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  1. Well folks, you try your best to raise your children right but what do you do when they finally do something that is a complete embarrassment to you. From the time they are born. You try to set a good example. Yea, we often fall short but we do our best and hope that they learn the important things that they need to know to get through this life. Now those of you who have sons can surely relate. Things are much different today than they were when I was a kid. Back then, those of us with a bit of a wild streak would drive our fathers crazy by sneaking out and riding our motorcycles all night, getting in fights in the smoking area at school, having a good pocket knife taken away by a teacher. Heck...I've even had the local police call my dad to tell him that they caught, but let me go, for having a couple of cold ones in my car. All things things and a lot more that I know caused some premature gray hair for my dad. In spite of doing my best though, I still always had that little bit of fear nagging deep inside. It got worse when Dylan started driving. Though I know that he is basically a very good kid and has never caused me any real trouble, I also know that we as parents certainly don't know everything. You worry that he will end up having a few beers with friends and the police will call late one night....luckily that never happened. You worry that you find out that they were busted drag racing on some deserted road. That never happened. The biggest fear of all is that they come home one day and tell you that they have gotten a girl in trouble. Always a big fear...hasn't happened. So just when I thought that we had made it past most of these things....tonight Dylan calls me with news that I never thought I would have to hear. Though he had alluded to it in passing a couple of times...I had simply told him to NOT become an embarrassment to me and I thought he had listened. I guess not.......................so......... I may as well say it...my son is....well....he has admitted to being an APPLE fan and as of today was notified that he has been hired by APPLE. Now he is in college and it is a part time job at a local Apple retail store but still....APPLE. I guess I should blame myself. We should have never moved to Ohio. I could have stayed in Texas...maybe moved to the Austin area so that he could be near Dell. I still tried though....he has been raised on Dell computers. I just assumed that he would grow up to be a PC man. But APPLE??????? To add insult to injury....he threw it in my face that he would be able to get me a discount on a new Apple computer. Oh why couldn't he have just gotten a girl in trouble.
  2. Ham,Turkey,Rolls,corn,green beans,Kale greens, Stuffing,brussel sprouts. brocolli, Mac&cheese,potato salad,mashed taters & gravy,banana cream pie, pumpkin pie, razzle berry pie, apple pie. Might have forgotten something there. I'll go check.....
  3. Marca wants to make some apple blossoms. She thinks somebody form this forum told her how to make them,, but she can't remember who, or how they were made. Man,,,,could I ever eat some apple blossoms.
  4. In the market for a Tablet. These are new to me, so to say I'm confused. Currently I have Droid Thunderbolt and love it. Never been an Apple fan, though I never owned any of their products. Any help will be appreciated. TIA, BEER30
  5. My son, who works for Apple as an EXPERT/asst. manager, told me that my i mac will not allow ANY mal-ware or virus to affect my machine. having made that statement, i am asking , "Is he correct"? if so, then would it be safe to down load bit torrents? any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. just jt:confused24:
  6. Mel


    Whatca think, is this a scam or what? It came into my spam. I'm sure not gonna respond and enter my email address! Attention CraigsList User, My name is Angel Thomas, Ceo of Craigslist. We have recently joined up with The apple company for a one-time promotional event today, we are giving away complimentary Apple MacBooks to randomly selected individuals who have posted an advert on Craig's list. You've been selected as one of our latest winners for today. We randomly select numbers to match up with ads on C-list and your advertisement matched with our latest drawing. We have joined up with Apple to advertise their hottest product yet, the Apple MacBook. Once yet again, we are running this campaign for one-day only. All you need to do is "click here" to go to our website created for this promotion and enter your email to obtain yours for free. Simply be sure to enter your email so we may locate our records to make certain that we have reserved one for you. That's it! Congratulations on winning a free Apple MacBook (valued at $1199). If you might have any question or worries, feel free to email me back. However, you should claim your free MacBook 1st to make sure one will be reserved for you prior to the deadline ends. We do understand that you may not receive this e-mail until after the deadline, however, we advise you check out the website and enter your email to see if we still have yours on hold, which we often-times do because others haven't claimed theirs in time. Angel Thomas CEO, Craig's list
