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  1. Are there any replacement antennas for both the CB and the AM/FM OEM whips on a 2nd Gen? Mine are working fine as far as I know. I never use the CB or the AM/FM. I would just like replacements that are shorter. It would be a plus if the replacements actually work but since I don't use them and I would keep the OEM whips I suppose that would be ok also. Preferrably they should be as simple as possible to replace...just screw them on???
  2. ok guy's little help here. The guy i bought my rsv from took the antennas off and cut the coax cables handing me the whole mess in a box.These were the short black plastic wrapped antennas not the long ones.I've mounted an xm radio on it so am/fm do's not bother me but need the cb for upcoming road trip.Q#1 were is the cb Q#2 is the coax made into the cb or is it the plug in kind i can just pull out and replace (i have no idea how to splice a coax cable)Q#3 keep and use short black antenna or find the orig type and put it back on?Q#4 (nothing to do with cb)the acc plug under the left side of seat is DOA......fuse behind right lower faring is ok,replaced it to be sure,any ideas on this one? thanks in advance Mike
  3. OK, this may be "old news" but I found not fold over mounts for my antennas, but next best thing (thanks Highwayman!!! for the heads up).Flying J truck stop has twist off connectors for $9.99 each. All in all for antennas, mounts, co-ax connectors and the quick disconnects I spent about $30.00 per side, at Flying J to put new antennas on my scoot. I elected to use a CB antenna on both sides.
  4. Does anyone have a set of stock (new style) antenna's, they would like to part with? My new trike has the CB antanna missing and the radio antenna is broke. I know I can install fireflys. but I like the new style folding whips.
  5. What is there to upgrading to the firesticks (fire fly) on a 2nd gen, can you just change the antenna's or what's invovled. Thanks
  6. I have an 06 Black Cherry RSV and the gentlemen I bought the bike from did not like the long dual antennas so he either cut them off or got shorties to fit under the trunk. He never used the CB so didn't know if it worked. I of course want the long antennas and the CB to work. With the current short antennas I can hear from other CBs but not transmit. Any ideas if this is due to the inadequate antenna or could it also be a CB problem? Thanks for any insight I can get. Mongo
  7. I just got a 99 RSV coming from a Kawasaki voyager. really like the bike so far. Now to my ?? The bike has 4' K40s on the bike now. I want to know if I can just swap them out and put on the Firestik 3' fireflys and a 3' firestik amfm3 for the radio. The antennas are working fine only to tall for the garage so I wanted something shorter, plus I like the look of a shorter antenna. Can I just unscrew the K40s from the Valor fold overs and install the firestiks?
  8. i dont know enough about this subject to talk teck, will one of these cb antennas pick up on fm. i really dont have any use for am or these big ugly antennas!!!! help me please.
  9. Well, after getting the bike back from the shop I decided to crack open the fairing to double check for anything loose and amiss.. and happy to report all is good.. buddy did a decent job (as far as I can see.. but they know I will be back in a huff should something be amiss).. I took the time to install a hidden antenna.. I had already tried the small box amplified powered antenna and yeah, it seemed to work OK.. but nothing to scream home about to be honest.. I wrangled the antenna cable to pop out wear I could reach in and switch cables when away from home and couldn't really tell any difference to be honest.. However, it DOES work and rather reasonably well for the price.. usually available online for 20 to 30 bucks.. But this time I installed a different one that a friend pointed me to, and I do have to report "wow" again. This one picks up MUCH better than the OEM antenna and better than the Firestik does. Wow, and it's unpowered.. glue it to the inside of the fairing and voila, plug and play.. I have to say I'm quite impressed with the signal it picks up.. I have to do some testing to see if the bulk of the bike blocks a lot of signal or not.. I seldom ever use the CB on this bike, and feel the antennas, be it the OEM or the Firestiks, impart some vibration to the bike in heavy winds (which we get a lot around here).. So once the rains stop I'll be able to take it on a run and see how it handles with the antennas off the bike.. The bike looks like it's missing something aesthetic without the antennas present.. But meh.. "tis better to feel than to look good".. Cheers
  10. Well then, I spent the day trying out two new "hidden antennas" and end result is that I shall keep my Firestiks on the bike.. The final verdict for me, is that the hidden antenna is a good concept, but its not an improvement over the bike system. Both hidden antennas I tried were amplified, which means you have to run a power lead to the bike system to power it up. No matter where I had positioned the antennas on the bike, (under fairing, inside trunk) or which orientation (up sideways etc) it was about the same result every time. The 36" fire sticks were able to grab more signal consistently better than the hidden antennas. However, if you're looking for a bike without sticks hanging out of the back of the bike, these are indeed a great alternative.. but as my ride buddy told me, a RSV without antennas just doesn't look right.. no matter what.. Interesting though... As per always "your mileage may vary" Cheers
  11. I decided to put the HD antennas on the Venture. I thought it would look better. It really does. I made these out of aluminum stock and found some bolts to fit. If I can figure out how to make photos attach I'll put them here. I'm going to a custom bike shop and have the part made from steel and chromed. And also have them get me some chrome bolts and star washers. If anyone would like to do the same conversion, we can get a break on the custom work. I'll wait a couple of weeks to get a price. The antennas are 2009 HD, CB and AM/FM/WB. They cost $30.00 each. It has to be 2009 or later because the 2008 and older do not have the load in the antenna. Rich
  12. I saw this and I kind of like the look with out the trunk. I wonder how hard and much time it would take to remove it? Where are the antennas? And how about the no mufflers? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Royal-Star-2008-YAMAHA-1300-ROYAL-STAR-VENTURE_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem3a552e0ba7QQitemZ250537184167QQptZUSQ5fmotorcycles
  13. The CB antenna is broken off at the load coil on my '03 RSMV. I rarely use the CB, and when I do it is basically communicating with the group I am riding with, so great performance is not necessary. Does anyone have one of the OEM CB antennas that they would like to get rid of? Thanks! Don
  14. I can not believe you must rewire the whole system to replace your antennas someone should make an adapter to use the existing mount they could sell alot of them anyone interested?
