly Wheels has to be removed to replace the 3 Belts. After doing this, and re-installing, the Unit was running very slow, and stopped. Impression was that of Excessive Friction. I took it apart again and found the following. In the First photo, note where I Marked with 2 Arrows. I had applied too much torque to these 2 #1 phillips head screws. I removed the y shaped metal again and realized that the Center Axels , of the Flywheels run's against this piece of metal. I guess you would call it a friction bearing. If you over torque the two screws, you slow down the flywheel rotation, too much friction. Anyway, I applied some greese to these two Points, under the metal piece, ( Under the two points I marked with an " X " ) Re-installed, and left the two small screws, much looser, and applied some lock tite to them. I also applied 3-in-1 Oil to all the rotating gears, and moveing parts. Layed unit on bike, plugged it into power, and Wa La!! it worked great. And the auto reverse is working good now. Anyway, before you throw away your old unit , or give up on it, if your haveing trouble with it , give this a try. Don't forget to clean the Tape Head.
  9. Has anyone had this applied to thier RSV? I brought the fairing, lowers, side triunks, and the top of the back trunk to a guy in my area to have it applied as a custom job. I bought the bike last Aug and had it exactly 2 days when the 1st scratch appeared, followed by 2 more in as many weeks. Thanks All for your input!
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