  7. It is an I have a bowl of piping hot apple crisp (and you don't) gloating thread!!!
  8. Does anyone know if candy apple is the red color of the 2007 RSTD in Red Raven. I am looking at a tour trunk for my bike on e-bay and they say they have one in candy apple red. Will this match the color of my bike ???????? :confused24: I seem to think that I read here somewhere that candy apple is the red color, and could not find on site. Thanks in advance.... Fuzzy
  9. Been gone a while, any one miss me?? Computer did crash and I lost most of my stuff So Quickstep gave me some of his tax return...and I am the proud Mama of a new Apple Mac "big screen" 'puter So, got new modem and internet provider too. Any one who has my email address needs to PM me and I will give them the new one.
  10. Guess what I'm bringing to the Hub? I made it up yesterday. Seems to be popular. I have had to share this recipe with a few others here. MMMM....Apple Pie.
  11. For those of you that like to use earphones for your MP3 player as you ride, I highly recommend the Skull Candy brand of earphones! For comparison, I have tried the Apple earbuds, and the Philips earbuds. The Philips are absolutely bad as they amplify the wind noise to unbearable. The Apple earbuds are little better. The noise level is too high to enjoy the music. The Skull Candy earbuds are inexpensive (Got mine at Staples for $19) and they BLOCK out the windnoise, so much so that at medium volume I no longer hear the bike at all, and have to feel my way thru the gears. This is while rolling down the road at 70+ with no helmet. Using them with my Scorpion Exo-100 Half Helmet was even better, as the wires weren't whipping me in the windstream. :-D ~Bill
  12. Hey! Wanted to let everyone know that the Vermont Apple Pie Festival is this Sunday in Dummerston, Vermont. Usually about three hundred or so bikes show up. Great pie!!!!!! Josh
  13. Where do I find the information on PIP, MD, and such on here? As in when, where, and who to talk to If one was able to show? I see Black Owl is from Apple Valley, which is not to far for me. So do I assume that PIP is also in that area? Thanks, Bill
  14. Well, for the bad or good news, depends on your perspective. MECHANIC left me :crying: Since she has left me, she is now available No more apple, blueberry, cherry or coconut cream pies for me. ONLY FOR the WEEKEND:rasberry::rasberry:
  15. Can you tell I have been looking at recipes today? How many of us remember Chocolate Gravy over bisquits? Frogman found a website www.southernplate.com today it had these recipes and more. Already planning to make Chocolate Gravy over Homemade Bisquits. Crockpot Applebutter but will try using some of the ingredients in my momma's applebutter. Know the recipe for a copper kettle from heart 10 gal applesauce, 25 lb sugar, 2 bags red hot cinnamon little round candies, and some oil of cinnamon. Yum Yum. Planning on a bike ride with the trailer to get some WV apples. Oh and it's time for Pumpkin. Local Bulk Food store finally got the Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream in. Can we say gooood. Started buying the things I need to make my Pumpkin Cake also. For some reason September starts my I want Pumpkin and Apples to eat time. Asked Frogman about a ride with the trailer to Cool Springs WV to the little store with a resturant for apples, a nice ride. Or Maybe a real long ride to Romney WV where there are orchards. The apple hunt is on. Leaves are turning in this area already. Fall is in the air.
  16. I am changing from window's based PC to Apple Imac what are your comments, good or bad one's. It's an Apple IMac Computer. 20" wide screen display. 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor. MAC OS X operating system. 4MB shared L2 cache. 1GB of 667MHZ DDR2 SDRAM supports up to 4GB. and more. Joe
  17. Ron had our bike a part for weeks. He put a new Avon Venom on the front, and replaced the seal in the manifold (at least I think that was what it was). It was a beautiful day last Sunday so we thought lets ride. Go to start it and the battery was dead. It was the original battery for our 99. So we finally found a battery today. I made an apple pie. I think that we are ready to go. This is the first event we are going to be able to make. I am excited to meet everybody. Ride safely and I will see you there. Peggy:big-grin-emoticon:
  18. Apple's New Mac Book Air. Thats realy slick computer. What do you think? http://www.apple.com/
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