  15. Okay. I know my antennas are backwards based on another set of posts I've read. My problem is making the switch. I do not use the CB but at times the reception on the FM is not good and I'm hoping thr switch will help. I have an 04 RSV. I can turn the bottom where everything turns but I can feel what appears to be something turning inside as well so I stopped. Any suggestions on how to do this right? It should be easy but I'm afraid of breaking something. Thanks
  16. where can i get shorter sporty looking antennas?
  17. I have read about some of you needing to replace your stock antennas. I have a set on ebay if you are interested. Just search for item # 120469881386
  18. I don,t like the antennas on my bike. First of all, I'll never use de CB. I prefer listening music. Could you tell me if I can replace those antennas and install a new one directly on the fairing? Like a shark blade as we see on the top of many cars like Honda Accord 2009, Mazda 6 and many other car. By the way, How coud I fix the chrome trim on my fearing, It still goes off a little bit all the time Thanks for your reply P.S. I'm riding on a midnight venture 2007
  19. Hi all. Finally getting around to tuning my antenna's that I installed last year. Does any one know of a place in the North Jersey area that tunes antenna's? Having a hard time finding a place. Thanks.
  20. Hey everyone, I have a question about XM radios. If you buy a small XM radio unit can you use it in/on both bike and in car/truck? Would you have to buy two antennas to make this happen? I have an 06 Chevy that has Built in XM that I do not use and was wondering if the antenna could be unpluged from the trucks radio and used on the radio that will be used on the bike? Sorry if this sounds crazy, just would like to be able to use one XM radio for both bike and truck. Dennis
  21. Has anyone ever replaced the 2 stock rear Antennas ?? If so were can one find them OR is a dealer only Item? Mine are getting real grungee and yucky , so I thought I would replace them, with my new up-coming mod . OR if you have purchased them how much were they? Thanks for any info. Jeff
  22. Okay folks, since I have to wait 2 1/2 months to pick up my scooter, been doing a lot of shopping for accessories to personalize my ride and one of the latest desires is to fly a flag from my ride. A few questions: 1) Which is more preferable? Mounting a seperate flag pole (to a trunk rack) or hooking them to the antennas? 2) If you clip them to an antenna, what is the largest recommeded flag dimension you could use without having your antennas dragging on the road behind you while doing a buck-30? 3) Does mounting a seperate flag pole interfere with radio reception? And does the flag have a tendancy to wrap around the antenna? and finally, 4) Anyone know of a reputable retailer I could either pick up a flag pole or clips, either on the internet or locally (Southern Ontario)? Thanks again people! Man, this site is damn good! Bluez
  23. anyone know where i can get shorter antenna's for my 07 rsv ? i know they make them for HD's didnt know if they were the same or not..
  24. I hope I am inserting my question in the right location and will have someone reply with an answer. Who manufactures aftermarket antennas (one for the cb and the other for am/fm reception) that will just replace the two overly long stock antennas on my 88VR? I, too, have a severe problem rolling in or out of my garage because the antennas are way to high. Heck, I have even broke a couple flourescent bulbs in my overhead lighting. I could care less if they both must be completely removed or if they don't fold down like the stockers. If some knows what I can replace them both with that are much shorter, please advise model number and where I can order them. masterguns
  25. I'm wondering if these '85 Venture CBs will like typical "truck stop" CB antennas as long as the SWR meters out. Also, can't a splitter be used to incorporate the stereo with that one antenna? AND aren't TOP LOAD antennas better than BOTTOM LOAD for bikes?
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